Sun Management Center 3.0 Performance Reporting Manager User's Guide

Chapter 2 Performance Reporting Manager Installation and Setup

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Performance Reporting Manager Software

Performance Reporting Manager is installed as an add-on to the Sun Management Center 3.0 software. The software runs on the SolarisTM 2.5.1, Solaris 2.6, Solaris 7, Solaris 8, and Solaris 9 operating environment, all the platforms that the Sun Management Center 3.0 agent can run on, and that are supported by Sun Management Center 3.0.

The Performance Reporting Manager server layer requires that you have 1 Gbyte RAM and 1 Gbyte swap space available on the machine.

The following disk space requirements are needed before installing the Performance Reporting Manager software and running the setup script.

Before installing Performance Reporting Manager, you must have the following already installed and set up:

For any late-breaking information, please see the README file for Performance Reporting Manager.

You can obtain the latest Sun Management Center 3.0 patches either at, or

If necessary, download the patch ID specific to your operating environment and Sun Management Center 3.0 release version, as listed in the following table.

Table 2–1 Minimum Recommended Patch Level

Operating Environment 

Sun Management Center 3.0 RR Version (Build 39) 

Sun Management Center 3.0 GA Version (Build 41) 

Solaris 2.5.1 



Solaris 2.6 



Solaris 7 



Solaris 8 



Solaris 9 



Microsoft Windows 



If you are not sure which version of Sun Management Center 3.0 you have installed on your system, type the following command to verify your particular build number:

# pkgparam SUNWescom VERSION

The Performance Reporting Manager add-on consists of the following packages:

Installing Performance Reporting Manager

Installation of Performance Reporting Manager follows the standard Sun Management Center 3.0 add-on installation procedures. For more information about add-on installation, refer to the Sun Management Center 3.0 Installation Guide.

Performance Reporting Manager must be installed on the following layers of Sun Management Center 3.0:

The interactive es-inst installation script installs the correct Performance Reporting Manager packages on the console, server, and agent layers. For the agent package, the module configuration files and libraries are installed in standard Sun Management Center 3.0 locations.

To Install Performance Reporting Manager

Note –

You must stop all Sun Management Center 3.0 agent and server components before beginning the installation procedure.

  1. Confirm you have the minimum recommended Sun Management Center 3.0 patch level installed.

    See Table 2–1 for a list of patches.

  2. Confirm you have the Premier Management Applications add-on for Sun Management Center 3.0 installed.

    For more information about this add-on software, see Sun Management Center 3.0 Installation Guide.

  3. As superuser, run the installation script by typing:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-inst

    /opt is usually the directory where Sun Management Center 3.0 is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

  4. Provide the source directory of the Performance Reporting Manager files when prompted.

    The source directory is usually: /Performance Reporting Manager directory/disk1/image

  5. To install the Performance Reporting Manager, answer “Yes” when prompted.

    The es-inst script installs Performance Reporting Manager.

    The es-inst script then automatically proceeds to setup prompt.

  6. At the setup prompt, answer n for “No”. When you are ready to do the set up, see To Set Up Performance Reporting Manager Post-Install.

    Caution – Caution –

    You must answer “No” at the setup prompt at this point, before proceeding to the next procedure.

To Install on the Microsoft Windows Platform
  1. Download the PRMWin.tar file from disk1 of the software image, or place the CD containing this file in the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Extract all the files and place them in a directory.

  3. Set the CLASSPATH environmental variable to the directory where you placed the extracted files.

  4. Set the path by typing:

    # PATH=C:\Progra~1\SunMC3.0\javasoft\bin

  5. Change to the directory where you placed the extracted files.

  6. Start the installation script by typing:

    # java PRMWinInst

    The installation GUI appears.

  7. Click on Install.

Setting Up Performance Reporting Manager

After installation is complete, you must run the Performance Reporting Manager setup script to configure the server and agent layers. You must already have set up the Sun Management Center 3.0 core server layer before running the setup script for Performance Reporting Manager.

To Set Up Performance Reporting Manager Post-Install

Note –

You must stop all Sun Management Center 3.0 agent and server components before beginning the setup procedure.

  1. Run the setup script as superuser by typing:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-setup -p PRM

    /opt is usually the directory where Sun Management Center 3.0 is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

    During the server setup, you are given three different configuration choices based on the number of agent machines and data properties you will monitor. You are prompted three times for data file locations. While you can enter the same directory three times, try to use three different directories located on three different filesystems. This separation will reduce disk I/O contention and results in better product performance. Depending upon the size of the configuration you choose during setup, the data file locations you specify will require space as listed in the following table.

