Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing Agents Using JumpStart

This section describes how to configure and use a Solaris JumpStart server to install and set up the Sun Management Center 3.5 base agent, and the Solaris version 8 or version 9 operating environment, on a large number of systems.

JumpStart Concepts

The JumpStart software enables you to automatically install or upgrade the Solaris operating environment on several systems, and to perform pre-install and post-install tasks that can include installation and setup of additional software such as Sun Management Center.

The Solaris JumpStart software is a client-server application that consists of the following components:

You also need a separate machine, referred to as the prototype machine, on which to generate the Sun Management Center install and setup response files required by the JumpStart finish script. If Solstice SyMON 1.x, Sun Enterprise SyMON 2.x, Sun Management Center 2.x, or Sun Management Center 3.0 is installed on the prototype machine, uninstall the SyMON or Sun Management Center software from the prototype machine. For SyMON or Sun Management Center software uninstall procedures, see the installation manual for the SyMON or Sun Management Center software. Do not save the configuration data from the previous version of Sun Management Center.

For detailed information about the JumpStart software, see the Solaris 9 Installation Guide, Chapters 9 through 28.

System Services Needed

The JumpStart software requires the following system services.

Table 6–2 System Services Required for the JumpStart Software


Used for 

Network File System (NFS) deamons mountd and nfsd

Sharing the Solaris operating system image files 


IP address discovery 


Host definition and location of shared file systems 


Transfer of the Solaris initial boot kernel from the boot server to the install client 

JumpStart Process Overview

Deployment of the Sun Management Center 3.5 base agent is performed by the JumpStart finish script, which is run on the install clients. After JumpStart installs the specified Solaris operating environment, the JumpStart finish script installs the base agent on the install client based on the contents of the Sun Management Center install response file.

The finish script also prepares the install client to set up the base agent after the install client reboots, based on the contents of the Sun Management Center setup response file.

The Sun Management Center response files are generated during the Sun Management Center 3.5 command-line installation and setup process on a separate or prototype system. The response files are then copied to the JumpStart profile directory. If desired, you can manually create the install and setup response files directly in the JumpStart profile directory.

JumpStart mounts the install client's file systems on the /a partition. The JumpStart finish script then installs the Sun Management Center base agent by running the Sun Management Center command es-inst -R /a -T /a/target-directory, where target-directory is the name of the directory on the install client in which the agent is installed. For information about the es-inst command and parameters, see es-inst Options

The finish script also creates an rc3.d file that runs after the install client reboots. The rc3.d file sets up the Sun Management Center base agent using the setup response file. When the base agent is set up, the rc3.d file is deleted. Output from the finish script is stored in /var/sadm/system/logs/finish.log.

Security Considerations for Finish Scripts

During Sun Management Center setup, you provided a password to generate the security key, and you provided an SNMP community string. To ensure security, the security key and community string are not stored in the Sun Management Center setup response file.

To successfully install and set up the Sun Management Center base agent on an install client, you must provide the same password that was used to generate the security key in Setting Up Base Products and Add-ons on the Solaris Platform, Step 7. You must also provide the same SNMP community string that you specified in Setting Up Base Products and Add-ons on the Solaris Platform, Step 8. This can be done using either of the following two methods.

Examples of JumpStart finish scripts for both methods are provided in To Create the JumpStart Finish Script.

JumpStart Configuration and Use

The following list summarizes the major steps required to set up the JumpStart software and install the Solaris operating environment, and the Sun Management Center base agent, on one or more install clients.

When all of the above steps have been completed, you can use the JumpStart server to perform a fresh Solaris operating environment and Sun Management Center base agent install on one or more install clients.

The procedures in this section assume the following situation:

To Create the JumpStart Install Server and Profile Directory
  1. Create the JumpStart install server and Solaris operating environment image.

    1. Log in as root on the machine you want to use as the JumpStart install server.

    2. Insert the Solaris installation CD 1 of 2 in your CD-ROM drive.

    3. Go to the Tools directory on the CD.

      # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_2.8/Tools
    4. Create the Solaris operating environment installation image.

