Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Chapter 13 Managing Group-related Jobs

The Manage Jobs function enables you to define a task request or collection of attribute settings that applies to a user-defined group of objects. The following topics are described in this chapter:

Job Management Concepts

A job consists of a task or activity and a set of filtering criteria used to define the objects to which that task applies. You can submit a job to run when you define the job. Alternatively, you can schedule a job to run at a specific time or on a repeating schedule. For example, you might define a job that sets several attributes for several data properties that apply to several modules. Another example of a job might be to set a single attribute for several hosts within a domain. The remainder of this chapter describes how to define, schedule, and manage jobs.

Manage Jobs Window

You use the Manage Jobs window to define and schedule jobs. For any defined jobs, the Manage Jobs window displays the following information:

Features in the Manage Jobs window enable you to define and modify jobs. For more information, see the following tasks:

Creating and Managing Jobs

A job consists of a task or activity and a set of filtering criteria used to define the objects to which that task applies. This section describes how to define, schedule, suspend, and delete jobs.

ProcedureTo Define a Job

Note –

This procedure describes the main steps that you follow to create a job request. Individual steps are explained in further detail in the referenced procedures.

  1. Choose Manage Jobs from the Tools menu in the main console window.

  2. Type a unique name for the job in the Job Name field.

    The name should describe the job. For example, if the job is to load the Directory Monitoring module, the name could be Load Directory Monitoring.

  3. Specify the initial set of managed objects to which this job applies.

    • To apply this job to all objects within the current domain, select All Objects in Domain.

    • To select objects manually, select Selected Objects in Main Window.

      Note –

      You can select objects before you define the job. Alternately, you can go to the topology area of the main console window to select the objects now. In either case, you must select topology objects before you submit this job.

    • To use objects that were selected previously for this job, select Objects Previously Selected in Main Window.

      Note –

      This feature applies only to jobs that are being modified. For new jobs, this feature is unavailable and is dimmed.

  4. To limit the managed objects even further, specify a filter.

    • Click the New Filter button to limit this task to objects that use a specific operating system version, platform, or other specified criteria.

      The New Filter window appears from which you define the filter. See Using Filters for more information.

    • Choose a defined filter from the Filter menu.

  5. To see what objects would be selected by the defined filter, click Preview Objects.

  6. Specify the action for the job to execute.

    • Click New Task to define a task.

      The New Task window appears from which you define the task. See To Define a Task for more information.

    • Choose a defined task from the Task menu.

  7. Determine whether to run the job immediately or to schedule the job.

    • To run this job when you have finished defining it, click the radio button next to Run Job Immediately.

    • To schedule this job to run, click the radio button next to Schedule Job, then click Set Schedule to access the scheduling function.

      For more information about scheduling a job, see To Schedule a Job.

  8. To complete the definition of this job, click Add Job.

    Tip –

    To clear all fields in the job, click Reset Form.

ProcedureTo View Job Status

The Jobs section of the Manage Jobs window shows a brief status for current jobs.

  1. To view more detailed job status, select the job from the Jobs section of the Manage Jobs window.

  2. Click the View Log button.

    A window appears that displays detailed information about the selected job.

    Tip –

    If the View Log window is mostly empty, the job probably has not finished. Exit from the View Log window. Wait until the status in the Manage Jobs window no longer says “Running” before you reopen the View Log window.

    The View Log window provides the following information about the selected job:

    • The name, type, and description for the task

    • The domain in which the job was run

    • The date and time that the job was run

    • The overall job status

    • The length of time it took for the job to run

    • The user name of the user that requested the job

    • A list of managed objects to which the job applies

    • For each managed object in the job, information about job activities and status

  3. To view more information about the job status for a specific managed object, select the object in the Domain Object Status section of the View Log window.

    Specific information about the job status as it relates to the selected object appears in the Domain Object Status Details section of the window.

ProcedureTo Schedule a Job

A similar Scheduler window is used for defining schedules for module loading and enabling, group-related jobs, alarm monitoring, and Discovery requests.

  1. To set this job to begin on a day other than today, type a date in the Start Date field.

    To select a date from the calendar, click the date. To change the month, use the left and right arrows at the top of the calendar.

  2. Select an hour and minutes from the Start Time menu.

    Hours are based on a 24–hour clock. For example, 16:00 is the same as 4:00 PM.

