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System Administrationsetkeyswitch(1m)


 setkeyswitch - change the position of the virtual keyswitch


 setkeyswitch -d domain_indicator [-q] [-y|-n] position
 setkeyswitch -h



setkeyswitch(1M) changes the position of the virtual keyswitch to the specified value. setkeyswitch is responsible for powering on or powering off boards and bringing up a domain. See the OPERANDS section for more information.

If the domain specified contains a board in the automatic system recovery (ASR) blacklist file, an error message is displayed, setkeyswitch skips power on of that board and setkeyswitch continues.

The state of each virtual keyswitch is maintained between power cycles of the system controller (SC) or physical power cycling of the power supplies by the pcd(1M). Use showkeyswitch to display the current position of a virtual keyswitch.



The following options are supported.

Note – The -y and -n are optional arguments to the setkeyswitch(1M) command. If one of these optional arguments is not provided, setkeyswitch prompts you for confirmation when changing from the on, diag, or secure position to the off or standby position.
-d domain_indicator
Specifies the domain using one of the following:

domain_id - ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are A-R and are not case sensitive.

domain_tag -- Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M).

Help. Displays usage descriptions. Note – Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.
Automatically answers no to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.
Quiet. Suppresses all messages to stdout including prompts.

When used alone -q defaults to the -n option for all prompts.

When used with either the -y or the -n option, -q suppresses all user prompts and automatically answers with either 'y' or 'n' based on the option chosen.

Automatically answers yes to all prompts. Prompts are displayed unless used with the -q option.



The following operands are supported:

Valid position operands are:
From the off or standby position, on powers on all boards assigned to the domain (if not already powered on). Then the domain is brought up. From the diag position, on is nothing more than a position change and does not affect a running domain.

From the secure position, on restores write permission to the domain.

From the on, diag, or secure position, standby optionally displays a confirmation prompt. If you answer `yes' then it determines if the domain is in a suitable state to be reset and deconfigured (for example, the OS is not running).

If the domain is in a suitable state to be reset and deconfigured, then setkeyswitch resets and deconfigures all boards assigned to the domain.

If not, then prior to the reset and deconfiguration, setkeyswitch gracefully shuts down the domain.

From the off position, standby powers on all boards assigned to the domain (if not already powered on).

From the on, diag, or secure position, off optionally displays a confirmation prompt. If you answer `yes' then it determines if the domain is in a suitable state to be powered off (for example, the OS is not running).

If the domain is in a suitable state to be powered off, then setkeyswitch powers off all boards assigned to the domain.

If not, then setkeyswitch aborts and logs a message to the domain log.

From the standby position, off powers off all the boards in the domain.

From the off or standby position, diag powers on all boards assigned to the domain (if not already powered on). Then the domain is brought up just as in the on position, except that POST is invoked with verbosity and diagnostic levels set to, at least, their defaults.

From the on position, diag results in nothing more than a position change, but upon automatic system recovery (ASR) of the domain, POST is invoked with verbosity and diagnostic levels set to, at least, their defaults.

From the secure position, diag restores write permission to the domain and upon ASR, post is invoked with verbosity and diagnostic levels set to, at least, their defaults. For more information on ASR, refer to Chapter 6, "Domain Control," in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.4.1 Administrator Guide.

From the off or standby position, secure powers on all boards assigned to the domain (if not already powered on). Then the domain is brought up just as in the on position, except that the secure position removes write permission to the domain; for example, flashupdates and resets will not work.

From the on position, secure removes write permission to the domain (as previously described).

From the diag position, secure removes write permission to the domain (as previously described).



Group Privileges Required


You must have domain administrator privileges for the specified domain to run this command.

Refer to Chapter 2, "SMS Security Options and Administrative Privileges" in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.4.1 Administrator Guide for more information.


 Example 1. Setting Keyswitch on Domain A On
sc0:sms-user:> setkeyswitch -d A on
Example 2. Using Keyswitch on a Domain Containing a Board in the ASR Blacklist File
sc0:sms-user:> setkeyswitch -d A on
SB0 is in the ASR Blacklist.



The following exit values are returned:

Successful completion.
An error occurred.



The following file is used by this command:

List of components excluded by esmd.

Note – This file is created and used internally and should not be edited manually.



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute TypesAttribute Values



addtag(1m), esmd(1m), flashupdate(1m), pcd(1m), reset(1m), showkeyswitch(1m)

SMS 1.4.1Go To TopLast Changed 19 September 2003