Appendix E. MySQL Enterprise Monitor Change History

Table of Contents

E.1. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.7 (Not yet released)
E.2. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.6 (27 August 2009)
E.3. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.5 (18 March 2009)
E.4. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.4 (05 February 2009)
E.5. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.3 (23 January 2009)
E.6. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.2 (14 January 2009)
E.7. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.1 (15 December 2008)
E.8. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.0 (11 December 2008)

This appendix lists the changes to the MySQL Enterprise Monitor, beginning with the most recent release. Each release section covers added or changed functionality, bug fixes, and known issues, if applicable. All bug fixes are referenced by bug number and include a link to the bug database. Bugs are listed in order of resolution. To find a bug quickly, search by bug number.

E.1. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.7 (Not yet released)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of MySQL Enterprise Monitor, version 2.0.6.

Bugs fixed:

  • The agent did not start because the file share/mysql-proxy/items/custom.xml was missing from the build, but referred to in the configuration file. The log recorded the following error:

     Default log:
     2009-09-18 16:25:12: (critical) chassis.c:1097: could not raise RLIMIT_NOFILE to 8192,
    Invalid argument (22). Current limit still 1024.
     2009-09-18 16:25:13: (critical) job_collect_mysql.c.1894: opening
    ustom.xml' failed with: Failed to open file
    ustom.xml': No such file or directory
     2009-09-18 16:25:13: ((error)) scheduler.c:318: register_classes() for plugin
    collect_mysql failed

    If the reference to share/mysql-proxy/items/custom.xml was removed from the “agent-item-files = ...” entry in the configuration file, then the agent started as expected. (Bug#47443)

  • After upgrading to Mac OS X Snow Leopard, the following error was generated when starting an agent:

    Macintosh-6:replication ligaya$
    ./Master.5.1.34sp1/MEM_agent/etc/init.d/mysql-monitor-agent start
    Starting MySQL Enterprise agent service...
    ./Master.5.1.34sp1/MEM_agent/etc/init.d/mysql-monitor-agent: line 175:   861 Trace/BPT
    trap          nohup $MERLIN_AGENT_ROOTDIR/bin/mysql-monitor-agent $MERLIN_AGENT_OPTIONS >
     ERROR! MySQL Enterprise agent failed to start.

    Further, when attempting to display the agent version the following error was generated:

    Macintosh-6:replication ligaya$ ./Master.5.1.34sp1/MEM_agent/bin/mysql-monitor-agent -v
    dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
      Referenced from:
      Reason: Incompatible library version: DictionaryServices requires version 10.0.0 or
    later, but libxml2.2.dylib provides version 9.0.0
    Trace/BPT trap


E.2. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.6 (27 August 2009)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of MySQL Enterprise Monitor, version 2.0.5.

Functionality added or changed:

  • Events used a GMT timestamp for the event time within email notifications, rather than the local time for the server generating the event.

    MySQL Enterprise Monitor has been changed so that it displays the time using the server's locale and GMT. (Bug#43739)

Bugs fixed:

  • Initial setup and registration of MySQL Enterprise Monitor could fail on Mac OS X when communicating with the MySQL Enterprise website. (Bug#46571)

  • If a migration from 1.3 to 2.0 was initiated and a new server created during the migration, but then deleted before migration was finished, the new server delete operation failed with an Null Pointer Exception (NPE). (Bug#44991)

  • The Rule “InnoDB Buffer Cache Hit Rate Not Optimal” in the “Memory Usage” Advisor did not contain an uptime check. This resulted in premature firing of an info event. (Bug#44770)

  • In the Advisor “Administration” the Rule “InnoDB Redo Logs Not Sized Correctly” did not fire correctly. The rule contained the expression:

    (%have_innodb% == "YES") && ((%innodb_log_file_size% * %innodb_log_files_in_group%) <
    LEAST(1073741824, (%innodb_buffer_pool_size% / 2)))

    This was incorrect and needed to be changed to:

    (%have_innodb% == "YES") && ((%innodb_log_file_size% * %innodb_log_files_in_group%) <=
    LEAST(1073741824, (%innodb_buffer_pool_size% / 2)))


  • The recommendation for the rule Table Cache Not Optimal says:

    Recommended Action
    SET GLOBAL table_cache = (64 + 16);

    But an error was generated on executing that query:

    mysql> SET GLOBAL table_cache = (64 + 16);
    ERROR 1193 (HY000): Unknown system variable 'table_cache'
    mysql> select version();
    | version()  |
    | 5.1.31-log |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)


  • When running the shutdown script for Enterprise Dashboard, it took an unacceptably long time for Tomcat to terminate completely, the java process eventually had to be killed manually. (Bug#44327)

  • The upgrade installer overwrote any custom settings stored in WEB-INF/ For example it set the database host back to localhost. (Bug#44003)

  • When updating an Agent from 2.0 to 2.1 the mysql-monitor-agent.ini was incorrectly updated.

    This happened if the Agent was configured to use SSL to connect to the Enterprise Dashboard, on a port other than 18443. The update installer caused any value specified for the port to be changed to 18443. This did not happen if the Agent was not using SSL. (Bug#43900)

  • An error was generated when an attempt was made to rename a Replication Group to one that had previously been deleted. (Bug#43846)

  • A new topology was not discovered after the previous replication group was renamed. (Bug#43815)

  • On Unix systems, executing the command:

    ./ stop

    did not make sure that mysqld was shutdown before finishing.

