Installing and Administering N1 Grid Console - Container Manager 1.0

Chapter 2 Container Manager Installation and Setup

This chapter contains procedures for installing, setting up, and uninstalling the N1 Grid Console - Container Manager 1.0 (Container Manager) software with wizards. For information about using the command line for these procedures, see Appendix A, Installing Using the Command Line.

For the latest information about installing, setting up, and using the software, see N1 Grid Console - Container Manager 1.0 Release Notes.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Container Manager Software Description

Container Manager is installed as an add-on product to the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 software. The add-on software is installed on the Sun Management Center server layer or agent layer, depending upon the function of the host. Sun Management Center is a three-tier application that consists of the following three layers: server, console, and agent. For more information about the three-tier architecture, see “Sun Management Center Overview” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.

Note –

Container Manager requires that several additional software products be installed. It is important that you read all related documentation before beginning installation. You might need to apply software patches or plan for a reboot of the system in order to complete installation of other products. The size requirements of these products should be planned for as well before starting installation.

The following Task Map lists the tasks required to complete installation of the required software. Note that some software requires installation on one or more of the Sun Management Center layers: server, agent, or console.

Table 2–1 Task Map: Software Installation List




Required patches

See product documentation for the location of patches. 

As needed: server, agent, console 

N1 Grid Console - Container Manager 1.0 Release Notes

Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 Release Notes

(Solaris 8 OS) Solaris Resource Manager 1.3 Release Notes

Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1

The software is available on the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 CD-ROM. 

As needed: server, agent, or both 

Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide

Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 Supplement

Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 Release Notes

Sun Web Console 2.0.2

The software is available from the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 CD-ROM. 


Automatically installed with Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 installation. 

Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 Supplement

Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 Release Notes

Tomcat 4.0.5

The software is available from the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 CD-ROM. 

Is required by Sun Web Console 2.0.2.  


Automatically installed with Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 installation. 

Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 Supplement

Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 Release Notes

JDKTM version 1.4.2, or higher

JDK version 1.4.2_03 software is available from the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 CD-ROM. 

Is required by Sun Web Console 2.0.2.  


See installation README included with the software. 

(Solaris 8 OS only) Solaris Resource Manager 1.3

Provides the necessary resource management utilities on Solaris 8 OS.  

This software is available from


Note –

When installing Sun Management Center server layer software, the agent layer is automatically installed as well. You should install this product on any server that will function as an agent system as well.

Solaris Resource Manager 1.3 Release Notes

Solaris Resource Manager 1.3 Installation Guide

N1 Grid Console - Container Manager 1.0 Release Notes

(Optional) Performance Reporting Manager

Installation is only required if you want access to the resource utilization reports and accounting features of Container Manager. Use of this software is included in the license. 

The software is included with the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 CD-ROM.  

server and agent, for all systems for which you want to request data graphs 

Note –

Performance Reporting Manager server layer requires that you have 1 GB RAM and 1 GB swap space available on the machine.

Sun Management Center 3.5 Performance Reporting Manager User's Guide

Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 Supplement

N1 Grid Console - Container Manager 1.0 

The software is included with the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 CD-ROM.  

As needed: server, agent, or both 

Note –

A server layer installation requires a directory with at least 300 megabytes for the software's database. You will be prompted for a directory on the device with that space during set up.

Installing Container Manager Software

N1 Grid Console - Container Manager 1.0 Release Notes

The Container Manager software runs on the following versions of the Solaris operating system:

Table 2–2 Container Manager Features According to Solaris OS Version

OS Version 

Container Manager Features 

Solaris 8 6/00 through Solaris 8 2/02 (SPARC® only)

Together with the Solaris Resource Manager 1.3 software, supported features include the ability to specify a minimum CPU reservation and a memory cap. 

Solaris 9 FCS through Solaris 9 8/03 (SPARC and x86) 

Supported features include the ability to specify a minimum CPU reservation. There is no memory control support. 

Solaris 9 12/03, or later (SPARC and x86) 

Supported features include the ability to specify a minimum CPU reservation and a memory cap. 

The Container Manager agent runs on all the hardware platforms that Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 supports for the agent layer. For more information, see Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 Supplement.

The Container Manager software consists of the following architecturally neutral software packages for both SPARC and x86:

Note –

The Container Manager module is automatically loaded after installation and setup of the software is complete. The module is not visible in the Sun Management Center Java or web console. You do not need to manually load this module in Sun Management Center as with other add-on software.

