Installing and Administering N1 Grid Console - Container Manager 1.0

Appendix A Installing Using the Command Line

This appendix contains procedures for installing, setting up, and removing the N1 Grid Console - Container Manager 1.0 (Container Manager) software using the command line. Command-line installation is an alternative to using the installation wizard.

For the latest information about installing, setting up, and using the software, see N1 Grid Console - Container Manager 1.0 Release Notes.

For information using the installation wizard, see Chapter 2, Container Manager Installation and Setup.

Installing Container Manager Software

Installation of Container Manager using the command line follows the standard Sun Management Center add-on software installation procedures. For more information about installation of add-on software using the command line, see “Using the Command Line for Uninstall, Install, and Setup” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.

For a list of all installation tasks, see Table 2–1.

Container Manager must be installed on the following layers of Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1:

The interactive es-inst installation script installs the correct Container Manager software packages on the server and agent layers. For all layers, the packages, module configuration files, and libraries are installed in standard Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 locations. For more information about the supported platforms and installation requirements, see Container Manager Software Description.

The Container Manager software can be installed at the following times:

The Performance Reporting Manager software must also be installed if you want to use the performance and accounting data features of Container Manager. For more information about installation and setup of this software using the command line, see “Installing Using the Command Line” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Performance Reporting Manager User's Guide. If you do not intend to use these features, you do not need to install this add-on software.

To Install Container Manager During Sun Management Center Installation
  1. For more information and detailed steps using the command line, see “Using the Command Line for Uninstall, Install, and Setup” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide. You can also install additional add-on software, such as Performance Reporting Manager, at the same time.

To Install Container Manager During Upgrade to Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1
  1. For more information and detailed steps, see “Upgrading Previous Versions of SyMON and Sun Management Center on the Solaris Platform” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide. You can also install additional add-on software, such as Performance Reporting Manager, at the same time.

To Install Container Manager Individually
  1. As superuser (su -), run the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 installation script by typing:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-inst

    where /opt is the directory in which Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

  2. Provide the source directory of the Container Manager files when prompted.

    Please enter the source directory:
    • On SPARC systems, choose from the following:

      1. If installing from the software CD-ROM, type:

        # /cdrom/cdrom0/image
      2. If installing from a directory to which the software has been copied, type:

        # disk1/image

        where disk1 is the location where the software was copied.

    • On x86 systems, choose from the following:

      1. If installing from the software CD-ROM, type:

        # /cdrom/cdrom0/x86/image
      2. If installing from a directory to which the software has been copied, type:

        # disk1/x86/image

        where disk1 is the location where the software was copied.

  3. To install the Container Manager software, answer “Yes” when prompted.

    The following is an example of the output you might see:

    Installation destination directory: /opt
    You can install the product documentation.
    The documentation will get installed in the languages chosen previously.
    Install Product Documentation. (y|n|q) n
    Reading Add-On products from image. Please wait...
    This can take approximately 3 minutes to complete.
        Found: N1 Grid Console - Container Manager
    Checking for applicable products. Please wait...
    This can take approximately 2 minutes to complete.
    The following Add-On Products are applicable for installation.
        N1 Grid Console - Container Manager
    Select the products you want to install:
        N1 Grid Console - Container Manager (y|n|q) y

    The es-inst script installs Container Manager. The es-inst script then automatically displays setup prompt.

  4. Determine whether you want to set up Container Manager now or at a later time.

    The following is an example of the output you might see:

    You must perform setup before using Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1.
    Do you want to run setup now (y|n|q) 
    • To set up the software at a later time, answer n for “No”. When you are ready to run the setup process, see To Set Up Container Manager Individually.

    • To set up the software now, answer y for “Yes”. The Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 software is not setup again.

Setting Up Container Manager

After installation is complete, you must run the Container Manager setup script to configure the server and agent layers. As with installation of the software, you can run the setup process at the time you setup the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 installation or upgrade. You can also set up the software individually, at a later time.

The same configuration file changes take place during the setup process when initiated from the command line as that occur when using the setup wizard. For example the scheduling class is still set to fair share scheduler (FSS). For more information, see Setting Up Container Manager Software.

To Set Up Container Manager During Sun Management Center Installation or Upgrade
  1. For more information and detailed steps, see “Using the Command Line for Uninstall, Install, and Setup” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.

To Set Up Container Manager Individually

Note –

This procedure assumes that you chose not to set up Container Manager at the end of the installation process.

