C H A P T E R  1

Installation and Migration Issues

This chapter contains information about installing Sun MTP Release 8.0.1 and migration issues you might encounter. It contains the following topics:

Go to the SunSolveSM web site to get information about fixes to previous releases that were also applied to Sun MTP Release 8.0.1.

General Installation Information

Sun MTP Release 8.0.1 has been qualified on the Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 operating systems.

The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Installation Guide provides the instructions for installing Sun MTP, as well as information you need if you are upgrading from an earlier release.

Hardware Requirements

To run the Sun MTP software on the Solaris OS, your environment must meet the following requirements.

Your Sun system must be at minimum an UltraSPARC® III technology, E280R system with two CPUs. Your system must have at least 512 megabytes (Mbytes) of memory and .5 gigabytes (Gbytes) of disk storage available for the Sun MTP product.

Qualified Mainframe Rehosting Components

The following mainframe rehosting components have been qualified with Sun MTP 8.0.1. on Solaris platforms:

Qualified Compilers and Third-Party Software

This release of Sun MTP on the Solaris operating system has been qualified with the following third-party products:

Licensing Changes

Sun MTP is now licensed by CPU, rather than by the number of users.

When the term user is used in the documentation, it typically means a session. A single person who is a user could have multiple sessions.

Although licensing is now by CPU, you must still specify a value in the Maximum Number of Users field in the VCT. Because each user consumes Sun MTP session resources, set this field based on your region's requirements for terminals, printers, and intersystem communications (ISC) sessions.

Upgrading From Earlier Releases

If you are upgrading from a release earlier than Release 8.0.0, you must convert the VSAM catalog and the Sun MTP tables. The kixcnvtcat80 utility is used to convert the catalog, and the kixcnvtbl80 utility is used to convert the tables. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for detailed descriptions.

Read the chapter on migration in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Installation Guide, and make sure to perform the tasks on the migration checklist.

Migration Issues for This Release

This section contains information about changes to the software that might require you to recompile maps or programs, or make changes to custom scripts.

kixbms Behavior

Previously, the kixbms utility did not correctly handle maps containing the OUTLINE or SOSI extended attributes.

Therefore, if your maps contain OUTLINE or SOSI extended attributes, you must recompile the maps with the kixbms utility.

See also COBOL and PL/I Copybooks Generated by kixbms for other changes related to kixbms.

kixstop Behavior

In previous releases of Sun MTP, the kixstop command did not properly adhere to the normal shutdown and immediate (panic) shutdown process. Now, any command to shut down the region normally (kixstop, CEMT PERFORM SHUT, and PF3 on the Development System main menu) will wait for all transactions to complete before bringing down the region. If there is a long-running transaction or a conversational transaction, the region will wait until these transactions are finished. At this point, the only way to shut down the region is to execute the kixclean command.

If you want the old functionality of either kixstop (which forced the region to stop by aborting running transactions), CEMT PERFORM SHUT, or PF3 (where these commands immediately shut down the region), you must use one of the following commands:

As a result of this change, the following sections in the documentation are no longer accurate:

C Language Programs That Contain EXEC CICS INQUIRE TDQUEUE Statements

If you are upgrading from a release earlier that Sun MTP 8.0.0 patch level 4, you must recompile all C language programs that use the EXEC CICS INQUIRE TDQUEUE command.

ABORT.prt Files

In previous releases of the software, an ABORT.prt file would be created if a region terminated abnormally. Now, if a region crashes, the unikixmain process executes the kixsnap command automatically, which gathers trace and dump information. All the information that was written to ABORT.prt is now written to the kixsnap snapshot files, and the ABORT.prt file is no longer created. This software change caused the following error message to change:

Old: KIX0157F Writing abort dump to $KIXSYS/ABORT.prt

New: KIX0157I Executing %s command

Future Patch Releases

Check the SunSolveSM web site on a regular basis for any Sun MTP patches that are available, and apply the recommended patches. The web site is:


Note - When you download patches to this release at some future time, make sure to read the updated_user_doc.txt file, which is shipped in the $UNIKIX/doc directory. It contains important documentation about the fixes included in the patch release.