Sun Management Center 3.0 Performance Reporting Manager User's Guide

Filtering Reports

You can further modify the type of information that your custom report contains by using the Filter dialog box. The Filter dialog box is an option contained in some of the report templates and is used when creating a custom system configuration report request.

The Filter dialog box contains several drop-down menus and text fields that are used to build an expression. This expression defines the report parameters to include the filter criteria wanted. The expression operators provided are common to the C programming language. Filter options are case sensitive.

For example, you can create a custom system configuration report request for a report that contains data only on machines that are running the Solaris 7 or Solaris 8 operating environments. To do this, you would create the following expression using the Filter dialog box:

Operating System = SunOS 5.7
Operating System = SunOS 5.8

As another example, you can create a custom system configuration report request for a report that includes only the machines that have the SyMON packages installed. To do this, you would create the following expression:

Category contains SyMON

In order to include only those machines that have the Sun Management Center 3.0 SyMon packages installed, you can modify the above example this way:

Category contains SyMON AND Version contains 3.0