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System Administrationshowboards(1m)


 showboards - show the assignment information and status of the boards


 showboards [-d domain_indicator] [-v ]
 showboards [-d domain_indicator] -c
 showboards -h



showboards(1M) displays board assignments and board status, including the clock source and status for all boards . If domain_id or domain_tag is specified, this command displays which boards are assigned or available to the given domain. The information displayed also indicates whether a board is a Capacity on Demand (COD) board.

If the -v option is used, showboards displays all components, including domain configuration units (DCUs) such as CPUs, MCPUs, HPCI, HPCI+s, and WPCI; as well as the system controller (SC), that are not DCUs.



The following options are supported:

-d domain_indicator
Specifies the domain using one of the following:

domain_id - ID for a domain. Valid domain_ids are A-R and are not case sensitive.

domain_tag - Name assigned to a domain using addtag(1M).

Clock source. Displays the clock source and status for all system, expander, I/O, and centerplane support boards. See example 6.

If a domain is specified (with the -d option), the -c option displays the clock information only for the system and I/O boards accessible by that domain.

Help. Displays usage descriptions. Note – Use alone. Any option specified in addition to -h is ignored.
Verbose. Displays all components including DCUs.



Group Privileges Required


You must have platform administrator, platform operator, platform service privileges or domain administrator, or domain configurator privileges for the specified domain to run this command.

Refer to Chapter 2, "SMS Security Options and Administrative Privileges" in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.4.1 Administrator Guide for more information.

Platform administrator privileges:

  • If no options are specified, showboards displays all components including those DCUs that are assigned or available.
  • If domain_id or domain_tag is specified, showboards displays information on DCUs that are assigned and available to that domain. DCUs assigned to other domains are not displayed.
  • If the -v option is provided, showboards displays information on all assigned or available DCUs. In addition, showboards displays information on all other components.
  • If domain_id or domain_tag and the -v option are specified, showboards displays information on DCUs that are assigned or available to that domain. In addition, showboards displays information on all other components. DCUs assigned to other domains are not displayed.

Domain administrator/configurator privileges:

  • If no options are specified, showboards displays all boards for all domains for which you have privileges, including those DCUs that are assigned or available.
  • If domain_id or domain_tag is specified, showboards displays information on DCUs that are assigned or available to that domain. DCUs assigned to other domains are not displayed. Available DCUs are those boards that are in the domain's available component list. See setupplatform(1M) and showplatform(1M). You must have domain administrator or configurator privileges for the specified domain.
  • The -v option is not available to this user.

Status Fields Displayed


This section describes status information displayed in the showboards command output.

The Pwr field contains one of five measurements:
OnFull voltage detected.
OffNo voltage detected.
MinSome voltage detected.
UnkUnknown. Unable to determine board power on state.
--The slot is empty so power state is not applicable.

Min does not imply that the board can be used at this point but only that some power was detected on the board. It should not be used until it has been powered on. Conversely, it should not be removed from the system before being powered off.

The Board Status field contains one of four values:
ActiveThe board is assigned to a domain and has passed POST.
AssignedThe board is assigned to a domain.
AvailableThe board is available to be assigned to a domain.
--Domain assignment or activity is not applicable for this board.

The Test status field reflects the recorded entry in the PCD database from the last POST run. The Test Status field contains one of six values:
PassedThe board passed POST.
DegradedThe board is in a degraded mode.
FailedThe board failed POST. Contact your Sun Service representative, who can determine whether or not the board needs to be replaced.
iPOSTThe board is in POST.
UnknownThe board has not been tested.
--The test status for this board is unavailable.

The Domain field contains one of four values:
domain_idID for a domain.
domain_tagName assigned to a domain using addtag(1M).
IsolatedThe board is not assigned to any domain.
--Domain assignment is not applicable for this board.

Status Fields Displayed by the -c option


This section describes status information displayed by the showboards -c output.

The Clock Signal Status field provides three indicators:
GoodA good clock signal is detected by the hardware.
FailedA bad clock signal has been detected by the hardware.
UnknownThe clock status is unknown.

The Clock Source field provides three indicators:
SC0 ClockSystem controller 0 is providing the clock signal.
SC1 ClockSystem controller 1 is providing the clock signal.
UnknownThe current clock source is unknown.

