Sun Management Center - Tivoli TEC Adapter Installation Guide

Chapter 2 Starting and Using the Tivoli Applications

This chapter describes how to start and stop the TEC Adapter and the SyMONInt application. Instructions for performing the Tivoli application tasks are also included in this chapter.

The SyMONInt application:

  1. Retrieves Sun Management Center events from a Sun Management Center server, based on user login and filter input.

  2. Maps some of the fields into Tivoli equivalents.

  3. Creates a Tivoli-ready event string and passes that string to the tecad_symon TEC Adapter.

Both the tecad_symon process and the SyMONInt applications need to be running for this product to function correctly. The applications can be started either together or separately.

Starting the TEC Adapter and SyMONInt Application Together

Use the SunMC_Tivoli command to start the TEC Adapter and the SyMONInt application together. The command syntax is:

/opt/SUNWsymon/addons/Tivoli/sbin/SunMC_Tivoli [ start | stop ] [ -c filename [ -u username ]] | [ -h ]

If no parameters are specified, the SyMONInt GUI will start. The following parameters are optional:

To Start the TEC Adapter and the SyMONInt Application Together
  1. Change directories to the sbin directory.

    # cd /opt/SUNWsymon/addons/Tivoli/sbin
  2. As superuser, set the $JAVA_HOME environment variable.

    For more information about setting the $JAVA_HOME variable, see the Preinstallation Checklist.

  3. Run the SunMC_Tivoli command.

    # SunMC_Tivoli start 

Starting the TEC Adapter and SyMONInt Applications Separately

Under certain conditions, you might need to start the TEC Adapter and the SyMONInt applications separately. For example:

Note –

If you are starting the applications separately, you must start the TEC Adapter before the SyMONInt spplication.

The tecad_symon command opens a socket to the SyMONInt application and accepts Tivoli-ready event strings.

To Start the TEC Adapter
  1. Set the Tivoli environment.

    If you are running the Bourne shell, type the following command:

    # . /etc/Tivoli/

    If you are running the C shell, type the following command:

    # source /etc/Tivoli/setup_env.csh
  2. Start the TEC Adapter.

    # $BINDIR/TME/TEC/adapters/bin/tecad_symon -l \
      $BINDIR/TME/TEC/adapters/etc/tecad_symon.conf \
      -p TEC-adapter-port-number &
To Start the SyMONInt Application
  1. Change directories to the /opt/SUNWsymon/addons/Tivoli/sbin directory.

  2. Set the $JAVA_HOME environment variable.

    For more information about setting the $JAVA_HOME variable, see the Preinstallation Checklist.

  3. Run to start the SyMONInt GUI.

    This script sets the appropriate environment and invokes the SyMONInt.class program. The parameter-entry window is displayed.

  4. In the parameter-entry window, enter appropriate the information for all mandatory fields. Enter the appropriate information for any optional fields you choose.

  5. Select the File ⇒ Save menu.

    The File Dialog menu is displayed.

  6. Specify the directory and file name in which to save the current configuration information.

  7. Select the File ⇒ Start menu choice to connect to the Sun Management Center server.

SyMONInt Startup Parameters

The following table lists the startup parameters for the Sun Management Center Integration window.

Table 2–1 SyMONInt Startup Parameters




User name and Password 


Valid Sun Management Center user name and corresponding password. 


Sun Management Center Server 


Host name of the Sun Management Center server from which you want to receive events. 



Host name of the Tivoli server to which you want to send events. 


TEC Adapter Port Number 


Port number for the TEC Adapter's socket connection with the Sun Management Center integration JavaTM application. The default port is 2323. If you chose a different value at installation time, you must enter that new port number here.

Sun Management Center Server RMI Port Number 


Port number at which the Sun Management Center server receives RMI connections. The default port is 2099. If you chose a different value for your Sun Management Center configuration, you must enter that new port number here. 

