Appendix A. MySQL Workbench Change History

Table of Contents

A.1. Changes in Release 5.2
A.1.1. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.30 (Not yet released GA)
A.1.2. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.29 (12 October 2010 GA)
A.1.3. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.28 (19 September 2010 GA)
A.1.4. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.27 (01 September 2010 GA)
A.1.5. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.26 (06 August 2010 GA)
A.1.6. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.25 (30 June 2010 GA)
A.1.7. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.24 (21 June 2010 RC)
A.1.8. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.23 (Internal release only RC)
A.1.9. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.22 (02 June 2010 RC)
A.1.10. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.21 (12 May 2010 RC)
A.1.11. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.20 (27 April 2010 beta)
A.1.12. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.19 (16 April 2010 beta)
A.1.13. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.18 (13 April 2010 beta)
A.1.14. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.17 (02 April 2010 beta)
A.1.15. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.16 (17 February 2010 beta)
A.1.16. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.15 (28 January 2010 beta)
A.1.17. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.14 (21 January 2010 beta)
A.1.18. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.13 (Not released beta)
A.1.19. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.12 (Not released beta)
A.1.20. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.11 (18 December 2009 beta)
A.1.21. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.10 (01 December 2009 beta)
A.1.22. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.9 (Internal release only beta)
A.1.23. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.8 (18 November 2009 beta)
A.1.24. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.7 (Internal release only alpha)
A.1.25. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.6 (21 October 2009 alpha)
A.1.26. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.5 (Internal Release Only alpha)
A.1.27. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.4 (07 October 2009 alpha)
A.1.28. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.3 (15 September 2009 alpha)
A.1.29. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.2 (27 July 2009 alpha)
A.1.30. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.1 (22 May 2009 alpha)
A.1.31. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.0 (30 April 2009 alpha)
A.2. Changes in Release 5.1
A.2.1. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.19 (06 September 2010 GA)
A.2.2. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.18 (03 September 2009 GA)
A.2.3. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.17 (14 August 2009 beta)
A.2.4. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.16 (30 June 2009 beta)
A.2.5. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.15 (26 June 2009 beta)
A.2.6. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.14 (19 June 2009 beta)
A.2.7. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.13 (12 June 2009 beta)
A.2.8. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.12 (27 April 2009 beta)
A.2.9. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.11 (Not yet released beta)
A.2.10. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.10 (10 April 2009 beta)
A.2.11. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.9 (Not yet released beta)
A.2.12. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.8 (Not yet released)
A.2.13. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.7 (Not yet released)
A.2.14. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.6 (Not yet released)
A.2.15. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.4 (Not yet released)
A.3. Changes in Release 5.0
A.3.1. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.30 (18 February 2009)
A.3.2. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.29 (12 December 2008)
A.3.3. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.28 (06 December 2008)
A.3.4. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.27 (07 November 2008)
A.3.5. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.26 (16 October 2008)
A.3.6. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.25 (12 September 2008)
A.3.7. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.24 (12 August 2008)
A.3.8. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.23 (25 June 2008)
A.3.9. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.22 (27 May 2008)
A.3.10. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.21 (27 April 2008)
A.3.11. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.20 (26 April 2008)
A.3.12. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.19 (15 April 2008)
A.3.13. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.18rc (not released)
A.3.14. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.17rc (07 April 2008)
A.3.15. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.16rc (26 March 2008)
A.3.16. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.15rc (17 March 2008)
A.3.17. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.14abeta (28 February 2008)
A.3.18. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.14beta (25 February 2008)

The following sections outline the changes between versions for MySQL Workbench.