    Note –

    You cannot schedule two jobs with MCP configuration tasks at the same time. If you are scheduling a job with an MCP configuration task, make sure the scheduled time is different from any previously scheduled jobs with MCP configuration tasks. If you schedule two jobs for the same time, the job scheduled first is executed. The second job scheduled for the same time is ignored.

  3. (Optional) Choose how often the action should occur from the Repeat Interval menu.

    You can schedule a task to occur more than once. For example, to schedule a task to run weekly, you would select Weekly.

    Note –

    Repeat Interval values differ by scheduling activity.

  4. (Optional) Select an appropriate time reference from the Repeat Interval menu. Then, type a number in the Repeat Interval field.

    You can run the action for a specific number of repeated intervals. For example, to run a task for the next two months, select Months from the Repeat Interval menu and type 2 in the Repeat Interval field.

    Note –

    Some time intervals, such as Weekly, do not allow you to specify Repeat Intervals. In those cases, you cannot type a value in the Repeat Interval field.

  5. Click OK to set this schedule.

ProcedureTo Suspend a Running Job Request

You can stop a job from running and restart the job later. For example, if you have major system maintenance that is going to be performed, you might want to temporarily disable some alarm processing.

  1. In the Manage Jobs window, select the task request that you want to suspend from the list of jobs.

  2. Click the Suspend Job button.

    • If the job is running, the value in the State column changes to Suspended.

    • If the job is not running (for example, the current State is Queued), nothing appears to happen.

  3. To restart a suspended job, select the job and click the Resume Job button.

ProcedureTo Delete a Job Request

  1. In the Manage Jobs window, select the job that you want to delete from the list of jobs.

  2. Click the Delete Job button.

    A Delete confirmation window appears to remind you that deleting the job is a permanent action.

  3. To permanently delete the job, click the Delete button.

Creating and Modifying Tasks

A task is the actual action that you want to have performed for the job. This section describes how to create, change, and delete tasks.

ProcedureTo Define a Task

  1. Choose Manage Jobs from the Tools menu in the main console window.

    The Manage Jobs window appears.

  2. Click New Task.

    The New Task window appears.

  3. Type a name for the task in the Task Name field.

    The task name should describe the task. For example, if you are defining a task to load a specific module, the task name might be Load Directory Monitoring Module.

  4. Select the type of task that you want to create from the Task Type menu.

    The task type that you select determines the remaining information on the New Task window.

  5. Follow the steps as appropriate for your task type.

    The following task types are available:

  6. (Optional) Type a description for this task.

  7. To confirm the definition of this task, click Add Task.

    You remain in the New Task window to define additional tasks.

    To redefine the task, click Clear Form.

  8. When you have finished defining your tasks, click Close to close the New Task window.

ProcedureTo Create a Module Task

A module task enables you to schedule the following actions for a group of modules:

Note –

A single module task can include module actions for several modules.

  1. In the New Task window, type a name for the task in the Task Name field.

    The task name should describe the task. For example, if you are defining a task to load a specific module, the task name might be Load Directory Monitoring Module.

  2. Choose Module from the Task Type menu.

  3. Choose a module name from the Module menu.

    If the selected module is a multi-instance module, a window appears in which you type the module instance name.

    The instance name is used within the Sun Management Center agent to identify uniquely a particular module or a row within a module. You must specify a unique name for each instance when multiple instances of the same module are loaded.

    An instance name is a single word or alphanumeric string. The only special character allowed in an instance name is the underscore (_).

  4. Choose an action to perform for this module from the Module Action menu.

    The following actions are available, depending on the current state of the selected module:

    • None – Enables you to modify the security for the selected module

    • Load – Loads the module

    • Enable – Enables the module

    • Disable – Disables the module

    • Unload – Unloads the module

    The action that you choose determines which buttons to the right of the module task table are active (bold font) or inactive (grayed out). In addition, the Load Parameters window appears automatically when you choose to load a module.

    • Load Parameters – Active only if Load is the selected Action

    • Set Schedule – Active if Load or Enable is the selected Action

    • Set Security – Active if Load or None is the selected Action

    • Delete Entry – Always active

  5. To define the load parameters for the module, click the Load Parameters button.

    The Module Loader window appears. Appropriate information is displayed for the selected module. For more information, see Chapter 11, Managing Modules.

    Note –

    This button is active only if Load is the selected action.

  6. To set a time to perform the requested module action, click the Set Schedule button.

    The Scheduler window appears, in which you define the schedule for loading and enabling this module. For more information, see To Schedule a Job.