Installing Container Manager Software

You can install the Container Manager add-on software either using the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 installation wizard or the command line. This section discusses how to install the software using the installation wizard. For more information about installing using the command line, see Appendix A, Installing Using the Command Line.

The Container Manager software can be installed at the following times:

The Performance Reporting Manager software must also be installed if you want to use the performance and accounting data features of Container Manager. For more information about installation and setup of this software, see “Performance Reporting Manager Installation and Setup” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Performance Reporting Manager User's Guide. If you do not intend to use these features, you do not need to install this add-on software.

To Install Container Manager During Sun Management Center Installation
  1. For more information and detailed steps, see “To Install Sun Management Center and ASM” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide. To perform this procedure, you will substitute the Container Manager software for the ASM software. You can also install additional add-on software, such as Performance Reporting Manager, at the same time.

To Install Container Manager During Upgrade to Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1
  1. For more information and upgrade steps, see “To Upgrade Sun Management Center 3.0 to Sun Management Center 3.5” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide. You can also install additional add-on software, such as Performance Reporting Manager, at the same time.

To Install Container Manager Individually
  1. As superuser (su -), launch the Sun Management Center installation wizard by typing:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-guiinst

    where /opt is the directory in which Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

    The Sun Management Center installation wizard appears and guides you through the installation process for the software. Click the Next button to move through the wizard.

  2. Provide the source directory of the Container Manager software files when prompted.

    • On SPARC systems, choose from the following:

      1. If installing from the software CD-ROM, type:

        # /cdrom/cdrom0/image
      2. If installing from a directory to which the software has been copied, type:

        # disk1/image

        where disk1 is the location where the software was copied.

    • On x86 systems, choose from the following:

      1. If installing from the software CD-ROM, type:

        # /cdrom/cdrom0/x86/image
      2. If installing from a directory to which the software has been copied, type:

        # disk1/x86/image

        where disk1 is the location where the software was copied.

  3. Select the checkbox Install Product Documentation if you want to install the documentation.

    You can view installed documentation from a browser by going to /var/opt/sun_docs/sundocs.html.

  4. If installing the server layer, select the desired languages from the Select Language Support panel. This panel only appears when installing the server layer.

    The Checking for Available Products panel appears. When the progress bar is finished, the Products Already Installed panel appears.

  5. Review the list of products already installed.

    The Select Add-on Products panel appears.

  6. Select N1 Grid Console - Container Manager 1.0 from the list of add-on software to be installed.

    The Add-on Products License Agreement panel appears.

  7. Read the license agreement.

    • If you agree to the license agreement, click I Agree. The Confirmation Panel appears.

    • If you do not agree to the license agreement, click I Do Not Agree. The installation wizard exits and installation quits.

    You must click the I Agree button to proceed with installation.

  8. Review the Confirmation Panel.

    The Installation Complete panel appears when the software installation is complete.

Once installation of the Container Manager software is complete, the setup wizard guides you through the setup process for the software. For more information, see Setting Up Container Manager Software.

Setting Up Container Manager Software

After installation is complete, you must run the Container Manager setup wizard to configure the server and agent layers. As with installation of the software, you can run the set up process at the time you setup the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 1 installation or upgrade. You can also set up the software individually at a later time.

These configuration files are created in the following locations during the setup process:

If the /etc/pooladm.conf file already exists on a host, a backup of the existing file is created. This backup of the original file is named /etc/pooladm.conf.scmbak. If an active configuration exists on a host, all processor sets that are not associated with a resource pool are removed. The scheduling class for the resource pools is then set to fair share scheduler (FSS). Finally, the new configuration is committed and is stored in /etc/pooladm.conf.

If an active configuration does not exist on a host, a new configuration is discovered and stored in /etc/pooladm.conf. This discovered configuration is committed to make it active. The default pool scheduling class is set to FSS.

If the extended accounting files are active on a host at the time of set up, then they remain the same. If the files are not active, they are then configured and activated. During configuration, the extending accounting file name is set to /var/adm/exacct/tasktimestamp.

Additionally, during the set up process the following changes are made to the host by the software:

For more information about resource pools, scheduling classes, and extended accounting, as well as other standard Solaris resource management concepts, see System Administration Guide: Resource Management and Network Services.

Caution – Caution –

Standard Solaris software resource management command line commands are not supported by Container Manager. Use the Container Manager GUI to manage the software.

