C H A P T E R  3

Starting and Stopping Sun MTP

This chapter describes how to start and stop Sun MTP, as well as how to start a local client. It includes the following topics:

To run an application, first start the server, then the clients. The Sun MTP Server waits for transactions entered by the clients at terminals.

Starting the Sun MTP Server

The unikixmain command, which starts the Sun MTP main server process, has many options. Some important options are as follows:

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for the unikixmain options.

procedure icon  To Start the Server

1. Source your region's setup file.

See Defining a Region's Environment.

2. Type the unikixmain command and its options at the command prompt.

Or, use the kixstart shell script with any of the unikixmain options.The kixstart script passes the options to the unikixmain command.

After unikixmain starts, it disassociates itself from the terminal that started it so that the terminal is available for other uses.

Starting a Local Client

You can execute transactions from a variety of clients. This procedure describes how to connect to an active region using the local client.

procedure icon  To Make a Local Connection

1. Log in to your host as a user.

2. Set your environment by sourcing the appropriate setup file.

Your environment might have already been set when you logged on, if the variables were set in a .profile or .login file.

3. Start the Sun MTP client process.

For example, to start the client from an X term with a 101-key keyboard, type:

$ xtermunikix unikix

4. When a new window with the Sun MTP copyright screen is displayed, press any key to clear the screen.

The source for the copyright screen is $UNIKIX/lib/logofile.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for information about the startup shell scripts. See also Chapter 8 for information about starting a client with an xxxunikix shell script, such as xtermunikix, that sets up your terminal with the correct keyboard type.

If the client fails to start, use a text editor to view the unikixmain.log file located in the $KIXSYS directory. Read the error messages to determine the cause of the failure. Also refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Troubleshooting and Tuning Guide.

Executing a Transaction

After you successfully connect to a region and clear the copyright screen, you are ready to submit transactions.

procedure icon  To Execute a Transaction

1. Press any key to clear the copyright screen.

2. On a blank screen, type a transaction identifier in the upper left corner.

3. Press the Enter key, not the Return key, to send the transaction to Sun MTP.

For example, to display the Table Manager, type CTBL and press Enter.

Shutting Down Sun MTP

This section describes the methods for shutting down the region and individual user sessions. Refer to Chapters 7 and 8 in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for information about using built-in security or an external security manager to limit access to these methods.

Shut down the system in the following order:

1. Application users' sessions

2. Sun MTP region (Sun MTP server)

3. Any TN3270 connections

Shutting Down a User Session

There are several transactions you can use to shut down a session at a terminal. Your screen must have enough clear entry space for the transaction identifier and its parameter. If the screen is full, press the Clear key to clear the screen, then type the transaction.

Method 1

Type either:



These are the standard transactions used to end Sun MTP sessions.

Method 2



Note - There must be no space between the comma and NO.

The NO parameter indicates not to shut down the Sun MTP server along with the user's session, even if the user is the last one still connected.

Shutting Down the Sun MTP Server

There are four ways to perform an orderly shutdown of the Sun MTP server. The first three work within the Sun MTP environment. The last method uses a shell script. Limit access to these methods to prevent users from accidentally shutting down the server.

Before using any method to shut down the region, perform the following actions to ensure that all user sessions are terminated cleanly:

1. Invoke the CEMT PERFORM SHUTDOWN transaction to place the system in the SHUT state.

Users are no longer allowed to start new transactions.

2. With the system in the SHUT state, invoke the CEMT INQ TASK ALL transaction to determine the state of logged-on user sessions.

3. After all users have completed their transactions, shut down Sun MTP.

For more information about the CEMT transaction, refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide.

Shutting Down the Region From Within Sun MTP

There are three methods of shutting down the region from within Sun MTP. The first two methods use system transactions. If the screen is full, press the Clear key to clear the screen, then type the transaction. The third method uses the Development System main menu.

Method 1



Note - There must be no space between the comma and YES.

CSMT SHUT is the same transaction used to shut down a user session. The YES parameter shuts down the region along with the user's session, even if other users are still connected.

Method 2



CEMT PERFORM SHUTDOWN is the transaction used to put the system into the SHUT state. The IMMEDIATE parameter shuts down Sun MTP immediately. All user sessions, including that of the user who issued the transaction, are shut down.

Method 3

1. On the Development System main menu, press the PF3 key to begin the shut down process.

2. Press PF3 again when prompted to confirm the request. Be aware that with Sun MTP built-in security, there is no security checking to prevent any user with access to the CMNU transaction from shutting down the region with this method.

Note - All three of these methods are subject to checking by an external security manager. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide.

Shutting Down the Region Using kixstop

Use the kixstop utility to shut down the region at the command line. To use kixstop, at least one client must be available. When you invoke kixstop at the command prompt, it starts a terminal handler that issues a CEMT PERFORM SHUTDOWN transaction. This transaction allows the region to quiesce before shutting it down in an orderly manner.

Using the -i option to kixstop causes the program to issue a CSMT SHUT,YES transaction, which shuts down the system immediately. The immediate shutdown does not allow transactions to terminate normally, causing them to be rolled back.

If transaction security is in force and you have secured the CEMT or CSMT transactions, only a user with security access can run kixstop. For more information about transaction security, refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide.

Client Connections

TABLE 3-1 briefly describes the connections to Sun MTP from local and remote systems and the supported connections to other remote systems. It also lists the server and client processes required for each type of connection.

The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide contains descriptions of the Sun MTP client and server processes.

TABLE 3-1 Client Conne ctions to Sun MTP

Connection Type



Local client from an ASCII or PC terminal or X term


The unikix program passes all options to unikixl, the local client. See Starting a Local Client.

TCP/IP socket client

unikixsock (socket listener process),
user-written client application

Client applications on remote systems send requests to the Sun MTP host, which listens on a predefined TCP/IP port. The listener process sends the request to the Transaction Server. See Starting the TCP/IP Socket Listener.

ECI/EPI clients

unikixtcp (TCP/IP),

unikixdcl (SNA),
Sun MTP Client

The user connects to a Sun MTP host and transmits data from a user-written application program that uses the External Call Interface (ECI) or External Presentation Interface (EPI). See Configuring a Region for ECI/EPI Clients.

EPI application

user-written client application

The user connects to a Sun MTP host from a user-written application using the EPI for GUI or unusual terminal clients; for example, an ATM or bar code reader.

Refer to the External Presentation Interface (EPI) Technical Note for a description of EPI.

TN3270 and TN3270E emulator

Telnet client

The user connects to Sun MTP from a TN3270 or TN3270E emulator on a PC, Macintosh, or a local or remote UNIX system. See Setting Up Communications Manager for TN3270 Connections.

Sun MTP J3270 emulator


The user connects to Sun MTP from any Microsoft Windows system. Sun MTP J3270 supports 3278 terminals, models 2, 3, 4, and 5 in both extended and non-extended mode. Refer to the Sun MTP J3270 User's Guide.

3270 terminal

Client Initiator,
3270 device client

The user connects to Sun MTP from a 3270 device, using the optional PU5 package. If $KIXHOST is set, unikixmain starts unikixtrin to allow communication with 3270 terminals. After a user invokes unikixi to set up the terminal, unikixb is started.

The 3270 is either a local connection (PU4) or is owned by another host (PU5).

See Configuring a Region for SNA 3270 Clients.