    Note –

    You can also set the schedule for when the overall task is to be performed in the Manage Jobs window. The Scheduler window differs slightly when scheduling a module task as opposed to scheduling a job. For a module task, you must specify an end time. Also, you use slightly different Repeat Interval values for the module task.

    This button is active only if the selected action is either Load or Enable.

  7. To define security parameters for the selected module, click the Set Security button.

    The Attribute Editor window appears. Current security information is displayed for this module. For additional information about the Attribute Editor, see Chapter 10, Monitoring Data Property Attributes. For more information about security, see Chapter 18, Sun Management Center Security.

    Note –

    This button is active only if the selected action is either Load or None.

  8. (Optional) Because a module task can include actions for several modules, repeat the preceding five steps until you have identified all the modules and their associated actions for this task.

    Tip –

    To remove a module and its associated actions from the module list for this task, select the module and click Delete Entry.

  9. (Optional) Type a description for this task.

  10. To confirm the definition of this task, click Add Task.

    You remain in the New Task window to define additional tasks.

    To clear the data for the existing task so that you can define another task, click Reset Form.

  11. When you have finished defining your tasks, click Close to close the New Task window.

ProcedureTo Create a Data Property Task

A data property task enables you to set a threshold for a particular data property, for example alarm thresholds and actions, across a group of objects.

  1. In the New Task window, type a name for the task in the Task Name field.

    The task name should describe the task. For example, if you are defining a task to set some alarm thresholds, the task name might be Set threshold for memory usage alarm.

  2. Choose Data Property from the Task Type menu.

  3. Click Select Property.

    The Select Property window appears.

  4. Select a data property from the list.

    Note –

    The initial list of data properties is a hierarchical list. You need to expand the list several levels to get to an individual selectable data property.

    The content of the Select Property window differs according to the property that you select. The next series of steps explains the different possible items that you might need to specify.

    1. If there can be more than one instance of this module, type the instance name in the Module Instance field.

      The instance name is used within the Sun Management Center agent to identify uniquely a particular module or a row within a module.

      An instance name is a single word or alphanumeric string. The only special character allowed in an instance name is the underscore (_).

    2. If the data property can apply to more than one object of the same type, determine whether the task applies to all indices of the selected property or only to a specific index value of the selected property.

    3. To apply the task to a Specific Property Index, provide a unique value in the property index field.

      The labels and fields beneath the selection buttons differ according to the specific data property. In some instances, you might have one field in which you can enter one index. In other instances, you might have multiple fields in which to enter a range of index values.

      For example, if you choose the CPU Number data property and you have an environment in which you have several CPUs, you might want to apply the task only to a specific CPU number. If you do not specify an index, the property updates on all CPUs.

      On the other hand, if you choose the TCP Connection property, you have four fields in which to enter data. You must supply values in all four fields to enable this task.

  5. When you have provided all the information for this data property, click Apply.

    Continue to add properties until you have identified all the data properties that you want to use.

  6. To close the Select Property window, click Close.

    The data properties are added to the selected properties table. The Select Property window closes. You return to the New Task window.

  7. To define additional attributes for the specified data properties, select the data property entry in the table in the New Task window. Then, click Set Attributes.

    The Attribute Editor appears. You can define alarm, alarm action, refresh interval, or history log behavior. For more information, see Chapter 10, Monitoring Data Property Attributes and Chapter 12, Managing Alarms.

  8. To remove a data property from the selected properties table, select the data property entry in the table. Then, click Delete Entry.

    A confirmation window appears from which you can accept or reject the removal.

  9. (Optional) Type a description for this task.

  10. To confirm the definition of this task, click Add Task.

    You remain in the New Task window to define additional tasks.

    To clear the data for the existing task so that you can define another task, click Reset Form.

  11. When you have finished defining your tasks, click Close to close the New Task window.

ProcedureTo Create a Module Table Task

Some Sun Management Center modules can only monitor an entity once the data parameters for that entity have been made known to the module. For example, for the File Monitoring module to function appropriately, you need to identify several specific items:

A module table task enables you to add entries as table rows to a group of module tables.

  1. In the New Task window, type a name for the task in the Task Name field.

    The task name should describe the task. For example, if you are defining a task to monitor specific file, the task name might be Add monitoring for .cshrc file.

  2. Choose Table from the Task Type menu.

  3. Select the module to which this task applies from the Module Table menu.

    If the selected module is a multi-instance module, a window appears in which you type the module instance name.