The Auto-Clock Selection field provides three indicators:
EnabledHardware may automatically attempt to switch clock sources, if necessary.
DisabledHardware will not switch clock sources automatically.
UnknownThe clock select mode is unknown.


 Example 1. Listing boards for Platform Administrators on a Sun Fire 15K/E25K System
sc0:sms-user:> showboards

Location  Pwr  Type         Board Status  Test Status   Domain
----      ---  ----         ------------  -----------   ------
SB0        On   CPU          Active        Passed        domainC
SB1        On   V3CPU        Active        Passed        A
SB2        On   V3CPU        Active        Passed        D
SB3        On   CPU          Active        Passed        engB
SB4        On   CPU          Active        Passed        engB
SB5        On   CPU          Active        Passed        engB
SB6        On   CPU          Active        Passed        A
SB7        On   CPU          Active        Passed        domainC
SB8        Off  CPU          Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB9        On   CPU          Active        Passed        dmnJ
SB10       Off  CPU          Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB11       Off  CPU          Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB12       Off  CPU          Assigned      Unknown       engB
SB13        -   Empty Slot   Available         -         Isolated
SB14       Off  CPU          Assigned      Failed        domainC
SB15       On   CPU          Active        Passed        P
SB16       On   CPU          Active        Passed        domainC
SB17        -   Empty Slot   Assigned          -         dmnR
IO0         -   Empty Slot   Available         -         Isolated
IO1        On   HPCI         Active        Passed        A
IO2        On   MCPU         Active        Passed        engB
IO3        On   MCPU         Active        Passed        domainC
IO4        On   HPCI+        Available     Degraded      domainC
IO5        Off  HPCI+        Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO6        On   HPCI         Active        Passed        A
IO7        On   HPCI         Active        Passed        dmnJ
IO8        On   WPCI         Active        Passed        Q
IO9        On   HPCI+        Assigned      iPOST         dmnJ
IO10       Off  HPCI         Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO11       Off  HPCI         Assigned      Failed        engB
IO12       Off  HPCI         Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO13        -   Empty Slot   Available         -         Isolated
IO14       Off  HPCI+        Available     Unknown       Isolated
IO15       On   HPCI         Active        Passed        P
IO16       On   HPCI         Assigned      Unknown       Q
IO17        -   Empty Slot   Assigned          -         dmnR

The following example illustrates showboards output if you have platform administrator privileges and specify a domain on a Sun Fire 15K/E25 system. The output does not include boards that are assigned to other domains.

Example 2. Listing boards for Platform Administrators for Domain B
sc0:sms-user:> showboards -d b

Location  Pwr  Type         Board Status  Test Status   Domain
----      ---  ----         ------------  -----------   ------
SB3        On   CPU          Active        Passed        engB    
SB4        On   CPU          Active        Passed        engB    
SB5        On   CPU          Active        Passed        engB    
SB8        Off  CPU          Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB10       Off  CPU          Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB11       Off  CPU          Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB12       Off  CPU          Assigned      Unknown       engB
SB13        -   Empty Slot   Available         -         Isolated
IO0         -   Empty Slot   Available         -         Isolated
IO2        On   MCPU         Active        Passed        engB
IO5        Off  HPCI+        Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO10       Off  HPCI         Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO11       Off  HPCI         Assigned      Failed        engB
IO12       On   HPCI         Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO13        -   Empty Slot   Available         -         Isolated
IO14       Off  HPCI+        Available     Unknown       Isolated

The following example illustrates showboards output if you have platform administrator privileges and use the -v option on a Sun Fire 15K/E25K system. The command shows all components. If a board is a COD board, it is specified in the Type of Board field.

Example 3. Listing boards for Platform Administrators Using the v Option
sc0:sms-user:> showboards -v

