C H A P T E R  3

SMS 1.4.1 Software Upgrade

This chapter contains upgrade instructions for System Management Services (SMS) 1.4.1 software under the Solaris operating environment. These instructions apply to the Sun Fire high-end server systems.

SMS 1.4.1 requires specific releases of the Solaris Operating Environment. See SMS 1.4.1 Software Requirements.

The SMS upgrade focuses on setting up group IDs used for credential checking, and setting up and running control scripts that start SMS when the Solaris operating environment boots.

This chapter includes:

Note - smsversion does not support a return to SMS 1.2_s8, SMS 1.3_s8 or SMS 1.4.1_s8 in this release of SMS 1.4.1 for Solaris 9. To return to SMS 1.2_s8, SMS 1.3_s8 or SMS 1.4.1_s8 you must return to the applicable Solaris 8 operating environment.

Note - SMS 1.1 is not available on the Sun Fire 12K/E20K system. The SMS 1.1 upgrade information refers to the Sun Fire 15K/E25K system only.

Preparing to Perform an OS/SMS Upgrade (Type 2) Installation

The SMS 1.4.1 installation instructions in this section assume that you are upgrading the Solaris 9 operating environment and SMS software, or SMS software alone.

Performing a Type 2 Upgrade

To upgrade the Solaris operating environment software from Solaris 8 with SMS 1.3_s8 or 1.4_s8; or to upgrade from Solaris 9 with SMS1.3_s9 or SMS 1.4_s9 software, you will be performing the following procedures:

Diagram listing procedures to follow for a Type 2 upgrade, as described in the following sections.

To begin Type 2 upgrade, proceed to Downloading SMS Software.

Downloading SMS Software

You can retrieve SMS software from the web.

procedure icon  To Download Software From the Web

1. Using your web browser, go to http://www.sun.com/servers/sw/

2. Click the System Management Services (SMS) link.

3. Click the Click here to download link.

The file that is then downloaded is named sms_1_4_1_sparc.zip.

4. Log in to the SC as superuser.

5. Change directory to the location where you downloaded the software:

sc1:# cd /download_directory

6. Extract the downloaded file by typing:

sc1:# unzip sms_1_4_1_sparc.zip

The SMS 1.4.1 packages are located in /download_directory/sms_1_4_1_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.4_1/Product.

7. Proceed to Preparing Your SMS Environment for Upgrade.

Preparing Your SMS Environment for Upgrade

If this SC has a working SMS environment, you should do the following before attempting to reinstall the SMS software:

procedure icon  To Prepare Your SMS Environment for Upgrade

On the main SC:

1. Make certain your configuration is stable.

Being stable means no commands are running and no hardware is changed during the reinstallation or upgrade process.

2. Log in to the main SC as a user with platadmn privileges.

3. Deactivate failover:

sc0:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/setfailover off 

On the spare SC:

1. Log in to the spare as superuser.

2. Stop SMS on the spare SC (SC1):

sc1:# /etc/init.d/sms stop 

3. Backup the system on the spare SC (optional).

smsupgrade backs up and restores your SMS environment, however, if you will be upgrading your Solaris software and are unfamiliar with that process, we recommend you make a backup of your SMS environment prior to the Solaris upgrade. Save the resulting file off the local system for redundancy.

Note - The sms_backup.X.X.cpio file of one SC cannot be used by the other SC. They are SC specific files and non-interchangeable.

sc1:# /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsbackup directory_name 


directory_name is the name of the directory in which the backup file is created. The directory_name requires the absolute path name for the file. This file can reside in any directory on the system, connected network or tape device to which you have read/write privileges. If no directory_name is specified, a backup file is created in /var/tmp.

The directory_name specified must be mounted on as a UFS file system. Specifying a TMPFS file system, such as /tmp, will cause smsbackup to fail. If you are not certain that your directory_name is mounted as a UFS file system, type:

sc1:# /usr/bin/df -F ufs directory_name

A UFS file system will return directory information. Any other type of file system will return a warning.

4. Upgrade to Solaris 9 or install the required patches to Solaris 8.

Have your Solaris 9 Installation Guide available and proceed to To Upgrade the Solaris Operating Environment.