    This resulted in a situation such as the following:

    # /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor- stop
    Using CATALINA_BASE:   /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/apache-tomcat
    Using CATALINA_HOME:   /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/apache-tomcat
    Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/apache-tomcat/temp
    Using JRE_HOME:       /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor-
    Stopping tomcat service ... [ OK ]
    /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor- : mysql stopped

    However, running the following command a few minutes later showed that the MySQL server was still running:

    # /opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor- status
    MySQL Network MySQL is running
    MySQL Network Tomcat is not running


  • The MySQL Enterprise Monitor upgrade installer incorrectly replaced the AdvisorScript.jar in <instDir>/apache-tomcat/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib/ with the default Advisor JAR. (Bug#43773)

  • The agent created the mysql.inventory table with an engine type of InnoDB, instead of MyISAM, when InnoDB was specified as the default engine type in my.cnf. This happened because the agent did not explicitly specify the table engine type to be of MyISAM. (Bug#43551)

  • The MySQL Enterprise Monitor installer failed to install correctly due to insufficient disk space, even though the installer calculated there was suffcient disk space for the installation. This was due to the installer having out of date information regarding disk space requirements. (Bug#43538)

  • After removing enough servers to bring the host count back down to the number covered in the subscription, the Subscription Warnings reflected the new number. However, the warning message displayed:

    You are currently monitoring 1 host, however your subscription covers only 1. Your
    subscription needs to be updated to cover at least 0 additional hosts.

    Instead of displaying:

    Your subscription is up-to-date
    You have no warnings at this time.

    The former message resulted in confusion. (Bug#43163)

  • If a host was not a slave during the initial discovery phase, then it would not be displayed in the Replication tab if it subsequently became a slave.

    This was because after the initial discovery phase, if a host did not have slavestatus present, no subsequent checks were made to check for the host being a slave. It was therefore missed for the purposes of replication discovery and never showed in the Replication tab. (Bug#42997)

  • The advisor “User Has Rights To Database That Does Not Exist” generated erroneous alerts.

    If a database was created with an “_” character in the name, and then user privileges granted to this database using the escaped character sequence “\_” to prevent wildcards, then the advisor generates an error stating there is no database for the privilege.

    For example, if the following is carried out on the monitored server:

    CREATE DATABASE test_foo;
    GRANT SELECT ON `test\_foo`.* to testuser@'localhost' identified by 'test';

    then the advisor warns that these users have rights to a database that does not exist:

    ''@'%' on DB test_%,
    'test'@'localhost' on DB test_foo,
    'testuser'@'localhost' on DB test_foo


  • The generic Linux IA64 glibc2.3 Agent installer was missing from the build. (Bug#41224)

  • The Enterprise Dashboard displayed a blank entry for Disk Space in the Meta Info area. This happened on Open Solaris 2008.05. This problem only occurred when using the ZFS file system. (Bug#40907)

  • The graphs for Thread Cache, Connections and Temporary Tables contained incorrect Japanese translations on their Y axis. The Japanese displayed “total connection time (min)” when it should have displayed something else. For example, the Thread Cache graph should have displayed “total/min”. (Bug#40413)

  • When the Agent was started as a service on Windows for the first time, the name in the Task Manager window was MYSQL-~1.EXE. This occurred whether the Agent was started from within the installer or from the Start Menu.

    If the service was restarted, the Agent's name changed to the correct value, mysql-service-agent.exe. (Bug#30166)

E.3. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.5 (18 March 2009)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of MySQL Enterprise Monitor, version 2.0.4.

Bugs fixed:

  • The FreeBSD 7 Agent was inadvertently a Linux binary.

    shell> file mysqlmonitoragent-
    mysqlmonitoragent- ELF 32-bit LSB executable,
    Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, dynamically linked (uses shared libs),


  • Calling the Agent with the option --agent-run-os-tests resulted in a crash. This happened on Linux x86-64 systems. The resultant stack trace was:

    2009-03-04 16:39:42: (critical) chassis.c:1097: could not raise RLIMIT_NOFILE to 8192,
    Invalid argument (22). Current limit still 1024.
    sigar-test-all.c.124 (test_sigar_pid_get):
      pid = 5188
    sigar-test-all.c.106 (test_sigar_mem_get):
    sigar-test-all.c.427 (test_sigar_file_system_list_get): (items = 13)
      fs.dirname = /
      fs.devname = /dev/mapper/vg00-root
      fs.typename = local
      fs.sys-type-name = ext3
      fs.type = 2 = 15481840 = 14116140
      fsusage.used = 1365700
      fsusage.avail = 13329708
      fsusage.files = 1966080
      fsusage.use_percent = 0.100000
      diskusage.reads = 315302
      diskusage.writes = 6318240
      diskusage.write_bytes = 25879511040
      diskusage.read_bytes = 6561092608
      diskusage.queue = 47457530080206
    Segmentation fault

    On some systems no output was shown, other than the message “Segmentation fault”. (Bug#43381)

  • Following a change in the replication configuration, MySQL Enterprise Monitor did not display the new topology correctly. (Bug#43240)

  • When a data collection became invalid, the agent sent NULLs for those collection values. However, the timestamps that it sent with the values were the timestamps from the last valid value that was collected.

    Due to key constraints on the Service Manager side, MySQL Enterprise Monitor disregarded anything sent with duplicate timestamps, thus the NULLs received from the agent were never processed. Some mechanisms, such as replication discovery, depend on the NULLs to identify a situation where data has become invalid. (Bug#43239)

  • MySQL Enterprise Monitor did not add a log entry each time data was purged. The log entry should have noted how many rows of each type of data were purged (historical data, logs, quan data). (Bug#43159)

  • MySQL Enterprise Monitor generated a stack overflow. This was as a result of a bug in Hibernate, which caused Hibernate to enter infinite recursion while trying to load a relationship. (Bug#43107)

  • The “Table Cache Set Too Low For Startup” and “Table Cache Not Optimal” rules were not supported on MySQL 5.1 because the table_cache system variable was deprecated and replaced with table_open_cache. (Bug#42663)

  • Migrated server was not completely deleted.

    In a Monitor that had been updated from 1.3.2 to 2.0.4, with 2 database servers queued for migration, if a server being migrated was deleted, or a migrated server was deleted, this would not be reflected in the user interface or in the license count, until Tomcat was restarted. (Bug#42604)

  • The installer used to upgrade from version 1.3 corrupted passwords containing the “?” character. (Bug#42452)

  • The replication status of a server was displayed as “unknown”. However, the agent logged no errors and the server showed no other event problems. The server status was displayed as “up” and the database connection was also displayed as “up”. (Bug#42407)

  • Sun multi-core processors caused all cores to be reported on the meta information page.