Location    Pwr    Type of Board   Board Status  Test Status   Domain

--------    ---    -------------   ------------  -----------   ------
SC0         On     SC              Main              -             -
SC1         On     SC              Spare             -             -
PS0         On     PS                -               -             -
PS1         On     PS                -               -             -
PS2         On     PS                -               -             -
PS3         On     PS                -               -             -
PS4         Off    PS                -               -             -
PS5         On     PS                -               -             -
FT0         On     FANTRAY           -               -             -
FT1         On     FANTRAY           -               -             -
FT2         On     FANTRAY           -               -             -
FT3         On     FANTRAY           -               -             -
FT4         On     FANTRAY           -               -             -
FT5         On     FANTRAY           -               -             -
FT6         On     FANTRAY           -               -             -
FT7         On     FANTRAY           -               -             -
CS0         On     CSB               -               -             -
CS1         On     CSB               -               -             -
EX0          -     EXB               -               -             -
EX1          -     EXB               -               -             -
EX2          -     EXB               -               -             -
EX3          -     EXB               -               -             -
EX4         On     EXB               -               -             -
EX5          -     EXB               -               -             -
EX6         On     EXB               -               -             -
EX7          -     EXB               -               -             -
EX8          -     EXB               -               -             -
EX9          -     EXB               -               -             -
EX10         -     EXB               -               -             -
EX11         -     EXB               -               -             -
EX12        Off    EXB               -               -             -
EX13         -     EXB               -               -             -
EX14         -     EXB               -               -             -
EX15         -     EXB               -               -             -
EX16        On     EXB               -               -             -
EX17         -     EXB               -               -             -
IO4/C3V0    On     C3V               -               -         domainC
IO4/C5V0    On     C5V               -               -         domainC
IO4/C3V1    On     C3V               -               -         domainC
IO4/C5V1    On     C5V               -               -         domainC
IO6/C3V0    On     C3V               -               -         A
IO6/C5V0    On     C5V               -               -         A
IO6/C3V1    On     C3V               -               -         A
IO6/C5V1    On     C5V               -               -         A
IO9/C3V0    On     C3V               -               -         dmnJ
IO9/C5V0    On     C3V               -               -         dmnJ
IO9/C3V1    On     C3V               -               -         dmnJ
IO9/C3V2    On     C3V               -               -         dmnJ
IO12/C3V0   Off    Unknown           -               -         engB
IO12/C5V0   Off    Unknown           -               -         engB
IO12/C3V1   Off    Unknown           -               -         engB
IO12/C5V1   Off    Unknown           -               -         engB
IO16/C3V0   On     C3V             Assigned      Unknown         Q
IO16/C5V0   On     C5V             Assigned      Unknown         Q
IO16/C3V1   On     C3V             Assigned      Unknown         Q
IO16/C5V1   On     C5V             Assigned      Unknown         Q
SB0         On     CPU             Active        Passed        domainC
SB1         On     V3CPU           Active        Passed        A
SB2         On     V3CPU           Active        Passed        D
SB3         On     CPU             Active        Passed        engB
SB4         On     CPU (COD)       Active        Passed        engB
SB5         On     CPU             Active        Passed        engB
SB6         On     CPU (COD)       Active        Passed        A
SB7         On     CPU             Active        Passed        domainC
SB8         Off    CPU             Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB9         On     CPU             Active        Passed        dmnJ
SB10        Off    CPU             Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB11        Off    CPU             Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB12        Off    CPU (COD)       Assigned      Unknown       engB
SB13         -     Empty Slot      Available         -         Isolated
SB14        Off    CPU             Assigned      Failed        domainC
SB15        On     CPU             Active        Passed        P
SB16        On     CPU (COD)       Active        Passed        domainC
SB17         -     Empty Slot      Assigned         -          dmnR
IO0          -     Empty Slot      Available         -         Isolated
IO1         On     HPCI            Active        Passed        A
IO2         On     MCPU            Active        Passed        engB
IO3         On     MCPU            Active        Passed        domainC
IO4         On     HPCI            Available     Degraded      domainC
IO5         Off    HPCI+           Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO6         On     HPCI            Active        Passed        A
IO7         On     HPCI            Active        Passed        dmnJ
IO8         On     wPCI            Active        Passed        Q
IO9         On     HPCI+           Assigned      iPOST         dmnJ
IO10        Off    HPCI            Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO11        Off    HPCI            Assigned      Failed        engB
IO12        Off    HPCI            Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO13         -     Empty Slot      Available         -         Isolated
IO14        Off    HPCI+           Available     Unknown       Isolated
IO15        On     HPCI            Active        Passes        Isolated
IO16        On     HPCI            Assigned      Unknown       Q
IO17         -     Empty Slot      Assigned         -          dmnR

The following example illustrates showboards output if you have domain privileges for domains B, J, and R on a Sun Fire 15K/E25K system. showboards displays information for those boards that are assigned or available to domains B, J, and R. Boards that are assigned to other domains or that do not appear in the available component list for domains B, J, or R are not displayed.