If you are already running the required release of the Solaris 9 operating environment, and only wish to upgrade your version of SMS, proceed to Upgrading SMS Packages.

Upgrading the Solaris Operating Environment

Note -

Make sure you have the proper release of the Solaris operating environment, including patches (see SMS 1.4.1 Software Requirements). Without the proper version and patches, the availability daemons on the SC will not start, causing SMS daemon startup failures and an unusable SC.

procedure icon  To Upgrade the Solaris Operating Environment

1. Upgrade the Solaris 9 operating environment according to the Solaris installation instructions in the Solaris 9 Installation Guide.

The instructions below assume that your system is running the Entire Distribution software group (or higher) of the Solaris 9 operating environment. All patches should be applied according to each patch's instructions. Several Solaris patches are required for SMS to run properly. See Other Documentation and Requirements.

Note - You must select the English, `C,' locale when reinstalling the Solaris operating environment on a system controller. SMS does not support any Solaris locale other than English on the SC.

Once you have upgraded your Solaris software and rebooted you may see krtld (kern.notice) and kstat and scman ifconfig error messages. You can disregard them.

2. Stop SMS on the spare SC (SC1):

sc1:# /etc/init.d/sms stop 

3. Proceed to Upgrading SMS Packages.

Upgrading SMS Packages

To upgrade SMS software packages, follow the steps in the procedure To Upgrade the SMS Software Packages.

procedure icon  To Upgrade the SMS Software Packages

1. Log in to the spare SC as superuser.

2. Change directory to the location of smsupgrade.


sc1:# cd /download_directory/sms_1_4_1_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.4.1/Tools

Note - smsupgrade(1M) automatically installs the online System Management Services (SMS) Reference Manual (man) pages in /opt/SUNWSMS/man/sman1m. To avoid conflicts, do not change this location.

3. Upgrade SMS using the smsupgrade(1M) command.

directory_name is the /Product directory from Downloading SMS Software.

smsupgrade backs up and restores any existing SMS environment. The backup file resides in /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.x.cpio. Here is an example:

sc1:# smsupgrade directory_name

Attempting to stop daemon picld
/etc/init.d/picld stop

Verifying that all SMS packages are installed

Backing up SMS to /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.4.cpio before upgrade.  Please wait. . .
smsbackup /var/tmp
smsbackup: Backup configuration file created: /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.4.1.cpio
SMS backup complete.

Installing SMS packages.  Please wait. . .
pkgadd -n -d "directory_name" -a
/tmp/smsinstall.admin.24501 SUNWSMSr SUNWSMSop SUNWSMSdf SUNWSMSjh SUNWSMSlp
SUNWscdvr.u SUNWufrx.u SUNWufu SUNWwccmn
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
205 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSr.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
61279 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSop.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
32 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSdf.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
2704 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSjh.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
5097 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSlp.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
1696 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSmn.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
576 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSob.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
1025 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSod.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
1025 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSpd.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
14763 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSpo.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

Installation of <SUNWSMSpp.2> was successful.

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
5 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSsu.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
479 blocks

Installation of <SUNWscdvr.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
33 blocks

Reboot client to install driver.
type=ddi_pseudo;name=flashprom  uflash\N0
Installation of <SUNWufrx.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
13 blocks

Installation of <SUNWufu.2> was successful.

Installation of <SUNWwccmn.2> was successful.

Verifying that all SMS packages are installed
Checking that all installed SMS packages are correct

Setting up /etc/init.d/sms run control script for SMS 1.4.1
New SMS version 1.4.1 is active

Restoring SMS from /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.4.1.cpio after upgrade.  Please wait. . .
smsrestore /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.4.1.cpio

Attempting to restart daemon picld
/etc/init.d/picld stop
/etc/init.d/picld start

smsupgrade complete.  Log file is /var/sadm/system/logs/smsupgrade.

4. Proceed to To Switch Control to the Spare SC.

Switching Control to the Spare SC

procedure icon  To Switch Control to the Spare SC

1. Log in to the main SC (SC0) as superuser.

2. Stop SMS on the main SC:

sc0:# /etc/init.d/sms stop 

3. Log in to the spare SC (SC1) and drop to the OpenBoot PROM prompt.

sc1:# shutdown -y -g0 -i0
...[system message]

4. Boot the spare SC.

ok boot -rv

You must reboot the SC in order for the changes to take effect. Once you have rebooted the system, network configuration is complete and SMS will start and SC1 will become the main SC.

