C H A P T E R  6

Graphs and Gauges

The Sun MAT software can graphically display some of the data it collects from the regions it is monitoring. Data can be displayed as a graph or a gauge.

Creating Graphs

Graphs are time-based displays of one or more datapoints.

procedure icon  To Create a Graph

1. On the Sun MAT main window menu bar, choose Chart.

The drop-down menu contains two items, New Graph and New Gauge.

 FIGURE 6-1 Chart Menu

Screen shot showing the Chart menu. The options are New Graph and New Gauge.

2. From the drop-down menu, choose New Graph.

The Configure the Graph dialog box is displayed. It has two tabs: General and Data.

 FIGURE 6-2 Graph Configuration--General Tab

Screen shot showing the General tab of the Configure the Graph dialog box.

Note - The Configure the Graph dialog can also be displayed by selecting Graph right arrow Configure the Graph from the graph window. FIGURE 6-4 shows an example of a graph window.

3. On the General tab, set the display values for the graph.

These values remain in force for all graphs until you change them.

a. In the Title field, type the name of the graph.

b. In the Vertical Axis area, select either Automatic or Manual.

c. In the Horizontal Axis area, type the time period in minutes that will be displayed on the graph.

d. Select whether to display a horizontal grid on the graph.

e. Select whether to display the key for the graph.

4. Click the Data tab to display its contents.

The Data tab is used to specify the statistics that will be graphed from the available regions. When you configure a graph for the first time, the Charted Statistic area is empty. See FIGURE 6-3.

 FIGURE 6-3 Graph Configuration--Data Tab

Screen shot showing the Data tab of the Configure the Graph dialog box.

5. On the Data tab, choose the data you want to graph:

a. Click the drop-down arrow to select a region.

The region drop-down list shows all of the regions that are currently being monitored.

b. Click the drop-down arrow to select a statistic.

You can choose Transaction Rate, Active Tasks, Users, or Transactions Waiting from the list.

c. Click the drop-down arrow to select a transaction class defined in the region or to select all transaction classes.

6. Click the Add Statistic button to add the data statistic you just defined to the Charted Statistic list.

To remove a statistic, select it, and click the Remove Statistic button.

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to add other statistics to your graph.

8. Click OK to commit the changes you made to the configuration window and display the graph.

See FIGURE 6-4 for an example of a graph.

The Graph Window

The following figure shows a graph of transaction rates for the MTP800 region over a five-minute period. The graph displays the overall transaction rate and the transaction rates for the TCLASS1 and KIXDFLT transaction classes.

 FIGURE 6-4 Graph Window--Example

Screen shot showing an example of a graph.

The graph window menu has two items: Window and Graph, which have the following options:

As you make changes in the Configure the Graph dialog, the changes are dynamically displayed on the graph window. If you click OK, the changes are committed. If you press Cancel, all changes made in the current configuration session are backed out.

Creating Gauges

A gauge is a dynamic display of one or more datapoints that is not time-based.

procedure icon  To Create a Gauge

1. On the Sun MAT main window menu bar, choose Chart.

The drop-down menu contains two items, New Graph and New Gauge.

 FIGURE 6-5 Chart Menu

Screen shot showing the Chart Menu. The ptions are New Graph and New Gauge.

2. From the drop-down menu, choose New Gauge.

The Configure Gauge dialog box is displayed. It has two tabs: General and Data.

 FIGURE 6-6 Gauge Configuration--General Tab

Screen shot showing the General tab of the Configure the Gauge dialog box.

Note - The Configure the Gauge dialog can also be displayed by selecting Gauge right arrow Configure the Gauge from the gauge window. FIGURE 6-8 shows an example of a gauge window.

3. On the General tab, set the display values for the gauge.

These values remain in force for all gauges until you change them.

a. In the Title field, type the name of the gauge.

b. In the Vertical Axis area, select either Automatic or Manual.

c. Select whether to display a horizontal grid on the gauge.

d. Select whether to display the key for the gauge.

e. Select whether to display the gauge three-dimensionally (3D check box).

4. Click the Data tab to display its contents.

The Data tab is used to specify the statistics that will be displayed from the available regions. When you configure a gauge for the first time, the Charted Statistic area is empty.

 FIGURE 6-7 Gauge Configuration--Data Tab

Screen shot showing the Data tab of the Configure the Gauge dialog box.

5. On the Data tab, choose the data you want to display:

a. Click the drop-down arrow to select a region.

The region drop-down list shows all of the regions that are currently being monitored.

b. Click the drop-down arrow to select a statistic.

You can choose Transaction Rate, Active Tasks, Users, or Transactions Waiting from the list.

c. Click the drop-down arrow to select a transaction class defined in the region or to select all transaction classes.

6. Click the Add Statistic button to add the data statistic you just defined to the Charted Statistic list.

To remove a statistic, select it, and click the Remove Statistic button.

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to add other statistics to your gauge.

8. Click OK to commit the changes you made to the configuration dialog and display the gauge.

See FIGURE 6-8 for an example of a gauge.

The Gauge Window

The following figure shows a 3D gauge of transaction rates for the MTP800 region. The gauge displays the overall transaction rate and the transaction rates for the TCLASS1 and KIXDFLT transaction classes.

 FIGURE 6-8 Gauge Window

Screen shot showing an example of a gauge.

The gauge window menu has two items: Window and Gauge, which have the following options:

As you make changes in the Configure the Gauge dialog, the changes are dynamically displayed on the gauge window. If you click OK, the changes are committed. If you press Cancel, all changes made in the current configuration session are backed out.