Installing and Administering N1 Grid Console - Container Manager 1.0

Requesting a Report

Both CPU and memory resource utilization reports are available per host, container, container definition, or resource pool. Before trying to view a report, be sure to set the browser's cache to refresh every time. For a list of the six types of reports available, see Resource Utilization Reports and Extended Accounting Data. Reports for CPU and memory resources used are available for the following intervals:

You must wait two hours after installation of the Performance Reporting Manager software for the daily graph reports to become available. Data first must be collected and stored in the database from which the report can be drawn. You can also view CPU and memory resource utilization reports for inactive containers and container definitions that are based on historical data.

Real time reports for CPU and memory resources being used are available for active containers only.

Figure 3–26 Sample: Real Time CPU Utilization Graph Report For an Active Container

Screen capture of a sample real time CPU Utilization report. Surrounding text describes the context.

Figure 3–27 Sample: Real Time Memory Utilization Graph Report For an Active Container

Screen capture of a sample real time Memory Utilization report. Surrounding text describes the context.

To Request a Resource Utilization Report For a Host

Use this procedure if you want to obtain a daily, weekly, or monthly report for a host.

  1. Set the browser's cache to refresh every time.

  2. In the Hosts view, select the host from the navigation window.

  3. Select the Utilization tab.

  4. Select the desired report: daily, weekly, monthly.

    Real time reports are not available for a host. The graphs for CPU and memory resources used by the selected host appears.

  5. (Optional) To export the last 24 hours of data to a CSV file, click Export Data.

    You must wait at least 2 hours after installation of the Performance Reporting Manager software for a CSV report to be available. Data must first be collected and stored in the database from which the report can be drawn. You cannot preview this data in a graph.

    Data exported contains the hourly data for the container for the last 24 hours. Therefore, it is not identical to the data obtained from a daily graph.

To Request a Resource Utilization Report for an Active Container
  1. Set the browser's cache to refresh every time.

  2. In the Containers view, select the container from the navigation window.

    The Hosts Associated with this Container Definition table appears. All the hosts that the container is associated with are listed in the table.

  3. Select the host for which you want a report by clicking the name.

    The Properties sheet for the container on this host appears.

  4. Select the Utilization tab.

  5. Select the desired report: daily, weekly, monthly, real time.

    The CPU and memory resource utilization graphs appear. If a Real Time report was selected, use the Refresh button to see more real time data.

  6. (Optional) To export the last 24 hours of data to a CSV file, click Export Data.

    You must wait at least 2 hours after installation of the Performance Reporting Manager software for a CSV report to be available. Data must first be collected and stored in the database from which the report can be drawn. You cannot preview this data in a graph.

    Data exported contains the hourly data for the container for the last 24 hours. Therefore, it is not identical to the data obtained from a daily graph.

To Request a Resource Utilization Report for a Container Definition

Use this procedure to request CPU and memory utilization reports for a container definition. The data is based on historical data and is an average of the resources used by active containers that are based on the container definition.

  1. Set the browser's cache to refresh every time.

  2. In the Containers view, select the container definition.

  3. Select the Utilization tab in the right panel.

  4. Select the desired report: daily, weekly, monthly.

    The CPU and memory resource utilization graphs appear.

To Request a Resource Utilization Report for a Resource Pool
  1. In the Hosts view, select the host to which the resource pool is bound.

    A list of all resource pools bound to this host appears in the Resource Pools table in the right pane.

  2. Select the name of the resource pool in the table.

    A table listing all containers that are bound to this resource pool appears.

  3. Select the Utilization tab in the right panel.

  4. Select the desired report: daily, weekly, monthly.

    The CPU and memory resource utilization graphs appear.

  5. (Optional) To export the last 24 hours of data to a CSV file, click Export Data.

    You must wait at least 2 hours after installation of the Performance Reporting Manager software for a CSV report to be available. Data must first be collected and stored in the database from which the report can draw from. You cannot preview this data in a graph.

    Data exported contains the hourly data for the container for the last 24 hours. Therefore, it is not identical to the data obtained from a daily graph.