5. Next:

Proceed to To Update the Flash PROMs.

Updating the Flash PROMs on the SC and the System Boards

procedure icon  To Update the Flash PROMs

When you upgrade the SMS software you must update the SC flash PROMs on both SCs. You must also update the CPU flash PROMs on the system boards. You must have platform privileges to run the flashupdate(1M) command. In the following example the new main SC is designated with the sc1 promot, while the new spare SC is designated with the sc0 prompt.

Note - In order to update your SC PROMs you must have access to the following drivers:

sc#:# ls -l /dev/uflash* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 62 Oct 12 20:30 /dev/uflash0 -> ../devices/pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/flashprom@10,400000:uflash0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 62 Oct 12 20:30 /dev/uflash1 -> ../devices/pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/flashprom@10,800000:uflash1

Note - If the drivers are not available you must run the following command as superuser on each SC:

sc#:# /usr/sbin/devfsadm -i uflash

1. Log in to the new main SC as a user with platadmn privileges.

2. Upgrade the sc1/fp0 Flash PROM.

Use flashupdate:

sc1:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/SCOBPimg.di sc1/fp0

3. Upgrade the sc1/fp1 Flash PROM, using the appropriate image for the type of board.

For the CP1500 board, use flashupdate with the nSSCPOST.di image:

sc1:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/nSSCPOST.di sc1/fp1

For the CP2140 board, use flashupdate with the oSSCPOST.di image:

sc1:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/oSSCPOST.di sc1/fp1

4. Upgrade the CPU Flash PROMs.

Update all CPU Flash PROMs using flashupdate.

sc1:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/hostobjs/sgcpu.flash location


location is the FPROM location.

The FPROM location consists of board_loc/FPROM_id, separated by a forward slash.

The FPROM_id is specified only when you want to update a particular FPROM (FP0 or FP1) on a CPU board and the system controller (SC).

For example, the location, SB4/FP0, indicates the FPROM 0 on the CPU board in slot 4.

Sun Fire 15K/E25K, Sun Fire 12K/E20K

SB(0...17), SB(0...8)

IO(0...17), IO(0...8)

SC(0|1), SC(0|1)

The following FPROM_id forms are accepted:

FP(0|1), FP(0|1)

For more information on flashupdate(1M) refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.4.1 Reference Manual or the flashupdate man page.

5. Drop to the OpenBoot PROM prompt.

sc1:sms-user:> su - 
password: [superuser passwd]
sc1:# shutdown -y -g0 -i0
...[system message]

6. Reboot the SC. Type:

ok boot -rv

7. Proceed to To Upgrade the Former Main SC.

Upgrading the Former Main SC

procedure icon  To Upgrade the Former Main SC

1. Log in to the former main as superuser.

2. Stop SMS on the former main SC:

sc0:# /etc/init.d/sms stop 

3. Backup the system on the former main SC (optional).

smsupgrade backs up and restores your SMS environment, however, if you will be upgrading your Solaris software and are unfamiliar with that process, we recommend you make a backup of your SMS environment prior to the Solaris upgrade. Save the resulting file off the local system for redundancy.

Note - The sms_backup.X.X.cpio file of one SC cannot be used by the other SC. They are SC specific files and non-interchangeable.

sc0:# /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsbackup directory_name 


directory_name is the name of the directory in which the backup file is created. The directory_name requires the absolute path name for the file. This file can reside in any directory on the system, connected network or tape device to which you have read/write privileges. If no directory_name is specified, a backup file is created in /var/tmp.

The directory_name specified must be mounted on as a UFS file system. Specifying a TMPFS file system, such as /tmp, will cause smsbackup to fail. If you are not certain that your directory_name is mounted as a UFS file system, type:

sc0:# /usr/bin/df -F ufs directory_name

A UFS file system will return directory information. Any other type of file system will return a warning.

4. You are now ready to upgrade.

If you wish to upgrade the Solaris 9 operating environment on the former main SC, have your Solaris 9 Installation Guide available. Proceed to To Upgrade the Solaris Operating Environment.