A.1. Changes in Release 5.2

A.1.1. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.30 (Not yet released GA)
A.1.2. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.29 (12 October 2010 GA)
A.1.3. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.28 (19 September 2010 GA)
A.1.4. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.27 (01 September 2010 GA)
A.1.5. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.26 (06 August 2010 GA)
A.1.6. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.25 (30 June 2010 GA)
A.1.7. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.24 (21 June 2010 RC)
A.1.8. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.23 (Internal release only RC)
A.1.9. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.22 (02 June 2010 RC)
A.1.10. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.21 (12 May 2010 RC)
A.1.11. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.20 (27 April 2010 beta)
A.1.12. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.19 (16 April 2010 beta)
A.1.13. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.18 (13 April 2010 beta)
A.1.14. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.17 (02 April 2010 beta)
A.1.15. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.16 (17 February 2010 beta)
A.1.16. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.15 (28 January 2010 beta)
A.1.17. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.14 (21 January 2010 beta)
A.1.18. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.13 (Not released beta)
A.1.19. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.12 (Not released beta)
A.1.20. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.11 (18 December 2009 beta)
A.1.21. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.10 (01 December 2009 beta)
A.1.22. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.9 (Internal release only beta)
A.1.23. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.8 (18 November 2009 beta)
A.1.24. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.7 (Internal release only alpha)
A.1.25. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.6 (21 October 2009 alpha)
A.1.26. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.5 (Internal Release Only alpha)
A.1.27. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.4 (07 October 2009 alpha)
A.1.28. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.3 (15 September 2009 alpha)
A.1.29. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.2 (27 July 2009 alpha)
A.1.30. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.1 (22 May 2009 alpha)
A.1.31. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.0 (30 April 2009 alpha)

A.1.1. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.30 (Not yet released GA)

Fifth GA release of 5.2. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.29.

Bugs fixed:

  • In the Reverse Engineer SQL Script wizard, on the Input and Options page, the button to select the SQL script file had the text “Brow” instead of “Browse”. (Bug#57929)

A.1.2. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.29 (12 October 2010 GA)

Fourth GA release of 5.2. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.28.

Functionality added or changed:

  • An open model that has not been saved will automatically be saved after this period. On loading a model file, MySQL Workbench will notify the user if the file was not previously saved correctly, due to a crash or power failure. MySQL Workbench can then attempt to recover the last auto-saved version. Note that for automatic recovery to be available for a new file, it will have to have been saved at least once by the user. (Bug#56718)

Bugs fixed:

  • Clicking on the Inserts tab of the Table Editor resulted in the MySQL Workbench Unexpected Error dialog being displayed. (Bug#57346)

  • If an EER diagram was created, and then closed, attempting to reopen it would cause MySQL Workbench to display an unexpected error dialog. (Bug#57259)

  • Attempting to open the Table Editor in the SQL Editor multiple times for a table that contained no primary key caused MySQL Workbench to crash. (Bug#57139)

  • Changes made to a server instance were not saved. In particular changing installation type to “Custom” was not saved, and changes to the sudo command were also not saved. (Bug#57026)

  • When attempting to open an EER Diagram by double-clicking it in the Model Overview, MySQL Workbench generated the following unexpected error:

    Cannot access a disposed object.
    Object Name: ModelDiagramForm.


  • When synchronizing a model to a live database, if a database was deselected in the wizard, to prevent it from being part of the synchronization process, a DROP statement for that database was generated in the SQL code, causing that database to be dropped from the live database, with corresponding loss of all data. (Bug#56938)

  • In the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, attempting to create a new index in the Index tab was not actioned when the Apply button was clicked. The dialog reported that “no changes to object were detected”. (Bug#56906)

  • It was only possible to connect to a MySQL server for administration using an SSH connection. (Bug#56874)

  • If a table containing a User Defined Type based on VARCHAR was forward engineered, the resulting SQL did not correctly quote the VARCHAR value, resulting in a server error. For example, the following code was generated:

    CREATE  TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `x`.`tabley` (`customstring` VARCHAR(10));
    INSERT INTO `x`.`tabley` (`id_customstring`) VALUES (example);

    The correct INSERT statement should be:

    INSERT INTO `x`.`tabley` (`id_customstring`) VALUES ('example');


  • In the Administrator, clicking on the Data Dump tab generated the error Error updating DB: float division and schemata were not displayed. (Bug#56658)

  • In the SQL Editor, if some table data was edited, and then the connection to the server was lost, clicking the Apply changes to data toolbar button caused MySQL Workbench to crash.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that the Output tab now shows an error message when a connection is lost. Once the connection is back up, clicking Apply changes to data will re-establish the connection and send the changes to the server. (Bug#56170)

  • Screen areas in the Administrator did not redraw correctly, it was necessary to move the main window in order to force a redraw. (Bug#55490)

  • Folding of iteration statement blocks, such as WHILE, REPEAT and LOOP, did not work correctly in the SQL Editor. The loop end constructs such as END WHILE, END REPEAT and END LOOP were not recognized as expected. (Bug#55358)

  • If a foreign key was set to RESTRICT for On Delete and On Update on the Foreign Keys tab of the Table Editor, MySQL Workbench generated SQL code to drop and add this key on every subsequent synchronization attempt. (Bug#55155)

A.1.3. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.28 (19 September 2010 GA)

Third GA release of 5.2. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.27.

