Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide

ProcedureTo Create an Agent-Update Image Using es-imagetool

es-imagetool enables you to create agent-update images containing any one of the following.

Note –

This procedure assumes that you installed Sun Management Center in the default directory /opt. If you installed Sun Management Center in a different directory, replace /opt with the name of the directory you specified.

  1. Log in as root on the Sun Management Center 3.6 server machine.

  2. Run the Sun Management Center command-line image tool by typing the following command:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-imagetool
  3. Select the components to update.

    You are prompted to select the components that you want to add to the update-image, for example:

    Select the components you want to add to the update-image.
    Do you want to upgrade components of Base Agent? [y|n|q] y
    Do you want to install/upgrade components of Addons? [y|n|q] y

    Type y to add the component to the update-image, or type n to exclude the component from the update-image.

    You are prompted for a valid source directory.

  4. Provide the name of a valid Sun Management Center 3.6 source directory.

    • If you are installing from CDs, type the path to the Sun Management Center 3.6 installation CD 1 image directory. For example:

      Enter a valid source directory: /<DiskMountDir>/image
    • If you are installing from a Sun Management Center 3.6 installation image on disk, type the path to the image disk1/image directory. For example:

      Enter a valid source directory: /net/machine/installdir/disk1/image

      where machine is the machine on which you created the installation image, and installdir is the directory containing the Sun Management Center 3.6 disk1 and disk2 CD images. See Determining the Installation Source for further information about installation images.

      • If you replied y to the prompt Do you want to upgrade components of the Base Agent?, you are prompted for the installation target directory. Go to Step 5.

      • If you replied n to the prompt Do you want to upgrade components of the Base Agent?, and replied y to the prompt Do you want to install/upgrade components of Addons?, you are prompted for the installation target directory. Go to Step 6.

  5. Provide the name of the target directory for Sun Management Center 3.6 installation.

    The target directory is the directory where the Sun Management Center 3.6 SUNWsymon directory is created if it does not already exist.

    • If an agent is not installed, then the new agent is installed in the directory you specify.

    • If an older version of an agent is already installed in a different directory, then the new agent is installed in the directory you specify.

    • If the same version of an agent is already installed in a different directory, and the update you are applying contains new software, the agent is updated in the existing directory.

    The following scenario provides an example:

    Assume that you have created a Base and Add-on Agent Packages update image, and that you have specified /opt as the target directory. Also, assume that you want to apply the update image to five different machines in the following states:

    • Sun Management Center 3.0 is installed in /opt/SUNWsymon on machine A.

    • Sun Management Center 3.0 is installed in /export/home/opt/SUNWsymon on machine B.

    • No Sun Management Center components are installed on machine C.

    • The Sun Management Center 3.5 base agent only is installed in /opt/SUNWsymon on machine D.

    • The Sun Management Center 3.5 base agent only is installed in /export/home/opt/SUNWsymon on machine E.

    When you apply the Sun Management Center 3.6 Base and Add-on Agent Packages update image to the five machines, each machine is updated as follows.

    • On machine A, the Sun Management Center 3.6 agent is reinstalled and replaces the version 3.0 agent in directory /opt/SUNWsymon.

    • On machine B, the Sun Management Center 3.6 agent is installed in directory /opt/SUNWsymon.

    • On machine C, the Sun Management Center 3.6 agent is installed in directory /opt/SUNWsymon.

    • On machine D, the base agent is upgraded, with add-on packages, to version 3.6 in directory /opt/SUNWsymon.

    • On machine E, the base agent is upgraded, with add-on packages, to version 3.6 in directory /export/home/opt/SUNWsymon.

    You are prompted for a name for the agent update image.

  6. Provide a name for the agent update-image.

    Provide a name for the update-image that reflects the update-image type, for example Ultra60agent, SPARC-baseagent, x86–baseagent, or Linux agent and then press Return.

    The update-image is created in /var/opt/SUNWsymon/agentupdate/update-image-name, where update-image-name is the name that you provide.

    You are then prompted to choose the platform (Solaris or Linux) versions for the target machines.

    The image tool creates images for all platform versions supported by Sun Management Center irrespective of the platform version on the machine on which the tool is running. You have a choice of selecting any Solaris version or all versions.