Example 4. Listing boards for Domain Admin With Privileges on Domains B, J, and R
sc0:sms-user:> showboards 

Location  Pwr   Type       Board Status  Test Status   Domain
----      ---   ----       ------------  -----------   ------
SB3        On   CPU         Active        Passed        engB
SB4        On   CPU         Active        Passed        engB
SB5        On   CPU         Active        Passed        engB
SB8        Off  CPU         Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB9        On   CPU         Active        Passed        dmnJ
SB10       Off  CPU         Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB11       Off  CPU         Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB12       Off  CPU         Assigned      Unknown       engB
SB13        -   Empty Slot  Available         -         Isolated
SB17        -   Empty Slot  Assigned          -         dmnR
IO0         -   Empty Slot  Available         -         Isolated
IO2        On   MCPU        Active        Passed        engB
IO5        Off  HPCI+       Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO7        On   HPCI        Active        Passed        dmnJ
IO9        On   HPCI+       Assigned      iPOST         dmnJ
IO10       Off  HPCI        Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO11       Off  HPCI        Assigned      Failed        engB
IO12       Off  HPCI        Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO13        -   Empty Slot  Available         -         Isolated
IO14       Off  HPCI+       Available     Unknown       Isolated
IO17        -   Empty Slot  Assigned          -         dmnR

In the following example, showboards displays output if you have domain privileges on domains B, J, and R on a Sun Fire 15K/E25K system. The command shows board information for those DCUs that are assigned or available to the specified domain. DCUs that are assigned to other domains or that do not appear in the specified domain's available component list are not displayed.

Example 5. Listing boards for Domain Administrators for Domain B
sc0:sms-user:> showboards -d b 

Location  Pwr   Type        Board Status  Test Status   Domain
----      ---   ----        ------------  -----------   ------
SB3        On   CPU          Active        Passed        engB
SB4        On   CPU          Active        Passed        engB
SB5        On   CPU          Active        Passed        engB
SB6         -   Empty Slot   Available         -         Isolated
SB8        Off  CPU          Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB8        Off  CPU          Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB10       Off  CPU          Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB11       Off  CPU          Available     Unknown       Isolated
SB12       Off  CPU          Assigned      Unknown       engB
SB13        -   Empty Slot   Available         -         Isolated
IO0         -   Empty Slot   Available         -         Isolated
IO2        On   MCPU         Active        Passed        engB
IO5        Off  HPCI+        Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO6         -   Empty Slot   Available         -         Isolated
IO10       Off  HPCI         Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO11       Off  HPCI         Assigned      Failed        engB
IO12       Off  HPCI         Assigned      Unknown       engB
IO13        -   Empty Slot   Available         -         Isolated
IO14       Off  HPCI+        Available     Unknown       Isolated

Example 6. Displaying Clock Source and Status For All Boards
sc0:sms-user:> showboards -c 

                  Current      SC0 Clock    SC1 Clock   Auto-Clock
Location  Pwr   Clock Source     Status       Status    Selection
--------  ---   ------------   ---------    ----------  -----------
CS0       On    SC0 Clock        Good         Good       Disabled
CS1       On    SCO Clock        Good         Good       Disabled
EX0       On    SC0 Clock        Good         Good       Disabled
EX15      Off       -              -            -           -     
EX16      Off       -              -            -           -     
EX17      On    SC0 Clock        Good         Good       Disabled
SB0       On    SC0 Clock        Good         Good       Disabled
SB1       On    SC0 Clock        Good         Good       Disabled
SB17      On    SC0 Clock        Good         Good       Disabled
IO0       On    SC0 Clock        Good         Good       Disabled
IO17      On    SC0 Clock        Good         Good       Disabled



The following exit values are returned:

Successful completion.
An invalid domain was specified.
An invalid command-line option was specified.
An incorrect number of domains was specified.
The user does not have valid privileges.
An internal error occurred.
An error occurred getting board information.



See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Attribute TypesAttribute Values



addtag(1m), setupplatform(1m), showcodusage(1m), showplatform(1m)

SMS 1.4.1Go To TopLast Changed 19 September 2003