Functionality added or changed:

  • The following command line options have been added to MySQL Workbench:

    • --admin instance - Launch MySQL Workbench and load the server instance specified.

    • --query connection - Launch MySQL Workbench and load the connection specified.

    • --model modelfile - Launch MySQL Workbench and load the model specified.

    • --script script - Launch MySQL Workbench and run the script specified.

    • --run code - Launch MySQL Workbench and run the code snippet specified.

    • --quit-when-done - quits MySQL Workbench after --script or --run finishes.


Bugs fixed:

  • Importing an exported file from a network share resulted in the following error due to incorrect escaping of the path:

    08:44:00 Restoring \\server\d$\file.sql
    Running: mysql.exe --defaults-extra-file="c:\...\tmp3oc8ig"   --host=localhost
    --user=root --port=3306 --default-character-set=utf8 --comments <
    The specified path is invalid.


  • In the SQL Editor, a crash occurred if User Snippets was selected after another snippet collection had been selected, and then the Replace active SQL Editor contents with selected snippet button was clicked. (Bug#56626)

  • When running a TRUNCATE command in the SQL editor with 'safe updates' enabled, the following error was produced:

    Error Code: 1175
    You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses
    a KEY column


  • In the Accounts tab of the Administrator, an Unexpected Error occurred if a foreign character was used in the Login Name field of the Server Access Management tab. The same bug also affected the Schema Privileges tab. (Bug#56534)

  • The Table tab of the Table Editor contained a typo in the description for the Name field. Replaced was spelled as 'raplaced'. (Bug#56518)

  • While attempting to define a foreign key for a table with a composite primary key, MySQL Workbench crashed. This happened while trying to select the fields of the composite primary key to be associated with the referenced columns. (Bug#56496)

  • If a foreign key was about to be renamed, and the corresponding text field had focus, MySQL Workbench crashed if the model was then closed. (Bug#56315)

  • In the SQL Editor, a statement containing CREATE DATABASE resulted in an unexpected error. (Bug#56295)

  • The mydb database was created by default when reverse engineering from an existing database or script. (Bug#56183)

  • If a SQL script containing international characters was saved in the SQL Editor, and then restored, the last character in the restored file was missing. (Bug#56083)

  • In MySQL Workbench list controls, when an item was selected, and another item right-clicked, the context-sensitive menu displayed options related to the first list item selected, rather than the current list item being right-clicked, and any action selected was carried out on the first item. (Bug#56077)

  • The Workbench Scripting Shell dialog could be increased in size, but could not subsequently be reduced in size. (Bug#56049)

  • There were two problems in the new_table dialog of the SQL Editor:

    1. When Apply was clicked, in the Apply SQL Script to Database dialog, if Apply SQL was clicked, the SQL would be applied without error. However, if the Back button was clicked and the Apply SQL button clicked again, an error would be generated. If this process was repeated, each time a slightly different error would be added to the list of errors displayed.

    2. The Cancel and Finish buttons appeared to have the same functionality, and simply returned the user to the new_table dialog.


  • If a model contained two schemata, and an attempt was made to forward engineer only one of the schemata by use of the object filters, then data loss could result. This happened because a DROP statement was generated for both schemata in the model, rather than just the one being forward engineered. (Bug#55918)

  • When OpenGL rendering was selected, the EER Diagram area was not redrawn due to faulty OpenGL drivers.

