
3270 SNA device

A terminal device that displays an IBM SNA 3270 data stream.


Abnormal end of task. An application can issue an EXEC CICS ABEND command to terminate a task abnormally. Synonymous with abnormal termination.


EXEC CICS command used to terminate a task abnormally.

access control entry (ACE)

Access control entry. See ACL.

access control list (ACL)

Access control lists (ACLs) are made up of access control entries (ACEs), which specify access or auditing permissions to that object for one user or group.


Practice of systematically collecting, recording, interpreting and presenting user account information.

accounting header record (AHR)

C structure that describes the type of data being processed and the conditions under which the record was produced.

accounting journal

A file where Sun MTP writes the accounting record for the associated journal. The journal file name corresponds to the physical file name.

The owner of the object controls the discretionary ACLs.

activity count

A method used by Sun MTP to maintain integrity. An activity count is found in each VSAM file header and is incremented each time the region opens and closes a file.

application programming interface (API)

A predefined interface used by application programs. The API consists of a routine name and its arguments, and adheres to the syntax of the associated application program language.

asynchronous processing

A bidirectional process that enables a mainframe to start transactions on a Sun MTP region or enables a Sun MTP region to start transactions on the mainframe while continuing to process.

basic mapping support (BMS)

A facility that moves data streams to and from a terminal. It formats input and output display data. BMS macro instructions are used by the Sun MTP BMS assembler to create physical and symbolic definition map files.

catalog file

A file that contains the names of and information about VSAM datasets.


See VSAM cluster.


Communication area. An area that is used to pass data between tasks that communicate with a given terminal. The area can also be used to pass data between programs within a task.

conversational transaction

One in which dialog with the user (typically a SEND/RECEIVE sequence) is carried on while the transaction is active.

Customer Information Control System (CICS)

An IBM licensed program that enables transactions entered at remote terminals to be processed concurrently by user-written application programs. It includes facilities for building, using, and maintaining databases.

Data Conversion Templates Table (CVT)

Sun MTP table that defines templates that convert data from one code set (for example, EBCDIC) to another (for example, ASCII). This is required when transmitting data from one environment to a second heterogeneous environment.

data entry screens

Sun MTP screens on which you can add, alter or delete table data. A data entry screen can have one or more entries and sub-entry screens.

data file

Made up of one or more data blocks that contain record(s).

Data File Editor

Sun MTP menu from which you can build, modify, or dump a VSAM dataset.

data segment

The file that contains the data portion of a cluster.


See VSAM dataset.

double-byte character set (DBCS)

Some language scripts require two bytes to represent a character. These are called double-byte character sets (DBCS). For example, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean are double-byte character sets.

Destination Control Table (DCT)

Sun MTP table that contains destination names or queues that can be processed by transient data commands. The table can be used to define and maintain characteristics associated with these queues.

Distributed Program Link (DPL)

Method of intersystem communication in which a program on one region can synchronously link to a program on another region.

Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP)

The distribution of processing between transactions that communicate synchronously with one another over intersystem or interregion links.

dump file function

Writes some or all the records of a VSAM dataset to a disk file or the system printer from Sun MTP.


Extended binary-coded decimal interchange code. A coded character set consisting of 8-bit coded characters used for information interchange among many data processing systems, data communicating systems, and associated equipment.

entry-sequenced dataset (ESDS)

A variable-length VSAM file that contains data records in entry-sequential order.

environment variables

Variables that define the location of program files and applications. Both clients and the servers use environment variables.

exec interface block (EIB)

A control block associated with each task in a CICS program. The EIB contains information that is useful during the execution of an application program (such as the transaction identifiers) and information that is helpful when a dump is being used to debug a program.

External Call Interface (ECI)

API for writing programs that enable non-CICS application programs to call a CICS program that follows the rules for DPL and is running on a server.

External Presentation Interface (EPI)

API for writing programs that enable a non-CICS application program to appear to Sun MTP as one or more standard 3270 terminals. The EPI application communicates with Sun MTP as if it is a real 3270 terminal.

extrapartition queue

Sequential file containing all data written to a queue identified in the DCT -Extrapartition Destinations screen. The file is opened with the record format and length specified in the entry.

File Control Table (FCT)

Sun MTP table that contains information about VSAM data files accessed by Sun MTP application programs. Associated with each file is a set of characteristics, which are used by Sun MTP command routines to validate and execute commands issued by application programs.