      Type the command ./setup_install_server /install-server-directory, where install-server-directory is the directory that is to be used to serve the install images. For example:

      # ./setup_install_server /export/home/JumpStart/Solaris_8 
      Verifying target directory... 
      Calculating the required disk space for the Solaris_8 product
      Copying the CD image to disk...
      Install Server setup complete
    5. Optional: Add the Solaris operating environment supplemental products to the JumpStart install server.

      Insert the Solaris installation CD 2 of 2 in your CD-ROM drive, and go to the Tools directory on the CD.

      Type the command ./add_to_install_server /install-server-directory, where install-server-directory is the directory that is to be used to serve the install images. For example:

      # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_8/Tools
      # ./add_to_install_server /export/home/JumpStart/Solaris_8
  2. Create the JumpStart profile directory on the server.

    # mkdir /export/home/JumpStart/jumpstart
  3. Insert the Solaris installation CD 1 of 2 in your CD-ROM drive.

  4. Copy the JumpStart samples from the CD directory Solaris_2.8/Misc/jumpstart_sample to the JumpStart profile directory /export/home/JumpStart/jumpstart. For example:

    # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_2.8/Misc
    # cp -r jumpstart_sample/* /export/home/JumpStart/jumpstart
  5. Stop the Network File System daemon mountd.

    # /etc/init.d/nfs.server stop
  6. Make the JumpStart directory NFS-shared.

    The JumpStart directory must be NFS-shared so that the install clients can access the files on the JumpStart server. Add the following line to the /etc/dfs/dfstab file, then save and close the file.

    share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /export/home/JumpStart

  7. Start the Network File System daemon mountd.

    # /etc/init.d/nfs.server start
To Create the Base Agent Image on the JumpStart Install Server
  1. Log in as root on the machine where you created the JumpStart install server.

  2. Insert the Sun Management Center 3.5 installation CD 1 of 2 in your CD-ROM drive.

    Go to the directory /cdrom/cdrom0/sbin.

  3. Type the command ./es-makeagent to create the Sun Management Center base agent image.

    You are prompted for the installation files source directory, and for the agent image target directory.

    The source directory is /cdrom/cdrom0/image. The target directory is the directory on the JumpStart install server where the agent image is to be created, for example, /export/home/JumpStart/AgentImage.

    Note –

    If the target directory that you specify does not exist, you are asked whether you want to create the directory. Type y to create the directory.


    # ./es-makeagent
    Installation files source directory: /cdrom/cdrom0/image
    Please enter the target directory: /export/home/JumpStart/AgentImage

    Note –

    The image creation process can take over half an hour to complete.

  4. Exclude add-on agents.

    If you do not want to include the add-on agent components, rename the agent-image Addons directory.

    # cd /export/home/JumpStart/AgentImage/disk1/image
    # ls -p
    Addons/     PE/         Patches/    Webserver/  db/
    # mv Addons Addons-temp
To Generate the Sun Management Center 3.5 Install and Setup Response Files
  1. Select a machine on which to install and set up the Sun Management Center base agent, and log in as root.

    This is the prototype machine.

    Tip –

    Select a machine on which Sun Management Center has not been installed. If such a machine is not available, uninstall the SyMON or Sun Management Center software from the prototype machine as directed by the installation manual for the SyMON or Sun Management Center software. Do not save the configuration data from the previous version of Sun Management Center.

  2. Insert the Sun Management Center 3.5 installation CD 1 of 2 in your CD-ROM drive.

    Go to the directory /cdrom/cdrom0/sbin.

  3. Create a directory on the machine in which to store the Sun Management Center install and setup response files.

    For example:

    # mkdir /response-files
  4. Generate the Sun Management Center Install Response file.

    To generate the install response file, you must install the base agent using the command format ./es-inst -C /response-file-dir/install-response-file.cfg where:

    • response-file-dir is the directory that you created in which to store the response files

    • install-response-file is the name of the response file

    For example:

    # ./es-inst -C /response-files/install.cfg

    You are prompted for the directory in which to install Sun Management Center.

    1. Provide the name of the directory in which to install Sun Management Center

      You are prompted for the target directory. The default location is /opt.

      Sun Management Center software can be installed in any location on your system where the minimum required disk space is available. If you want to install to a directory other than /opt, type the directory name.

      Tip –

      The command df -ak lists the used space and free space for each file system on the machine.

