Sun Management Center 3.6 Release Notes

Chapter 2 Runtime Issues

Issues include information that you should know about, such as, prerequisites, tips, troubleshooting hints, and bugs. Bugs are a subset of issues. Bugs have tracking numbers shown in parentheses. For updates on bugs and for patches, see the SunSolveSM web site at

Sun Management Center Bugs

Users Added Using es-config -u and es-config -l Are Removed When Agent Is Restarted (6336998)

Users added using es-config -u <username> and es-config -l <username> -M <modulename> -z snmpusercategory are removed automatically when the agent is restarted. This problem occurs for modules such as Kernel Reader Simple and Agent Statistics.

Workaround: Add the users manually by adding the slice:object=obj_value entry in the modulename.dat file present in /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg directory.

Sun Management Center Services Cause cryptosvc Service to Log Errors During Boot/Reboot of the System (6334872)

When Sun Management Center services attempt to come up after rebooting the system, they step onto cryptosvc service and kcfd daemon causing them to log errors in /var/adm/messages.

The following error messages might be displayed:

Oct  3 18:16:09 atqa32 lomv: 10/3/2005 23:16:9 GMT LOM time reference

Oct  3 18:16:13 atqa32 kcfd[106]: kcfd: elfsign_hash_mem_resident failed
to hash for /usr/lib/security/ sign or verify of ELF
object failed

Oct  3 18:16:13 atqa32 kcfd[106]: kcfd: elfsign_hash_mem_resident failed
to hash for /usr/lib/security/ sign or verify of ELF
object failed

Oct  3 18:16:13 atqa32 esd[1949]: libpkcs11:
/usr/lib/security/ signature verification failed. See
cryptoadm(1M). Skipping this plug-in.

Oct  3 18:16:13 atqa32 esd[1949]: libpkcs11:
/usr/lib/security/ signature verification failed. See
cryptoadm(1M). Skipping this plug-in.

Oct  3 18:16:13 atqa32 cfgserver[1949]: syslog   Oct 03 18:16:13
cfgserver     Unable to get pkcs session. Can not initialize snmp engine

Oct  3 18:16:13 atqa32 cfgserver[1949]: syslog   Oct 03 18:16:13
cfgserver     *** terminating execution ***

Workaround: Before rebooting the system, stop all Sun Management Center services using es-stop -A. When the system reboots, all services will come up without errors.

(Solaris 10) Sun Management Center Services Are Stopped During Boot (6336538)

On Solaris 10 systems, Sun Management Center agent services are stopped during boot.

The following error messages might be displayed:

Oct 12 09:19:59 atqa33 metadata[6245]: [ID 985908 daemon.alert] syslog

Oct 12 09:19:59 metadata      {received software termination signal}

Oct 12 09:19:59 atqa33 metadata[6245]: [ID 122441 daemon.alert] syslog

Oct 12 09:19:59 metadata      *** terminating execution ***

Oct 12 09:19:59 atqa33 event[27957]: [ID 652029 daemon.alert] syslog

Oct 12 09:19:59 event         {received software termination signal}

Oct 12 09:19:59 atqa33 event[27957]: [ID 721961 daemon.alert] syslog

Oct 12 09:19:59 event         *** terminating execution ***

Oct 12 09:19:59 atqa33 agent[28990]: [ID 651061 daemon.alert] syslog

Oct 12 09:19:59 agent         {received software termination signal}

Oct 12 09:19:59 atqa33 agent[28990]: [ID 891934 daemon.alert] syslog

Oct 12 09:19:59 agent         *** terminating execution ***

Workaround: Before rebooting the system, stop the services using es-stop -A. In this case, error messages are not logged into the syslog file.

Duplicate Entries in Sun Management Center Database (5051992)

Sun Management Center database can contain duplicate entries of hosts when one of the following scenarios occurs:


Follow these recommendations to avoid duplicate entries:

Individual Users Are Not Added to the ACL of the Server Support Module (4843429)

If you delete the esadm group from the ACLs of the agent and then add individual users to the ACL of the agent, the user is not automatically added to the ACL of the server support module. Because the server support module is not updated with the user, the server support module does not allow enabling or disabling of the Performance Reporting Manager. This message is displayed:

Unable to enable/disable PRM data collection on an agent with new user

Workaround: Add the esadm group to the ACL of the agent and then add the individual users to the esadm group.

