Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Streams Statistics Managed Objects Table

The following section provides the various Streams Statistics properties for the following managed objects:

The following table briefly describes the managed objects.

Table C–77 Streams Statistics Managed Objects



Stream Head Cache 

Kernel statistics for streams head cache 

Queue Cache 

Kernel statistics for queue cache 

Streams Msgs 

Kernel statistics for streams messages 

Linkinfo Cache 

Kernel statistics for link information cache 

Strevent Cache 

Kernel statistics for streams event cache 

Syncq Cache 

Kernel statistics for synoq cache 

Qband Cache 

Kernel statistics for qband cache 

All of the Streams Statistics managed objects have the same properties. The following table presents these common properties.

Table C–78 Streams Statistics Table Properties



The Name Of The Cache 

Name of the cache 

Current Usage (total - avail) 

Cache's current usage 

Maximum Capacity 

Maximum capacity of the cache 

Cumulative Total Of Allocations 

Number of total cache allocations 

Number of Allocation Failures 

Number of allocation failures 

Percent Used 

Percentage of cache used