      You are asked whether you want to install either the production environment or the developer environment.

    2. Type 1 to install the production environment and press Return.

      Caution – Caution –

      Do not select (2) Developer Environment (DE). Option 2 installs the entire Sun Management Center base product.

      You are prompted to select the Sun Management Center components that you want to install.

    3. Select only the agent component.

      Type n when prompted to install the server component.

      Type y when prompted to install the agent component.

      Type n when prompted to install the console component.

      3 component(s) are available for your selection:
        Do you want to install the Server component (y|n|q) n
        Do you want to install the Agent component (y|n|q) y
        Do you want to install the Console component (y|n|q) n

      The install process checks for add-on components, and then prompts you to select add-ons.

    4. Do not select any add-on components for installation.

      Type n when prompted to select each add-on.

      Select the products you want to install:
          Advanced System Monitoring (y|n|q) n
          Service Availability Manager (y|n|q) n
          Performance Reporting Manager (y|n|q) n
          Sun Fire Platform Administration (y|n|q) n
          Monitoring and Management of A5x00 and T3 devices (y|n|q) n
          Sun Fire Link (y|n|q) n
          System Reliability Manager (y|n|q) n
          Workgroup Server (y|n|q) n

      You are asked whether you want to proceed. Type y to continue.

    5. Check disk space.

      The installation process checks whether there is enough disk space to install the Sun Management Center base agent.

      • If there is enough disk space, the base agent is installed.

      • If there is not enough disk space, you are asked to provide an alternate file system. The amount of space that is available and the amount of space that is needed are displayed.

        Tip –

        In a terminal window on the machine where you are installing the Sun Management Center agent, type df -ak to list the amount of used and free space for each file system on the machine.

      When the agent installation completes, you are asked whether you want to run setup.

      Caution – Caution –

      Do not run setup. Type n to exit. Running setup from within the install process will not create the Sun Management Center setup response file needed by the JumpStart finish script.

  5. Go to the directory /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin.

    If you installed Sun Management Center in a different location, go to the /install-dir/SUNWsymon/sbin directory, where install-dir is the directory you specified in Step 4.

  6. Generate the Sun Management Center 3.5 setup response file.

    To generate the Sun Management Center setup response file, you must set up the base agent using the command format ./es-setup -C /response-file-dir/setup-response-file.cfg where:

    • response-file-dir is the directory that you created in which to store the response files

    • setup-response-file is the name of the response file

    For example:

    # ./es-setup -C /response-files/setup.cfg

    You are prompted to provide a seed for security key generation,

    1. Generate the security keys.

      An encrypted security key is needed for communications between all Sun Management Center processes. The key is generated based on the password seed that you provide. The seed must be between one and eight characters long, and contain no spaces. Entries that are greater than eight characters are truncated to eight characters.

      Caution – Caution –

      You must ensure that you use the same security seed for all the machines that you install in a single server context.

      Type the same password seed that you provided during Sun Management Center server setup in Step 7 in Setting Up Base Products and Add-ons on the Solaris Platform.

      Type the password seed again when prompted.

      Note –

      To ensure security, the password seed that you provide is not stored in the Sun Management Center setup response file. You can either hard-code the password seed in the JumpStart finish script, or configure the finish script so that the install client prompts for the password seed when the finish script runs on the the install client. Both methods of specifying the password seed are provided in To Create the JumpStart Finish Script.

      You are prompted for the SNMPv1 community string.

    2. Specify the SNMPv1 community security string.

      An SNMPv1 community string is required for security, and by default is set to public. For additional security, a customized string can be specified.

      Caution – Caution –

      You must ensure that you use the same SNMPv1 community string on all the machines that you install in a single server context.

      Provide the same community string that you provided during Sun Management Center server setup in Step 8 in Setting Up Base Products and Add-ons on the Solaris Platform.

      • If you used the default community string of public, press Return when prompted to submit the SNMPv1 community string.

      • If you specified a custom community text string, type the same community string that you provided during Sun Management Center server setup.

      Note –

      To ensure security, the community string that you provide is not stored in the Sun Management Center setup response file. You can either hard-code the community string in the JumpStart finish script, or configure the finish script so that the install client prompts for the community string when the finish script runs on the the install client. Both methods of specifying the community string are provided in To Create the JumpStart Finish Script.

