Sun Management Center 3.0 Performance Reporting Manager User's Guide

Options for Viewing Report Output

After a report is generated, you have several options for viewing and saving the output. These options include the following outputs:

Reports saved as an HTML file can be viewed using Netscape NavigatorTM 4.5.1, or higher, or Internet Explorer 5.0, or higher.

To View a Report as HTML in a Browser
  1. Generate the desired report.

    The report output is shown in a separate window. For the detailed steps, see To Generate a Standard Report.

  2. Choose Show in Web Browser from the File menu in the report window.

    The web browser launches and the report is displayed as HTML.

To Post to a Sun Management Center Web Server
  1. Generate the desired report request.

    The report output is shown in a separate window. For the detailed steps, see To Generate a Standard Report.

  2. Choose Post to a Web Server from the File menu in the report window.

    The report is posted to the Sun Management Center 3.0 server you to which are connected , which acts as a web server.

To Export Data
  1. Generate the desired report.

    The report output is shown in a separate window. For the detailed steps, see To Generate a Standard Report.

  2. Choose Export Data from the File menu in the report window.

    The Export Data dialog box appears.

  3. Select either Comma or Tab as the delimiter.

  4. Choose the directory in which to save the file.

  5. Type a name in the File Name text field.

  6. Select the File Type from the drop-down menu.

  7. Click Save.