C H A P T E R  4

Migrating From Earlier Releases

This chapter describes how to migrate your application regions from earlier releases of Sun MTP. Before continuing, read the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Release Notes for Release 8.0.

If you are migrating from an operating environment other than Solaris, contact your authorized service provider for a copy of the document Migrating to Sun Platforms From Other Platforms.

The topics in this chapter include:

Pre-Installation Procedures

procedure icon  To Prepare for a Software Upgrade

1. Perform a clean shutdown of all Sun MTP regions.

2. Execute the following commands for each region to make sure that the VSAM database files are synchronized properly:

$ kixclean -a
$ kixverify -r ALL

3. Back up the $KIXSYS directory and its subdirectories, for the regions you are migrating.

4. Back up all tables that are located in directories defined in the Group Control Table (GCT).

5. Back up the VSAM files.

6. Obtain a license for Release 8.0.

7. Specify where the license file resides by setting the KIXLICDIR environment variable.

For example:

$ KIXLICDIR=/pkgs/mtp/MTP8.0.0/lib;export KIXLICDIR

Note - If you are also installing Sun MBM, you can point to the same license file.

Refer to Creating a License File for instructions on how to create the license file.

Post-Installation Procedures

This section describes what to do after installing a new release and describes some problems you might encounter after migrating to Sun MTP Release 8.0.

Tasks to Perform Before Running kixinstall

Before you run the kixinstall configuration utility to create the executables for the new release of Sun MTP, you must perform the following tasks:

procedure icon  To Set Up Your Application Region

1. Create the region setup file.

See Creating the Sun MTP Setup File.

2. Source the setup file.

3. Change the directory to $UNIKIX/src.

4. Execute kixinstall.

This ensures that the Sun MTP modules are compatible with the application language(s) installed on your system. Rebuilding the modules is also required if your region accesses an RDBMS or other third-party software. See Building the Sun MTP System Software for the procedure to use the kixinstall utility.

5. Change to the $KIXSYS directory.

6. Run the kixcnvtcat80 utility.

See Migrating the VSAM Catalog.

7. Run the kixcnvtbl80 utility.

See Migrating Tables.

Migrating Tables

Run the kixcnvtbl80 utility to migrate the tables to the new release. You must set the UNIKIX and PATH environment variables to point to the new Sun MTP release. You can do this by sourcing the setup file you created when you installed the software.

Note - Do not use kixcnvtbl80 more than once per directory, or the .tbl and the .tbl.old files will be corrupted. If this occurs, restore the original tables from back-ups, if available, and execute the utility on the restored files.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for a description of kixcnvtbl80.

procedure icon  To Convert Tables

1. Change to the $KIXSYS directory.

2. Delete unikix.dir and its contents, if it exists.

3. Delete rdo.dir and its contents, if it exists.

4. Execute the kixcnvtbl80 utility, which creates new tables in Release 8.0 format.

5. Start the region.

6. If, in the previous release, you made any changes to the unikix or rdo groups, apply those changes to the appropriate tables.

7. Shut down the region.

Migrating the VSAM Catalog

If your catalog was created with a version of Sun MTP earlier than Release 7.0, you must migrate your existing catalog before you can use it with Release 8.0. You can omit this procedure if your catalog is already in Release 7.x format.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for a description of kixcnvtcat80.

procedure icon  To Convert the Catalog

1. Change to the $KIXSYS directory.

2. Execute the kixcnvtcat80 utility, which creates a new catalog in Release 8.0 format.

Important Operating Differences in Release 8.0

There are some important differences in Release 8.0 that might affect the way your applications run.

Please refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Release Notes.

Changes from Release 7.x to 8.0.0

If you are migrating from a release earlier than Release 7.x, contact your authorized service provider. If you are upgrading from Release 7.x, review the changes described in this section.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH Environment Variable

In earlier releases, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable was optional. In Release 8.0, it must be set. It must include, at a minimum, the $UNIKIX/lib directory. If you are also using Server Express and Java applications, you must include additional directories. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide.

Large Files

The maximum file size limits have changed. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide, which contains a table listing resource limits. The VSAM catalog Spanned File screen has been changed to remove the 2 GBytes/segment limitation. Review your configuration to determine if this change affects your environment.

MQSeries Libraries

Prior to Release 7.x, Sun MTP required MQSeries server libraries. From Release 7.x forward, Sun MTP requires client libraries.

Change to Java Package Names

Java package names used in the MTPINSTALL product have changed to start with com.sun.emp.mtp. If you are using Java, review your configuration to determine the effect of this change. Modify your configuration, if necessary.

DBCS Enhancements

Because of enhancements made for double-byte character set (DBCS) support, the
-A and -B options to unikixmain have changed. Review these changes to determine whether they affect your region startup procedures.

User Conversion Tables

If you modified the conversion table file, $UNIKIX/src/convert/kxcnvtbl.c, you must remake it to work with Release 8.0. Use either of the following methods to migrate the conversion table file:

In both cases, remake the conversion table file, as described in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide.

Changes to Structure of $UNIKIX/test Directory

The following changes have been made to the structure of the $UNIKIX/test directory:

Product/Utility Support

This section lists products, utilities or functionality that are no longer supported or will not be supported in a future release. Replacements are listed.

The following products are no longer supported:

The following utilities are no longer part of the Sun MTP product. Use the new utilities.

Old Utility/Function

New Utility/Function

Documented in...





Reference Manual

TRANS parameter for the following commands:

ncd101unikix TRANS

ncd97unikix TRANS

ncdunikix TRANS

ncdvtunikix TRANS

sununikix TRANS

xtermunikix TRANS

unikix parameter for the following commands:

ncd101unikix unikix

ncd97unikix unikix

ncdunikix unikix

ncdvtunikix unikix

sununikix unikix

xtermunikix unikix

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide

The following functions replace the older ones, which are retained for compatibility in Release 8.0. However, these older functions will be dropped in future releases.

Old Utility/Function

New Utility/Function

Documented in...

.unikixrc file

unikixrc.cfg file

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide

unikixtne process

unikixtnemux process

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide

Migration Checklist

This checklist lists the tasks to perform to ensure a successful migration from earlier releases of Sun MTP to Release 8.0. Review the sections in this chapter for more information.

Check each item as you complete it.

1. Obtain a new Sun MTP 8.0.0 software enabling key.

2. Perform a clean shutdown of all existing regions.

3. Back up the $KIXSYS directory and subdirectories for the region(s) you are migrating.

4. Back up all tables that reside in directories defined in the GCT.

5. Back up the VSAM database files.

6. Install Sun MTP Release 8.0.

7. Optionally, install the Sun Mainframe Administration Agent and Tool, which replaces MTP Scan (KixScan).

8. Install Sun MSF, if you want to use external security management.

9. Create the license file.

10. Set up the new region(s). Update your setup file to point to the new version of Sun MTP.

11. Review the list of changed environment variables in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Release Notes, and make any necessary changes to the region setup file.

12. Review Tasks to Perform Before Running kixinstall.

13. Execute the kixinstall utility to build the region executables.

14. Convert tables by executing the kixcnvtbl80 utility in the $KIXSYS directory.

15. Convert the VSAM catalog (CATALOG.dta and CATALOG.idx) by executing the kixcnvtcat80 utility in the $KIXSYS directory.

16. Start the Sun MTP region.

17. Apply any unikix and rdo group changes.