  4. Add a row, or modify or delete a row.

    • To add a row to a table, choose Add Row from the Table Action menu, and provide required values in the Add Row window as needed.

      For example, you might need to provide a Name (for example, CheckLog), Description (for example, log file), and a Filename (for example, /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/sfix.log).

    • To modify a row in a table, choose Edit Row from the Table Action menu and modify values in the Edit Row window as needed.

      For example, you might need to change the name of the file that is being monitored.

      Note –

      The index value that you provide here must match an index value for an existing row in the table. If the value does not match, nothing will match to be modified.

    • To remove a row, choose Delete Row from the Table Action menu.

      In the Delete Row window, provide name, description, and file name information that exactly matches the row as the row currently exists in the table.

  5. (Optional) Type a description for this task.

  6. To confirm the definition of this task, click Add Task.

    You remain in the New Task window to define additional tasks.

    To clear the data for the existing task so that you can define another task, click Reset Form.

  7. When you have finished defining your tasks, click Close to close the New Task window.

ProcedureTo Create a Configuration Task

A Configuration task enables you to copy scripts and module configuration files from one host to another host or to a group of hosts.

Note –

To copy these files, you must be authorized as an Module Configuration Propagation (MCP) user. By default, any server esadm group member is an MCP user. To limit script propagation through MCP to specific users, you need to add users to the es-mcp-users file. To add users to the file, use the following command on the agent systems:

# es-config -m

  1. In the New Task window, type a name for the task in the Task Name field.

    The task name should describe the task. For example, if you are defining a task to copy just scripts from one host to several, the task name might be Copy scripts from myhost.

  2. Choose Configuration from the Task Type menu.

    The New Task window changes to display appropriate information for a Configuration task.

  3. Type the source host from which you want to copy in the Source Host Name field.

    The source host must be an agent in the current server context. You can identify the source host either by its name as known to the server or by its IP address.

  4. To define the files to be copied, click Edit File Set.

    The New File Set window appears.

    1. To add the configuration files for a specific module to be copied, select the module name from the list of Available Modules. Then, click Add.

      The selected module name moves from the list of Available Modules to the list of Selected Modules.

    2. To add a script to be copied, select the script name from the list of Available Scripts, then click Add.

      The selected script name moves from the list of Available Scripts to the list of Selected Scripts.

    3. When you have added all the modules and scripts that you want included in this set of files, click OK.

  5. To specify which parts of the source configuration are to be copied, click Set Options.

    The Set Options window contains a series of radio buttons, grouped by related pairs. You can select one option of a related pair. For example, you can use the module security settings either from the source host or the destination host, but not both.

    By default, the following options are selected:

    • Deploy to all destination hosts

    • Load on all destination hosts

    • Use module parameters on destination host

    • Use module schedule on source host

    • Use module security settings on source host

  6. When you have set the options, click OK to close the Set Options window.

  7. (Optional) Type a description for this task.

  8. To confirm the definition of this task, click Add Task.

    You remain in the New Task window to define additional tasks.

    To clear the data for the existing task so that you can define another task, click Reset Form.

  9. When you have finished defining your tasks, click Close to close the New Task window.

ProcedureTo Update the File Set for a Configuration Task

The data in the file set that is defined for a configuration task is stored on the server. Over time, the various files that comprise a file set on a given source host might change.

  1. From the Manage Jobs window, click New Task.

  2. Select the Configuration task for the source host for which you want to update data.

  3. Click the Synchronize File Set Content button.

    Note –

    This button is disabled until a file set is defined.

    The file set on the server is resynchronized with the file set on the source host.

    Note –

    Resynchronizing the file set does not propagate the changed contents. To distribute the changed file set to the target hosts, you must re-run the task.

ProcedureTo Create an Agent Update Task

An Agent Update task enables you to define and schedule software updates to agent systems.

  1. Create an Update Image file.

    Use the es-imagetool or es-gui-imagetool utilities as described in Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide.

  2. In the New Task window, type a name for the task in the Task Name field.

    The task name should describe the task. For example, if you are defining a task to install the latest version of the software on all agents, the task name might be Update agents to latest management center software.

  3. Choose Agent Update from the Task Type menu.

  4. Choose an image file from the Image File menu.

    Note –

    If choices in this menu are unavailable, there are no Update images defined. See Step 1.

    When you chose an image file, information about its contents appears in the Image Contents section of the New Task window.