File Manager

Used to define VSAM files in the VSAM catalog. You can define file attributes, such as file type, key length, and size.

file permissions (or modes)

Control access to a file as defined by the operating system.

file system

A facility whereby a physical disk drive is divided into smaller units of space, which are called partitions. The partitions can hold file systems, swap space, boot sectors and other information.

function shipping

The process, transparent to the application program, by which CICS accesses resources when those resources are actually located on another CICS system.


Set of table files for a specific application. The files are located in a single directory in a file system. The directory is defined in the GCT.

Group Control Table (GCT)

Sun MTP table that defines groups. Each group defines a directory in a file system that contains table information for a specific application.


Graphical user interface.

index files

Contains key pointers that are made up of a block number and the highest key on that block. The keys point to records.

Internet Protocol (IP)


intersystem communications (ISC)

Communication between separate systems by means of TCP/IP or SNA networking facilities or by means of the application-to-application facilities of an SNA access method.

Journal Control Table (JCT)

Sun MTP table where you can specify whether a transaction can write to one or more journal files, which are referenced by other tables. Journals are also used to write accounting data.

key-sequenced dataset (KSDS)

An indexed VSAM file of variable-length records that are referenced by keys.

.login file

Startup file for C shell users.

logical file

The definition of the physical file that changes the data into meaningful information. These definitions include field names and length, record names and length, and block length.

logical unit (LU)

In SNA, a port through which an end user accesses the SNA network to communicate with another end user, and through which the end user accesses the functions provided by system services control points (SSCPs).


Logical unit type that supports general communication between programs in a distributed processing environment.

man page

Use the man command to display usage information about a command. For example, to display information about the grep command, type man grep at the prompt.

make facility

A utility used to rebuild a Sun MTP system.

Monitoring Control Table (MCT)

Sun MTP table that controls the default type of accounting (transaction and user logging) that is active in the region. This table contains a single entry with flags that control accounting.

Native Recovery File System (NRFS)

A recovery method supported by Sun MTP that uses a raw disk partition to store recovery information.

.profile file

Startup file for Bourne/Korn shell users.

physical file

The raw data file. A string of characters or binary data stored in a medium (tape, disk, CD-ROM).

Physical Writer Header Record (PWHR)

C structure that describes the physical block that is written on the journal file.


Portable Operating System Interface. A set of standard operating system interfaces based on the UNIX operating system. The POSIX interfaces were developed under the auspices of the IEEE.

Processing Program Table (PPT)

Sun MTP table that lists application programs and BMS map sets that can be referenced by Sun MTP transactions.

Program Control Table (PCT)

Sun MTP table that contains control information used by Sun MTP to identify and initialize transactions.

Program List Table (PLT)

Sun MTP table that contains program names that are initiated automatically by Sun MTP on system start-up, user start-up or system shutdown.


See Sun MTP region.

relative-record dataset (RRDS)

A VSAM dataset whose records are retrieved by the number of the position they occupy in the dataset.

root file system

Contains the operating system and related files. It is referenced by a slash ( / ) as the first character of a complete file name.

single-byte character set (SBCS)

Language scripts that require one byte per character are called single-byte character sets (SBCS). For example, English, Spanish, and French are single-byte character sets.

Screen Generation Utility (SGU)

Enables the developer to "paint" a user interface screen, then create a compiled Basic Mapping Support (BMS) map. The developer can then define and modify screen menus and data entry screens using this utility. The SGU provides for the definition of a map set, multiple maps within a map set and individual fields within a map. Screen attributes (e.g., numeric or bright) are also specified on a field-by-field basis.


One portion of a spanned file. See spanned file.

Sign-On Table (SNT)

Sun MTP table that contains a list of users authorized to use Sun MTP transactions.


A mechanism for interprocess communication that enables the use of different network protocols.

SOSI field

A SOSI (Shift-Out, Shift-In) field is a 3270 field which contains both single and double byte characters. All double byte characters in a SOSI field must be enclosed within a pair of SOSI characters.

spanned files

Files that are segmented across multiple file systems.

special menu

A menu that is used as a menu for different entry types in a single table; it also performs global table operations.


Structured Query Language. A relational database language used to access and update sets of information.

standard menu

A menu that is used to navigate from one menu to the next menu or to a data entry screen, for example, the Table Manager main menu. A standard menu does not require any data, nor does it alter any data.

Sun Mainframe Batch Manager software (Sun MBM)

A batch manager product that provides a facility for executing batch jobs in a controlled environment. Sun MBM processes the batch production workload, scheduling jobs by the parameters assigned, such as start time, maximum number of batch processes and job priority.