    Table 2–2 Data Directory Sizes For Server Layer

    Configuration Size 

    First Directory Size 

    Second Directory Size 

    Third Directory Size 


    2048 MB 

    1536 MB 

    512 MB 


    5120 MB 

    4096 MB 

    3072 MB 


    8192 MB 

    7168 MB 

    7168 MB 

At the end, the es-setup script asks you if you want to start a backup of Sun Management Center 3.0. If you answer y for “Yes”, the Sun Management Center 3.0 server processes will start automatically at the end of set up. You do not need to start the server at this time. See Backup and Restore for more information.

If you need to run the Performance Reporting Manager setup script again at any time, use this procedure to start the script.

Note –

Once you have completed installing and setting up Performance Reporting Manager and you answer “No” to preserve the data, you must run the Performance Reporting Manager setup script again using es-setup -p PRM.

Before Generating Reports

Once you have completed the installation and setup, you must start the Sun Management Center 3.0 server. For more information about starting the server, see Sun Management Center 3.0 Installation Guide.

Until data is being logged and collected, you cannot generate reports. For more information about how data is collected, see Data Collection.

Report scheduling and server side generation of reports requires the use of an X server. Before starting the Sun Management Center 3.0 server, you must first verify that your environment is set correctly. Do this after you have run the Performance Reporting Manager setup script, but before you start the server. Once done, leave the Terminal window connected to the server at all times.

To Set the Environment
  1. Check to see if an X server session is running on the Sun Management Center 3.0 server machine by typing in a Terminal window:

    %  ps -ef | grep Xsession
  2. If a session is already running, type the following:

    % /usr/openwin/bin/xhost +
  3. Start the Sun Management Center 3.0 server.

  4. If a X server session is not already running, from a machine that has a terminal attached, type:

    % /usr/openwin/bin/xhost +
  5. Remotely log into the server machine by typing:

    % rlogin server-machine-name
  6. On the server machine, set your environment by typing:

    % setenv DISPLAY machine-name-with-terminal:0.0

    Leave this window open at all times.

  7. Start the Sun Management Center 3.0 server.

Backup and Restore

The Sun Management Center 3.0 backup and restore scripts can be used to backup or restore all Sun Management Center 3.0 data, including Performance Reporting Manager. For information, see “Database Backup and Recovery” in Sun Management Center 3.0 Installation Guide.

The last step of the Performance Reporting Manager setup procedure ask you if you want to start a backup of the Sun Management Center 3.0 data, including Performance Reporting Manager. It is suggested that you answer “Yes” to the backup question. The first backup of Performance Reporting Manager completed after set up replaces any previous backup performed before running the es-setup script.

Performing frequent backups of your entire system will ensure the ability to recover the most current data possible, in the event of a system failure. Frequent backups will help to minimize any data loss.

Note –

If you attempt to restore from a backup that was performed before the Performance Reporting Manager add-on is setup, you will lose your Performance Reporting Manager data.

Caution – Caution –

Do not attempt to restore a backup from a medium or large configuration if the machine has been converted to a small configuration. Problems might result from having insufficient disk space to restore the data, and you might experience performance degradation. This type of restoration is not supported.

Removing Performance Reporting Manager

You cannot remove an add-on through Sun Management Center 3.0. A removal script is provided for Performance Reporting Manager. This script removes both the Performance Reporting Manager packages and all the Performance Reporting Manager data and configuration changes that were made during setup. A separate removal script is included if you have installed only the console layer on a machine. This script removes the console packages from the machine.

A removal script for the software from a PC is not provided. Uninstallation of the Performance Reporting Manager software from a PC is not currently supported.

To Remove the Performance Reporting Manager Add-on
  1. Become superuser.

  2. Uninstall the layers you installed.

    • If you have installed only the console layer, remove the console packages from the machine by typing:

      # /opt/SUNWsymon/addons/PRM/sbin/

      /opt is usually the directory where Sun Management Center 3.0 is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

    • If you have installed any combination of console, server, and agent layers on the machine, remove the add-on packages, the data, and the configuration files by typing:

      # /opt/SUNWsymon/addons/PRM/sbin/

      /opt is usually the directory where Sun Management Center 3.0 is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.