Sun Management Center Incorrectly Reports That a Successful Agent Update Has Failed (4994784)

The Job Manager user interface shows Failed for a successful agent update operation. When the agent update operation is performed by using the Manage Jobs GUI (graphical user interface), the status of the operation is shown as successful or failed at two different levels.

The individual status is based on the status information that the host reports to the server through agent-to-server SNMP communication. The status might not be accurate under these conditions:

Workaround: Use the View Logs tab of the server host details window to see the InstallServer.log on the server host. The details of the operation are available in /var/opt/SUNWsymon/install/agent-update.log of each target host on which the operation is performed.

Sun Management Center Console Login Screen Does Not Accept Keyboard Input on Linux Machine With JDK 1.5 (6294368)

Workaround 1: Follow these steps:

  1. Minimize the login screen and restore.

  2. Type the input in the field that has the active cursor.

  3. Position the cursor in the next field.

  4. Minimize the login screen and restore.

  5. Type the input in that field.

Workaround 2: Use JDK 1.4 or compatible versions.

Log File of the Local Zone Agent Might Display Error Messages (6336955)

The error messages appear only for the Headspread value of the Health Monitor module.

The following error messages might be displayed:

error    Oct 14 15:20:49 agent         setNodeValue failed: cmd=setNodeValue 0 
1 bob39266, error=setNodeValueLeafScalar: Failed to set new value

error    Oct 14 15:20:49 agent         ClassMIBNode:setNodeValue 0 1 bob39266 - .

error    Oct 14 15:20:49 agent         ClassMIBNode:setNodeValue 0 1 bob39266 - 
setNodeValueLeafScalar: Failed to set new value
warning  Oct 14 15:21:32 agent         could not get value of RAM.memory.handspread  
in rule rhltm005 for node ram-rule in module health-monitor

Workaround: Ignore these error messages.

es-makeagent Does Not Add Localization Packages to the Agent Image (6336455)

Only packages in English language are present in the agent image created by the es-makeagent command. Consequently, installation from such an image will not support localization.

Workaround: Use es-inst or agent update.

MCP Does Not Work With Zone Agents (6342054)

When a zone agent is used as the base agent, Module Configuration Propagation (MCP) does not work with zone agents. Propagating the configuration data from MCP to a zone agent also fails.

The following error messages might be displayed:

The following error messages are logged in taskreq.log when MCP propagation with zone agent as base fails.

Http error : HTTP/1.1 404 File not found: 

The following error messages are logged in taskreq.log when MCP propagation to zone agent fails.

Operation mcp has failed on target:hostname:1161 Exception was thrown: 
can't open file /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/base-modules-d.dat.MCP

Workaround: Edit the /var/opt/SUNWsymon/zone-scripts-d.dat file of zone agent to include es-mcp-get and es-mcp-put script names.

es-config -F and es-config -P Fails to Restart Sun Management Center Services (2127050)

Sun Management Center services do not get restarted and the es-config script is not aborted.

Workaround: Instead of using es-config, edit the and files to configure the firewall port range between the server and the console.

Update the following lines in the /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/ file with minimum and maximum port information.



Update the following lines in the /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/ file with minimum and maximum port information.



SMF Module Does Not Support Grouping and MCP (6348537)

When you create a task for doing grouping/MCP, the Service Management Framework (SMF) module is not available for selection.

Workaround: If the server is a Solaris 10 system, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the following files on the server.

    # cp /opt/SUNWsymon/modules/cfg/smf-* /opt/SUNWsymon/mdr/modules/cfg/

    Note –

    If the server is a not a Solaris 10 system, copy these files from a Solaris 10 system (agent/server).

  2. Restart the Sun Management Center services.

    /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -A

    /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -A

  3. Type the following lines to ensure that an uninstallation would proceed smoothly.

    # installf SUNWessmn /opt/SUNWsymon/mdr/modules/cfg/smf-d.prc

    # installf SUNWessmn /opt/SUNWsymon/mdr/modules/cfg/smf-d.x

    # installf SUNWessmn /opt/SUNWsymon/mdr/modules/cfg/smf-m.x

    # installf SUNWessmn /opt/SUNWsymon/mdr/modules/cfg/smf-models-d.x

Sun Management Center Does Not Discover Hosts When Filter Criteria Is of Platform Types With Given IP Address Range (6341225)

Start the console and go to Tools -> Discover objects. Click Add request button and provide the IP address range in Start IP and End IP field. Check both the ports, say, 1161/ 1161( Agent port). Select the filters tab and select filter criteria as “Platform Types” and check “Include” button to include objects and start the request. When the request is succeeded, no host has been added. This means that hosts are not identified as given platform types in discovery cloud. When “Exclude” button is checked with the given IP address range, it includes the objects in discovery cloud.

