Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide

Using Agent-Update to Upgrade Agents to Sun Management Center 3.6

In this example, the systems in the network have Sun Management Center 3.6 and Sun Management Center 3.0 installed as follows:

The following procedure summarizes the major steps required to upgrade machines C through Z to the Sun Management Center 3.6 agent.

ProcedureTo Upgrade Agents to Sun Management Center 3.6 Using Agent-Update

  1. Make sure that all Sun Management Center components on the Sun Management Center server machine B are running as described in Starting Components on the Solaris Platform.

  2. Create an agent-update image as described in To Create an Agent-Update Image Using es-gui-imagetool.

  3. Apply the agent-update image to machines C through Z as described in To Install or Update Agents From an Agent-Update Image Using agent-update.bin.

    While applying the agent-update image on each machine:

    • Provide a password to generate the security key.

      The password must be the same password you provided when you set up Sun Management Center 3.6 server.

    • Provide an SNMPv1 security string.

      The security string must be the same security string you provided when you set up Sun Management Center 3.6.