C H A P T E R  4

System Interconnect

The sections in this chapter contain a full description of the Sun Fireplane interconnect.

FIGURE 4-1 shows an overview of the Sun Fire E25K/E20K interconnect. The small numbers in the block diagram are peak data bandwidths at each level of the interconnect.

FIGURE 4-1 Sun Fire E25K/E20K System Interconnect

Diagram showing address and data paths between the CPU/Memory boards, I/O boards, expander boards and the Sun Fireplane interconnect.

4.1 Data-Transfer Interconnect Levels

The Sun Fire E25K/E20K interconnect is implemented in several physical layers (FIGURE 4-2). The realities of physical packaging make it impractical to connect all the functional units (CPU/Memory units, I/O controllers) of a large server directly together. The system interconnect of a server is implemented as a hierarchy of levels: chips connect to boards, which connect to the Sun Fireplane interconnect. The latency is lower and the bandwidth is higher between components on the same board, because there are more connections between them than there are to off-board components.

FIGURE 4-2 Sun Fire E25K/E20K System Data--Transfer Interconnect Levels

Figure shows a System board with CPU/Memory and I/O connected to an expander board which is connected to the Sun Fireplane interconnect.

The system has two separate interconnects, one for address interconnect and another for data transfer interconnects (TABLE 4-1).

A The address repeater on each CPU/Memory board or I/O assembly collects address requests from the devices on that board and forwards them to the system address controller on the expander board.

B Each board set expander has a snoopy address bus, with a coherency bandwidth of 150 million snoops per second.

C The 18x18 Sun Fireplane interconnect address and response crossbars have a peak bandwidth of 1.3 billion requests and 1.3 billion responses per second.

0 Two CPU/Memory pairs are connected by three 3x3 switches to the board-level crossbar.

1 Each CPU/Memory board has a 3x3 crossbar between its system port and two pairs of CPUs. Each PCI board has a 3x3 crossbar between its system port and two PCI bus controllers.

2 Each expander board provides a 3x3 crossbar between its Sun Fireplane interconnect port and two system boards.

3 The 18x18 Sun Fireplane interconnect data crossbar has a total bandwidth of 43 Gbyte/sec, with a 4.8 Gbyte/sec port to each of the 18 board sets.

Sun Fire E25K/E20K systems have an additional level of interconnect that connects two boards to the Sun Fireplane interconnect port. This interconnect is the expander.

TABLE 4-1 Interconnect Levels




Address interconnect

board set:
  1. expander:
  2. Sun Fireplane interconnect:

Snoopy bus segment

Snoopy bus segment

Two 18-port switches for point-to-
point transactions

Data-transfer interconnect

  1. board set:
  2. expander:
  3. Sun Fireplane interconnect:

Two 3-port switches

3-port switch

3-port switch

18-port switch

In the Sun Fire E25K/E20K systems, latency is lowest to memory on the same board because fewer levels of logic need to be crossed.

4.2 Address Interconnect

The Sun Fire E25K/E20K address interconnect has three levels of chips (FIGURE 4-3).

FIGURE 4-3 Address Interconnect Levels

Diagram showing the three levels of chips on the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems address interconnect.

An address passes through five chips to get from a CPU to a memory controller on another board. Addresses going to memory on the same board set do not consume any Sun Fireplane interconnect address bandwidth.

4.3 Data Interconnect

The Sun Fire E25K/E20K data interconnect has four levels of chips. (See FIGURE 4-4.)

Level 0--CPU/Memory level. The five-port dual CPU data switch connects two CPU/Memory pairs to the board data switch. A CPU and a memory unit each have a 2.4 Gbyte/sec connection and share a 4.8 Gbyte/sec connection to the board data switch with the second CPU and memory unit.

Level 1--Board level. The three-port board data switch connects the on-board CPUs or I/O interfaces to the expander data switch. Slot 0 boards have a 4.8 Gbyte/sec switch, and slot 1 boards have a 1.2-Gbyte per second and a 2.4 Gbyte/sec switch.

Level 2--Expander level. The three-port system data interface connects two boards to the system data crossbar. The slot 0 board (four CPUs and memory) has a 4.8 Gbyte/sec connection, and the slot 1 board (hsPCI-X/hsPCI+) has a 2.4 Gbyte/sec connection.

Level 3--Sun Fireplane interconnect level. The 18x18 Sun Fireplane interconnect crossbar is 32 bytes wide with a system bisection bandwidth of 43 Gbyte/sec.

Data passes through seven chips to get from memory on one board to a CPU on another board. Accesses going to memory on the same board set do not consume any Sun Fireplane interconnect data bandwidth.

The numbers in FIGURE 4-4 refer to the peak bandwidth at each level. All data paths are bidirectional. The bandwidth on each path is shared between traffic going into a functional unit and traffic going out of a functional unit.

