A P P E N D I X  B


This chapter describes how to examine Sun MTP Client messages, defines the categories and form used for messages, and the meaning of Sun MTP Client and 3270 terminal emulator messages.

Examining Messages

Sun MTP Client issues various status and error messages. You can examine these messages in one of two ways:

Note that only the last 100 messages are displayed on the Sun MTP Client Messages Display.

Message Format

All messages have the same form regardless of their category.


UCM####a Text of message



Error generated by the Sun MTP Client


Error generated by the 3270 terminal emulator


Sun MTP error number.


Letter indicating the severity of the error.

I: Informative message

W: Warning message

E: Non-fatal error occurred

F: Fatal error occurred

T: Transaction abend occurred that did not affect Sun MTP.

Text of message

Message issued by Sun MTP. In some cases, the name of subroutine that originated the message is given in brackets before the message text. In these cases, the message appears as follows:

UCM####a [subroutine_name] Message

For convenience, the messages are listed in numerical order. Within the Text of message, the following variable conventions are used

%c: Replaced in the message by a single character.

%d: Replaced in the message by a by a decimal value.

%s: Replaced in the message by a string of characters.

%r: Replaced in the message by the name of a subroutine.

%x: Replaced in the message by a hexadecimal value

Sun MTP Client Messages

The message log file, KIXCLI.MSG, is written to the directory specified by the MsgDir parameter in the KIXCLI.INI configuration file. This message log contains all the messages for the most recent execution of Sun MTP Client. Each message includes a date and time stamp. KIXCLI.MSG is overwritten each time Sun MTP Client is started. This section lists the messages returned by Sun MTP Client.

UCM0001I: Sun MTP Client startup is complete

Description: Informational message.

UCM0002W: Unable to create timer
UCM0003E: Unable to resolve TCP host %s for system %s
UCM0004W: Unable to connect to TCP host %s for system %s
UCM0005E: Lost contact with TCP host %s for system %s:
UCM0006I: TCP/IP transport support loaded

Description: Informational message.

UCM0007I: Connected to system %s as ApplID %s

Description: Informational message.

UCM0008E: Redefinition of system %s; the first definition is being used
UCM0009W: No systems found
UCM0010I: Winsock used is %s

Description: Informational message.

UCM0011E: The definition of system %s has insufficient parameters

Solution: Supply the necessary parameters.

UCM0012E: The transport %s for system %s is invalid
UCM0013E: The port %s for system %s is not numeric
UCM0014E: Default system %s does not exist. Using %s
UCM0015W: No default system specified. Using %s
UCM0016E: Alias %s is too long; it is being ignored
UCM0017W: Trace is enabled. TraceMask is 0x%4.4x
UCM0018W: Alias %s has port 0 specified. The default port %d will be used
UCM0019W: Invalid MaxRequests value of %s specified
UCM0020I: Setting MaxRequests to %d

Description: Informational message.

UCM0021W: Invalid MaxSystems value of %s specified
UCM0022I: Setting MaxSystems to %d

Description: Informational message.

UCM0023E: The TCP address %s for system %s is longer than the maximum %d characters:
UCM0024W: The description for system %s is longer than the maximum %d characters
UCM0025I: A request has been made to cease communication with system %s

Description: Informational message.

UCM0026E: Resource shortage while in function %s
UCM0027E: Specified TraceDir is invalid. Using default TraceDir
UCM0028E: Specified MsgDir %s is invalid. Using %s
UCM0029E: Trace file could not be opened. Trace is disabled
UCM0030E: Client Install Transaction CCIN is invalid in system %s
UCM0031E: Unexpected return code received while decoding a CCIN reply from system %s
UCM0032E: Client Install Transaction CCIN could not be executed on system %s
UCM0033W: LU6.2 Error Reply received from system %s. Sense data is {%2.2x,%2.2x,%2.2x,%2.2x}
UCM0040I: Copyright © 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Description: Informational message.

UCM0041I: --------------------------------------------

Description: Informational message.

UCM0042W: MaxSystems has been reached. Connection to system %s has been aborted.
UCM0043E: The Sun MTP Client could not be contacted.
UCM0044I: kixctl [-s] [-l] [-m] [-D] [-c <system>] [-d <system>] [-t <mask>]

Description: Informational message.