    The work around was to launch MySQL Workbench using the -swrendering command line option.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed to also include an option to select software rendering in the Workbench Preferences dialog. (Bug#55863)

  • In the View Editor, if the name of a view was changed in the code editor to the name of a pre-existing view of that name, the contents of the pre-existing view were replaced by the contents of the new view, even though the new view was created with a different name. (Bug#55661)

  • MySQL Workbench application would not start on Mac OS X. (Bug#55412)

  • MySQL Workbench exhibited a variety of crashes if, in the Model View, EER diagrams were repeatedly created and deleted. MySQL Workbench also crashed if all objects in the diagram were copied and pasted to the same diagram several times, and then the diagram deleted. Unexpected errors generated included:

    1. Object is currently in use elsewhere

    2. Index is outside the bounds of the array

    3. Index must be within the bounds of the List


  • A plugin which used Mforms generated the following error when MySQL Workbench started:

    ..... line 16, in <module>
    import mforms
    ImportError: No module named mforms


  • If the MySQL server configuration file was modified using the Administrator to deactivate InnoDB, the MySQL server failed to restart, and generated the following error in the log:

    [ERROR] C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqld: Error while
    setting value 'FALSE' to 'innodb'


  • It was no longer possible to rename a schema by double-clicking on the schema tab in the Physical Schemata section of the Model View. (Bug#55010)

  • If a view was created (for example view1) for an existing schema, with correct syntax, and then Model menu, Validate (SQL) was selected, and either Validate All or Check Syntax was selected, then the following error message was generated in the Output window:

    Syntax error in view 'view1'. View code is 'CREATE VIEW ...'


  • On Microsoft Windows, MySQL Workbench crashed if the Trebuchet MS font was missing or corrupted.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed to fall back to a secondary font if the Trebuchet MS font is missing or corrupted. (Bug#54953)

  • If all objects were selected in the model view, and then the menu item Edit Selected selected, MySQL Workbench generated an unexpected error. (Bug#54695)

  • On Microsoft Windows, when saving a MySQL configuration file from within the Administrator, Windows displayed the UAC dialog twice.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that Windows now only displays the UAC dialog once. (Bug#49674)

  • The SQL Editor did not display the number of rows matched after a query.

    MySQL Workbench has been updated to ensure this information is displayed. (Bug#48772)

A.1.4. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.27 (01 September 2010 GA)

Third GA release of 5.2. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.26.

Functionality added or changed:

  • The Sychronize Model With Database wizard has been changed recently to show all schemata in a model, regardless of whether they exist in the live database or not. In addition, the following changes have been made:

    1. The wizard shows a list of schemata that exist in the model but are missing from the live server, with a note recommending the use of the Forward Engineering wizard.

    2. The wizard does not auto-select schemata names that are in the model but not in the live database.


Bugs fixed:

  • While attempting to restore a backup of selected tables, the following error was generated:

    File "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 5.2 CE\modules\", line
    841, in start
        logmsg = "Restoring %s (%s)" % (schema, table)
    NameError: global name 'schema' is not defined


  • Forward engineering a model to a live database crashed MySQL Workbench. (Bug#56009)

  • Dump tab did not display the target folder before the dump was performed. (Bug#55945)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed when using the foreign key editor. The Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library runtime error generated prior to the crash was:

    - pure virtual function call


  • If the sidebar was placed on the right hand side, using the option in Workbench Preferences, then when Add Diagram was double-clicked then the following Unexpected Error was generated:

    SplitterDistance value is invalid (-52)


  • In the SQL Editor, executing statements designed for MySQL Server version 5.5 generated syntax highlighting errors. (Bug#55891)

  • In the SQL Editor, executing statements designed for MySQL Server version 5.5 generated syntax errors. (Bug#55867)

  • After dropping a schema from the list in the Object Browser, the schema that was dropped remained, but with the name of the schema that came after it. When the list of available schemata was refreshed, an unhandled exception was generated:

    An unhandled exception has occurred:
    Invalid node index


  • If "Dump views" was selected for a backup, the following error was generated:

    Unhandled exception: global name 'views_by_schema' is not defined

    It was necessary to restart the Administrator in order to enable the dump facility again. (Bug#55833)

  • In the SQL Editor, right-clicking on a routine name in the Object Browser caused MySQL Workbench to exit unexpectedly. (Bug#55822)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed when using the Partitioning tab of the Table Editor. (Bug#55761)