    The larger T-series SPARC processors have 32+ cores. This caused the meta information page in the Dashboard to scroll as it reported each one. (Bug#42355)

  • If an attempt was made to disable a rule using the link next to the rule, the following error message was generated:

    U0002 You must log in to access the requested resource. Go to login page.

    However, clicking the link did not prompt the user to login again. (Bug#42313)

  • Changing ssh-agent from OpenSSH or specifying a malevolent value of agent-host-id, could inject data into the monitored MySQL Server.

    For example, setting agent-host-id to the value “I'm a test” would result in the following message in the error log:

    2009-01-23 15:45:11: ((error)) agent_mysqld.c:281: mysql_real_query('INSERT INTO
    mysql.inventory  (name, value) VALUES ( 'hostid', 'I'm a test' )') on 'mysql' failed: You
    have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
    version for the right syntax to use near 'm a test' )' at line 1 (mysql-errno = 1064)


  • When SHOW GLOBAL STATUS returned a value greater than 214748364, it was sent to the Service Manager as 214748364. (Bug#42245)

  • The Agent failed to identify local sockets as local on Mac OS X 10.4.

    If the Agent was configured to use a Unix domain socket on Mac OS X 10.4, it did not treat the connection as local and failed to provide CPU and memory information to MySQL Enterprise Monitor. This is shown in the log file:

    2009-01-20 18:15:02: (message) network-socket.c:752: is-local family 0 != 1
    2009-01-20 18:15:02: (message) agent_mysqld.c:322: [mysql] mysqld is not local or not
    directly connected

    However, this problem did not happen on Mac OS X 10.5. (Bug#42220)

  • Some graphs on the Graph tab were not updated after the page was refreshed, or Update was clicked.

    The only way to get an updated graph was to change the graph size (in pixels) and then click Update. (Bug#42162)

  • The my.cnf file for the Enterprise Monitor internal database had the following configuration item:

    innodb_autoextend_increment = 50M

    This generated the error:

    16:36:23 [Warning] option 'innodb_autoextend_increment': unsigned value 52428800
    adjusted to 1000

    This variable is interpreted as being specified in MB, so 50M would be 50 TB. Such a high value results in the variable being adjusted to 1000 MB.

    The value in the configuration file should be:

    innodb_autoextend_increment = 50


  • A number of Advisor rules had advice text that had not been translated into Japanese. The Advisors that contained untranslated rules included Performance, Schema and Security. (Bug#42067)

  • The Service Manager did not handle the case where the agent failed to supply a valid master_ip. The Service Manager would then not restart. The logs contained the following:

    2009-01-09 14:39:50,472 ERROR [main:org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader] Context
    initialization failed
    org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with
    name 'serverConnectionMonitor' defined in ServletContext resource
    [/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor
    argument with index 2 of type []: Error creating bean
    with name 'manager' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]:
    Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is
    101c6b5b-15eb-49aa-916c-843c51b28d38: mysql.slavestatus.Master_ip


  • Having too many users with strong privileges generated Service Manager errors and events failed to be triggered.

    If there were approximately 1000 users with full privileges and the value of group_concat_max_len was set to 100001, the size of the data that the agent sent to the Service Manager was too large and caused Service Manager errors. Also, the Security event “Account has Strong MySQL privileges” did not trigger. (Bug#41987)

  • Query Analyzer's Query Type filter for SELECT ignored statements starting with parenthesis.

    If you sent a statement through Query Analyzer starting with parenthesis, such as:

    (SELECT 1 FROM dual);

    and then attempted to filter for SELECT queries only, queries starting with parenthesis were not displayed. (Bug#41968)

  • The agent angel process was spawning too soon, which caused a duplicate UUID error.

    g_error() logged a fatal error, and called abort(). This terminated the program. Then the angel respawned with the same UUID, but with a -1 session resync request, which the MEM server denied because the old session was still active. This resulted in a permissions denied error (1142) on the mysql.inventory table.

    2008-12-17 18:58:58: (message) agent_mysqld.c:313: [mysql] mysqld is local and directly connected
    2008-12-17 18:58:58: ((error)) agent_mysqld.c:444: [mysql] mysql_real_query("SELECT value
    FROM mysql.inventory WHERE name = 'uuid'") failed: SELECT command denied to user
    'ent_agent'@'' for table 'inventory' (errno=1142)
    2008-12-17 18:58:58: (debug) chassis.c:282: 15134 returned: 15134
    2008-12-17 18:58:58: (message) chassis.c:304: [angel] PID=15134 died on signal=6 (it used
    0 kBytes max) ... waiting 3min before restart
    2008-12-17 18:59:00: (debug) chassis.c:244: we are the child: 15149
    2008-12-17 18:59:00: (message) chassis.c:259: [angel] we try to keep PID=15149 alive
    2008-12-17 18:59:00: (debug) chassis.c:277: waiting for 15149
    2008-12-17 18:59:00: (message) mysql-proxy 0.7.0 started
    2008-12-17 18:59:00: (message) MySQL Monitor Agent started.


  • master_uuid discovery did not work with MySQL Server versions prior to 5.1. master_uuid did not show in any Agent to Monitor communications, and no log or error messages were generated.

    However, now the bug has been fixed, an Agent monitoring a 5.0 MySQL Server would register the following in its logs:


    Note the presence of master_uuid. (Bug#41525)

  • The master_uuid was not used for replication topology discovery.

    The agent collected master_uuid by reading the file, and then running a SELECT directly against its master. This was to try and read the mysql.inventory table on the master to obtain the instance master_uuid.