UCM0045E: kixctl [-s] [-l] [-m] [-D] [-c <system>] [-d <system>] [-t <mask>]
UCM0046I: A connection request has been issued for system `%s'

Description: Informational message.

UCM0047E: System name `%s' is not valid
UCM0048E: System name `%s' could not be connected
UCM0049I: A disconnection request has been issued for system `%s'

Description: Informational message.

UCM0050E: System `%s' could not be disconnected
UCM0051E: Contact with the Sun MTP Client has been lost
UCM0052E: Remote system %s sent invalid block header %2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x
UCM0053I: A request to shutdown the Sun MTP Client has been issued

Description: Informational message.

UCM0054I: Sun MTP Client shutdown is complete

Description: Informational message.

UCM0055E: A reply from the Sun MTP Client could not be obtained
UCM0056I: A dump is being taken into %s

Description: Informational message.

UCM0057E: A request to dump could not be performed
UCM0058E: The Sun MTP Client could not create pipe %s
UCM0059I: Destroying terminated application pipe %s

Description: Informational message.

UCM0060E: Could not delete file %s
UCM0061E: Could not create file %s
UCM0062E: The dump request could not be processed
UCM0063E: A dump request has been issued
UCM0064E: The TCP/IP transport support library could not be loaded
UCM0065I: SNA transport support loaded

Description: Informational message.

UCM0066W:  An SNA conversation could not be allocated. primary_rc = 0x%4.4x, secondary_rc = 0x%8.8lx
UCM0067E: The SNA Remote LU name %s for system %s is longer than the maximum %d characters
UCM0068E: The SNA Local LU name %s for system %s is longer than the maximum %d characters
UCM0069E: The SNA Mode name %s for system %s is longer than the maximum %d characters
UCM0070E: The Remote LU Alias %s for system %s is invalid
UCM0071E: The Mode Name %s for system %s is invalid
UCM0072W: The local SNA Transaction Program could not perform a TP_START. primary_rc = 0x%4.4x, secondary_rc = 0x%8.8lx
UCM0073E: The Local LU Alias %s for system %s is invalid
UCM0074E: The SNA transport support library could not be loaded
UCM0075E: WinAPPCStartup() failed with return code 0x%8.8x
UCM0076E: The SNA PU2.1 node could not be contacted
UCM0077E: The underlying network subsystem is not ready for network communication
UCM0078E: A connection attempt to system %s failed due to a transport initialization failure
UCM0079E: An attempt to run the terminal install transaction CTIN failed on system %s
UCM0080I: %s BuildStamp %s

Description: Informational message.

Emulator Messages

This section describes the messages generated by the Sun MTP Client 3270 terminal emulator and printer emulator.

EMU0001E Unknown error
EMU0002E Terminal not initialized
EMU0003E Bad Index
EMU0004E Failed
EMU0005E Unexpected datastream
EMU0006E Out of memory
EMU0007E Duplicate netname
EMU0008E Unknown netname

Description: Netname is not defined.

Solution: Define or correct the netname.

EMU0009E Unknown devtype
EMU0010E Terminal install failed
EMU0011E Unexpected error
EMU0012E Unknown system

Description: System is not defined.

Solution: Define or correct the name of the system.

EMU0013W Terminal out of service	
EMU0014E System unavailable
EMU0015E Internal Logic error
EMU0016E Auto Install failed 
EMU0017E Terminal Install error
EMU0018E EPI version not supported
EMU0019E Is Init
EMU0020E No Systems
EMU0021E No more terminal resources
EMU0022E System Error
EMU0023E Transaction active
EMU0024E TTI active
EMU0025E No server connection
EMU0026E Invalid data length
EMU0027E Invalid datastream
EMU0028E Terminal install error	
EMU0029E Closing terminal
EMU0032W Are you sure you want to quit?
EMU0033E Terminal Initialization Error: 0x%4.4x
EMU0034E No connections available
EMU0040I Printer installed as netname: %s
EMU0041W Printer not installed
EMU0042I Printer file: %s

Description: Informational message.

EMU0043I Printer Command: %s

Description: Informational message.

EMU0044E Cannot execute command: 0x%4.4x
EMU0045E Cannot open file: %s
EMU0046E Cannot open temporary file: %s

Description: System cannot locate the named command or file.

Solution: Check the syntax for the command and verify that you are using the correct file name, then resubmit.