Installing and Administering N1 Grid Console - Container Manager 1.0


active container

A container that has been associated with a host and whose minimum CPU reservation and memory cap have been set. An entry for the active container exists in the /etc/project file on the host with which it is associated. The kernel enforces the resource boundaries of an active container. An active container can also be referred to as being deployed, in the sense that the container has been pushed out and is now active on a host.


To bind a container to a host. One step in the two-step process in order to activate a container.


An abstraction layer that helps organize and manage the collection of physical system resources.

defined container

A container which has been created, named, and saved for future use. The container has not been associated with a host, nor have the resource boundaries been set.


See active container.

fair share scheduler (FSS)

A scheduling class that allows you to allocate CPU time that is based on shares. Shares define the portion of the system's CPU resources that are allocated to a project.

inactive container

A container that has been associated with a host and for which resource boundaries are set, but the kernel is not currently enforcing these boundaries.

limit node (lnode)

In the Solaris 8 release, the mechanism by which per-user data is held.

match expression

When creating an application-based container with the New Container Wizard, this expression identifies the processes that are associated with the application. If the match expression is part of the container definition, the matching processes are automatically moved under the project name for the container.


See resource pool.


In the Solaris 9 release, the project provides a network wide administrative identifier for related work.

project identifier (ID)

The means by which the Solaris kernel tracks resource usage. All the processes running in a container have the same project ID.


In resource management, an aspect of the computing system that can be manipulated with the intent to change application behavior.

resource management

A functionality that enables you to control how applications use available system resources.

resource pool

In resource management, a configuration mechanism that is used to partition machine resources. Also referred to as a pool.