  • If a table was copied in the EER Diagram view, and then the model synchronized with the live database, the synchronize functionality did not recognize the copied table as a new table, and overwrote the original table. (Bug#55566)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed when using the Export recordset to an external file command button on the result pane of the SQL Editor. (Bug#55554)

  • Renaming a column with a foreign key resulted in an invalid script being generated on forward engineering or synchronization with a live database. (Bug#55502)

  • On the second attempt to save a read-only model file, the following error was generated:

    Couldn't backup existing file name-of-the-file.mwb: No such file or directory


  • When a table was being edited in the Table Editor, and its name changed, the change of name was not reflected on the Table Editor's table tab. (Bug#55338)

  • It was not possible to add LOCK TABLES privilege when assigning a new role in the Model Overview, as that privilege was missing from the available options. (Bug#55186)

  • The schema collation was not saved after being changed in the Table Editor. (Bug#55152)

  • When an attempt was made to synchronize a model with a live database, no schemata were listed as available in the Synchronize Model with Database wizard. This happened when the name of the schema in the model and the schema on the live server were only differentiated by case. (Bug#55147)

  • When using MySQL Workbench to report a bug, it was not possible to attach a file using the Choose File button. When the button was clicked, it had no effect. (Bug#55112)

  • It was not possible to dump tables or schemata without the LOCK TABLE privilege. The following error was generated:

    mysqldump: Got error: 1044: Access denied for user 'wwroot'@'%' to database db' when
    doing LOCK TABLES


  • Selecting Validate (SQL) from the Model menu and then selecting the Validate All option reported no errors. Selecting Forward Engineer from the Database menu and selecting Run Validations also reported no errors. However, executing the SQL script caused the following error:

    ERROR: Error 1005: Can't create table 'xxx' (errno:150)


  • If the Check Duplicated Identifiers (Additions) operation was selected from the Validation (SQL) submenu of the Model menu then the following error message was displayed:

    Type mismatch: expected object of type db.Schema, but got workbench.physical.Model


  • When using the Edit Table Data wizard (launched from Home screen), if a database with a single table was connected to, then after selecting the table the Finish button remained grayed out. (Bug#54942)

  • When started, the following warnings were generated in the Workbench Scripting Shell:

    Starting Workbench...Registered 147 GRT classes.
    WARNING: Could not load wb.mysql.validation.grt.dylib: Invalid module
    WARNING: Could not load wb.validation.grt.dylib: Invalid module


  • When an attempt was made to synchronize a modified exported script with the current model, using File, Export, Synchronize with SQL Create Script, the model was not updated. (Bug#54501)

  • When the Alter Table dialog on an InnoDB table was displayed in an SQL Editor session, the Foreign Key Options Index showed INVALID, when a foreign key in the Foreign Keys tab was clicked. (Bug#54471)

  • MySQL Workbench caused Windows XP to reboot if launched from Start, Programs, MySQL, MySQL WorkBench 5.2 OSS.

    If a MySQL Workbench model file (.mwb) was opened directly, an error dialog titled Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library was displayed with the message:

    An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly. Please
    contact the application's support team for more information.

    The dialog's only option was OK. After clicking OK, two more instances of the same dialog were displayed. After clicking OK for all three, MySQL Workbench opened with the model file displayed.

    On Windows 7 x64 the same run-time error (R6034) occurred. (Bug#52949)

  • When a SQL Editor connection for a remote server was opened, the following error was generated:

    OverviewBE::get_node:invalid node 0.0.0.


A.1.5. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.26 (06 August 2010 GA)

Second GA release of 5.2. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.25.

