Sun Management Center 3.6 Release Notes

Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide Issues

Missing Information for the setAlarmAction Command

The information about setting up email alerts for an alarm is missing in the description of the setAlarmAction command. The missing information is as follows:

To set up email alerts for an alarm, the command format can either be command=”<email-id>:<message>” or command=”email:<email-id>:<message>”.

Correct Syntax of the help Command

The syntax of the help command is incomplete. The correct syntax is as follows:

help [-e] [<command>|about|legal]


-e displays the help text in extensive mode. The following format is also supported: <command> -e.

-h displays the help text in normal mode. The following format is also supported: <command> -h.

about displays the version information about CLI.

legal displays the licensing terms of the CLI.