Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo View a Message Article

The message article contains information such as the fault type, severity, description, impact, and suggested action. This article helps the user to take appropriate action for a specific fault.

  1. Navigate through the topology or hierarchy view until you have accessed the FMD Fault Events table of the Fault Manager module.

  2. Select a fault for which you want to view a message article.

  3. Press mouse button 3 and, from the pop-up menu, choose Show Message Article at

    A browser opens with a message article at the following site:<SUNW-MSG-ID>

    Where <SUNW-MSG-ID> is the message identifier and is the last column of the FMD Fault table.

    Note –

    The message article does not open in the browser if the Java Console is not installed on your system.