Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide

Uninstalling Sun Management Center

This section provides a summary of the es-uninst options, and the procedure for using the es-uninst command-line script to uninstall Sun Management Center from Solaris systems.

es-uninst Options

The syntax for the es-uninst command is:

es-uninst [ -f | -F | -X | -h | -v ]

The following table describes the es-uninst command parameters.

Table B–1 es-uninst Options




Uninstall the entire Sun Management Center installation without prompting for confirmation and without stopping any running Sun Management Center processes. 

This option should be used only in a situation when the executables that are called while stopping Sun Management Center processes are not present where expected.  

For example, if the operating environment has been upgraded after Sun Management Center was installed from the Solaris 7 release to the Solaris 8 release, then some dynamically generated path names will be incorrect. In this case, this option avoids errors being reported during the uninstall process. 


Uninstall the entire Sun Management Center installation without prompting for confirmation. 


List the es-uninst options.


Perform the uninstall using verbose mode. 


Complete Sun Management Center uninstall without interaction. All processes are stopped, then the entire Sun Management Center installation, including the database and all add-ons, is removed. You are not given the opportunity to save your configuration data. 

Uninstalling Sun Management Center Versions 2.x and 3.x

The Sun Management Center 2.x and 3.x es-uninst command is used to uninstall all of a Sun Management Center 2.x or 3.x installation. The Sun Management Center 2.x and 3.x es-uninst command also provides the option to back up the Sun Management Center configuration data. If you chose to back up the configuration data, the Sun Management Center 3.5 installation process detects the backup, and asks whether you want to apply the data to the new installation.

You can uninstall Sun Management Center 2.x and 3.x by using the es-uninst command-line script, as described below.

Note –

The Sun Management Center 3.5 installation process automatically runs the es-uninst uninstall script of an existing Sun Management Center 2.x or 3.x installation. The Sun Management Center 2.x and 3.x es-uninst uninstall script gives you the opportunity to back up the configuration data from the previous version so that it can be applied to a new Sun Management Center 3.5 installation.

To Uninstall Sun Management Center 2.x and 3.x Using es-uninst

The following steps assume that you installed Sun Management Center in the default directory /opt. If you installed Sun Management Center in a different directory, replace /opt with the name of the directory you specified in To Install Sun Management Center 3.5 on the Solaris Platform, Step 8.

  1. Log in as root on the machine where the Sun Management Center 2.x or 3.x server is installed.

  2. Remove T3 device configuration information if T3 devices are present.

    If you have not installed and set up the add-on Monitoring and Management of A5x00 and T3 Devices, skip this step. Go to Step 3.

    If you monitor and manage T3 storage devices using the Monitoring and Management of A5x00 and T3 Devices add-on, remove T3 device configuration information before you uninstall Sun Management Center. The es-uninst command does not remove T3 device configuration information..

    To remove T3 device configuration information:

    1. Stop the Sun Management Center agent.

      Type the command /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -a.

    2. Run the pre-uninstall script to remove T3 device configuration information.

      Type the command /opt/SUNWsymon/addons/storage/sbin/

      You are asked whether you want to stop the T3 from sending syslog messages. Type y. You are then prompted for the root password for the T3 device. Type the password.

      You are notified that the T3 device has been removed from the T3 module.

      • If you do not run the script before you install Sun Management Center 3.5, you will have to manually remove T3 configuration information before you can set up the new Sun Management Center 3.5 installation.

      • If you run the script but then decide to keep your Sun Management Center 2.x or 3.x installation, type the command /opt/SUNWsymon/es-setup -F to set up your T3 devices again.

    You can now uninstall Sun Management Center.

  3. To uninstall Sun Management Center 2.x or 3.x, type the command:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-uninst

    • If you are uninstalling Sun Management Center 2.x or 3.x, you are asked whether you want to save your user and configuration data. Go to Step 7.

    • If you are uninstalling Sun Management Center 3.5, a list of products that are installed is displayed.

      You are then asked whether you want to uninstall the Sun Management Center production environment or developer environment, depending on whether the production or developer environment is installed.

  4. Select the Sun Management Center 3.5 products that you want to uninstall.

    • Type y to uninstall the production or developer environment and all add-ons.

      You are notified that all Sun Management Center products will be uninstalled, and you are asked whether you want to change your selection. Go to Step 6.

    • Type n if you only want to uninstall one or more add-ons.

  5. Select the Sun Management Center 3.5 add-on products that you want to uninstall.

    The uninstall process steps through each add-on installed on your system. You are asked whether you want to uninstall the add-on.

    Type y to uninstall the add-on, or type n to keep the installed add-on.

    When you have completed your selections, a list of the products you selected for uninstall is displayed. You are asked whether you want to change your selections.

  6. Change selections if needed.

    • Type y to make different selections. The list of installed products is displayed again, and the uninstall selection process is repeated.

    • Type n to continue the uninstall process. You are asked whether you want to preserve the your user and configuration data.

  7. Save the Sun Management Center user and configuration data if desired.

    Caution – Caution –

    If you reply n, your current Sun Management Center user and configuration data, including the database, will be removed. In addition, your security keys will be overwritten, and you will also need to set up all agents for the agents to work properly.

    • Reply y if you want to retain your administrative domain configuration and custom alarm settings in /var/opt/SUNWsymon for subsequent installations or upgrades.

    • Type n to discard the existing database.

    You are asked whether you want to proceed with the uninstall.

  8. Complete the uninstall process.

    • Type y to uninstall the product or products that you have selected.

      Your selection or selections are uninstalled. When the process completes, the es-uninst script exits to the command prompt.

    • Type n if you do not want to uninstall the selected products.

      The es-uninst script exits to the command prompt.