    However, this was not being used correctly by the replication topology discovery within the server. (Bug#41519)

  • Queries such as SELECT against the master mysql.inventory was not logged on slave-based agents. This made diagnosing topology discovery issues difficult. (Bug#41518)

  • After an error was generated due to an incorrect password while trying to create a new user, the following error was obtained when subsequently attempting to create a valid new user:

    U0002 You must log in to access the requested resource


  • Agent startup failed on Solaris 10. The error generated was:

    # ./mysql-monitor-agent start
    Bad string
    ERROR! /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/etc/mysql-monitor-agent.ini has to have a
    [mysql-proxy].pid-file setting

    This was caused by unexpected behavior of the tr command. (Bug#41260)

  • On the Query Analysis page, if a query was clicked the minimum displayed was greater than the average. (Bug#41259)

  • In some circumstances the agent/proxy ran out of file descriptors, causing secondary failures. It could not recover from that state. The relevant part of the log file is shown here:

    2008-11-27 11:11:00: (critical) last message repeated 2 times
    2008-11-27 11:11:00: (critical) job_collect_os.c:411: sigar_cpu_info_list_get() failed
    2008-11-27 11:11:00: (critical) job_collect_os.c:445: sigar_cpu_list_get() failed
    2008-11-27 11:11:00: (critical) job_collect_os.c:411: sigar_cpu_info_list_get() failed
    2008-11-27 11:11:00: (critical) job_collect_os.c:445: sigar_cpu_list_get() failed
    2008-11-27 11:11:00: (critical) job_collect_os.c:411: sigar_cpu_info_list_get() failed
    2008-11-27 11:11:00: (critical) job_collect_os.c:445: sigar_cpu_list_get() failed
    2008-11-27 11:11:00: (critical) job_collect_os.c:411: sigar_cpu_info_list_get() failed
    2008-11-27 11:11:00: (critical) job_collect_os.c:445: sigar_cpu_list_get() failed
    2008-11-27 11:11:30: (critical) network-socket.c.292: socket( failed: Too many open files (24)
    2008-11-27 11:11:30: (critical) proxy-plugin.c.1532: Cannot connect, all backends are down.
    2008-11-27 11:20:22: (critical) last message repeated 4 times
    2008-11-27 11:20:22: (critical) network-io.c:215:
    curl_easy_perform('https://user:password@merlin-dashboard:443/heartbeat') failed:
    SSL connection timeout (curl-error = 'Timeout was reached' (28), os-error = 'Connection refused' (111))


  • If an installation of Service Manager included a backup directory, due to a previous upgrade, and was upgraded using at least Service Manager, then the installer displayed an error message and exited.

    The error message displayed was:

    There has been an error.
    Error renaming /Applications/mysql/enterprise/monitor/apache-tomcat to
    The application will exit now


  • The Agent started without problems and connected to the master. But it was unable to perform a SELECT from the table mysql.inventory to obtain server information. (Bug#40933)

  • Canonical Query Text for Select -1 was displayed as SELECT -? instead of SELECT ? on the Query Analyzer tab. (Bug#40435)

  • The agent installer for Solaris 8 x86 32-bit was missing. (Bug#40248)

  • The MySQL Enterprise Monitor Dashboard did not display the subscribed notification group(s) on the Advisor Current Scheduled and Add to Schedule pages. (Bug#36007)

  • The startup scripts supplied with MySQL Network Monitoring and Advisory tool did not supply all of the LSB init.d script options required. A list of the required options can be found at the following website

    The required options missing include status and force-reload. The option status is used by monitoring tools and cluster software such as Red Hat Cluster, to ensure that the service is still running. The force-reload option is an alias for restart. (Bug#29848)

  • Multiple errors showed in the agent log after issuing a SHOW INNODB STATUS statement. The InnoDB Buffer Poolgraph also went blank. (Bug#27372)

E.4. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.4 (05 February 2009)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of MySQL Enterprise Monitor, version 2.0.3.

Bugs fixed:

  • The Monitor Agent did not log connections to, and disconnects from, the monitored database.

    This meant it was not possible to check if the Agent was connected to the database by simply looking at the log file. (Bug#42403)

  • The Monitor Agent failed to create the mysql.inventory table. The logs displayed the following error message:

    (critical) (share/mysql-proxy/quan.lua:711) [proxy] please add SELECT permissions for
    this user on mysql.inventory to enable the QUAN feature, got Table 'mysql.inventory'
    doesn't exist

    This happened even though the Monitor Agent used the root account. (Bug#42389)

  • After installing Monitor Agent and then starting it with --version, the incorrect version was displayed. Although was installed, the Monitor Agent displayed the version number as (Bug#42263)

  • An invalid path was shown in the error message if the upgrade installer failed to find the previous install location.

    The error message is shown below, note that the error message displays a different path to that provided by the user:

    Please specify the directory that contains the previous installation of the MySQL
    Enterprise Monitor Agent
    Installation directory [/home/mysql/mysql/enterprise/agent]: /var/lib/mysql/agent
    Warning: The directory /home/mysql/mysql/enterprise/agent does not contain a
    previous installation. Please select the right installation directory.
    Press [Enter] to continue :
    Please specify the directory that contains the previous installation of the MySQL
    Enterprise Monitor Agent


  • The agent password error in the Service Manager did not log the originating host, making it impossible to determine the agent that failed to log in:

    ErrorJan 5, 2009 4:56:08 PM<?xml version='1.0'?><exceptions><error><![CDATA[E1702:
    IncorrectPasswordException: [agent]]]></error></exceptions>


  • The Service Manager's JDBC connections did not have sql_mode set to include NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION. This resulted in the failure of Data Definition Language (DDL) if the Service Manager was inadvertently pointed to an incorrect mysqld instance. (Bug#42137)

  • A number of Advisor rules had advice text that had not been translated into Japanese. The Advisors that contained untranslated rules included Performance, Schema and Security. (Bug#42067)

  • Monitor Agent configuration files had global read privileges on the filesystem. (Bug#41794)

  • When the log files rotated to the maximum permitted by the log4j configuration, the metadata contained in the FileAppender became out of synchronization due to a logic bug. This caused an assertion error on any subsequent request for the logs tab or data. (Bug#41593)

  • SNMP trap messages were sending as the IP address, and there was no feature to enable the user to configure the IP address contained in the SNMP message, which would have been useful for troubleshooting. (Bug#41361)

  • On all available test systems, including SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 9 and 10 x86-32, x86-64, IA64, and Ubuntu 6.10 x86-64, the agent memory grew incrementally within ~3 hours to ~25M.