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing software (Sun MTP)

A user application that uses facilities, such as interprocess communications services, sockets and COBOL, C, and PL/I for application execution. All components of Sun MTP, except for clients, are started by the main server process, unikixmain.

Sun MTP group

A set of table files for a specific application. The files are located in a single directory in a file system. The directory is listed in the GCT.

Sun MTP region

A set of processes, resources, and environment variables that define separate applications on a system.

Sun MTP shell scripts

Utility programs that are shell scripts located in $UNIKIX/bin.

Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC)

A discipline conforming to subsets of the Advance Data Communication Control Procedures (ADCCP) of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) of the International Organization for Standardization (IOS). Used for managing synchronous, code-transparent, serial-by-bit information transfer over a link connection.


A logical point in execution of an application program where the changes made to the databases by the program are consistent and complete and can be committed to the database. The output, which has been held up to that point, is sent to its destination(s), the input is removed from the message queues, and the database updates are made available to other applications. When a program terminates abnormally, recovery and restart facilities do not backout updates prior to the last completed syncpoint.

System Initialization Table (SIT)

Sun MTP table that contains system initiation information and identifies the name of the Sun MTP system.

System Services Control Point (SSCP)

In SNA, the focal point within an SNA network for managing the configuration, coordinating network operator and problem determination requests and providing directory support and other session services for end users of the network.

Systems Network Architecture (SNA)

The logical structure, formats, protocols and operational sequences for transmitting information units through, and controlling the configuration and operation of networks.

Table Manager

Sun MTP facility that you use to define a region's resources in the Sun MTP tables.


A suite of network protocols on which the Internet is based. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a protocol that provides a reliable, full-duplex datastream. Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol that provides the packet delivery services for TCP. The TCP protocol interacts with the IP, not the user process.


Terminal User Area. Used to pass data between transactions associated with a terminal.

Terminal Control Table (TCT)

Sun MTP table that contains identifying information for terminals, printers and remote system connections.

Temporary Storage Table (TST)

Sun MTP table that defines the storage and recovery of local and remote temporary storage queues.

TN3270 protocol

An extension of the traditional TCP/IP Telnet protocol that enables non-ASCII, block mode devices, such as IBM-3270s, and applications, such as Sun MTP, to communicate over TCP/IP. Also includes TN3270E.

TN3270 server (unikixtnemux)

Enables Sun MTP to support 3270 emulators running on PCs, Macintosh, and UNIX systems using the TCP/IP - TN3270 protocol. Also supports TN3270E.

trace facility

Creates trace entries in memory that are accessed by using the kixdump command. Used for debugging purposes.

Transaction Class Table (TXC)

Sun MTP table that contains information about the transaction classes defined for a region.

transaction initiator server (unikixtrin)

Acts as the agent in the Sun MTP server system, placing messages in the necessary Sun MTP message queues. Enables the transaction server and the start server to interact directly with remote clients using the same datagram mechanism for output messages. One unikixtrin process supports all remote 3270 device clients.

transaction routing

Enables terminals connected to one Sun MTP or CICS region to run transactions on another Sun MTP or CICS region, which can be on the same or a different system.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)


unikixdcl server

Sun MTP server that monitors the number and state of remote connections to SNA Servers that use the DCL protocol stack.

unikixmain server

The Sun MTP main server process.

unikixqm server

Sun MTP server that monitors the number and state of MQSeries connections.

unikixrc.cfg file

Resource file that contains information about the unikixdcl, unikixqm and unikixtnemux servers. At startup, the Sun MTP Communications Manager reads the unikixrc.cfg file and starts the appropriate servers.

unikixtcp server

Sun MTP server that monitors the number and state of TCP/IP connections.

unikixtnemux server

The TN3270 server process. See TN3270 server.

Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM)

A method of accessing records by the various access methods:

ESDS, entry-sequenced dataset, records recorded and accessed sequentially

RRDS, relative-record dataset, records retrieved by the number of the position they occupy in the dataset

KSDS, key-sequenced dataset, records retrieved by their index or key

Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM)

A program that controls communication and the flow of data in an SNA network.

VSAM cluster

The highest order of naming in the VSAM structure. The name of the cluster is the primary access name. The cluster also includes the data definition, the index definition and any secondary indices.

VSAM Configuration Table (VCT)

Control table that defines the basic Sun MTP configuration parameters.

VSAM dataset

A named collection of related data organized, stored and accessed according to VSAM rules.

VSAM file

See VSAM dataset.