      You are prompted for the Sun Management Center server host name.

    3. Specify the Sun Management Center server host name.

      Type the name of the machine on which the Sun Management Center server was installed.

      The setup process checks whether the SNMP port is in use.

      • If SNMP port 161 is not in use, you are asked whether you want to start the Sun Management Center agent. Go to Step e.

      • If SNMP port 161 is in use, you are prompted to assign an SNMP port number.

    4. Resolve the SNMP port conflict.

      Type the same port number that you provided during Sun Management Center server setup in Step 11 in Setting Up Base Products and Add-ons on the Solaris Platform.

    5. Start the Sun Management Center agent.

      Caution – Caution –

      If your network uses Network Address Translation (NAT), type n to exit setup without starting Sun Management Center. Use the es-config command-line utility described in To Enable NAT Support to configure the machine for NAT before you start Sun Management Center.

  7. Copy the install and setup response files to the JumpStart profile server.

    As an example in the previous steps, the Sun Management Center install response file install.cfg was created on the prototype machine in the directory /response-files. The Sun Management Center setup response file setup.cfg was also created on the prototype machine in the directory /response-files.

    Assume that your JumpStart profile server is named bootserver01, and the JumpStart profile directory on machine bootserver01 is /export/home/JumpStart/jumpstart. Also assume that you have enabled write-access to the JumpStart profile directory from the prototype machine. You would then copy the response files from the prototype machine to the JumpStart profiles directory on the JumpStart machine. For example:

    # cd /response-files
    # cp install.cfg /net/bootserver01/export/home/JumpStart/jumpstart
    # cp setup.cfg /net/bootserver01/export/home/JumpStart/jumpstart
  8. Log in as root on the machine where you created the JumpStart profile directory.

  9. Go to the JumpStart profile directory that you created in Step 2, in To Create the JumpStart Install Server and Profile Directory.

  10. Edit the Sun Management Center install response file.

    You must edit the install response file so that it can be used by JumpStart. The install response file is the file name you specified in Step 4. Make the following changes to the install response file:

    • Change the SOURCE_DIRECTORY value to /a/mnt/disk1/image. The /a/mnt/disk1/image corresponds to the $MNTDIR value specified in the JumpStart finish script.

    • Change the TARGET_DIRECTORY value to /a/target_directory, where target_directory is the directory on each install client where the Sun Management Center base agent is to be installed.

    • Change the value of the SETUP_NOW parameter to zero. Setting the value of the SETUP_NOW parameter to zero ensures that the Sun Management Center setup does not automatically run on each install client when the Sun Management Center base agent has been installed.

    The following sample shows a basic Sun Management Center install response file after edits have been completed.

    PRTOUT= Sun Microsystems sun4u Sun Ultra 60 UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-II 450MHz)

    The value of the PRTOUT parameter is not important because the base agent is platform independent. However, JumpStart requires this parameter to be present. Do not delete the PRTOUT parameter.

  11. Edit the Sun Management Center setup response file.

    You must edit the setup response file so that it can be used by JumpStart. The setup response file is the file name that you specified in Step 6. Make the following changes to the setup response file if needed:

    • Make sure that the server name specified by the SUNMC_SERVER parameter is the name of the Sun Management Center 3.5 server machine.

    • Make sure that the value of the START_SUNMC parameter is set to 1 (one). Setting the value of the START_SUNMC parameter to 1 ensures that the Sun Management Center base agent is started after it has been set up.

    • Make sure that the agent_OPTIONAL_PORT parameter is present, and that the assigned value is either a valid port number, or the text string DEFAULT.

    • Make sure that all of the parameters in the sample setup response file shown below are present.

    The following examples show a Sun Management Center setup response file before and after JumpStart edits have been applied. In both examples, bootserver01 is the name of the Sun Management Center server machine.

    Example 6–1 Setup Response File Before JumpStart Edits Are Applied


    Example 6–2 Setup Response File After JumpStart Edits Are Applied


    In this example, the line DISABLE_SNMPDX=1 disables the SNMP daemon. The line STOP_SNMPDX=1 stops the SNMP daemon. The line SUNMC_SERVER=bootserver01 specifies that the base agent Sun Management Center server host is the machine named bootserver01. The line agent_OPTIONAL_PORT=1161 assigns port 1161 to the agent. The line START_SUNMC=1 starts the base agent when base agent setup is complete.