Workaround: None.

Localization Bugs

GUI Setup: Next Button Is Enabled on Performance Reporting Manager Setup Progress Panel (5029528)

Clicking the Next button while the Performance Reporting Manager database is being set up might cause errors.

Workaround: Do not click the Next button while the Performance Reporting Manager database is being configured.

Netscape 4.7.x Displays Pages Incorrectly in Simplified Chinese Locales (zh_CN.GBK and zh_CN.GB18030) (4864462)

The page text in the Simplified Chinese locales, zh_CH.GBK and zh_CN.BG18030, is garbled when viewed in the NetscapeTM version 4.7.x browser.

Workaround: Specify a different browser as your default browser. The following browsers are known to work correctly in these locales:

Localization Messages Are Not Shown Inside a Non-Global Zone (6319999)

Sun Management Center is not localized inside a non-global zone. Due to this, localization messages are not shown for CLI commands such as es-setup, es-start, and es-stop.

Workaround: None.

Localization Is Not Supported for Last Entry in locale -a (6339359)

If the user's locale is the last entry in the output of locale -a, Sun Management Center is not localized for that user.

When the following two conditions are met, the user has this localization issue.

  1. The user sees the following message on the terminal after executing a command under <Install_image>/disk1/sbin or under /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin.

    “LANG=xxxxx is either not valid or not installed. Defaulting to C”

    xxxxx is the locale that the user set.

    This means that GUI or CLI messages are not localized but available only in English language.

  2. The locale that the user set for executing the above command is the last entry in the output of locale -a.

Workaround: Create a dummy locale which appears last in the locale -a output. Follow these steps:

  1. Become superuser by typing:

    % su -

  2. Go to locale directory by typing:

    cd /usr/lib/locale

  3. Create a copy of “C” locale directory to a name that will appear last in the output of locale -a.

    cp -r ./C ./zzzz

  4. Check the output of locale -a to verify that the new locale appears last.

Java Exceptions Are Thrown in Manage Jobs Dialog in French Locale (6346065)

Workaround: Task creation may fail when CST service is running. Use es-stop -x to stop CST service.

Volume System Monitoring (VSM) Bugs

Periods in the IP Address Are Misrepresented in the Rules Window (6335154)

Periods in the IP address in the VSM Rules window appear as '?2e'.

Navigate to VSM object -> Module Manager tab -> VSM module -> Click “Rules”. The Threshold Summary of Module window appears. The fields in the Attribute name list have an IP address in parenthesis. The periods in the IP address are misrepresented.

Workaround: None.

Spaces in the OS Version are Misrepresented in the Rules Window (6344665)

If the OS version in the OS table includes a space, this space is misrepresented in the Rules window.

Workaround: None.

Web Console Throws Apache Server Error for OS Object Table (6330990)

If the OS objects are not initialized, the web console displays the error page.

Workaround: Use Java Console to display the data.

Container Names Having Multibyte Strings are Misrepresented in the Console (6343127)

Assume that multibyte strings are used in container names that are created using the Sun N1TM System Manager (N1SM) GUI. In this case, the container names are misrepresented in the Sun Management Center Console at the following places in the host details window:

1. Module Browser tab -> Hardware -> VSM module -> VSM object -> Container object -> Container Name in the Containers Table

2. Module Manager tab -> VSM module -> Click “Rules” -> Attribute Name list

Workaround: Sun Management Center does not support multibyte strings in data fields. Hence, use ASCII characters for container names to integrate Sun Management Center with N1SM.

Hardware Diagnostic Suite Software Bugs

Hardware Diagnostic Suite enctest Might Not Report Power Supply Status (4908213)

A full Hardware Diagnostic Suite test on the enclosure for a Sun StorEdge D1000 might still report a noncritical error, such as a pulled power supply cable, even after the problem has been fixed.

Workaround: Restart the Sun Management Center agent connected to the Sun StorEdge D1000 system.