FIGURE 4-4 Data Interconnect Levels

Figure showing the four levels of chips on the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems data interconnect.

4.4 Interconnect Bandwidth

This section briefly quantifies the interconnect latency and bandwidth of the Sun Fire E25K/E20K systems. Bandwidth is the rate at which a stream of data is delivered. TABLE 4-2 shows the peak memory bandwidths, as limited by the interconnect implementation. Memory is assumed to be interleaved 16 ways across the four memory units on one board.

TABLE 4-2 Peak Interconnect Bandwidth

Memory Access

Sun Fire E25K System Memory Bandwidth

Sun Fire E20K System Memory Bandwidth

Same CPU as requester

9.6 Gbyte/sec x number of board sets,
172.8 Gbyte/sec maximum for 18 board sets

9.6 Gbyte/sec x number of board sets,
86.4 Gbyte/sec maximum for 9 board sets

Same board as requester

6.7 Gbyte/sec x number of board sets,
120.6 Gbyte/sec maximum for 18 board sets

6.7 Gbyte/sec x number of board sets,
60.3 Gbyte/sec maximum for 9 board sets

Separate board
from requester

2.4 Gbyte/sec x number of board sets,

43.2 Gbyte/sec maximum for 18 board sets

2.4 Gbyte/sec x number of board sets,

21.6 Gbyte/sec maximum for 9 board sets

Random data location

47.0 Gbyte/sec

23.5 Gbyte/sec

Same-board peak bandwidth: These cases occur when all memory accesses go to memory on the same board as the requester.

The maximum same-board bandwidth is 9.6 Gbytes/sec per board. This occurs when one of the following takes place:

The minimum same-board peak bandwidth is 4.8 Gbyte/sec per board. This occurs when all four CPUs access memory on the other half of the board. When memory is interleaved 16 ways (the normal case), the peak bandwidth is 6.7 Gbytes per second per board.

Off-board bandwidth: The off-board data path is 32 bytes wide x 150 MHz, which equals 4.8 Gbyte/sec. Because this bandwidth serves both outgoing requests from the board CPUs and incoming requests for memory from other CPUs, the per-board bisection bandwidth is halved, to 2.4 Gbyte/sec.

4.5 Interconnect Latency

Latency is the time for a single data item to be delivered from memory to a CPU. Several kinds of latency can be calculated or measured. Two latencies are described as follows:

These latency numbers represent the best-case example for a single CPU accessing memory.

Pin-to-pin latency is calculated by counting clocks in the interconnect logic design between the address request from a CPU and the completion of the data transfer back into the CPU. (See TABLE 4-3 and TABLE 4-4.)

TABLE 4-3 Pin-to-Pin Latency for Data in Memory

Location of Memory

Clock Count

CDC[1] Hit

Increase Latency Conditions[2]

Same board (requester local memory)

180 ns, 27 clocks



Same board (other CPU on the same dual CPU data switch)

193 ns, 29 clocks



Same board (other side of data switch)

207 ns, 31 clocks



Other board

333 ns, 50 clocks


2, 3

440 ns, 66 clocks




TABLE 4-4 Pin-to-Pin Latency for Data in Cache

Location of Cache

Clock Count

CDC[3] Hit

Increase Latency Conditions[4]

On requester board
(Sun Fire E25K/E20K: requester on home board set)

280 ns, 42 clocks




On home board

407 ns, 61 locks


1, 2, 3

440 ns, 66 clocks


3, 5

On another board

473 ns, 71 clocks


1, 2, 3, 4

553 ns, 83 clocks


3, 4, 6



1 (TableFootnote) Coherency directory cache
2 (TableFootnote) Condition 1 Data is coming from slot 1 (I/O or dual CPU board). 1 cycle 7 ns Condition 2 Data is going to slot 1 (I/) or dual CPU board). 2 cycles 13 ns Condition 3 Address is coming from or going to a shared board set. 2 cycles 13 ns Condition 4 Slave address is coming from or going to a shared board set. 2 cycles 13 ns Condition 5 Home response is from or to a shared board set on CDC miss. 2 cycles 13 ns Condition 6 Slave response is from or to a shared board set on CDC miss. 2 cycles 13 ns 
3 (TableFootnote) Coherency directory cache
4 (TableFootnote) Condition 1 Data is coming from slot 1 (I/O or dual CPU board). 1 cycle 7 ns Condition 2 Data is going to slot 1 (I/O or dual CPU board). 2 cycles 13 ns Condition 3 Address is coming from or going to a shared board set. 2 cycles 13 ns Condition 4 Slave address is coming from or going to a shared board set. 2 cycles 13 ns Condition 5 Home response is from or to a shared board set on CDC miss. 2 cycles 13 ns Condition 6 Slave response is from or to a shared board set on CDC miss. 2 cycles 13 ns