C H A P T E R  8


This chapter contains information about the documentation for this release. The topics are:

Refer to the docs.sun.com web site for online versions of the documents, as well as any future updates or supplements that might be available.


The Release 8.0.1 documents and their contents are listed below.

TABLE 8-1 Sun MTP Documentation

Document Title


Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide

Instructions for:

  • Managing VSAM datasets and recovery
  • Using transaction classes
  • Editing records
  • Using the intersystem communications features
  • Managing security, including use of Sun MSF
  • Using Sun MTP accounting
  • Integrating relational database management systems (RDBMS)
  • Modifying user exits
  • Customizing record processing routines
  • Installing and configuring Sun MAT for monitoring resources
  • Modifying shell scripts

Additional information

  • Sun MTP system transactions and utilities
  • Client processes Sun MTP supports

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide

Instructions for:

  • Setting environment variables for a region
  • Starting and stopping Sun MTP
  • Defining resources for an application
  • Configuring alternate resource definition
  • Enabling double-byte character set (DBCS) support
  • Configuring UNIX terminals
  • Configuring printers
  • Configuring intersystem communications (ISC)
  • Configuring a region to support remote clients
  • Configuring a region to support RDBMS
  • Configuring a region to support Sun MBM

Additional information

  • Configuration guidelines
  • Keyboard mapping

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide

Instructions for:

  • Using the File Editor
  • Using the UNIX File Utilities
  • Compiling and using COBOL, C, Java, and PL/I programs
  • Assembling BMS maps
  • Using the Screen Generation Utility (SGU)
  • Using Sun MTP-provided facilities to access an RDBMS
  • Using WebSphere MQ with Sun MTP
  • Using the MQ-JMS Bridge
  • Using the Sun MTP debug facility and source debuggers
  • Using Sun MTP standard batch processing
  • Using TCP/IP sockets
  • Using SSL

Additional information:

  • Description of the Sun MTP Development System
  • Compatibility with the CICS API
  • Accessing VSAM datasets from C batch programs

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Installation Guide

Instructions for:

  • Installing Sun MTP
  • Running the kixinstall utility
  • Migrating from earlier releases
  • Running a sample application to verify installation
  • Setting up the license file

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Message Guide

Listing of all error messages, along with descriptions and suggested remedial actions. The messages are grouped in the following categories:

  • Sun MTP and ISC messages
  • Sun MSF messages
  • 3270 Client messages
  • kxnrfs messages

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Troubleshooting and Tuning Guide

This document includes the following:

  • Descriptions of common problems and solutions
  • Suggestions for getting the best performance from your Sun MTP system
  • Descriptions of the Sun MTP diagnostic tools

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide

Descriptions of Sun MTP utilities and shell scripts with their options and parameters, grouped in these categories:

  • System utilities
  • Development utilities
  • Application utilities
  • Client utilities
  • Server utilities

Detailed descriptions of each of the Sun MTP tables

Sun Mainframe Administration Tool User's Guide

Description of the Sun MAT user interface, windows, and datapoints

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software High Availability Data Service for Sun Cluster

Describes how to install and configure the high availability software that enables Sun MTP to run under the control of Sun Cluster

Documentation Errata

This section describes errors in the documentation.

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide

Chapter 1, "Introduction"

Sun MTP J3270 Client

The section "Sun MTP J3270 Terminal Emulator Client" should state that the Sun MTP J3270 client can work on all modern Windows systems (such as Windows XP, Windows ME), as well as Solaris, AIX, and any other platform that has a Java runtime environment (JRE).

Chapter 2, "System Transactions"

CEDA Transaction

The REMOTENAME and REMOTESYSTEM attributes of the CEDA DEFINE TRANSACTION command are described incorrectly. The correct descriptions are as follows:




Identifies the transaction in the remote Sun MTP or CICS region. If REMOTENAME is not specified and REMOTESYSTEM is specified, Sun MTP assumes the local transaction ID. The transaction ID is one to four characters in length.


Identifies the remote Sun MTP or CICS system to which, if specified, Sun MTP will function ship the request. The four-character system name must be defined in the TCT-System Entries table.

Chapter 10, "Accounting"

UNIX Accounting

The section "UNIX Accounting" does not apply to the Solaris operating environment. Refer to the Solaris documentation for information about operating system accounting.

User Journals

The last paragraph in the section "Setting Up User Journals" in Chapter 10 is incorrect. The following paragraph contains the correct information:

The kixjas utility can read journal files that contain only accounting records. For application-specific journal records, you must provide a utility to read the journal files. If the journal files contain a mix of Sun MTP records and application-specific records, you must also provide a utility to read the files. When writing your utility, refer to the Sun MTP accounting record formats described in Tables 10-5 and 10-6 in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide.

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide

Chapter 4, "Configuration Guidelines"

Shared Library Usage

In Chapter 4, the section "Shared Library Usage" requires the following sentence at the end of the section:

Sun MTP intercepts the errno 22 condition and outputs the error message KIX0208E.

VSAM Buffer Size

The section "Determining VSAM Buffer Size" is no longer valid.

Shared Memory

The following documentation replaces the example in the section "Where to Attach Sun MTP Shared Memory" in the "Configuration Guidelines" chapter of the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide. The incorrect example starts with the third paragraph, "For example, by setting ...," and ends with the kixdump output snippet.

Sun MTP has the following internal fixed default definitions:

unikixmain uses the internal default definitions, along with the -M tvalue and
-M cvalue options, to calculate the actual addresses shown in the kixdump -M report according to the following rules.

Note - The -M tvalue is the specified threshold value; and the -M cvalue is the specified max core value.

