Sun Blade T6300 Server Module Product Notes

These product notes provide late-breaking information about the Sun Blade T6300 Server Module. This document is written for technicians, system administrators, authorized service providers (ASPs), and users who have advanced experience troubleshooting and replacing hardware.

You should always obtain the latest version of these product notes at:

Software Information

Supported Firmware and Software Versions

The following firmware and software versions are supported in this release of the Sun Blade T6300 server module:

Note - Before installing any software onto the Sun Blade T6300 server module hard drives, read the documentation for that software.

Required Patches

This section describes the patches available for the Sun Blade T6300 server module. Patches are available from

Special Instructions for the Solaris 10 Kernel Patches

Follow the special installation instructions in the patch README file before manually installing 118833-36. This patch should not be installed while the system is in multiuser mode.

Note - This patch must be downloaded before the other patches. The kernel patch, 118833-36 cannot be installed with Sun Update Connection, even if you select install.

To view the patch README file, perform the following procedures:

1. Download the patch.

2. Change to the /var/sadm/spool directory.

3. Unzip the file:

# unzip 118833-36

4. Follow the directions in the README file:

# cat 118833-36/README.118833-36

5. Once this patch is installed, restart Sun Update Connection to install the remaining patches.

Other Required Patches

Note - Before contacting Sun for support, ensure that the mandatory patches are installed on your server module. In addition to installing these patches, Sun recommends that you check the SunSolve web site on a regular basis for the availability of new patches.

Applying Patches to the Boot Disk

You can go to SunSolve directly or use the Sun Update Connection Manager. Both methods are described in the following section.

Using Sun Update Connection Manager

To use the Sun Update Connection Manager, go to the following URL and follow the instructions in the Get Started section:

Applying Patches to the Boot Disk Using SunSolve

1. Determine whether the patches have been installed on your system.

For example, using the showrev command, type the following:

# showrev -p | grep "Patch: 120824"

For example, if patch 120824-07 or later is installed, your system has the required version of this patch.

2. Go to to download the patches.

Using the SunSolve PatchFinder tool, specify the base patch ID number (the first six digits) to access the current release of a patch.

3. Follow the installation instructions provided in a specific patch’s README file.

Note - Additional information about the latest patches may be found at:

Known Software Issues

Chassis Management Module Restrictions

You can view current network settings for the service processor on the Sun Blade T6300 server module using the Sun Blade 6000 chassis management module (CMM). However, you cannot make changes to the service processor network settings using the CMM. To make changes to the service processor network settings, you need to log in to the St. Paul service processor.

The service processor on the Sun Blade T6300 server module can only be reset by logging in to the SP (via ethernet or via RJ-45 serial port) and issuing the resetsc command at the sc> prompt.

Hardware Information

This section describes hardware issues with the Sun Blade T6300 server module.

Support for NEMs

The Sun Blade T6300 server module supports SAS1 functionality and is compatible with the following NEMs. You should check the NEM documentation for firmware update information.

Note - There are no 10Gbe fabric expansion modules (FEMs) for the Sun Blade T6300. The Sun Blade T6300 server module only supports 1Gbe on these NEMs

Replacing Server Modules or Filler Panels to Prevent Overheating

caution icon Caution - If you remove a server module from a powered-on Sun Blade 6000 chassis, you must replace the server module or insert a filler panel within one minute to prevent the adjacent server modules from overheating.

Using the Cable Dongle

Note - You should only use the 4-connector cable dongle with the Sun Blade T6300 server module: do not use the 3-connector cable dongle. The RJ45 connectors have different wiring.

The 4-connector cable dongle is intended for initial system setup, configuration, testing, and file transfers. Do not leave the cable dongle attached to the server module.

FIGURE 1 Cable Dongle Connectors

RJ-45 Connector on the Cable Dongle

Hardware handshaking signals are not transmitted through the RJ-45 cable dongle connector. Only transmit, receive, and ground signals are transmitted. FIGURE 2 shows the RJ45 connector pinouts.

