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Suntrademark ONE Studio 8



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1. Fortran Library Routines

1.1 Data Type Considerations

1.2 64-Bit Environments

1.3 Fortran Math Functions

1.4 abort: Terminate and Write Core File

1.5 access: Check File Permissions or Existence

1.6 alarm: Call Subroutine After a Specified Time

1.7 bit: Bit Functions: and, or, ..., bit, setbit, ...

1.8 chdir: Change Default Directory

1.9 chmod: Change the Mode of a File

1.10 date: Get Current Date as a Character String

1.11 date_and_time: Get Date and Time

1.12 dtime, etime: Elapsed Execution Time

1.13 exit: Terminate a Process and Set the Status

1.14 fdate: Return Date and Time in an ASCII String

1.15 flush: Flush Output to a Logical Unit

1.16 fork: Create a Copy of the Current Process

1.17 fseek, ftell: Determine Position and Reposition a File

1.18 fseeko64, ftello64: Determine Position and Reposition a Large File

1.19 getarg, iargc: Get Command-Line Arguments

1.20 getc, fgetc: Get Next Character

1.21 getcwd: Get Path of Current Working Directory

1.22 getenv: Get Value of Environment Variables

1.23 getfd: Get File Descriptor for External Unit Number

1.24 getfilep: Get File Pointer for External Unit Number

1.25 getlog: Get User's Login Name

1.26 getpid: Get Process ID

1.27 getuid, getgid: Get User or Group ID of Process

1.28 hostnm: Get Name of Current Host

1.29 idate: Return Current Date

1.30 ieee_flags,ieee_handler, sigfpe: IEEE Arithmetic

1.31 index,rindex,lnblnk: Index or Length of Substring

1.32 inmax: Return Maximum Positive Integer

1.33 itime: Current Time

1.34 kill: Send a Signal to a Process

1.35 link, symlnk: Make a Link to an Existing File

1.36 loc: Return the Address of an Object

1.37 long, short: Integer Object Conversion

1.38 longjmp, isetjmp: Return to Location Set by isetjmp

1.39 malloc, malloc64, realloc, free: Allocate/Reallocate/Deallocate Memory

1.40 mvbits: Move a Bit Field

1.41 perror, gerror, ierrno: Get System Error Messages

1.42 putc, fputc: Write a Character to a Logical Unit

1.43 qsort,qsort64: Sort the Elements of a One-Dimensional Array

1.44 ran: Generate a Random Number Between 0 and 1

1.45 rand, drand, irand: Return Random Values

1.46 rename: Rename a File

1.47 secnds: Get System Time in Seconds, Minus Argument

1.48 set_io_err_handler, get_io_err_handler: Set and Get I/O Error Handler

1.49 sh: Fast Execution of an sh Command

1.50 signal: Change the Action for a Signal

1.51 sleep: Suspend Execution for an Interval

1.52 stat, lstat, fstat: Get File Status

1.53 stat64, lstat64, fstat64: Get File Status

1.54 system: Execute a System Command

1.55 time, ctime, ltime, gmtime: Get System Time

1.56 ttynam, isatty: Get Name of a Terminal Port

1.57 unlink: Remove a File

1.58 wait: Wait for a Process to Terminate

2. Fortran 95 Intrinsic Functions

2.1 Standard Fortran 95 Generic Intrinsic Functions

2.2 Fortran 2000 Module Routines

2.3 Non-Standard Fortran 95 Intrinsic Functions

3. FORTRAN 77 and VMS Intrinsic Functions

3.1 Arithmetic and Mathematical Functions

3.2 Character Functions

3.3 Miscellaneous Functions

3.4 Remarks

3.5 VMS Intrinsic Functions
