Sun Management Center 3.6 Performance Reporting Manager User's Guide

ProcedureTo Remove the Performance Reporting Manager Software

Note –

From a Microsoft Windows system, start the uninstall process from C:>\Program Files\SUNWsymon\SunMC3.5\SunMCUninst.bat.

  1. As superuser (su -), start the uninstall wizard by typing:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-guiuninst

    where /opt is the directory in which Sun Management Center is installed. Substitute the name of the actual directory if it is different on your system.

    The Sun Management Center uninstall wizard appears.

  2. Select Performance Reporting Manager from the list of software, and click Next.

  3. Indicate whether to preserve the data files, and click Next.

    The Performance Reporting Manager packages and configuration files are removed. If you chose not to preserve the data files, these files are removed as well.

  4. Click Close to exit the wizard.