Debugging a Program With dbx


The step command with no arguments steps one line stepping into calls:


To step n lines stepping into calls:

step n

To step n lines stepping into calls and out of the current function:

step up n

To deliver the given signal while executing the step command:

step ... -sig sig

The dbxenv variable step_events controls whether breakpoints are enabled during a step.

To step the given thread (step up does not apply):

step ... tid

To step the given LWP:

step ... lwpid

This will not implicitly resume all LWPs when skipping a function. When an explicit tid or lwpid is given, the deadlock avoidance measure of the generic step is defeated.

With multithreaded programs, when a function call is skipped over, all LWPs are implicitly resumed for the duration of that function call in order to avoid deadlock. Non-active threads cannot be stepped.