  5. (Optional) Type a description for this task.

  6. To confirm the definition of this task, click Add Task.

    You remain in the New Task window to define additional tasks.

    To clear the data for the existing task so that you can define another task, click Reset Form.

  7. When you have finished defining your tasks, click Close to close the New Task window.

ProcedureTo Modify a Task

  1. In the Manage Jobs window, select New Task.

  2. In the New Task window, select the name of the task that you want to change in the Tasks list.

  3. Make the necessary changes.

    The task types are described in the following sections:

  4. To save your changes, click Update Task.

  5. To close the New Task window, click Close.

  6. To apply the changed task, click Update Job in the Manage Jobs window.

ProcedureTo Delete a Task

  1. In the Manage Jobs window, click New Task.

  2. In the New Task window, select the task that you want to delete from the list of Tasks.

  3. Click the Delete Task button.

    A Delete confirmation window appears to remind you that deleting the task is a permanent action.

  4. To permanently delete the task, click Delete.

  5. To exit from the New Task window, click Close.

Using Filters

Filters enable you to act on objects according to some criteria that you define, rather than having to explicitly select those objects.

ProcedureTo Define a Filter

  1. Click the New Filter button in the Manage Jobs window.

    The New Filter window appears.

  2. Type a name in the Filter Name field.

    This name should describe the filter, such as Solaris8.

    The next several steps explain how to define various filtering criteria. These criteria are used together to select the objects. For example, if you define a platform filter and an operating system filter, the managed object would need to match both criteria to be selected.

  3. To choose objects based on their labels, select Filter on Object Label and type a text string to be matched.

    To control the level of matching that occurs, use one of the following keywords:

    • Contains – Equivalent to *text*, matches any object whose label contains the specified string. Contains is the default behavior.

    • Starts with – Equivalent to text*, matches any object whose label starts with the specified string.

    • Ends with – Equivalent to *text, matches any object whose label ends with the specified string.

    Tip –

    For an exact match, type the text string, then click Exact Match.

  4. To choose objects based on the hardware platform, select Filter on Platform Types.

    1. Select the platform type from the list on the left.

    2. To add this type to the filtering criteria, click the Add button.

    3. To exclude rather than include objects based on the platform type, select Exclude.

    4. To remove a platform filter, select the platform type in the list on the right, then click the Remove button.

  5. To choose objects based on the operating environment, select Filter on Operating Systems.

    1. Select the operating environment from the list on the left.

      For example, to include all systems that are running Solaris 2.6, select SunOS 5.6.

    2. To add this operating environment to the filtering criteria, click the Add button.

    3. To exclude rather than include objects based on the operating environment, select Exclude.

    4. To remove an operating environment filter, select the operating environment from the list on the right. Then, click the Remove button.

  6. To choose objects based on the modules that are loaded on that system, select Filter on Modules Loaded.

    1. Select the module from the list on the left.

      For example, to include all systems on which the Kernel Reader is loaded, select Kernel Reader (Simple).

    2. To add this module to the filtering criteria, click the Add button.

    3. To exclude rather than include objects based on the loaded modules, select Exclude.

    4. To remove a module filter, select the module from the list on the right, then click Remove.

  7. To choose objects based on their IP addresses, click the box next to Filter on IP Addresses.

    1. Type an IP address from which to start including objects.

      For example, to include only those objects whose IP address is between and, you would type

    2. Type an IP address at which to stop including objects.

      For example, to include only those objects whose IP address is between and, you would type

  8. (Optional) Type a description for this filter.

  9. To confirm the definition of this filter, click Add Filter.

    You remain in the New Filter window to define additional filters.

    To clear the data for the existing filter so that you can define another filter, click Reset Form.

  10. When you have finished defining your filters, click Close to close the New Filter window.

ProcedureTo Modify a Filter

  1. In the Manage Jobs window, click the New Filter button.

  2. In the New Filter window, select the filter that you want to change in the Current Filters list.

  3. Make the necessary changes.

    See Using Filters for more information about filters.

  4. To save your changes, click Update Filter.

  5. To close the New Filter window, click Close.

  6. To apply the changed filter, click Update Job in the Manage Jobs window.

ProcedureTo Delete a Filter

  1. In the Manage Jobs window, click New Filter.

  2. In the New Filter window, select the task that you want to delete from the list of Current Filters.

    A deletion confirmation window appears to remind you that deleting the filter is a permanent action.

  3. To permanently delete the filter, click Delete.