Functionality added or changed:

  • Added default value of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP to context menu of column editor for TIMESTAMP columns. (Bug#54987)

Bugs fixed:

  • On the Home screen, the saved connections previously listed in the Workspace were no longer visible. (Bug#55484)

  • When a model was synchronized with a live database, CHAR(n) columns were always synchronized as CHAR(1). (Bug#55334)

  • Importing a DBDesigner model caused MySQL Workbench to crash. (Bug#55300)

  • In the Synchronize Model with Database wizard, the list of schemata was not drawn correctly on the Select Schemata page, if Back was clicked from the Fetch Object Info page. (Bug#55174)

  • Complex queries with multiple newlines did not fit well in the Action column of the Output tab of the SQL Editor. This prevented any query error messages from being read. (Bug#55117)

  • In the Reverse Engineer Database wizard, if a pattern mask was used to filter tables being imported, MySQL Workbench subsequently crashed. (Bug#55076)

  • In the Administrator, if the MySQL server configuration file was modified to enable skip-innodb, and the server restarted, InnoDB was still active. (Bug#55030)

  • On the Snippets tab, the tooltip for the button Insert selected snippet to cursor position in the active SQL editor contained the misspelling “seleced”. (Bug#55026)

  • Configuration variables in the my.cnf file that contained an underscore character were not displayed in the Configuration section of the MySQL Workbench Administrator. (Bug#54933)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed if minimized while loading a model. (Bug#54918)

  • In the Overview tab of the SQL Editor, if there was a large number of schemata, and an attempt was made to use the arrow buttons in the interface to scroll through them, then MySQL Workbench crashed, usually on the last schema in the list. (Bug#54891)

  • When using the SQL Editor and issuing a query containing SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS and a subsequent FOUND_ROWS() call, FOUND_ROWS() returned zero instead of the number of matching rows without a LIMIT applied. (Bug#54868)

  • MySQL Workbench would not compile on RHEL 5. This was due to the calls to the function set_opacity in library/form/gtk/src/lf_utilities.cpp (line 661) and library/forms/gtk/src/lf_popup.cpp (line 64). The set_opacity function was not available in GTK 2.10. (Bug#54844)

  • Multi-statement syntax did not work in the SQL Editor. If the delimiter was set to a character other than the default semi-colon, then the semi-colon should still have been recognized as a valid delimiter for multi-statements, but in the SQL Editor it was not. (Bug#54831)

  • In the SQL Editor, if a column's comment contained a Chinese word, then in the Object Browser, if the context-sensitive menu item Send to SQL Editor, Create Statement was selected, incomplete script code was sent to the SQL Query tab. (Bug#54822)

  • When a model was forward engineered to a database, insert statements associated with binary data were not present in the generated code. As a result, binary data was not forwarded to the database. (Bug#54680)

  • In an EER Diagram the circles at each end of a relationship line were drawn in different sizes. (Bug#54663)

  • When forward engineering a SQL ALTER script, the generated code attempted to recreate all foreign keys. (Bug#54363)

  • In forward engineering a model to a database, the PRIMARY index was not reordered correctly when columns were reordered. (Bug#54176)

  • When zooming in and out of the EER Diagram view, MySQL Workbench generated an unknown error. (Bug#52829, Bug#55390)

  • When connecting to a server, MySQL Workbench prompted for a password, even if one had not been set for that account. (Bug#52826)

  • After creating a server instance and double-clicking it on the Home screen, the Administrator took an excessively long time to load (over 10 minutes). (Bug#52530)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed when executing LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE as a query in the SQL Editor. (Bug#49694)

  • If the Start Server button was clicked twice in MySQL Workbench the server would stop. (Bug#49588)

  • In the list view of the physical schemata, it was possible to click the column headings of the lists, but this failed to sort the items by that column. (Bug#38863)

A.1.6. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.25 (30 June 2010 GA)

First GA release of 5.2. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.24.

Functionality added or changed:

  • MySQL Workbench has been changed to support prompting the user for a password on attempting to connect, when using a TCP over SSH connection type, if a password was not previously provided during configuration of the connection. (Bug#47892)

Bugs fixed:

  • Compiling MySQL Workbench from source code failed. The error was generated while building library/grt/src/grtpp_grt.cpp:

    Could not find file cairo_features.h 
    (included from cairo.h, which is included from
    library/base/src/string_utilities.h, which is included in grtpp_grt.cpp)


  • On exit MySQL Workbench prompted the user to save changes for every query tab that had been opened in the SQL Editor, even where a table had simple been viewed, and no script code had been written by the user. (Bug#54754)

  • When synchronizing a model with the live database, the generated SQL included erroneous DROP and ADD column statements, and also erroneous ADD and DROP index statements. (Bug#54740)

  • Inserts data did not appear to be preserved between MySQL Workbench versions.