If you are already running Solaris 9 software and only wish to upgrade SMS proceed to To Upgrade the SMS Software Packages.

Upgrade the Solaris Operating Environment on the Spare SC

Note -

Make sure you have the proper release of the Solaris operating environment, including patches (see SMS 1.4.1 Software Requirements). Without the proper version and patches, the availability daemons on the SC will not start, causing SMS daemon startup failures and an unusable SC.

procedure icon  To Upgrade the Solaris Operating Environment

1. Upgrade the Solaris 9 operating environment according to the Solaris installation instructions. Refer to the Solaris 9 Installation Guide for detailed installation instructions.

The instructions in the following sections assume that your system is running the Entire Distribution software group (or higher) of the Solaris 9 operating environment. SMS 1.4.1_s9 does not run under software releases earlier than Solaris 9 or software groups less than Entire Distribution. All patches should be applied according to each patch's instructions. Several Solaris patches are required for SMS to run properly. See Other Documentation and Requirements.

Note - You must select the English, `C,' locale when reinstalling the Solaris operating environment on a system controller. SMS does not support any Solaris locale other than English on the SC.

Once you have upgraded your Solaris software and rebooted you may see krtld (kern.notice) and kstat and scman ifconfig error messages. You can disregard them.

2. Stop SMS on the former main SC:

sc0:# /etc/init.d/sms stop 

3. Proceed to To Upgrade the SMS Software Packages.

SMS 1.4.1 Software on the Former Main SC

To upgrade SMS software packages, follow the steps in the procedure To Upgrade the SMS Software Packages.

procedure icon  To Upgrade the SMS Software Packages

1. Log in to the former main SC as superuser.

2. Change directory to the location of smsupgrade (1M).


sc0:# cd /download_directory/sms_1_4_1_sparc/System_Management_Services_1.4.1/Tools

Note - smsupgrade(1M) command automatically installs the online System Management Services (SMS) Reference Manual (man) pages in /opt/SUNWSMS/man/sman1m. To avoid conflicts, do not change this location.

3. Upgrade packages using the smsupgrade(1M) command.

directory_name is the /Product directory from Downloading SMS Software.

smsupgrade backs up and restores any existing SMS environment. The backup file resides in /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.x.cpio. Here is an example.

sc0:# smsupgrade directory_name

Attempting to stop daemon picld
/etc/init.d/picld stop

Verifying that all SMS packages are installed

Backing up SMS to /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.4.1.cpio before upgrade.  Please wait. . .
smsbackup /var/tmp
smsbackup: Backup configuration file created: /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.4.1.cpio
SMS backup complete.

Installing SMS packages.  Please wait. . .
pkgadd -n -d "directory_name" -a
/tmp/smsinstall.admin.24501 SUNWSMSr SUNWSMSop SUNWSMSdf SUNWSMSjh SUNWSMSlp
SUNWscdvr.u SUNWufrx.u SUNWufu SUNWwccmn
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
205 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSr.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
61279 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSop.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
32 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSdf.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
2704 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSjh.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
5097 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSlp.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
1696 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSmn.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
576 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSob.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
1025 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSod.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
1025 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSpd.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
14763 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSpo.2> was successful.

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

Installation of <SUNWSMSpp.2> was successful.

Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
5 blocks

Installation of <SUNWSMSsu.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
479 blocks

Installation of <SUNWscdvr.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
33 blocks

Reboot client to install driver.
type=ddi_pseudo;name=flashprom  uflash\N0
Installation of <SUNWufrx.2> was successful.
Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
13 blocks

Installation of <SUNWufu.2> was successful.

Installation of <SUNWwccmn.2> was successful.

Verifying that all SMS packages are installed
Checking that all installed SMS packages are correct

Setting up /etc/init.d/sms run control script for SMS 1.4.1
New SMS version 1.4.1 is active

Restoring SMS from /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.4.1.cpio after upgrade.  Please wait. . .
smsrestore /var/tmp/sms_backup.1.4.1.cpio

Attempting to restart daemon picld
/etc/init.d/picld stop
/etc/init.d/picld start

smsupgrade complete.  Log file is /var/sadm/system/logs/smsupgrade.