    The agents then switched to the 'red' condition on the dashboard and no more data was reported. The agent processes were still active.

    This was also present in MySQL Enterprise Monitor version on Suse 7.3, with the glibc2.2 x86 agent.

    There was no load on the monitored servers, and the problem also occurred when the “self-quan” was not configured. (Bug#41244)

  • Although the Monitor tab loaded initially, after a 64-bit MySQL server running a 32-bit MySQL Monitor Agent was clicked, a Null Pointer Exception was generated. (Bug#41164)

  • The Monitor Agent startup configuration did not seem to work and did not generate a log file. (Bug#40583)

  • An error generated by a rule failed to clear.

    When a rule was created with the os:disk:fs_used data item, if the instance was not a valid mount point then the Monitor Agent reported the error:

    2008-08-11 17:57:00: (critical) disk-get failed for all: 2

    Note the above instance was for “all”, and similar results occurred for instance “disk”.

    The issue was that upon editing the rule, or even deleting the rule, the agent still showed the above error type. Restarting the agent and the monitoring service failed to remove the error. (Bug#38709)

  • If the “On Save send test trap” checkbox was checked when the Save button was clicked and the locale was set to Japanese, an error occurred. The orange error banner was displayed at the top of the page with the error message in Japanese. (Bug#32069)

E.5. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.3 (23 January 2009)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of MySQL Enterprise Monitor, version 2.0.2.

Bugs fixed:

  • The Monitor Agent failed to connect to the server, and no error message was displayed in the log file.

    However, when the log verbosity level was set to message, the following message was recorded:

    2009-01-12 13:34:43: (warning) agent_mysqld.c:600: agent connecting to mysql-server
    failed: mysql_real_connect(host = '', port = 3306, socket = ''): Lost connection
    to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0 (mysql-errno =


  • There was a mismatch between the contents of an SNMP Trap from MySQL Enterprise Monitor and the definition given in the file MONITOR.MIB. (Bug#41912)

  • If a copy was made of a standard rule, the resulting Wiki markup was incorrect, resulting in the display of user-interface text containing HTML markup. (Bug#41375)

  • Allowing the heat chart rules to be set to unscheduled caused the user interface to appear broken. (Bug#41312)

  • When a custom rule requiring disk information was created, for example:

    %disk_reads%> THRESHOLD
    Critical Alert: 9000
    Warning Alert: 3000
    Info Alert: 1000
    [Variable Assignment]
    variables: %disk_reads%
    Data Item: os:disk:disk_reads
    Instance: /

    The following error was written to the file mysql-service-agent.log:

    2007-09-05 17:11:00: (critical) disk-get failed for c0d0p1: 2

    It therefore appeared that the Monitor Agent was not able to obtain the required information. (Bug#30820)

E.6. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.2 (14 January 2009)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of MySQL Enterprise Monitor, version 2.0.1.

Bugs fixed:

  • The Complete Setup button was missing from the Setup page you were taken to after the current subscription expired. (Bug#41685)

  • If the host-id of the monitored instance and the host-id of the current agent did not match, the agent generated the following error message:

    Please TRUNCATE TABLE mysql.inventory on this mysql-instance and restart the agent.

    However, it did not suggest using sql_log_bin = 0. This is used for all other actions against this table so that they are not replicated to slaves, each of which has their own copy of this table. (Bug#41673)

  • The Agent did not start up when the monitored server had many databases and tables, and was under heavy load. This was because the trigger_schema query was taking too long on agent start up. (Bug#41555)

  • The Monitor Agent failed to install on Solaris 10 x86. The following error was generated:

    0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
    Warning: Problem running post-install step.
    Installation may not complete correctly
    Error running /usr/local/mysqlagent/bin/mysql-monitor-agent
    --plugins=agent --agent-generate-uuid=true : 2008-12-12 13:06:02: (critical)
    Conversion from character set '646' to 'UTF-8' is not supported
    2008-12-12 13:06:02: (message) shutting down normally


  • The console/stdout appender remained in the log4j configuration, which meant that all the MySQL Enterprise Monitor server logs were duplicated to Catalina's stdout, and thus catalina.out, which was wasteful, especially as that file was not rotated or managed. (Bug#41439)

  • When creating new multiple user accounts, the first attempt worked fine. However, following attempts to create new users did not show the Query Analyzer Options in the Create User pop-up until the role field was changed. (Bug#41430)

  • When login privileges were required the Service Manager did not redirect the user to the login page. This resulted in error messages being displayed rather than simply redirecting the user to the login page. This problem typically occurred if it was necessary to restart Tomcat. (Bug#41320)

  • The monitor and Solaris Intel update installer quits unexpectedly. The installer exits from the GUI in the Backup of Previous Installation screen, when OpenSolaris is running on top of Sun xVM.

    The console output for both installer versions is given below:

    shell> ./mysqlmonitor-
    X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
      Major opcode of failed request:  73 (X_GetImage)
      Serial number of failed request:  21161
      Current serial number in output stream:  21161
    shell> ./mysqlmonitor-
    X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
      Major opcode of failed request:  73 (X_GetImage)
      Serial number of failed request:  21148
      Current serial number in output stream:  21148


  • The Rename Group function failed if the new group name was different to the current one only in the case used; for example, if “Merlin” was changed to “MERLIN”.

    The error generated was:

    U0105 This group name is already in use. Enter a different name.


  • The Agent returned an inventory list of all databases and tables. This information was not used by MySQL Enterprise Monitor, other than to populate the inv_databases and inv_tables tables. For large-scale deployments, where there were many databases and tables, this resulted in redundant XML messages being sent from the Agent to the Service Manager. (Bug#33150)

E.7. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.1 (15 December 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of MySQL Enterprise Monitor, version 2.0.0.

