Debugging a Program With dbx

Using the .dbxinit File

Long-time users of dbx might be using the .dbxinit file instead of the newer .dbxrc file. If you have a .dbxrc file, dbx reads it and ignores any .dbxinit file present. If necessary, you can get dbx to read both by adding the following lines to your .dbxrc file:

kalias alias=dalias
source ~/.dbxinit
kalias alias=kalias

If you don't have a .dbxrc file, but do have a .dbxinit file, you should see the warning message:

Using .dbxinit compatibility mode. See `help .dbxrc' for more information.

Currently, dbx still reads your .dbxinit file, although this feature may disappear in a future release.

If you still use a .dbxinit file, see Chapter 2, Customizing dbx" for information about using the .dbxrc file instead.