    A model was created with MySQL Workbench 5.1.18 and data inserted using the Insert tab. If the model was then saved and loaded into MySQL Workbench 5.2.22, and the model forward engineered to a SQL script, the generated script contained INSERT statements that inserted NULL instead of the data originally typed in. (Bug#54639)

  • In the Create Routine dialog of the SQL Editor, the text label associated with the Name textbox mentioned “view”, rather than “routine”. (Bug#54566)

  • If MySQL Workbench was minimized after a connection with a server was established, the following error was generated:

    SplitterDistance must be between Panel1MinSize and (Width - Panel2MinSize)


  • In the Data Dump section of the Administrator, using the Export to Backup Project Folder option resulted in the triggers being exported to both the table files and the routines files. If an attempt was then made to import the exported files, an error resulted due to the duplicated triggers. (Bug#54426)

  • When a .dbquery file, created with MySQL Query Browser, was opened in the SQL Editor, the Byte Order Mark (BOM) was not removed. This led to an erroneous character being prepended to the first statement, making it illegal. (Bug#54322)

  • When forward engineering to a live database, the generated SQL statements contained an erroneous additional carriage return (^M) at the end of each line. However, this manifested in two ways. In the first case, in the Forward Engineer to Database wizard, if Save to File was selected, a carriage-return character was appended to each line. In the second case, if Copy to Clipboard was selected, and the content subsequently pasted from the clipboard to an editor, then the extra carriage return characters was attached only to the DDL statements inside Create View and Create Trigger. (Bug#54272, Bug#54244)

  • Printing or previewing an EER Diagram in Landscape/Tabloid produced blank output. (Bug#54240, Bug#54601)

  • MySQL Workbench generated excessive diagnostic messages on start up.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that by default diagnostic messages are not displayed on Linux, unless activated by starting MySQL Workbench with the --verbose option. (Bug#54021)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, the handling of column ordering appeared to have numerous problems. For example, dragging and dropping a column did not locate the column as expected. (Bug#53749)

  • In the SQL Editor, if the Alter Routine dialog was maximized, the dialog buttons were no longer visible. (Bug#53734)

  • In the Configuration tab of the Administrator, the parameter innodb_support_xa, on the InnoDB Parameters tab, has a corresponding checkbox. If this was selected and changes applied, the confirmation dialog indicated the following changes were made:

    Added:  [mysqld] innodb_support_xa = True

    However, what was added to the my.cnf file was “innodb_support_xa”. This meant there was no way to set this parameter, which defaults to True, to False using MySQL Workbench. (Bug#53449)

  • In the SQL Editor, if a query was executed, and MySQL Workbench minimized, then on maximizing the application, the Results tab window area was not correctly redrawn. (Bug#51991)

  • When synchronizing a model that contained triggers, erroneous DROP trigger and CREATE trigger statements were generated, even when the triggers had not been changed. (Bug#51929)

  • MySQL Workbench displayed instability after an SSH connection to the server was closed. This resulted in hanging or crashing behavior. (Bug#50554)

  • When creating a table containing columns with a BOOLEAN data type, the model then failed to validate, even though BOOLEAN is a type offered on the drop down list of types available for columns. (Bug#49538)

  • In the Inserts editor, the underscores in column headings were incorrectly displayed as accelerator/shortcut keys. (Bug#48831)

  • The labels for the Manage DB Connections dialog, such as username and password, were hidden when the dialog was opened at its default size. (Bug#47890)

  • In the Modeler, when opening a new object such as a table, the currently open tab was reused, rather than a new tab being opened. This made it difficult to compare objects such as tables and routines. (Bug#45557)

  • In the EER Diagram view, when a table was copied, it was found that the paste menu option was visible, but disabled, when an attempt was made to paste the table into a new diagram. (Bug#38432)

A.1.7. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.24 (21 June 2010 RC)

Fourth release candidate. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.23.