Bugs fixed:

  • Having an installation with over 420 master binlogs resulted in the mysql::status graph not being plotted. (Bug#41314)

  • The MySQL Enterprise Monitor installer generated a segfault on RedHat Fedora 10:

    shell> ./mysqlmonitor-
    Segmentation fault


E.8. Changes in MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.0.0 (11 December 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of MySQL Enterprise Monitor, version 1.3.3.

Functionality added or changed:

  • Important Change: The server-name configuration parameter is deprecated. For compatibility, during an upgrade, the information will be migrated to a displayname configuration parameter within the individual instance configuration files. This configuration parameter is provided only for compatibility, as display name information is now stored within the main repository. Support for displayname is also deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

  • Important Note: The rules “32-Bit Binary Running on 64-Bit AMD Or Intel System” and “Key Buffer Size Greater Than 4 GB” occasionally do not evaluate correctly due to timing issues. This causes them to be displayed with the Severity level of “Unknown”. This is a known issue and will be resolved in future versions of MySQL Enterprise Monitor.

  • Important Note: When you start the Merlin 2.0 agent from the command line on Windows, you get the following error dialog:

    "mysql-proxy.exe - Entry Point Not Found"
    "The procedure entry point libiconv_set_relocation_prefix could not be located in the
    dynamic link library iconv.dll"

    If you click OK the agent works fine after that.

    This only occurs when starting the agent from the command line, and only when there is another version of one of the DLLs that the agent uses somewhere on the current path. This error can be avoided by opening a command prompt, typing SET PATH= to clear the path, and then starting the agent.

  • The following has been added to the Tomcat properties file:

         # max connections in the pool for the repository


  • The dashboard could be used to change the agent password to one containing the @ character, or other special characters, which subsequently caused errors. To fix this problem, special characters in passwords are now prevented by the dashboard. The list of special characters not permitted can be found at the following location: (Bug#37172)

  • The Query Analysis page was missing the Refresh dropdown control that the Monitor, Events, and Graphs pages had at the top. (Bug#36831)

  • The User Interface only returned error strings, without any associated error codes. This meant that if the error string was in a language that the user did not understand, it would be very difficult to determine which error actually occurred.

    The User Interface now supports error codes, as well as error strings. This change enables easier testing of multiple locales. (Bug#32131)

  • The wording was changed on the fading pop-up subscription alert. The text “account” was changed to “subscription”. (Bug#31492)

  • The alert thresholds for the Query Cache Advisor were changed:

    Information Warning Critical
    From 95 85 75
    To 60 50 40


  • The agent log file name has changed from mysql-service-agent.log to mysql-monitor-agent.log. The old log file will be retained during a upgrade install.

Bugs fixed:

  • Starting a new agent against an instance that contained many databases broke up the initial discovery packet, causing collections such as CPU usage and their graphs to fail. See also Bug#33150 and Bug#41314. (Bug#41933)

  • When altering an existing rule you had to add an empty string, "", to any threshold level that was empty. Otherwise, the rule failed to run and the resulting exceptions caused the Events page to be unusable due to duplicate key exceptions. (Bug#41310)

  • After installing the Dashboard the following error was generated in the logs:

    com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.OgnlValueStack  Warning  Dec 5, 2008 10:41:26 AM  Caught
    an Ognl exception while getting property titleAddition


  • The dc_ng_long_now table became very large partly due to an unused column begin_time. (Bug#41093)

  • Although there was a unique constraint on the user name, it was not enforced during first-time setup. This resulted in a stack trace being produced, rather than a more user-friendly error message, if the same name was used for the admin and agent accounts. (Bug#40870)

  • MySQL Enterprise Monitor server had stopped sending up/down SNMP traps. (Bug#40861)

  • The Query Analyzer's Explain Query tab did not have pop up text or a link to the documentation regarding SELECT queries. (Bug#40841)

  • When you tried to import a Trial-level advisor JAR using a Trial user account, one of the following error messages was generated:

    U0009 The uploaded Advisor jar was invalid
    U0161 Please import a Platinum level Advisor .jar to use with this Platinum level product key


  • Meta Info on the Dashboard did not display information for the metadata os_description. (Bug#40830)

  • Attempting to create an alias of statements such as COMMIT, ROLLBACK, BEGIN, resulted in the error:

    Can't find template; group hierarchy is [HTMLFormatting]


  • Trying to upgrade from to failed as there was a missing file. When the update program mysqlmonitor- was run, the file /tmp/com/mysql/merlin/server/version.props could not be found. (Bug#40692)

  • On OS X with Java 1.5, Tomcat crashed on launch with the error:

    Invalid memory access of location 00000007 eip=013df179


  • When the agent was installed using the command line installer and --enableproxy 0 was specified, the installer should have removed quan.lua from the agent-item-files option in the INI file. (Bug#40551)

  • The Agent could not connect to a database with the hostname set to localhost. Doing so resulted in the error:

    (critical) the MySQL server could not be reached at socket '(null)', we will check in 10 seconds


  • The update installer for the 2.0 Monitor did not have an Is SSL support required? checkbox. Therefore, the appropriate SSL connector definition was commented out in the conf/server.xml file. (Bug#40414)

  • The Service Manager installer did not uninstall or wipe out the previous installation if you answered “Yes” to the question:

    The directory you selected already contains a MySQL installation. If you continue installation all data will be lost. Do you wish to continue?” (Bug#40410)

  • If you unchecked the Enable Proxy checkbox on the Query Analysis Configuration screen, the agent's INI file still contained proxy configuration data and was not commented out. (Bug#40272)

  • As different queries were sent through the agent it used increasing amounts of memory. (Bug#40260)

  • The Service Manager installer set the Java Virtual Machine option HeapDumpPath to <install_root>\temp on Windows and /tmp on other platforms. For consistency the HeapDumpPath directory should have been set to <install_root>\tmp on Windows. (Bug#40215)

