
FIGURE 4-1 small spaceBasic Ring Sending Algorithm

FIGURE 4-2 small spaceBasic Ring Sending Algorithm With Synchronization

FIGURE 4-3 small spaceBandwidth as a function of message size for Algorithms 1 and 2

FIGURE 4-4 small spaceBandwidth as a function of message size with directed polling

FIGURE 4-5 small spaceBandwidth as a function of message size with nonblocking operations

FIGURE 4-6 small spaceBandwidth as a function of message size with highly synchronized processes

FIGURE 4-7 small spaceBandwidth as a function of message size with load imbalance

FIGURE 4-8 small spaceBandwidth as a function of MPI_Testall calls

FIGURE 4-9 small spaceBandwidth as a function of MPI_Testall calls

FIGURE 5-1 small spaceMatrix Transposition

FIGURE 5-2 small spaceMatrix Transposition, Distributed Over Two Processes

FIGURE 5-3 small spaceMatrix Transposition, Distributed Over Two Processes (Fortran Perspective)

FIGURE 5-4 small spaceMatrix Transposition, Maximal Aggregation for 4X4 Transposition

FIGURE 7-1 small spaceRelationship Between Bisection Bandwidth and Number of Nodes

FIGURE 8-1 small spacePerformance Analyzer--Main View

FIGURE 8-2 small spacePerformance Analyzer--Main View With Tracing Enabled

FIGURE 8-3 small spacePerformance Analyzer--Source View

FIGURE 8-4 small spacePerformance Analyzer--Callers-Callees View

FIGURE 8-5 small spacePerformance Analyzer--Timeline View

FIGURE 8-6 small spacePerformance Analyzer--Timeline View With Callstack

FIGURE 8-7 small spaceExamples of Functions That Might Appear in Profiles

FIGURE A-1 small spaceBlocking Sends Interrupt Computation

FIGURE A-2 small spaceNonblocking Operations Overlap With Computation

FIGURE A-3 small spaceComputational Resources Devoted Either to Computation or to MPI Operations

FIGURE A-4 small spaceProgress Made on Multiple Messages by a Single MPI Call That Does Not Explicitly Reference the Other Messages

FIGURE A-5 small spaceSnapshot of a Pipelined Message

FIGURE A-6 small spaceA Medium-Size Message Using Only One Postbox

FIGURE A-7 small spaceA Short Message Squeezing Data Into the Postbox -- No Buffers Used

FIGURE A-8 small spaceFirst Snapshot of a Cyclic Message

FIGURE A-9 small spaceSecond Snapshot of a Cyclic Message

FIGURE A-10 small spaceShared-Memory Resources Dedicated per Connection

FIGURE A-11 small spaceShared-Memory Resources per Sender -- Example of Send-Buffer Pools

FIGURE A-12 small spaceEager Message-Passing Protocol

FIGURE A-13 small spaceRendezvous Message-Passing Protocol

FIGURE A-14 small spaceBroadcast With Binary Fan-Out, First Example

FIGURE A-15 small spaceBroadcast With Binary Fan-Out, Second Example

FIGURE A-16 small spaceBroadcast With Binary Fan-Out, Third Example

FIGURE A-17 small spaceBroadcast With Binary Fan-Out, Fourth Example

FIGURE A-18 small spaceBroadcast Over Shared Memory With Binary Fan-Out, First Case

FIGURE A-19 small spaceBroadcast Over Shared Memory With Binary Fan-Out, Second Case

FIGURE A-20 small spaceTree Broadcast versus Pipelined Broadcast of a Large Message

FIGURE B-1 small spaceMessage of B Bytes Sent Over Shared Memory