Shows from left to right: Pin 1 Not connected, pin 2 not connected and...Pin 3 RS232 receive data, Pin 4 Ground, Pin 5 Ground, Pin 6 RS232 Transmit data, Pin 7 Not connected, Pin 8 Not connected.

FIGURE 2 Pinouts for the RJ45 Connector on the Cable Dongle

USB 2.0 Connections to the Cable Dongle

Some third-party USB connectors might have thick molding. If you attempt to connect two USB connectors with thick molding, they could distort the dongle connector and intermittent signals could result. You should connect a USB hub that allows more cables to be connected without deforming the connectors.

Other Known Issues

TABLE 1 lists known issues for which a change request ID (CR ID, formerly known as a bug ID) has been assigned. For more information about these CRs, visit the SunSolve web site.

TABLE 1 Specific Issues and Related CR IDs





When the T6300 is inserted into a Sun Blade 6000 Modular System with second generation backplanes, the T6300 logs faults for non-existent fans. For example:



However, a Sun Blade 6000 chassis only has Fans 0 through 5.

None. You can ignore the messages, however, the size of /var/adm/messages should be managed to prevent false alerts from consuming the file system. See logadm (1M).


T6300 System Firmware 6.3.6: showfru command shows incorrect DIMM vendor

Update the system firmware to 6.4.5 or a subsequent compatible release.


ALOM CMT tool might not report the presence, removal, or insertion of a network express module (NEM).

Use the CMM to check for NEM presence.


When a Sun Blade T6300 server module is inserted into the chassis, the other server modules might receive incorrect messages that report a new NEM has been installed. When the new server module is powered on, another message might report that the NEMs have been removed. The CMM might also report that two NEMs are present when only one is present.

Ignore these messages.


When PCI ExpressModule is hot-plugged and configured, the PICL tree is only partially updated.

Restart picld (svcadm restart picld).


St. Paul rejects ssh login under load and ssh login session.

Use Telnet sessions instead of SSH.


If you do not have a DHCP server established, you cannot set the Sun Blade T6300 server module service processor from the Sun Blade 6000 chassis management module (CMM).

Use an RJ-45 connector on the cable dongle and use an ALOM command to configure the network.


Fan status information not available from the Solaris command prtdiag.

This information is available using the service processor command: showenvironment


Solaris 10 11/06 OS does not support hot-insertion or hot-removal of an InfiniBand ExpressModule card at this time. (See open issues for Supplemental Release 1.2.1 for more information.)

Do not use the Solaris OS when hot-inserting or hot-removing a PCI EM. Shut down the Solaris OS gracefully before removing or inserting the PCI EM.


Some Sony USB DVD-RW drives might cause the server module to panic when connected with a USB cable.

Do not connect these Sony USB DVD-RW drives.


The I2C bus might timeout when the number of simultaneous requesters exceeds ten. This timeout might cause missing FRU information for the service processor.

Reboot the service processor.

Documentation Changes

Cable Dongle Does Not Support Ethernet

In the Sun Blade T6300 Server Module Installation Guide, Figure 1-2 describes the dongle cable is an Ethernet cable. This information is not correct. The RJ-45 connector on the cable dongle can only be used to connect to a virtual console. The connector provides a connection to the service processor on the Sun Blade T6300 server module.

poweron -c Command

The Sun Blade T6300 Server Module Installation Guide incorrectly describes the syntax for the poweron command. You must type one of these two commands:

sc>poweron -c



Blue LED Information Incorrect in Service Manual

Table 2-3 of the service manual incorrectly describes the Blue OK to Remove LED behaviors. This is the correct information:



Steady state

Steady state - If LED is off it is not safe to remove the server module from the chassis. You must use software to take the component offline or shut down the server.


Steady on

Steady state

If the blue LED is on, a service action can be safely performed on the component.

Documentation, Support, and Training

These web sites provide additional resources:

Documentation Feedback

Submit comments about this document by clicking the Feedback[+] link at Include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:

Sun Blade T6300 Server Module Product Notes, part number 820-0278-12.



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