Domain to filter on 


If you only want to see Sun Management Center events from a specific Sun Management Center domain, enter that domain name here. The default is to receive events from all Sun Management Center domains set up on the specified Sun Management Center server. 

host name or host names to filter on  


If you only want to see Sun Management Center events originating from a specific machine, enter those host names here, separated by spaces. The default is to receive events from all machines that are monitored by the specified Sun Management Center server. 

Alarm State or States to filter on 


If you only want to see events in a specific state, Open, Closed, Fixed, check the appropriate boxes. The default is to receive events in all states. 

Acknowledgement State or States to filter on 


If you want to only see acknowledged or unacknowledged events, check the appropriate box. The default is to receive events in both states. 

Severity State or States to filter on  


If you want to only see events with specific Sun Management Center severity states, check the appropriate box or boxes. Refer to the Sun Management Center User's Guide for additional information about Sun Management Center's severity levels. The default is to receive events in all severity states.

Note –

If the Domain to filter on and host name to filter on are set at the same time, the parameter for Domain to filter on has the higher priority.

Stopping the Tivoli Applications

Use the SunMC_Tivoli command to stop the TEC Adapter and the SyMONInt application together.

To Stop the TEC Adapter and SyMONInt Applications
  1. Change directories to the /opt/SUNWsymon/addons/Tivoli/sbin directory.

  2. As superuser, type the following command:

    # SunMC_Tivoli stop

Tivoli Application Tasks

The following section provides instructions for performing Tivoli tasks.

To View the Sun Management Center-Generated Events
  1. Start the Tivoli Enterprise Console.

    For more information about starting the Tivoli Enterprise Console, refer to the Tivoli Enterprise Console User's Guide.

  2. Create an event group.

    An event group must be created to view Sun Manangement Center events in the event console.

  3. Add the Tivoli administrator that you created in the previous chapter to the event group.

    See Creating an Administrator.

  4. Create a filter for this event group to view only events with the source as SunManagementCenter.

  5. Double-click inside the Administrator's Event Console.

    The Event Sources window is displayed.

  6. Select either the All or SunMC group choices for event viewing.

    The Sun Management Center-generated event window is displayed.

To Start the HostDetails Task

To view or manipulate the attributes and properties associated with the hosts managed by the Sun Management Center software, run a TEC task to launch the console window that contains the host detail information.

  1. Select a Sun Management Center-generated event from the event list.

  2. For the event you selected in the previous step, choose Selected ⇒ Task Execution for the event.

    The Tasks window is displayed.

  3. Select the Execute Task button and then Launch SunMC HostDetails.

  4. When prompted for a host name for which you wish the Sun Management Center windows to be displayed, enter the host name, then select Execute.

    A scaled-down version of the Sun Management Center login screen is displayed.

  5. To display the HostDetails window, enter a valid Sun Management Center user name and password, then select Login.

    The HostDetails window for the host you selected is displayed.

Troubleshooting the Tivoli Applications

The following section provides troubleshooting suggestions for problems you might encounter while using the Tivoli applications.

TEC Adapter Cannot Start Up Successfully

If the TEC Adapter does not start up successfully, verify the following information:

SyMONInt Application Cannot Start Up Successfully

If the SyMONInt application does not start up successfully, verify the following information:

Sun Management Center Alarms Cannot Transfer to Tivoli

If the Sun Management Center Alarms cannot transfer to Tivoli, verify the following information:

Cannot Run Sun Management Center Task Library

If you cannot run the Sun Management Center Task Library, verify the following information:

To Verify Permissions in the Sun Management Center Task Library
  1. Double-click the icon of the appropriate Tivoli Policy Region in which the Sun Management Center Task Library was installed.

    The Policy Region window is displayed.

  2. Double-click the Sun Management Center Task Library icon.

    The Task Library window is displayed.

  3. Press mouse button 3 on the HostDetails icon, then select Edit Task.

    The Edit Task window is displayed.

  4. Verify that Roles Required has the admin, senior, and super roles selected. Verify that there is an asterisk,*, in both the User Name and Group Name fields.

    Note –

    The admin, senior, and super roles are the default permissions, so you should not need to change anything.

  5. Select Change&Close to return to the Sun Management Task Library.