To Create the JumpStart Profiles
  1. Log in as root on the machine where you created the JumpStart profile directory.

  2. Go to the JumpStart profile directory that you created in Step 2, in To Create the JumpStart Install Server and Profile Directory.

  3. Create a JumpStart profile for each type of install client on which you will install the Sun Management Center base agent.

    You can create a JumpStart profile either by copying an appropriate sample profile from the samples in the directory, or by using the following example as a template. Save each JumpStart profile that you create in the JumpStart profile server directory, and record the name of each profile you create.

    Caution – Caution –

    Do not use a sample profile as the actual profile. Edit the profile to meet the JumpStart requirements, as described in “Creating a Profile” in the Solaris 9 Installation Guide.

    The following examples show sample JumpStart profiles. The first example shows a profile that is used for a fresh Solaris operating environment install. The second example shows a profile that is used for Solaris operating environment upgrade.

    Example 6–3 Sample JumpStart Profile: Fresh Solaris Operating Environment Install

    # all_9000_t0+swap
    install_type    initial_install
    system_type     standalone
    partitioning    explicit
    filesys         c0t0d0s1        2024    swap
    filesys         c0t0d0s0        6120    /
    filesys         c0t0d0s7        free    /export/home
    cluster         SUNWCall 
    package         SUNWabe             delete
    cluster         SUNWCapache         delete
    cluster         SUNWCdhcp           delete
    cluster         SUNWClux            delete
    cluster         SUNWCfct            delete
    cluster         SUNWCnet            delete
    package         NSCPcom             delete

    Example 6–4 Sample JumpStart Profile: Upgrade Solaris Operating Environment Install

    install_type    upgrade

To Create the JumpStart Finish Script
  1. Log in as root on the machine where you created the JumpStart profile directory.

  2. Go to the JumpStart profile directory that you created in Step 2, in To Create the JumpStart Install Server and Profile Directory.

  3. Create the JumpStart finish script.

    Review Security Considerations for Finish Scripts. Then, depending on your security requirements, use either of the following sample finish scripts as a guideline to create the finish script in the JumpStart profile directory.

    The first example shows a finish script in which the password seed and community string are hard coded. The second example shows a finish script that will prompt for the password seed and community string.

    Save your finish script with the sh extension, for example,

    Example 6–5 Sample Finish Script: Security Password Seed and Community String Hard Coded

    # Program type      : Unix bourne shell script
    # Description       : Standard finish script for installing and 
    #                     setting up Sun Management Center core agent
    ROOTDIR=${ROOTDIR:-/a}               # Root directory for new OS
    # Begin Main Program
    umask 022
    mkdir -p $LOGDIR
    # Copy the install and setup response file to target system
    # mount Sun Management Center image
    mount -F nfs bootserver01:/export/home/JumpStart/AgentImage $MNTDIR
    [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
    # run es-inst with -a -R -T and -A options
    # skip the next line for Flash Archive based deployment
    # Do not use the -T option if you have specified the TARGET_DIRECTORY 
    # tag in install.cfg
    ${MNTDIR}/disk1/sbin/es-inst -a -R /a -T /a/opt -A ${LOGDIR}/install.cfg
    # Clean up any rc script with the same name if present
    test -f ${ROOTDIR}/etc/rc3.d/S80SunMCJumpStart && \
    rm -f ${ROOTDIR}/etc/rc3.d/S80SunMCJumpStart
    rm -f /etc/init.d/SunMCJumpStart
    # Place rc script in rc3.d and init.d to do setup
    # Remember to access es-setup based on the target directory location
    echo "Creating rc script..."
    cat > ${ROOTDIR}/etc/rc3.d/S80SunMCJumpStart << EOF
    rm /etc/rc3.d/S80SunMCJumpStart /etc/init.d/SunMCJumpStart
    /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-setup -e -A /var/tmp/sunmcfinish/setup.cfg
    cp ${ROOTDIR}/etc/rc3.d/S80SunMCJumpStart \
    exit 0