  1. Run the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 setup script as superuser (su –). Choose one of the following options:

    • To run setup on all components that are not yet set up, type:

      # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-setup
    • To run setup on the Container Manager add-on software only, type:

      # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-setup -p SCM

      where /opt is the directory in which Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

    The following is an example of the output you might see:

    This script will help you to setup Sun (TM) Management Center 3.5 Update 1.
    Setting up Addon[s]...
    Starting N1 Grid Console - Container Manager Setup
    Setup for N1 Grid Console - Container Manager - Agent Layer
    FSS is made as the scheduling class of all the pools
    The memory capping packages are not available on this host.
    The setup will not be able to configure memory capping
    Task based extended accounting is successfully enabled
    Processes under TS and IA scheduling class are moved under FSS
    Entry for scm-container successfully added
    Setup for N1 Grid Console - Container Manager - Server Layer
    Setup for N1 Grid Console - Container Manager - Web Console
  2. Review the list of components that must be stopped for the set up process to continue.

  3. Confirm that Container Manager is the product to be set up.

  4. When setting up the agent layer, if processor sets are detected on the system that are not associated with a resource pool, please select from the following:

    • Yes – These particular processor sets will be deleted from the system. In order for Container Manager to function correctly, any processor set that is not associated with a resource pool must be removed as they will cause problems with pool management. After this selection, these processor sets are automatically deleted for you, and the setup process continues.

    • No – These particular processor sets will not be deleted from the system. After this selection, the setup script exits and the Container Manager software is not setup on the system. You are unable to use the Container Manager software on any host on which exists processor sets that are not associated with a resource pool.

    • Cancel – The setup script exits. The Container Manager software is not setup on the system.

  5. If you have previously completed the set up process for other Sun Management Center products, indicate whether you want to run setup again for all software or just the newest add-on software.

  6. When setting up a server layer installation, provide the full path to a directory that has at least 300 MB free disk space for the database.

  7. Indicate whether or not you want to start the Sun Management Center agent and server components by answering Y or N.

    The following is an example of the output you might see:

    Do you want to start Sun Management Center agent and server components now (y|n|q) 
  8. You receive confirmation when the software is set up.

Once the setup procedure is complete, you have the option to start the Sun Management Center processes. For more information, see “Starting and Stopping Sun Management Center” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.

Example A–1 Example Output After Set Up is Complete

The following is an example of the output you see after set up is complete and the Sun Management Center agent and server layers have been started:

Do you want to start Sun Management Center agent and server components now (y|n|q) y

Java server started successfully.
Grouping service started successfully.
Agent started successfully.
Topology service started successfully.
Trap-handler service started successfully.
Configuration service started successfully.
Event-handler service started successfully.
Metadata Service started successfully.
Hardware service started successfully.

Web server started successfully.

Setup of Sun Management Center is complete.
Setup logfile is : /var/opt/SUNWsymon/install/setup_host_name.040408141450.12822

Install logfile is : /var/opt/SUNWsymon/install/install_host_name.040408140547.10929

                        End of Installation

Exiting Sun Management Center installation.


Removing the Container Manager Software

The es-uninst script removes the Container Manager add-on software. The script removes the Container Manager packages, and all the data and configuration changes made during setup. The following is removed in addition to the software packages: the module entry from base-modules-d.dat and the application registration from Sun Web Console. You have the option to retain or delete the data stored in the database during the removal process. System resource configuration changes made during installation are not removed when the Container Manager software is uninstalled.

To Remove Container Manager Using es-uninst
  1. As superuser (su —), type:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-uninst

    where /opt is the directory in which Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

  2. Select Container Manager from the list of add-on software.

    The following is an example of the type of output you will see:

    This script will help you to uninstall the Sun Management Center software.
    Following Sun Management Center Products are installed:
    PRODUCT                                          DEPENDENT PRODUCTS
    Production Environment                           All Addons
    Advanced System Monitoring                       None
    Performance Reporting Manager                    None
    Workgroup Server                                 None
    N1 Grid Console - Container Manager              None
    Do you want to uninstall Production Environment (y|n|q) n
    Do you want to uninstall Advanced System Monitoring (y|n|q) n
    Do you want to uninstall Performance Reporting Manager (y|n|q) n
    Do you want to uninstall Workgroup Server (y|n|q) n
    Do you want to uninstall N1 Grid Console - Container Manager (y|n|q) y
    The following product[s] will be removed:
     N1 Grid Console - Container Manager.
  3. Indicate whether to preserve the data files.

    The following is an example of the output you will see:

    Select Save Data to save all user and configuration data. Your data is
    saved and can be restored when you re-install Sun Management Center.
    Do you want to preserve data (y|n|q) 

Once the es-uninst script is finished, the Container Manager packages and configuration files are removed. If you chose not to preserve the data files, they are removed as well.

The following is an example of the output you will see:

Status of uninstallation:
PRODUCT                                                  STATUS
N1 Grid Console - Container Manager                      Removed

Uninstall logfile is : /var/opt/SUNWsymon/install/uninstall_machine_name.040408134328.5604