C H A P T E R  3

Installing and Setting Up the Software

This chapter provides information about the installation process to supplement that in the Sun Management Center 3.5 User's Guide.

The chapter contains the following sections:

About the Installation Process

You run the same Sun Management Center installation program to install or upgrade any Sun Management Center component on any system. Following installation, you must run a setup script (referred to as Setup) to configure the software properly. See also Preparing for Installation.

The installation program provides an interactive list of questions that guides you through the installation procedure. When you run the installation program, it checks the system hardware and software environment. If it does not find a previously installed version of Sun Management Center software, the installation program prompts you to choose whether to install the latest Sun Management Center core packages and add-on products. If the installation program finds any previously installed Netra server packages, it asks you if you want to preserve any existing data.

There are two ways to run the installation script. You can use either the traditional installation script, es-inst, or the new GUI Install feature, es-guiinst. The installation method you use determines which setup script automatically runs afterward (for example, if you used the GUI Install program for installation,
es-guisetup runs by default).

Note - When running the es-inst script, enter y when you are prompted to add Netra.

Note - Sun Management Center packages are treated differently from Netra server packages. The installation program does not automatically update the former. To update core packages, you must apply the appropriate patches as discussed in the Sun Management Center 3.5 Release Notes.

For complete Sun Management Center 3.5 core software installation instructions, refer to the documentation provided with your Sun Management Center 3.5 media, or consult the Sun Management Center 3.5 web site:


About the Setup Script

After the Sun Management Center packages are installed, the installation program asks if you want to run Setup. You must run Setup to configure the newly installed software before you can use it. You can run Setup immediately after installation by answering Yes [y] to the installation program prompt.

There are two ways to run the setup script. You can use either the traditional setup script, es-setup, or the new GUI Setup feature, es-guisetup. The choice of default setup script is dependent on the installation method you used for the Sun Management Center packages. For example, if you used the GUI Install program for installation, es-guisetup runs by default.

You can run the setup script at a later time by going to the Sun Management
Center 3.5 directory /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin and typing either ./es-setup, or ./es-guisetup.

Note - If you choose not to start Setup automatically after installation, you can choose which method of Setup to use when you run the setup script later. Refer to the Sun Management Center 3.5 User's Guide for more information on these two methods.

GUI Setup

The GUI Setup application is new to Sun Management Center. This application enables you to set up the add-on software for Netra servers through the GUI. For more information about the GUI Setup application, refer to the Sun Management Center 3.5 User's Guide.

Should I Run Setup Now or Later?

How long Setup takes to configure newly installed Sun Management Center components depends on what components you have installed. See TABLE 3-1 for details.

TABLE 3-1 Time Required by Setup

If You have Installed This Component...

Setup Takes...

Agent only

Under one minute

Console only

Under one minute

Server only

Twenty minutes, approximately. If this is a first-time install of Sun Management Center 3.5 server components, the setup script prompts you to reboot the system before configuring the software.

Combination of components

Add up the times required for the individual components.

Preparing to Install the Localization Packages

If you are currently using a localized environment installed from an earlier release of Sun Management Center software, you need to remove the older localization packages manually before installing the newer versions included with this release. The following table describes the localization packages.

TABLE 3-2 Localization Packages to Be Removed

Package Name



Japanese Sun Management Center Server Layer for Netra Servers


Korean Sun Management Center Server Layer for Netra Servers



Simplified Chinese Sun Management Center Server Layer for Netra Servers



Traditional Chinese Sun Management Center Server Layer for Netra Servers

Note - You only need to remove these packages if you have an older version of Sun Management Center software installed. The Sun Management Center 3.0 software contains only the following localization packages: Japanese, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

Removing the Old Localization Packages

1. Check whether you have any of the localization packages installed. The packages are listed in TABLE 3-2. Type the following, substituting the names of the localization packages for package_name:. If you have multiple localization packages, type the package names on the same line and separate them with spaces.

% pkginfo package_name package_name

If the old localization packages are not installed, your system returns an error message. This means you are ready to install the new packages. If your system does not return an error message, you need to remove the old packages as described in the next step.

2. Log in as superuser and type the following command, substituting the name of the package you want to remove for package_name:

# pkgrm package_name

Installing the New Localization Packages

Refer to the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide for information about how to install the new localization packages.