  • When using the command line agent setup program, a socket file was not accepted for the monitored instance. (Bug#40085)

  • The language option when installing the MySQL Enterprise Monitor in Japanese using the command-line instllaer has been changed from jp to ja. (Bug#40082)

  • When monitoring MySQL 5.1.24 and above, the user used by the agent to connect to the MySQL server for monitoring must have the PROCESS privilege. (Bug#40050)

  • The check box option string “Is SSL support required?”, on the Tomcat Server Option dialog of the Monitor installation, was not correctly translated into Japanese. (Bug#39814)

  • The base application directory for the MySQL Enterprise Dashboard has been updated from http://localhost:18080/merlin to http://localhost:18080/. (Bug#39403)

  • If the Service Manager or the MySQL Server running the Repository crashed, they did not restart automatically. (Bug#39377)

  • If the agent crashed, there was no watchdog, angel or keep-alive mechanism to restart the agent and keep it running. (Bug#39374)

  • If the MySQL client libraries were located in a nonstandard location, the agent installer failed with a “library not found” error. (Bug#39317)

  • For the rule “Server-Enforced Data Integrity Checking Not Strict”, the Recommended Action did not display correctly. It displayed as SET sql_mode=modes, rather than SET [GLOBAL|SESSION] sql_mode=modes. (Bug#39261)

  • A query that was issued through the proxy, and that had an auto-explain performed on that query, did not give the correct response to a subsequent query of SELECT FOUND_ROWS(). (Bug#39223)

  • It was not possible to establish a connection with the Dashboard using the SSL protocol (https://). (Bug#39198)

  • When a 1.3 MySQL Enterprise Monitor installation with many rules scheduled was upgraded to 2.0, the upgraded installation was then found to have only the heat chart rules scheduled. (Bug#39043)

  • The agent installer did not permit a second agent to be installed on Windows. (Bug#38976)

  • The default display name for a host supplied by the agent has been changed. If networking has been disabled in the server, the default display name shown is either host:socket for scoket connections, or host:uuid for everything else. If networking is enabled, the host:port combination is used. If the agent has been configured to use the displayname option, this overrides all other default settings. (Bug#38897)

  • The Dashboard incorrectly diplayed that insufficient licenses were available, even though sufficient licenses had been purchased. (Bug#38514)

  • After running the MySQL Service Agent uninstall program, the file /etc/init.d/mysql-service-agent remained present on the server. (Bug#38490)

  • The notice fader continued to display English text after you changed the locale to Japanese. (Bug#38460)

  • The Subscription Expired pop-up window referred to the “Global Preferences” page, instead of the “Global Settings” page. (Bug#38358)

  • An inappropriate time zone was used to parse user-entered date and time strings. (Bug#38323)

  • A sigar network stats error was generated on the Solaris platform:

    # /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/bin/mysql-service-agent --version
    MySQL Service Agent -, (glib lib=2.8.5, headers=2.8.5)
    SunOS mysqlprd01 5.10 Generic_127127-11 sun4v sparc SUNW,T5240
    2008-07-21 10:07:24: (critical) sigar_net_interface_config_primary_get() failed: 6
    2008-07-21 10:08:00: (critical) sigar_net_interface_config_primary_get() failed: 6
    # /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/bin/sigar-test-all >/tmp/test.txt
    sigar_net_interface_stat_get(e1000g0:2) failed#


  • After deleting a server from the Settings, Manage Servers tab, at the very bottom of the page the Monitoring x instances on x host values did not reflect the deletion. (Bug#38225)

  • The MySQL Enterprise Monitor alert “INFO Alert - Users Can View All Databases On MySQL Server (v 1.5 *)” from the Security advisor was incorrect. This is because the default server behavior permits users to see databases for which they have privileges, not “all databases on server” as suggested by the alert. (Bug#38052)

  • The “Maximum Connection Limit Nearing Or Reached” advisor did not generate a new Critical Alert event when there was an open info success event. (Bug#37816)

  • The Linux IA64 installer appeared to crash. The installer appeared to crash on RH4_IA64 if called with option "--version":

    <INSTALLER> --version
    mysqlmonitorage(30704): unaligned access to 0x6000000000a8413c, ip=0x2000000003ddd5f0
    mysqlmonitorage(30704): unaligned access to 0x6000000000a84144, ip=0x2000000003ddd5f1
    mysqlmonitorage(30704): unaligned access to 0x6000000000a8414c, ip=0x2000000003ddd600
    mysqlmonitorage(30704): unaligned access to 0x6000000000a84154, ip=0x2000000003ddd601
    MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent --- Built on 2008-06-25 19:31:53

    However, this warning is harmless and will not impact the operation of the agent. (Bug#37496)

  • If the log-level option in the agent configuration file was set to an unknown level by mistake, the init.d script appeared to enter an infinite loop. (Bug#37108)

  • Malformatted server meta information appeared on the Dashboard; RAM and Disk Space appeared under the CPU category. (Bug#36740)

  • A “rename” link incorrectly appeared next to the Upgrade category on the Manage Rules page. (Bug#36584)

  • In the case where exceptions were passed through to the User Interface, the substituted arguments in the message contained developer-only information. (Bug#36580)

  • Agent Version, Last MySQL Contact, OS Info, CPU Info, and IP Addresses were all blank on the dashboard when the agent for the selected server was not functioning. (Bug#36301)

  • mysql-monitor-agent became confused by the .DS_Store files that are created on Mac OS X. (Bug#36216)

  • The rule “Key Buffer Size Greater Than 4 GB” incorrectly triggered the following alert:

    CRITICAL Alert - Key Buffer Size Greater Than 4 GB

    However, on non-Windows systems, a key buffer size greater than 4 GB is supported. (Bug#36143)

  • Since the repository database for MySQL Enterprise Monitor uses InnoDB there was no way to reduce the size of the data files after an old log/event data purge operation. Further, the purge data operation executed once per day, and had no option to trigger the purge operation manually. (Bug#35971)