  7. Select the platforms that the target machines are running.

    The supported versions are listed, and you are asked whether you want to select all versions.

    • Reply y if the target machines include all Solaris and Linux versions.

      The image tool process checks for available add-on products. Go to Step 8.

    • Reply n if the target machines do not include all versions.

      Each version of Solaris and Linux is listed, and you are asked whether you want to create an image for that version. Reply y or n as appropriate for the target machines. For example:

      Do you want to select ALL OS versions ? [y|n|q] n
      Do you want to create images for sparc-sun-Solaris_2.6 ? [y|n|q] n
      Do you want to create images for sparc-sun-Solaris_7 ?   [y|n|q] n
      Do you want to create images for sparc-sun-Solaris_8 ?   [y|n|q] y
      Do you want to create images for sparc-sun-Solaris_9 ?   [y|n|q] n
      Do you want to create images for sparc-sun-Solaris_10 ?  [y|n|q] y
      Do you want to create images for i386-sun-Solaris_9 ?    [y|n|q] n
      Do you want to create images for i386-sun-Solaris_10 ?   [y|n|q] y
      Do you want to create images for i686-sun-Linux_2.4 ?    [y|n|q] y
      Do you want to create images for i686-sun-Linux_2.6 ?    [y|n|q] n

      Caution – Caution –

      If you omit a Solaris version when you create an agent-update image, application of the update-image to the machine whose Solaris version is omitted will fail.

    • If you selected only Upgrade Components of Base Agent in Step 3, go to Step 9.

    • If you selected Install/upgrade Components of Addons in Step 3, the image tool process checks the add-on products and lists the products for which an agent update is available. Go to Step 8.

  8. Select the agent add-on products that you want to upgrade.

    The available add-on products are listed, and you are then sequentially asked whether you want to install each add-on product. Reply y to add the add-on software to the update-image, or reply n to exclude the add-on software from the image.

    When you finish selecting the add-on products to upgrade, you are prompted for the Sun Management Center agent port.

  9. Specify a port for the Sun Management Center agent.

    In most cases, port 161 is the default port assigned to and used by the SNMP daemon. However, other processes or daemons could be using port 161. Several third-party replacements and enhancements for the SNMP daemon exist, and could be installed on your system. The Sun Management Center agent is such a daemon. A different port number could have been specified during Sun Management Center on each target machine.

    Caution – Caution –

    If you select port 161, you must stop and disable any process that uses port 161 on each target machine before you can restart the agent on each machine. Stopping and disabling the SNMP daemon on each machine is not a guarantee that you have stopped the actual process using port 161. Determining the actual daemon process that uses port 161 requires you to manually review all /etc/rcN and /etc/rcN.d files, where N is 0 through 6 and S. When you have identified the file that defines the process using port 161, you can disable the process by renaming the file. For example,

    /etc/rc3.d# mv S76snmpdx s76snmpdx

    You must disable the daemon that uses port 161 on each target machine.

    Press Return to use port 161 on each target machine, or type a different port number.

    • If you selected only Upgrade Components of Base Agent in Step 3, the image tool process checks for sufficient disk space. If there is enough space, the agent update-image is created.

      If there is not enough space to create the image, you are notified. The amount of free space that is needed is displayed. The image tool exits. You must increase the amount of free space by the amount listed before you can create an update-image.

    • If you selected install/upgrade components of Addons in Step 3, the image tool process checks whether setup responses are needed by any of the add-on products that you selected for inclusion in the update-image.

      If any selected product requires setup responses, the image tool process steps through each add-on product that you selected for update, and prompts you for the responses needed by each product. Refer to the documentation that is provided with each add-on for further information.

      When add-on product setup response collection is completed, the image tool checks disk space. If there is enough space, the agent update-image is created.

      If there is not enough space to create the image, you are notified. The amount of free space that is needed is displayed. The image tool exits. You must increase the amount of free space by the amount listed before you can create an update-image.

    You are notified when the update-image has been created. You can check the update image creation status by viewing the log file /var/opt/SUNWsymon/install/ where:

    • host-name is the name of the Sun Management Center 3.6 server that you used to create the update image.

    • date-and-time-string is the year, date, and time that the image was created.

    • process-id is the process ID of the imagetool session that created the agent-update image.

    You can now apply the image to the target machines.