Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Create a Data Property Task

A data property task enables you to set a threshold for a particular data property, for example alarm thresholds and actions, across a group of objects.

  1. In the New Task window, type a name for the task in the Task Name field.

    The task name should describe the task. For example, if you are defining a task to set some alarm thresholds, the task name might be Set threshold for memory usage alarm.

  2. Choose Data Property from the Task Type menu.

  3. Click Select Property.

    The Select Property window appears.

  4. Select a data property from the list.

    Note –

    The initial list of data properties is a hierarchical list. You need to expand the list several levels to get to an individual selectable data property.

    The content of the Select Property window differs according to the property that you select. The next series of steps explains the different possible items that you might need to specify.

    1. If there can be more than one instance of this module, type the instance name in the Module Instance field.

      The instance name is used within the Sun Management Center agent to identify uniquely a particular module or a row within a module.

      An instance name is a single word or alphanumeric string. The only special character allowed in an instance name is the underscore (_).

    2. If the data property can apply to more than one object of the same type, determine whether the task applies to all indices of the selected property or only to a specific index value of the selected property.

    3. To apply the task to a Specific Property Index, provide a unique value in the property index field.

      The labels and fields beneath the selection buttons differ according to the specific data property. In some instances, you might have one field in which you can enter one index. In other instances, you might have multiple fields in which to enter a range of index values.

      For example, if you choose the CPU Number data property and you have an environment in which you have several CPUs, you might want to apply the task only to a specific CPU number. If you do not specify an index, the property updates on all CPUs.

      On the other hand, if you choose the TCP Connection property, you have four fields in which to enter data. You must supply values in all four fields to enable this task.

  5. When you have provided all the information for this data property, click Apply.

    Continue to add properties until you have identified all the data properties that you want to use.

  6. To close the Select Property window, click Close.

    The data properties are added to the selected properties table. The Select Property window closes. You return to the New Task window.

  7. To define additional attributes for the specified data properties, select the data property entry in the table in the New Task window. Then, click Set Attributes.

    The Attribute Editor appears. You can define alarm, alarm action, refresh interval, or history log behavior. For more information, see Chapter 10, Monitoring Data Property Attributes and Chapter 12, Managing Alarms.

  8. To remove a data property from the selected properties table, select the data property entry in the table. Then, click Delete Entry.

    A confirmation window appears from which you can accept or reject the removal.

  9. (Optional) Type a description for this task.

  10. To confirm the definition of this task, click Add Task.

    You remain in the New Task window to define additional tasks.

    To clear the data for the existing task so that you can define another task, click Reset Form.

  11. When you have finished defining your tasks, click Close to close the New Task window.