    Example 6–6 Sample Finish Script: Prompt for Security Password Seed and Community

    # Program type      : Unix bourne shell script
    # Description       : Standard finish script for installing and 
    #                     setting up Sun Management Center core agent
    ROOTDIR=${ROOTDIR:-/a}               # Root directory for new OS
    # Begin Main Program
    umask 022
    mkdir -p $LOGDIR
    # Copy the install and setup response file to target system
    # mount Sun Management Center image
    mount -F nfs bootserver01:/export/home/JumpStart/AgentImage $MNTDIR
    [ $? -ne 0 ] && exit 1
    # Read secure inputs from user who invoked boot net - install
    echo "Enter Security seed:"
    echo "Enter SNMP string:"
    read SNMPV1_STRING
    # run es-inst with -a -R -T and -A options
    # skip the next line for Flash Archive based deployment
    # Do not use the -T option if you have specified the TARGET_DIRECTORY 
    # tag in install.cfg
    ${MNTDIR}/disk1/sbin/es-inst -a -R /a -T /a/opt -A ${LOGDIR}/install.cfg
    # create a temporary es-setup script to use the secure information 
    # read earlier
    # Remember to access es-setup based on the target directory location 
    mv $FILE2 $FILE
    count=`wc -l $FILE`
    count=`echo $count | cut -d' ' -f1`
    count_enter=`expr $ncount - 3`
    while [ $ncount -gt 0 ] ; do
       k=`tail -$ncount $FILE | head -1`
       if [ $ncount -eq $count_enter ]
           echo $k >> $FILE2
           echo "SECURITY_SEED=$SECURITY_SEED" >> $FILE2
           echo "SNMPV1_STRING=$SNMPV1_STRING" >> $FILE2
           echo $k >> $FILE2
       ncount=`expr $ncount - 1`
    chmod +x $FILE2
    # Clean up any rc script with the same name if present
    test -f ${ROOTDIR}/etc/rc3.d/S80SunMCJumpStart && \
    rm  -f ${ROOTDIR}/etc/rc3.d/S80SunMCJumpStart \
    rm -f /etc/init.d/SunMCJumpStart
    # Place rc script in rc3.d and init.d to do setup and cleanup 
    # Remember to access es-setup based on the target directory location
    echo "Creating rc script..."
    cat > ${ROOTDIR}/etc/rc3.d/S80SunMCJumpStart << EOF
    rm /etc/rc3.d/S80SunMCJumpStart /etc/init.d/SunMCJumpStart
    /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-setup -e -A /var/tmp/sunmcfinish/setup.cfg
    mv /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-setup.jumpstart /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-setup
    cp ${ROOTDIR}/etc/rc3.d/S80SunMCJumpStart \
    exit 0

To Create the JumpStart Rules File
  1. Log in as root on the machine where you created the JumpStart profile directory.

  2. Go to the JumpStart profile directory that you created in Step 2, in To Create the JumpStart Install Server and Profile Directory.

  3. Create the JumpStart rules file.

    Use the following example rules file as a template, and create the rules file in the JumpStart profile directory.

    Example 6–7 Sample Rules File

    # rule keywords and rule values   begin script   profile    finish  script 
    # ------------------------------  ------------   -------    --------------
    # This rule matches one system: 
    hostname bootserver01            -         basic_prof 
    # This is a complex rule:
    network && ! model \ 
     SUNW,SPARCstation-20                 -         net_prof         - 
    # This rule applies to all 
    # SUNW,SPARCstation-LX:
    model SUNW,SPARCstation-LX            -         lx_prof
    # Another complex rule:
    network && karch i86pc    IA_prof
    # You can use system attributes like RAM size and architecture to 
    # classify targets:
    memsize 16-32 && arch i386           -          prog_prof        -
    # rules are matched top-down. If nothing matches, this rule will apply:
    any                  -               -         generic_prof     -

To Validate Your JumpStart Files
  1. Log in as root on the machine where you created the JumpStart profile directory.

  2. Go to the JumpStart profile directory that you created in Step 2, in To Create the JumpStart Install Server and Profile Directory.

