Sun Management Center 3.0 Performance Reporting Manager User's Guide

Installing Performance Reporting Manager

Installation of Performance Reporting Manager follows the standard Sun Management Center 3.0 add-on installation procedures. For more information about add-on installation, refer to the Sun Management Center 3.0 Installation Guide.

Performance Reporting Manager must be installed on the following layers of Sun Management Center 3.0:

The interactive es-inst installation script installs the correct Performance Reporting Manager packages on the console, server, and agent layers. For the agent package, the module configuration files and libraries are installed in standard Sun Management Center 3.0 locations.

To Install Performance Reporting Manager

Note –

You must stop all Sun Management Center 3.0 agent and server components before beginning the installation procedure.

  1. Confirm you have the minimum recommended Sun Management Center 3.0 patch level installed.

    See Table 2–1 for a list of patches.

  2. Confirm you have the Premier Management Applications add-on for Sun Management Center 3.0 installed.

    For more information about this add-on software, see Sun Management Center 3.0 Installation Guide.

  3. As superuser, run the installation script by typing:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-inst

    /opt is usually the directory where Sun Management Center 3.0 is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

  4. Provide the source directory of the Performance Reporting Manager files when prompted.

    The source directory is usually: /Performance Reporting Manager directory/disk1/image

  5. To install the Performance Reporting Manager, answer “Yes” when prompted.

    The es-inst script installs Performance Reporting Manager.

    The es-inst script then automatically proceeds to setup prompt.

  6. At the setup prompt, answer n for “No”. When you are ready to do the set up, see To Set Up Performance Reporting Manager Post-Install.

    Caution – Caution –

    You must answer “No” at the setup prompt at this point, before proceeding to the next procedure.

To Install on the Microsoft Windows Platform
  1. Download the PRMWin.tar file from disk1 of the software image, or place the CD containing this file in the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Extract all the files and place them in a directory.

  3. Set the CLASSPATH environmental variable to the directory where you placed the extracted files.

  4. Set the path by typing:

    # PATH=C:\Progra~1\SunMC3.0\javasoft\bin

  5. Change to the directory where you placed the extracted files.

  6. Start the installation script by typing:

    # java PRMWinInst

    The installation GUI appears.

  7. Click on Install.