For -M tvalue (value can be a negative number):

If specified: Threshold = value + (ee000000 - KXMAXCORE - KXTHRESHOLD) otherwise: Threshold = (ee000000 - KXMAXCORE)

For -M cvalue:

If specified: Max Core = Threshold + value
otherwise: Max Core = Threshold + KXMAXCORE

Example 1: Neither the -M tvalue nor-M cvalue options are specified

The kixdump -M output displays the following:

Values of Shared Memory, Max Core, Threshold Memory
Address of Shared Memory    (ee000000 )
Address of Max Core         (ee000000 )
Address of Threshold Memory (edf80000 )

Example 2: A negative value for -M tvalue is specified, for example,
unikixmain -M t-16M.

The kixdump -M output displays the following:

Values of Shared Memory, Max Core, Threshold Memory
Address of Shared Memory    (ecc80000 )
Address of Max Core         (ecc80000 )
Address of Threshold Memory (ecc00000 )

Example 3: A positive value for -M tvalue is specified, for example,
unikixmain -M t16M.

The kixdump -M output displays the following:

Values of Shared Memory, Max Core, Threshold Memory
Address of Shared Memory    (eec80000 )
Address of Max Core         (eec80000 )
Address of Threshold Memory (eec00000 )

Example 4: A negative value is specified for -M tvalue and a positive value is specified for -M cvalue, for example, unikixmain -M t-32M -M c10M.

The kixdump -M output displays the following:

Values of Shared Memory, Max Core, Threshold Memory
Address of Shared Memory    (ec600000 )
Address of Max Core         (ec600000 )
Address of Threshold Memory (ebc00000 )

Example 5: Positive values are specified for both the -M tvalue and the -M cvalue options, for example, unikixmain -M t32M -M c10M.

The kixdump -M output displays the following:

Values of Shared Memory, Max Core, Threshold Memory
Address of Shared Memory    (f0600000 )
Address of Max Core         (f0600000 )
Address of Threshold Memory (efc00000 )

Chapter 11, "Configuring Sun MTP for Remote Clients"

The information in the section "Configuring a Region for SSL Clients" has changed. See Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Libraries for the correct information.

Chapter 13, "Configuring a Region to Work With an RDBMS"

The sections "Starting a Region With an RDBMS" and "Bypassing the RDBMS at Startup" might be confusing in the descriptions of the use of the -t option to unikixmain and the use of the KIXRDBMS_BYPASS environment variable. To clarify: There are no restrictions on the use of the KIXRDBMS_BYPASS variable with any of the unikixmain options.

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide

Chapter 4, "Compatibility With IBM CICS"

The documentation of the RESP2 codes for the EXEC CICS CHANGE PASSWORD, EXEC CICS SIGNON, and EXEC CICS VERIFY PASSWORD APIs was incomplete. The correct response codes are shown in the following tables.

For EXEC CICS CHANGE PASSWORD, the response codes are as follows:






Current password is wrong.



Current password is suspended and ESMREASON is set to 901.



New password is greater than the maximum length; ESMREASON is set to 902.



New password is less than the minimum length; ESMREASON is set to 903.



New password value is identical to the old password value; ESMREASON is set to 904.



New password is equal to the user ID; or it is all blanks; or the new password's format is unacceptable (non-numeric or non-alphabetic).



Current user ID is invalid.



No terminal is associated with the task.

For EXEC CICS SIGNON, the response codes are as follows:






Current password is wrong.



Current password has expired.



Current password is suspended.



New password is greater than the maximum length; new password is less than the minimum length; new password value is identical to the old password value; new password is all blanks; or the new password's format is unacceptable (non-numeric or non-alphabetic).



Current user ID is invalid.



The terminal is already signed on.



No terminal is associated with the task.

For EXEC CICS VERIFY PASSWORD, the response codes are as follows:






Current password is wrong.



Current password has expired.



Current password is suspended and ESMREASON is set to 901.



Current user ID is invalid.



No terminal is associated with the task.

Chapter 13, "Using the MQ-JMS Bridge"

The README.doc file for running the MQ-JMS sample application has changed. If you are using the MQ-JMS Bridge, make sure to follow the directions in the README.doc file located in the $UNIKIX/test/mq/jms directory, and not the directions shown in Code Example 13-3.

Chapter 14, "Online Debugging"

This chapter has been replaced with a new version, which contains information about support for using 3270-type terminals to debug online programs.

Chapter 15, "Batch Processing"

The section "Performing Fast Writes From a Batch Program" contains erroneous information.

Chapter 16, "Accessing VSAM Files From External Programs"

The command shown in Step 3 in the procedure "Compiling the C Language Program" is incorrect. The correct command is:

$ cc input-filename.c -o output-filename $UNIKIX/lib/libbcisam.a -lcurses -lsocket

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Installation Guide

Chapter 1, "Introduction to Sun MTP"

Software Requirements

The section "Software Requirements" incorrectly stated, "If you are using Java programs, you must install the Java Development Kit (JDK) and Server Express." Server Express is not required if your region does not use COBOL programs.

SSL Libraries

See Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Libraries for information that has changed in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Installation Guide.

Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide

Chapter 2, "System Utilities"

dfhusdup Utility

In the description of the dfhusdup utility, the REMOTENAME and REMOTESYSTEM attributes of the DEFINE TRANSACTION command are incorrect. The correct descriptions are as follows:




Identifies the transaction in the remote Sun MTP or CICS region. If REMOTENAME is not specified and REMOTESYSTEM is specified, Sun MTP assumes the local transaction ID. The transaction ID is one to four characters in length.


Identifies the remote Sun MTP or CICS system to which, if specified, Sun MTP will function ship the request. The four-character system name must be defined in the TCT-System Entries table.