Incorrect Error Message Displayed if JAVA_HOME Path Is Set to Value Longer Than 80 Characters (4854768)

If the JAVA_HOME path is set to a value longer than 80 characters, the following incorrect error message is displayed:

Could not start Hardware service

You can check that the Hardware Diagnostic Suite is running by typing:

% ps -ef | grep HWDS

Workaround: Ignore this error message. The Hardware Diagnostic Suite starts correctly.

Hardware Diagnostic Suite Runs Improperly Inside a Local Zone (6337001)

Hardware Diagnostic suite is expected to run only inside a global zone. Due to a bug in the setup scripts of Sun Management Center, Hardware Diagnostic Suite runs improperly inside a local zone.

Workaround: Do not run the Hardware Diagnostic Suite inside a local zone.

Performance Reporting Manager Software Bugs

Problem With Java Service Causes Performance Reporting Manager to Fail to Collect Agent Data (4855306)

If 15 or more Performance Reporting Manager report requests are scheduled to run at the same time, you might encounter one or more of the following problems after the software has been running for a period of time:

For some of the previously mentioned problems, the console might display the following error message when you launch the Manage Jobs GUI:

Task Service is not available

Similarly, for some of these problems, the console might display the following error message when you launch the Report Manager GUI:

Report Service is not available

Workaround: When you encounter this problem, stop and restart your server components. Type the following commands:

# es-stop -A

# es-start -A

To avoid this problem, do not schedule more than 15 report requests to run at the same time. Space the run time of scheduled requests over a period of time. For example, if you have 20 requests required to run every hour, split the requests into two separate batches, each containing 10 requests. Schedule the batches to run at 15–minute intervals. Do not schedule the batches to run at the same time.

Alarms Reports Not Filtered Correctly When All Hosts Option Is Selected (4788475)

Alarms logged against agent machines are not filtered correctly in Alarms Reports when the All Hosts option is selected and a filter is specified.

When the All Hosts option is selected along with a filter, the specified filter criteria are applied to all the alarms that are logged for all the hosts. The filtered alarms are returned in the report output. Additionally, the report includes any Agent Not Responding alarms and Host Not Responding alarms from all monitored hosts. The specified filter criteria are not applied to such alarms.

Workaround: This problem can be avoided by explicitly specifying host names for Alarms reports. Choose from the following workarounds:

Service Availability Manager Software Bugs

Empty Cell Values for IMAP4 Modules on x86 Systems (5032172)

Rows added to the Service Measurement table of the Service Element for IMAP4 and Synthetic Transaction for IMAP4 modules come up with empty (zero) cell values. Adding rows after these modules have been unloaded and reloaded fails with the following message:

Row with following index exists:nnn

The bug might cause the Service Element for IMAP4 and Synthetic Transaction for IMAP4 modules to fail on x86 systems.

Workaround: Ensure that a Synthetic Transaction for IMAP4 module is loaded on a SPARC agent host to monitor IMAP services running on x86. The loaded module needs to be configured to probe the IMAP service on the x86 system.

Modify Service Object Dialog Box Might Not Accept Characters on Microsoft Windows 2000 Systems (4738717)

The Modify Service Object dialog box on a Microsoft Windows 2000 system might not accept characters in certain text fields when you are running the Java runtime environment, version 1.3.1 to version 1.4.0. When you attempt to change the service type value from the default of HTTP, characters provided for the Hostname and Instance text fields are not accepted.

Note –

This problem does not occur if you are running the Java runtime environment version 1.4.1.

Workaround: Before using the Modify Service Object dialog box, install the Java runtime environment version 1.4.1 on Microsoft Windows 2000 systems.

Add-On Config Readers Bugs

es-validate Command Reports Inconsistent Version Numbers Between English and Other Language Installations (6331558)

Localization packages for Entry-Level Platform (ELP), Netra, Desktop/Workstation, and Workgroup Server add-on software are not updated in this release because no change is needed from the previous release.

Workaround: None.

PICL Might Not Interpret Some System Configuration Changes on Low-End and Midrange Systems (6243759)

This issue occurs in the ELP, Netra, and Desktop/Workstation config readers.

On Netra 240/440/T4, Sun Blade 100, and Sun Fire V240 servers that use Solaris 10 software, Platform Information and Control Library (PICL) might not interpret some system configuration changes after initialization, such as the bge1-bge3 drivers. The instances for these drivers are reflected in the output of the prtconf -v command but not in the output of the prtpicl -v command.