  3. Type ./check to validate your JumpStart files.

    # ./check  
    Validating rules... 
    Validating profile basic_prof... 
    Validating profile net_prof... 
    Validating profile lx_prof... 
    Validating profile IA_prof... 
    Validating profile prog_prof... 
    Validating profile any_machine... 
    The custom JumpStart configuration is ok. 
    # cat rules.ok 
    hostname bootserver01          -         basic_prof 
    network && ! model \ 
     SUNW,SPARCstation-20                    -         net_prof        - 
    model SUNW,SPARCstation-LX             -         lx_prof
    network && karch i86pc   IA_prof
    memsize 16-32 && arch i386               -         prog_prof       -      
    any -                                    -         generic_prof    -
To Add Install Client Information to the JumpStart Server
  1. Log in as root on the JumpStart server.

  2. Insert the Solaris installation CD 1 of 2 in your CD-ROM drive.

    Go to the Tools directory on the CD.

    # cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_2.8/Tools
  3. Determine the system identification information for each install client.

    The JumpStart server requires the following information about each install client.

    • Name

    • Ethernet address

    • IP address

    • Architecture

    Log on to each install client, and use the arp and uname commands as follows to display the install client's Ethernet address, IP address, name, and architecture.

    > arp clienthost
    clienthost ( at 8:0:80:e4:23:eb permanent published
    > uname -a
    SunOS clienthost 5.9 Generic_112233-01 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10

    In the above example, the clienthost install client Ethernet address is 8:0:80:e4:23:eb, the IP address is, and the architecture is sun4u.

  4. Add the system identification information for each install client to the JumpStart server.

    The add_install_client command is used to add the install client information to the JumpStart server as follows:

    add_install_client \
    -c JumpStart_profile_server:path_to_configuration_directory \
    -s JumpStart_install_server:path_to_operating_environment_image \
    -p JumpStart_profile_server:path_to_SYSIDCFG_file \
    -e install_client_ethernet_address \
    -i install_client_IP_address \
    install_client_name install_client_architecture

    For example, assume your systems are configured as follows.

    • Machine bootserver01 is your JumpStart boot server, profile server, and install server.

    • The JumpStart configuration directory on bootserver01 is /export/home/JumpStart/jumpstart.

    • The JumpStart operating environment image directory on bootserver01 is /export/home/JumpStart/Solaris_8.

    • The system identification configuration file sysidcfg is located in the JumpStart configuration directory /export/home/JumpStart/jumpstart.

    • The install client Ethernet address is 8:0:80:e4:23:eb, and the IP address is

    • The install client's name is clienthost, and the install client's architecture is sun4u.

    You would then add the install client clienthost using the add_install_client command as follows.

    # ./add_install_client -c bootserver01:/export/home/JumpStart/jumpstart \
      -s bootserver01:/export/home/JumpStart/Solaris_9 \
      -p bootserver01:/export/home/JumpStart/jumpstart \
    -e 8:0:80:e4:23:eb -i \
      clienthost sun4u 
      Adding Ethernet number for clienthost to /etc/ethers
      making /tftpboot
      enabling tftp in /etc/inetd.conf
      starting rarpd
      starting bootparamd
      updating /etc/bootparams
      copying inetboot to /tftpboot

    When you have finished adding install client system information to the JumpStart server, you can then use JumpStart to install the Solaris operating environment and the Sun Management Center base agent as described in the next step.

    For further information about the add_install_client command and options, see the man page add_install_client(1m).

  5. Boot each install client.

    1. Logon as root on the client machine in single-user mode.

    2. At the ok prompt, type the command boot net - install.

    For example:

    {2} ok boot net - install

    The client system boots from the JumpStart server. JumpStart installs the Solaris operating environment specified by the JumpStart profile assigned to the install client by the applicable rule in the rules file. When the operating environment has been installed, the Sun Management Center 3.5 base agent is installed. The install client then reboots.

    When the install client reboot completes, the Sun Management Center base agent is set up according to the specifications of the finish script assigned to the install client by the applicable rule in the rules file. If you hard coded the security password seed and the SNMP community string in the finish script, base agent setup is automatic. If you chose not to hard code the password seed and community string in the finish script, you must respond to the base agent setup prompts on each install client to complete base agent setup.