Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing on a Remote Machine

This section provides the procedure for installing Sun Management Center 3.6 on a Network File System accessible (NFS-mounted) remote machine using the es-inst command. The procedure assumes that you are installing Sun Management Center from a cd-image directory on your network. See Creating Installation CD Images for further information.

To install Sun Management Center on a remote machine, you have to prepare the remote machine before you install the software. Also, if the local machine is running Solaris 2.6, Solaris 7, or Solaris 8 software, you must install a patch as described in To Install Patches for pkgadd.

The following machine names are used as examples in the procedures in this section:

Note –

Remote installation is not supported if the remote machine is a Solaris 10 machine.

ProcedureTo Install Patches for pkgadd

If the local machine is running Solaris 2.6, Solaris 7, or Solaris 8 software, a patch for pkgadd specific to the operating system version must be installed on the local machine. You must install this patch before you can use the local machine to install Sun Management Center 3.6 on the remote machine.

If the local machine is running the Solaris 9 release, you do not need to install any patches. Go to To Prepare the Remote Machine.

  1. Log in as root on the local machine.

  2. Ensure that the OS patch level is current.

    To determine whether the patch is already installed, use the command showrev -p | grep patchnum, where patchnum is the required OS patch as follows:

    • Solaris 2.6 release: 106292

    • Solaris 7 release: 107443

    • Solaris 8 release: 110934

    For example, if the local machine is running Solaris 8 release, you would type:

    admin-host# showrev -p | grep 110934

    In the above example, the patch is not installed. The patch must be downloaded and installed as directed by Step 3.

    If the patch is installed, a listing similar to the following is displayed.

    admin-host# showrev -p | grep 110934
    admin-host# Patch: 110934-13 Obsoletes: Requires: Incompatibles: 
    Packages: pkgtrans, pkgadd, pkgchk

    If the patch that is required by the local machine Solaris version is installed, go to To Prepare the Remote Machine.

  3. Install the OS patch if needed.

    1. Download the required patch from

    2. Untar and then unzip the downloaded patch archive file.

    3. Install the patch using the patchadd command.

ProcedureTo Prepare the Remote Machine

  1. Log in as root on the remote machine.

  2. Create the Sun Management Center database access group and user account.

    1. Use the groupadd command to create the access group smcorag.

      remote# /usr/sbin/groupadd smcorag
    2. Create the directory /var/opt/SUNWsymon.

      This directory is where the database user account will be located.

      remote# mkdir -p /var/opt/SUNWsymon
    3. Use the useradd command to create the database user account smcorau, and then add the user account to the group smcorag.

      remote# /usr/sbin/useradd \
      ...-d /var/opt/SUNWsymon/smcorau \
         -m -g smcorag -s /bin/sh smcorau
  3. Stop the Network File System daemon mountd.

    remote# /etc/init.d/nfs.server stop
  4. Edit the /etc/dfs/dfstab file on the remote host.

    Add the following line:

    share —F nfs —o rw=admin-host,root=admin-host /

    where admin-host is the name of the machine from which you will install Sun Management Center onto the remote host.

    For example, if the remote host name is remote-server, and the name of the machine you will use to install Sun Management Center on remote-server is adminserver, then the entry in the remote-server /etc/dfs/dfstab file would be:

    share —F nfs —o rw=adminserver,root=adminserver

    This entry in the remote machine's dfstab file gives remote read and write permission only to the root user account logged on to the machine adminserver.

  5. Save and close /etc/dfs/dfstab.

  6. Start the Network File System daemon mountd.

    remote# /etc/init.d/nfs.server start
  7. Determine the Solaris version running on the remote machine.

    remote# /usr/bin/uname -r

    When you install Sun Management Center on the remote host, the es-inst script will prompt you for the Solaris version running on the remote host.

  8. Determine the remote host machine type.

    When you install Sun Management Center on the remote host, the es-inst script will prompt you for the remote machine type.

    The information required by es-inst for the remote host machine is generated by the command:

    remote# /usr/platform/platform/sbin/prtdiag | /usr/bin/head -1 \
          | /usr/bin/cut -f2 -d:

    where platform is the output of the command uname -i.

    For example:

    remote# /usr/bin/uname -i
    remote# /usr/platform/SUNW,Ultra/sbin/prtdiag 
      | /usr/bin/head -1 | /usr/bin/cut -f2 -d:
    Sun Microsystems  sun4u Sun Ultra UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 333 MHz)

    Tip –

    Copy the remote host machine-type information to a temporary file on the local host. You can then paste the information when es-inst prompts you for the remote host machine type.

  9. Log off the remote machine.

    You can now install Sun Management Center on the remote host as described by the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Install Sun Management Center on the Remote Machine

  1. Log in as root on the local machine.

  2. Change to the Sun Management Center installation disk 1 sbin directory.

    • If you are installing from disk, then Change to the /c<DiskMountDir>/sbin directory.

      During the installation process, you might be prompted to change CD disks depending on your selections.

    • If you are installing from a CD image, Change to the /cd-image-dir/disk1/sbin directory, where cd-image-dir is the directory either where you copied the installation CDs, or where you downloaded the installation image from the Web.

  3. Run the es-inst installation script, and specify the remote host machine using the -R path/remote parameter.

    #./es-inst -R path/remote

    where path/remote is the full path to the remote machine. For example, if the remote host path and name is /net/remote-server, you would type:

    local-machine# ./es-inst -R /net/remote-server

    You are prompted for the Solaris version running on the remote machine.

  4. Type the Solaris version running on the remote machine.

    See To Prepare the Remote Machine, Step 7.

    You are prompted for the remote host machine type.

  5. Provide the remote host machine type.

    Type the machine type string that you generated in To Prepare the Remote Machine, Step 8. Alternately, if you copied the generated text to a file on the local host, you can paste the machine-type string in answer to the prompt.

    Note –

    The steps that are required to complete installation of Sun Management Center on a remote host are the same steps that are required for the default Sun Management Center install.

  6. Complete the installation.

    Note –

    Remote installation on to a Solaris 10 system is supported only from another Solaris 10 system.