Workaround: Realign PICL with the prtconf utility by issuing the svcadm restart picl command.

Entry-Level Platform (ELP) Bugs

Sun XVR-1200 Graphics Accelerator Could Be Incorrectly Listed as XVR-500 in Sun Blade 2500 Systems (4856644)

The Sun XVR-1200 Graphics Accelerator might incorrectly use the same device name as the Sun XVR 500 graphics accelerator. Thus, the Sun XVR-1200 would be listed as XVR-500 in the Expansion Card Table and Physical View on Sun Blade 2500 systems.

Workaround: To verify if the graphics accelerator is listed correctly, check the IO Devices section of the output of the /usr/platform/<i>platform-name</i>/sbin/prtdiag command. In this command, <i>platform-name</i> must be replaced with the entire output of the uname -i command on your system.

Physical Component Descriptions Not Displayed on Sun Fire V440 and Netra 240/440 Servers (6289784)

The physical component descriptions of the Entry-Level Platforms Config Reader incorrectly display “--” as Model Name, Part Number, Version, and Serial Number on Sun Fire V440 servers with Solaris 9 4/04 and Solaris 10 software installed.

Workaround: None.

Using the psradm Command to Take CPUs Offline Fails to Generate an Alarm (6296273)

An alarm is not generated by the agent when a CPU is taken offline with the psradm -f command. Additionally, when the CPU is brought back online, the Processors table does not immediately update the CPU as online.

Workaround: To see an updated status, click other tables in the GUI and then click the table of interest. A default refresh interval updates all the tables once an hour.

Physical View Does Not Display the CD/DVD Drive on Sun Fire V240 Servers (6300856)

The Physical View of Sun Fire V240 servers with Solaris 8 software installed does not display the CD/DVD drive. Information similar to the following is displayed:

sd30  Soft Errors: 0 Hard Errors: 2 Transport Errors: 0

Vendor: TEAC  Product: DV-28E-C   Revision: 1.4B Serial No:

Size: 18446744073.71GB <-1 bytes>

Media Error: 0 Device Not Ready: 2 No Device: 0 Recoverable: 0

Illegal Request: 0 Predictive Failure Analysis: 0

Workaround: None.

Physical View Incorrectly Displays Two CPU Fans on Sun Blade 2500 Workstations (6308577)

On Sun Blade 2500 workstations with one CPU, the physical view incorrectly displays two CPU fans. This issue also results in a blue alarm for the nonexistent second CPU fan with Operational Status “Lost Comms.” in the Config Reader's Physical Components/Fans table.

Workaround: None.

Critical Temperature Values Might not Trigger Alarms on Sun Fire 1500 Workstations Due to Incomplete Config Reader Information (6297620)

The Environmental Sensors/Temperature Sensors table on Sun Blade 1500 workstations lists only the Ambient and Die CPU temperature sensors. The sys-in Ambient temperature sensor is not listed in the table, which could result in critical temperatures not triggering alarms. All of these temperature readings are listed in the PICL output.

Workaround: None.

Critical Temperature Values Might not Trigger Alarms on Sun Fire 2500 Workstations Due to Incomplete Config Reader Information (6298965)

The Environmental Sensors/Temperature Sensors table of the ELP config reader on Sun Blade 2500 workstations lists only the Ambient-0 CPU Die, and hard-disk temperature sensors. The sys-in, sys-out, and Ambient-1 temperature sensors are not listed in the table, which could result in critical temperatures not triggering alarms. All of these temperature readings are listed in the PICL output.

Workaround: None.

Disk Count on ELP Platforms Incorrectly Includes the CD/DVD Drive (6307965)

On all ELP platforms, the Total Disks in the Hardware Summary of the Hardware tab (the System node property value for Total Disks) incorrectly includes the CD/DVD drive. Thus, on ELP platforms with four disks and an optical drive, the Disk Count displays 5.

Workaround: None.

Physical View on Sun Blade 2500 Workstations Incorrectly Indicates PCI Slots as Populated (6316693)

On Sun Blade 2500 workstations, the rear view of the Physical View incorrectly indicates PCI card slots as populated. For example, on a system with only one PCI card in slot 5, the rear view indicates that slots 0, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are populated. However, none of the nonexistent card images are highlighted when the mouse is moved over them. Only the image for the slot with the card inserted (5 in this example) is correctly highlighted.

