Sun Management Center 3.0 Performance Reporting Manager User's Guide

Before Generating Reports

Once you have completed the installation and setup, you must start the Sun Management Center 3.0 server. For more information about starting the server, see Sun Management Center 3.0 Installation Guide.

Until data is being logged and collected, you cannot generate reports. For more information about how data is collected, see Data Collection.

Report scheduling and server side generation of reports requires the use of an X server. Before starting the Sun Management Center 3.0 server, you must first verify that your environment is set correctly. Do this after you have run the Performance Reporting Manager setup script, but before you start the server. Once done, leave the Terminal window connected to the server at all times.

To Set the Environment
  1. Check to see if an X server session is running on the Sun Management Center 3.0 server machine by typing in a Terminal window:

    %  ps -ef | grep Xsession
  2. If a session is already running, type the following:

    % /usr/openwin/bin/xhost +
  3. Start the Sun Management Center 3.0 server.

  4. If a X server session is not already running, from a machine that has a terminal attached, type:

    % /usr/openwin/bin/xhost +
  5. Remotely log into the server machine by typing:

    % rlogin server-machine-name
  6. On the server machine, set your environment by typing:

    % setenv DISPLAY machine-name-with-terminal:0.0

    Leave this window open at all times.

  7. Start the Sun Management Center 3.0 server.