To Set Up Container Manager During Sun Management Center Installation or Upgrade
  1. For more information and detailed steps, see “Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Setup” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.

To Set Up Container Manager Individually
  1. As superuser (su –), launch the Sun Management Center setup wizard by typing:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-guisetup

    where /opt is the directory in which Container Manager is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

    The Container Manager setup wizard appears and guides you through the setup process for the software. The Overview panel appears first. Click the Next button to move through the wizard. Use the Back button to make corrections by moving back through the wizard.

    Note –

    If you have installed more than one Sun Management Center add-on product, the setup wizard for each product appears automatically. Each wizard guides you through the setup process for its add-on product. Each new setup wizard appears automatically after the setup process is completed for the previous add-on product. The setup wizard for the Container Manager software might not be the first to appear.

  2. Review the list in the Stopping Components panel.

    The Sun Management Center components must be stopped before the setup process can continue. The Advanced Setup Options panel appears if you have completed the setup process for some of the add-on products installed. The remaining add-on software can be setup now.

  3. Select from the following options:

    • Reconfigure All – The setup process is run again for the base Sun Management Center software and all add-on software. All the Sun Management Center software that was previously setup is set up again.

    • Configure Addons – The add-on software that was recently installed but not yet setup is now set up.

    • Re-create the Sun Management Center Database

  4. Review the list of products in the Setup Complete panel.

    The Select Add-on Products panel appears. All products newly installed on the system that will be set up are listed. You can also run setup again on any product that was previously been set up.

  5. Review the list of products to confirm that Container Manager appears as a product to be set up. Click Next to start the set up process.

    A progress panel appears while all components are being set up.

  6. When setting up the agent layer, if processor sets are detected that are not associated with a resource pool, a panel appears requesting permission to delete these sets. Please select from the following options:

    • Yes – These processor sets will be deleted from the system. In order for Container Manager to function correctly, any processor set that is not associated with a resource pool must be removed. This removal is necessary because projects need to be associated with the pools. After this selection, these processor sets are automatically deleted for you, and the setup process continues.

    • No – These processor sets will not be deleted from the system. After this selection, the setup wizard exits and the Container Manager software is not set up on the system. You are unable to use the Container Manager software on any host that has processor sets that are not associated with a resource pool.

    • Cancel – The setup wizard exits. The Container Manager software is not set up on the system.

  7. When setting up a server layer installation, provide the full path to a directory that has at least 300 Mbytes free disk space for the database and click Next.

  8. Once the progress bar in the Container Manager DB Configuration panel completes, click Next.

  9. To invoke the Start Wizard, click Next.

Once the setup procedure is complete, you have the option to start the Sun Management Center processes. For more information, see “Starting and Stopping Sun Management Center” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.

For information about launching the Container Manager GUI, see To Launch the Container Manager GUI.

Backup and Restore

Use the Sun Management Center backup (es-backup) and restore (es-restore) scripts to backup or restore Container Manager data. For more information, see “Sun Management Center Backup and Recovery” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.

Agent Update

If you want to upgrade the agent layer on multiple hosts with the Container Manager software, you can use the agent update feature. When using the agent update feature, it is best to keep all Container Manager agent machines that are in the same server context at the same Sun Management Center version levels. For more information about server context, see “Sun Management Center Architecture” in Sun Management Center 3.5 User's Guide.

For more information about using the agent update feature during installation, see “Creating Agent Installation and Update Images” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.

Uninstalling Container Manager Software

Uninstallation of the software follows standard Sun Management Center procedures. Accordingly, you can use either the command line or the uninstall wizard. The following is removed in addition to the software packages: the module entry from base-modules-d.dat and the application registration from Sun Web Console. You have the option to retain or delete the data stored in the database during the removal process. System resource configuration changes made during installation are not removed when the Container Manager software is uninstalled.

For information about uninstalling the software using the command line, see Appendix A, Installing Using the Command Line. For information about standard Sun Management Center removal procedures, see “Uninstalling SyMON and Sun Management Center” in Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.

To Remove the Container Manager Software
  1. As superuser (su –), launch the uninstall wizard by typing:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-guiuninst

    where /opt is the directory where Sun Management Center is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system. The Sun Management Center uninstall wizard appears.

  2. Select Container Manager from the list of software, and click Next.

  3. Indicate whether to preserve the data files, and click Next.

    The software begins to uninstall. The Container Manager packages and configuration files are removed. If you chose not to preserve the date files, they are removed as well.

  4. Click Close to exit the wizard.