
3270 SNA device

A terminal device that displays an IBM SNA 3270 datastream.


See Application Programing Interface

Application Programming Interface (API)

A predefined interface used by application programs. The API consists of a routine name and its associated arguments and adheres to the syntax of the associated application program language.

asynchronous processing

A bi-directional process that allows a mainframe to start transactions on Sun MTP or allows Sun MTP to start transactions on the mainframe while continuing to process.

Basic Mapping Support (BMS)

Macro instructions, which are used as input to the Sun MTP BMS Assembler to create physical and symbolic definition map files.


See Basic Mapping Support.


See Customer Information Control System.

conversational transaction

One in which dialog with the user (typically a SEND/RECEIVE sequence) is carried on while the transaction is active.

Customer Information Control System (CICS)

A general purpose transaction processing environment.

Distributed Program Link (DPL)

Method of intersystem communication in which a program on one region can synchronously link to a program on another region.

Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP)

The distribution of processing between transactions that communicate synchronously with one another over intersystem or interregion links.


See Distributed Program Link.


See Distributed Transaction Processing.


See External Call Interface.


See External Presentation Interface.

environment variables

Variables that define the location of program files and applications. Both clients and the server use environment variables.

External Call Interface (ECI)

API for writing programs that allow non-CICS application programs to call a CICS program that follows the rules for Distributed Program Link (DPL) and is running on a server

External Presentation Interface (EPI)

API for writing programs that allow a non-CICS application program to appear to Sun MTP as one or more standard 3270 terminals. The EPI application communicates with Sun MTP as if it is a real 3270 terminal.

File permissions (or modes)

Control access to a file as defined by the operating system.

Intersystem Communication (ISC)

Communication between separate systems by means of SNA networking facilities or by means of the application-to-application facilities of an SNA access method.


See Intersystem Communication

logical unit (LU)

In SNA, a port through which an end user accesses the SNA network to communicate with another end user and through which the end user accesses the functions provided by system services control points (SSCPs).

logical unit-of-work

A logical unit-of-work is all the processing in the server that is needed to establish a set of updates to recoverable resources.


See logical unit.


Logical unit type that supports general communication between programs in a distributed processing environment.


See Systems Network Architecture.


A mechanism for interprocess communication that allows the use of different network protocols.


See System Services Control Point.

System Services Control Point (SSCP)

In SNA, the focal point within an SNA network for managing the configuration, coordinating network operator and problem determination requests, and providing directory support and other session services for end users of the network.

Systems Network Architecture (SNA)

The logical structure, formats, protocols, and operational sequences for transmitting information units through, and controlling the configuration and operation of networks.


A suite of network protocols on which the Internet is based. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a protocol that provides a reliable, full-duplex datastream. Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol that provides the packet delivery services for TCP. The TCP protocol interacts with the IP, not the user process.

TN3270 protocol

An extension of the traditional TCP/IP Telnet protocol that allows non-ASCII, block mode devices, such as IBM-3270s, and applications, such as EBM, to communicate via TCP/IP. Also includes TN3270E.

TN3270 Server (unikixtnemux)

Allows Sun MTP to support 3270 emulators running on PCs, Macintosh, and UNIX machines using the TCP/IP - TN3270 protocol. Also supports TN3270E.

Sun MTP region

A set of UNIX processes, files, and environment variables that define separate CICS applications on a system.

transaction routing

Allows terminals connected to one Sun MTP/CICS region to run transactions on another Sun MTP/CICS region either on the same or a different machine.


See TN3270 Server.