Configuration and Module Parameters Reference

The following table lists all the configuration and module parameters for the Synthetic Transaction modules and Service Element modules, and includes a description of each.

TABLE A-1 Configuration and module parameters

Parameter Name

Parameter Description


Name of the module instance.


Description of the instance.

Service Host

Name of the server where the service is running

Service Port

Port number where the service is running

Time-out (sec)

Time-out interval for each request made to the server. Should have a positive value. Value of 0 nullifies the effect of timeout.

Login ID

Login ID to access the service. Required only for IMAP and POP modules.


Password for the user. The IMAP and POP modules each require a password. The password is passed in clear text during the synthetic transactions and is therefore not secure. Be certain that users for these modules have no privileges.

Domain Name

The domain name where the NIS lookup is done.

Email From

For SMTP service, this is the email address of the sender of the mail. It is recommended that an email account be set up for each test on the systems so that the test email sent has a place to go. Failure to do this may cause concurrent access problems, SMTP to reject mail requests, and undeliverable email will end up at your root mail system.

Process Name

The name of the process to be monitored.

Argv Pattern of Process

Arguments to the process.

User ID of Process

The user ID of the process owner.

Process Count

The number of processes found matching process name, argv pattern of process and user ID of process.

Access Log File

The absolute path name of the HTTP server access log file. This file contains information about Web Server Statistics. Only a file with Common Log File (CLF) format is supported. An alarm is displayed if the file does not exist or the file format is not CLF

Web Server Product Name

Product name of the web server.


Indicates the availability of the service. One of three states is returned:

1. up: Indicates the service is available

2. down: Indicates service is not available. Shows an alert if state is down.

3. degraded: Indicates performance is not as expected. The module is able to run test transactions but the response times of the transactions exceeds the alarm thresholds specified. When the availability is degraded, an alarm is generated. The alarm severity is the highest severity of all alarms that is set on the response times of the transaction.

Reason for Non Availability

Indicates the likely reason for the service not being available. For example:

Destination is unreachable which indicates network or host is unreachable. Not applicable is indicated when the service is not down.

Uptime (%)

This is the percentage of uptime for the corresponding server since the module started monitoring the service.

Mean Time To Recovery

The mean time to recovery since monitoring began. The value is calculated as the total downtime of service divided by the number of failures.

Mean Time Between Failure

The mean time between failure, since you started monitoring it. The value is calculated as the ideal uptime of the service divided by the number of failures.

Service Checked

Last time when the service was contacted.


Row name.

Transaction Result

Indicates what happened to the transaction. One of two values is returned:

1. Success: Indicates transaction was successful.

2. Failure: Indicates transaction failed. The next column will give the reason for failure. A warning alarm is also shown.

Transaction Failure

If a transaction fails, this determines the reason for the failure. For example:

Unknown server name, Unable to reach the server. Not applicable is indicated when the transaction was successful

Lookup (ms)

Time taken to resolve the server name where service is running in milliseconds. You can set alarm thresholds on this property.

Connect (ms)

Total time to establish a connection with the service in milliseconds. You can set alarm thresholds on this property.

Data Transfer (Kbyte/sec)

Time from when the web page is requested until the web page is completely returned in Kilobytes/second. You can set alarm thresholds on this property.

Transaction (ms)

Total time taken to complete whole transaction in milliseconds. This is the sum of the total Network time and Total Server processing Time.You can set alarm thresholds on this property.

Network (ms)

Total time spent in the network during the transaction in milliseconds. You can set alarm thresholds on this property.

Server processing (ms)

Total time taken in milliseconds by the server to process the transaction. You can set alarm thresholds on this property.


HTTP page to test.


Directory on the FTP server to put the file in or to get the file from.


Indicates the type of FTP operation the user wants to monitor. The two values are:

1. get, which indicates a FTP get operation.

2. put, which indicates a FTP put operation.


For FTP transactions, the name of file to get or put.

Packet (KB)

Size of the each packet during the FTP get/put operation in KB.

Authentication (ms)

Time to login to the server. For FTP it will login as anonymous user.

Data Transfer (ms)

Time to transfer the file ( get or put ) in milliseconds.

Host Name

The host name to lookup in the DNS server.

IP address(es)

IP address of the host.

Host Lookup (ms)

Time taken to resolve the host name in the DNS server in milliseconds.

NIS Lookup

Name to lookup in the NIS domain. This could be either a host or user or UNIX group or mail alias.


The NIS name services map. Currently has four default values: passwd, hosts, groups and mail aliases.The name to be resolved should be one of the four types.

Base DN

The starting point for the search in the LDAP directory.

Search Filter

The filter is a string representation of the filter to

apply in the search. Simple filters can be specified as attributetype=attributevalue.

LDAP Lookup (ms)

Time taken to resolve the name in the LDAP directory in milliseconds.

Email To

Email address to send the test message to.

Email (KB)

Size of the test message to be sent in KB.

Message (KB)

Size of the message to be retrieved from the mail servers. Default value is 1k. You can edit this row. The values are: 1k, 5k, 10k, 20k and 25k.

Get Message (ms)

Time to retrieve a message from the mail server in milliseconds.

User Name

User name whose calendar has to be looked up. This user's calendar has to exist in the server or you receive an error.


Same as HTTP servers Access Log File.

Total Operations

Total number of operations done by the service since it was started.

Total Data Transferred (KB)

Total data transferred in KB, since the service was started.

Total Files Transferred

Total files transferred, since the service was started.

Total Errors

Total errors encountered, since the service was started.

Total Server errors

Total errors encountered with error code numbers 500 or higher, since the service was started.

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