4. Proceed to To Reboot the Former Main SC.

Rebooting the Former Main SC

procedure icon  To Reboot the Former Main SC

1. Log in to the former main SC (SC0) as superuser and drop to the OpenBoot PROM prompt.

sc0:# shutdown -y -g0 -i0
...[system message]

2. Boot the former main SC.

ok boot -rv 

You must reboot the SC in order for the changes to take effect. Once you have rebooted the system, network configuration is complete.

3. Next:

Proceed to To Update the Flash PROMs on the Former Main.

Updating the Flash PROMs on the Former Main SC

procedure icon  To Update the Flash PROMs on the Former Main

When you upgrade the SMS software you must update the SC flash PROMs on both SCs.

Note - You do not need to update the CPU flash PROMs. This was done earlier and is not repeated.

You must have platform privileges to run the flashupdate(1M) command.

Note - In order to update your SC PROMs you must have access to the following drivers:

sc#:# ls -l /dev/uflash* lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 62 Oct 12 20:30 /dev/uflash0 -> ../devices/pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/flashprom@10,400000:uflash0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 62 Oct 12 20:30 /dev/uflash1 -> ../devices/pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ebus@1/flashprom@10,800000:uflash1

Note - If the drivers are not available you must run the following command as superuser on each SC. In the following example the sc# prompt indicates both the main or spare SCs:

sc#:# /usr/sbin/devfsadm -i uflash

1. Log in to the main SC as a user with platadmn privileges.

2. Upgrade the sc0/fp0 Flash PROM.

Use flashupdate:

sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/SCOBPimg.di sc0/fp0

3. Upgrade the sc0/fp1 Flash PROM, using the appropriate image for the type of board.

For the CP1500 board, use flashupdate with the nSSCPOST.di image:

sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/nSSCPOST.di sc0/fp1

For the CP2140 board, use flashupdate with the oSSCPOST.di image:

sc0:sms-user:> flashupdate -f /opt/SUNWSMS/firmware/oSSCPOST.di sc0/fp1

For more information on flashupdate(1M) refer to the System Management Services (SMS) 1.4.1 Reference Manual or the flashupdate man page.

4. Drop to the OpenBoot PROM prompt.

sc0:sms-user:> su - 
password: [superuser passwd]
sc0:# shutdown -y -g0 -i0
...[system message]

5. Reboot the main SC (SC0). Type:

ok boot -rv

6. Proceed to To Enable Failover on the New Main SC (SC1).

Verifying and Assigning the Chassis Serial Number

The chassis serial number is a unique alphanumeric text string, up to 20 characters in length, that identifies a Sun Fire high-end system. This serial number is displayed on a label located on the front of the system chassis, near the bottom center.

If you are upgrading from an SMS release earlier than SMS 1.4, you must verify that the chassis serial number was recorded, as explained in the following procedure.

procedure icon  To Verify and Assign the Chassis Serial Number

1. Make sure the centerplane is powered on.

If it is not powered on, run poweron cp0.

2. Login to the new main SC (SC1) as a user with platform admin privileges.

3. Run the showplatform -p csn command and review the output to determine whether a chassis serial number was assigned to your Sun Fire high-end system.

If a chassis serial number was previously recorded, the chassis serial number will be displayed in the output, for example:

sc1:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/showplatform -p csn

Chassis Serial Number: 353A00053

Proceed to To Enable Failover on the New Main SC (SC1). If the chassis serial number is not displayed, proceed to Step 4.

4. Record the chassis serial number.

sc1:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/setcsn -c chassis_serial_number

where the chassis_serial_number is the number that identifies your Sun Fire high-end system. You obtain the chassis serial number from a label located on the front of your system chassis, near the bottom center.


Proceed to To Enable Failover on the New Main SC (SC1).

Enabling Failover on the Main SC (SC1)

procedure icon  To Enable Failover on the New Main SC (SC1)

1. Login in the new main SC (SC1) as a user with platadmn privileges.

2. Turn on failover.

sc1:sms-user:> /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/setfailover on

Your upgrade is now complete! To secure the SCs proceed to SMS 1.4.1 Security Options. If you do not wish to secure the SCs, you can proceed to Creating a Domain.