Workaround: Move the mouse over the slots indicated as populated to verify that they are actually populated. The correctly populated slot is highlighted when the mouse is moved over it.

Physical View on Sun Blade (Silver) Platforms Might Not Display Accurate Chassis Colors (6210876)

The Sun Management Center supplement for Sun Blade 1500/2500 (Silver) platforms leverages the existing Sun Blade 1500/2500 (Red) implementation. Thus, some of the images that are displayed in the Topology View and the platform Physical View might not match the actual physical colors of the Silver platforms.

In addition, the System-Side Physical View, which displays the Motherboard and other internal components for the Sun Blade 2500 (Silver) platform, also does not display the DIMM Duct or the Disk Fan assembly.

Workaround: None.

Sun Fire High-End and Midrange Systems Bugs

For information about these bugs, see Sun Management Center 3.5 Version 6 Release Notes for Sun Fire High-End Systems and Sun Management Center 3.5 Version 6 Release Notes for Sun Fire Midrange Systems.

Sun Fire T2000 Bugs

No Indication That the Service Processor Offlined a CPU Prior to Boot on Sun Fire T2000 Systems (6318168)

When a CPU is offlined by the service processor, the CPU's status is not recorded by Sun Management Center. Sun Management Center does record and indicate when a CPU is offlined by the operating system with the psradm command.

Workaround: Use the showcomponents command on the service processor to view CPUs that have been offlined prior to boot.

LED Images for SYS/LOCATE and SYS/SERVICE Appear in Wrong Location on Sun Fire T2000 Systems (6323669)

LED images for SYS/LOCATE and SYS/SERVICE appear in the wrong location of the rear chassis view. The physical placement of these images is between the system controller serial management port and USB ports on Sun Fire T2000 systems.

Workaround: None.

Fan Tray Images for FT0/F0 and FT0/F2 Appear Reversed on Sun Fire T2000 Systems (6323674)

In the top view of Physical View, fan tray images for FT0/F0 and FT0/F2 appear reversed. The descriptions of each fan contradict their image locations when viewed from the front.

Workaround: None.

Erroneous Number of Processors Reported in Some Tables on Sun Fire T2000 Systems (6327350)

The number of processors that is reported in the System table and Hardware Summary table might not match the number of entries of processors listed in the Processors table. The information in the Processors table is correct.

Workaround: None.

Locations of Ethernet Ports in Physical View Do Not Match the Descriptive Locations on Sun Fire T2000 Systems (6327987)

The physical locations of some Ethernet ports in the System-Rear chassis image of Physical View do not match their descriptive locations.

Workaround: None.

Unpopulated Memory Module Slots Print Junk Text in SEEPROM Information Fields on Sun Fire T2000 Systems (6328269)

On Sun Fire T2000 systems, unpopulated memory slots might cause the system to attempt to read the SEEPROM information. As a result, garbled text appears in the following fields:

Workaround: None.

Descriptions for Numeric Voltage Sensors Incorrectly Switched (6328444)

The descriptions for the Numeric Voltage Sensors IOBD/V_+3V3MAIN and IOBD/V_+3V3STBY are switched in the Numeric Voltage Sensors Table.

Workaround: None.

Sun Management Center Displays an Incorrect Platform Name for Sun Fire T2000 Systems (6321787)

Sun Management Center incorrectly displays Sun-Fire-T200 as the platform name for Sun Fire T2000 systems. The Sun Fire T2000 system controller correctly displays Sun-Fire-T2000 as the platform name.

Workaround: None.

Physical View of the ELP Config Reader on Sun Fire T2000 Systems Does Not Display DIMM Location or Correct Status (6334131)

On Sun Fire T2000 systems, the ELP config reader does not display the DIMM memory devices in the Physical View and will not communicate an ERROR status when appropriate for each DIMM. The only operational status that is reported for DIMMs is OK or NOT PRESENT.

Workaround: None.

Netra Bugs

PICL Daemon Must Be Restarted After Dynamic Reconfiguration (6247392)

After a dynamic reconfiguration (DR) operation with the cfgadm command on a system board with Solaris 10, several values in the config reader tables are either not displayed, or are displayed as '--'. The following config reader table entries are affected:

The Hardware Summary and Physical View are also affected. The values for the Hardware Summary are displayed as '--' and the Physical View does not display the graphics for the system.