  • On the Graphs page, if all graphs were expanded, then the Time Display interval updated, the page was refreshed with the Expand All button displayed, even though all the graphs were already expanded. (Bug#35917, Bug#35133)

  • The Meta Info area of the Monitor page incorrectly reported the operating system version number for the MySQL version. (Bug#35836)

  • The rule “XA Distributed Transaction Support Enabled For InnoDB” incorrectly sent a warning when the binary log was on. (Bug#35786)

  • On the Monitor page, the time displayed for Last MySQL Contact lagged behind that for Last Agent Contact by a large amount. (Bug#35774)

  • MySQL Enterprise Monitor did not update replication settings correctly. After a slave became the master, the Adviser still referred to it as a slave. (Bug#35771)

  • The Adviser email suggested using the --log-queries-not-using-indexes option. However, this option is not available in MySQL Server versions prior to 4.1. (Bug#35770)

  • Thumbnail graphs did not update properly after a time zone change. (Bug#35756)

  • If a system had a global wait_timeout lower than the general activity of the agent, the agent was disconnected. The monitored server then logged an error and incremented Aborted_clients. (Bug#35648)

  • Alerts fired after a blackout period based on data collections that happened during the blackout. (Bug#35617)

  • The translation of the Add Row button on the Rule Definition window was incorrect. (Bug#35495)

  • An uninstallation message asked about removing Apache files, even though Apache is no longer used. (Bug#35154)

  • After updating from a previous version to the latest 1.3 version, the Query Cache Has Sub-Optimal Hit Rate was still displayed in English after setting the locale to Japanese. Note, the rule was translated correctly if the full installer was used. (Bug#35134)

  • The MySQL Enterprise Monitor uninstall dialog box had missing text when using the Japanese locale. (Bug#34982)

  • Running the installer with the --help option caused an incorrect message to be displayed. (Bug#34200)

  • When using the unattended unInstall script on Linux together with the option --env deleteUserData=yes the correct warning text was displayed. However, this text should not be displayed in unattended mode. Further, the option --env deleteUserData=yes was not displayed by the --help output. (Bug#34071)

  • Platinum Unlimited customers sometimes received a warning stating incorrectly that their subscription supported zero hosts. (Bug#34010)

  • Clicking the resolution notes link for a closed event on the events tab showed incorrect behavior. The pop-up initially showed the resolution notes, but when the resolution tab was clicked the notes disappeared and were replaced by an edit box. (Bug#33935)

  • The status on the product information page was not translated when the user locale was set to Japanese. (Bug#32785)

  • When the locale was set to Japanese, the date picker still had English month titles. (Bug#32741)

  • Flashing display of a pop-up used while saving outgoing email settings was caused by problematic initial placement calculations. (Bug#32579)

  • AIX 5.2 Agent did not work on AIX 5.3. (Bug#32414)

  • When the First Time Setup program was run it did not prompt the user to enable importing an Advisor bundle. (Bug#32199)

  • Agent on MacOSX did not read IP addresses for network interfaces correctly, so the monitor displayed empty host IP addresses. (Bug#32188)

  • HTML code in queries was not escaped when reporting replication errors, causing the code to be rendered into the page. (Bug#32186)

  • The First Run pop-up defaulted to English rather than to the locale set in the browser. (Bug#32129)

  • The error dialog box flashed in the upper left corner before being positioned in the center of the screen. This error dialog box now opens in the center of the screen. (Bug#32068)

  • The Events list did not take into account Daylight Time and Standard Time when listing events that happened during 1:00am-1:59am. An event that occurred at 1:10am Standard Time was listed before an event that occurred 50 minutes before it at 1:20am Daylight Time. (Bug#32016)

  • The pop-up for editing log levels failed to load due to bad instantiation data. (Bug#32013)

  • During the repeated hour of Daylight Savings Time (when 2am turns back into 1am), the graphs were not drawing data. Instead, there was a straight line from the point at 1:00 to the second 1:00, which is what happens if there is no data. The repository did, however, have data for this hour. (Bug#31997)

  • Only US English was supported for a locale setting. Other English variants are now available for the locale setting on the General Settings or the User Preferences pages. (Bug#31801)

  • If the user locale was changed the graph cache would continue to display the graph in the last locale until it timed out. (Bug#31680)

  • No init script was installed for the MySQL Network Monitoring Service Manager, and so it did not restart automatically on reboot. (Bug#31676)

  • The graph's displayed time was not the local time of the Dashboard corresponding to the requested time on the monitored server. (Bug#31656)

  • Saving a rule with a name that already existed resulted in a stack trace in the window, instead of a more user-friendly error message. (Bug#30925)

  • The error messages were remapped thereby causing confusion. For example, the following error message:

    E9000: MySQL Enterprise Customer Center is having difficulties fetching your contract information. Please contact for assistance.

    Was remapped to:

    Unable to connect to verify credentials (Bug#30873)

  • A newly added server showed as “down” in the user interface, and could potentially have sent a false alarm notification. (Bug#30735)

  • The information on the Advisors, Check For Updates page did not accurately reflect how many rules and graphs were actually in the database and available to the user. (Bug#29623)

  • The agent did not process SIGHUP. (Bug#29380)

  • Monitor did not have a facility to stop or downgrade an agent collection frequency. (Bug#28589)

  • After an agent installation was updated from to, the version in the Add/Remove Programs menu was incorrectly displayed as, even though the update was successful and the file version of agent.exe was correctly displayed as (Bug#27447)

  • When viewing the Results of an Event in the Events tab of the Dashboard, the Notifications section did not reflect the Notifications settings at the time the Event was triggered, but rather the Notifications settings at the time the Event Results were viewed. (Bug#26349)

  • When the Monitor Agent was remotely monitoring a MySQL server it incorrectly reported that it could collect operating system information. (Bug#22497)

  • The Account Without Password advisor did not report all users who were without a password, it only reported one. (Bug#15165)