C H A P T E R  1

System Management Services (SMS) 1.5 Release Notes

This chapter contains the release notes for System Management Services (SMS) 1.5 on Sun Fire high-end systems and covers the following topics:

What's Fixed in This Version

This update to the SMS 1.5 Release Notes covers fixes for the following bugs:

This update to the Release Notes also discusses the following patches. These patches are needed in order to support the UltraSPARC IV+ processor in the SMS software.

For more information on these bugs and possible workarounds, see Bug Fixes in This Update.

Software Requirements

These are the minimum software requirements for SMS 1.5. They vary by operating system.

Solaris 8 OS Requirements

As a minimum, the Solaris 8 OS version of SMS 1.5 requires:

The fixes for these libraries are available respectively through patches 108528-24, 115831-01, and 115829-01. These are the first releases that SMS 1.5 supports.

Apply the patches to both the SCs and domains.

caution icon

Caution - If you are using Sun Fire Linktrademarkand Java 1.2.2 is not installed on the SCs or is not installed in its default directory, SMS will fail to load.

Note - If possible, consider upgrading your operating system to the Solaris 9 OS. The Solaris 9 OS includes ssh.

Solaris 9 OS Requirements

As a minimum, the Solaris 9 OS version of SMS 1.5 requires:

caution icon

Caution - If you are using Sun Fire Link, and Java 1.2.2 is not installed on the SCs or is not installed in its default directory, SMS will fail to load.

Solaris 10 OS Requirements

SMS 1.5 currently supports Solaris 10 3/05 OS only on the domains, not on the system controllers (SCs). The SCs require either Solaris 8 OS or Solaris 9 OS.

Patch (in addition to those named in What's Fixed in This Version):

SMS 1.5 Known Limitations

This section contains known limitations for SMS 1.5 on a Sun Fire high-end system.

CR ID 6265544

SMS 1.5 supports Sun Fire Link wPCI hardware. However, SMS will not support subsequent versions of Sun Fire Link. If you install and use SMS 1.5 with Sun Fire Link hardware, SMS will return the following message when you power on a wPCI board:

Detected Sun Fire Link hardware. Sun Fire Link hardware has been EOL'd and may not be supported by future versions of SMS.

General Notes and Issues

This section contains general notes and issues that involve SMS on Sun Fire high-end systems.

smsconnectsc Command

smsconnectsc is intended to be used in the event a remote SC hangs and cannot be accessed normally through login. Using smsconnectsc to create a remote console session from the local SC can result in the local SC losing monitoring capability and functionality. Do not use smsconnectsc except for the express purpose of system recovery.

Reinstallation and Upgrade

Previous versions of SMS documented the use of the Javatrademark WebStart GUI and the pkgadd command to install the SMS packages on the Sun Fire high-end system. SMS versions starting with SMS 1.3 introduced the smsinstall and smsupgrade scripts, which simplify and streamline the installation and upgrade process to the extent that WebStart and pkgadd are no longer recommended or documented. Because of the complexity of configuration for SMS, do not use any method other than the ones documented in the System Management Services (SMS) 1.5 Installation Guide to install or upgrade to SMS 1.5. Doing so could result in misconfiguration and loss of functionality.

Valid Paths for Version Switching

You can use the smsversion command to switch to any version of SMS that is still installed on your system, with these exceptions:

Using ssh on the Solaris 8 OS With SMS

Before installing the SMS 1.5 packages, make sure that you have serial or console access to the SC or have ssh available on the SC. After you install SMS 1.5 and reboot the SC, the hardening performed by the smsinstall script disables remote access. This hardening takes place due to the new secure by default feature in SMS 1.5. If you do not have ssh installed on a system running the Solaris 8 OS, you will not have access to the SC except by using the console cable.

Since Sun does not provide ssh software for Solaris 8 OS, you should consider upgrading to the Solaris 9 OS, which includes ssh. As an alternative, you must install a commercially available third-party or freely available version of ssh that supports the SSH 2.0 protocol.

Note - Sun does not provide support for third-party ssh client software.

Note - If you are using ssh on the SC, you must change the ssh escape character to avoid conflict with the SMS console. Refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.5 Installation Guide for more information.

SMS Documentation Part Numbers

Software documentation for this release is provided at:


Files are named by part numbers. The part numbers correspond to these document titles:

Note - There is no longer a separate dynamic reconfiguration (DR) user guide for SMS software. The DR information for SMS now resides in the Sun Fire High-End and Midrange Systems Dynamic Reconfiguration User Guide.