Restart the PICL daemon after a DR operation with the following commands:

For Solaris 8 and 9 systems:

% /etc/init.d/picld stop

% /etc/init.d/picld start

For Solaris 10 systems:

% svcadm restart svc:/system/picl:default

PICL Daemon Must Be Restarted After Dynamic Reconfiguration of DC PSU Type D142 on Netra 1280 Servers (6247392)

The PICL daemon is not updated after a DC PSU Type D142 is dynamically reconfigured on Netra 1280 servers.

Workaround: Restart the PICL daemon after a DR operation with the following commands:

For Solaris 8 and 9 systems:

% /etc/init.d/picld stop

% /etc/init.d/picld start

For Solaris 10 systems:

% svcadm restart svc:/system/picl:default

DC Power Supply Fields A and B Reversed (6277372)

Reports for the DC Power supply fields A and B are incorrectly reversed. If A is faulty and B is OK, Sun Management Center reports that B is faulty and that A is OK and vice versa.

Workaround: None.

Internal Devices Not Detected During Dynamic Reconfiguration Operations (6326558)

Internal devices such as disk and network are not detected during the removal process of DR operations on Solaris 10 systems.

Workaround: Restart the PICL daemon after a DR operation with the following command:

% svcadm restart picl

The workaround might not enable the agents that run on Solaris 10 systems to detect when the removal, insertion, or reconfigure operations of internal devices (disks, network) occurred.

Desktop/Workstation Bugs

Physical View of Sun Blade 1000 and 2500 Workstations Might Display Disks and Disk Labels Incorrectly (6288842)

On Sun Blade 1000 and 2500 workstations with two disks, the Physical View might display only the bottom disk and also might label the disk incorrectly. For example, the bottom disk could be labeled c0t3d0 instead of c0t1d0.

Workaround: None.

Physical View of Sun Blade 100 Workstations Might Not Display DIMM Memory Devices (6289568)

The DIMMs table of the config reader displays “--” for the Socket Number column entries on Sun Blade 100 workstations with Solaris 8 2/02 or Solaris 8 2/04 software installed. The missing entries prevent the top view of the Physical View from displaying DIMM memory devices.

Workaround: None.

Workgroup Server Bugs

Red Alarms Occur on Sun Fire 280R Servers Due to Temporary Indeterminate Status of DIMMs and Fans (6326476)

On Sun Fire 280R Servers with Solaris 10 software installed, red alarms occur for approximately five minutes after the agent starts. The red alarms are triggered from the DIMMs and Fans tables of the Config Reader because the status of the DIMMs and fans is temporarily indeterminate.

When the red alarms are on, the top, front, and rear views of the Physical View do not display any components and display the chassis only.

Workaround: None.

Sun Fire V490 and Sun Fire V890 Servers Not Displayed as Supported in the Config Reader Module (6287829)

The Module description for the Config Reader Module for workgroup servers does not include the Sun Fire V490 and the Sun Fire V890 servers as supported platforms apart from Sun Fire 280R, Sun Fire V480, and Sun Fire V880 servers already present.

You can display this description by clicking mouse button 3 on Config Reader and selecting Attribute Editor in the Module Browser window.

Workaround: None.

Selecting the Alarm Tab on Sun Fire V880 and Sun Fire V480 Servers Causes Alarm Alert Messages (6317433)

On Sun Fire V880 and Sun Fire V480 servers with two objects, an Alarm Alert message similar to the following appears when you select the Alarm Tab on the discovered object.

The following alert message might be displayed:

Unable to get event management information from agent. Agent was busy or down. Will default to local event manager.

Most likely, this alert message is incorrect and the agent is working properly.

Clicking OK causes the alarm tab table to default to local event management. If the detail window of the discovered object is closed and opened again, clicking the alarm tab causes the same alert message to be displayed.

Workaround: None.

Incorrect Processor Type in Hardware Rules Table of Sun Fire V890 Servers on Solaris 10 (6318026)

Sun Fire V890 servers are shipped with UltraSparc-IV processors. However, the Property column of the Hardware Rules table incorrectly displays “Correctable Memory Error, Ultra Sparc III” and “I/O Correctable Error, Ultra Sparc III” as the processor type.

Workaround: None.