Functionality added or changed:

  • A Kill Query button has been added to the Connections tab of the Administrator. (Bug#54409)

Bugs fixed:

  • In the Configuration tab of the Administrator, after changes were applied an error was generated:

    Could not Save Configuration File
    There was an error saving the configurationfile: exec_cmd() takes at least 3 arguments (2

    This happened while connecting to a FreeBSD 7.1 server over an SSH connection. (Bug#54647)

  • In the SQL Editor, if a space was typed into the SQL Query tab, an external tab, such as the Overview tab or Output tab selected, and then File, Close Tab selected, MySQL Workbench crashed.

    Further, the Add Table dialog had numerous issues, including inability to select PK and other checkboxes, failure to validate input, inability to apply changes, and deletion of user data in certain cases. (Bug#54124)

  • The Connections tab in the Administrator did not feature automatic refresh, this had to be manually triggered using the Refresh button. Further, the Kill Connection button was sometimes incorrectly disabled. (Bug#53703)

  • If a foreign key relationship was created, and its modelOnly property set, then when the model was synchronized with a live database, the relationship was correctly excluded, however the DDL code for the foreign key indexes was still generated in the synchronization script. (Bug#53420)

  • Synchronizing a model with a live database generated ALTER statements, even when there appeared to be no difference between the database and the model. (Bug#50938)

  • In the SQL Editor, there was a blank space between the Execute and Stop toolbar buttons. Hovering the mouse cursor over this blank space resulted in the tooltip “Explain selected SQL” being displayed, which appeared to indicate a missing icon. (Bug#49316)

A.1.8. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.23 (Internal release only RC)

Third release candidate. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.22.

Functionality added or changed:

  • In the SQL Editor, when more result tabs that could fit into the current panel were generated, it was not obvious how to navigate to those result sets that could not currently be displayed. This could be achieved using the left and right arrow keys, but MySQL Workbench has now been changed to include a spin control to navigate the available tabs. (Bug#52998)

  • The Overview tab in the SQL Editor has now been changed to support scrolling of content using the mouse wheel. (Bug#50782)

Bugs fixed:

  • In the SQL Editor, when an attempt was made to execute a selection in the SQL Query tab, all text was executed, not just the selected text. (Bug#54536)

  • When clicking on a table, MySQL Workbench generated the following error message:

    MySQL Workbench has encountered a problem
    Cannot access a disposed object
    Object name: 'DockedWindowPlugin'.


  • In the SQL Editor, exporting a recordset failed if the target path contained an international character. (Bug#54479)

  • In the Inserts tab of the Table Editor, adding a new row and applying changes did not have any effect. (Bug#54456)

  • In the General tab of Configuration in the Administrator, when the Temp directory option was selected, and a directory selected using the file browser, MySQL Workbench inserted backslashes rather than forward slashes. If backslashes were used in this location in the configuration file, the server crashed on startup. (Bug#54445)

  • In the SQL Editor, if a table in the Overview tab was double clicked, the query generated replaced code already typed into the SQL Query tab, resulting in the loss of that code. (Bug#54362)

  • On synchronizing a model with a live database incorrect SQL code was generated:

    ALTER TABLE `mydb`.`table1` AUTO_INCREMENT =  ;


  • In the SQL Editor, when exporting a resultset to a TAB delimited file, MySQL Workbench added a .CSV extension. (Bug#54302)

  • In the SQL Editor, selecting Alter Table from the context-sensitive menu had no effect. (Bug#54283)

  • In the SQL Editor, editing a table with a row highlighted, right-clicking on a BLOB column and loading a value from a file resulted in the error: “An external component has triggered an exception”. (Bug#54266)

  • Clicking the Edit Table Data action item from the Home screen resulted in MySQL Workbench crashing. (Bug#54230)

  • The forward engineering option Omit Schema Qualifier in Object Names was not correctly applied to some statements in Trigger code. In these cases the schema name remained in place. (Bug#54222)

  • When clicking on external links in the embedded browser, Internet Explorer was launched, rather than the default browser. (Bug#54192)

  • When entering binary data into the Inserts tab for a table, the data was truncated at the first null byte (0x00). (Bug#54156)

  • Select All (Ctrl+A) did not work when editing comments for a table or column. (Bug#54154)

  • After a foreign key was created, and the referenced table or column changed, the change was not reflected in the foreign key, resulting in errors. (Bug#54134)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed if in the SQL Editor a pinned result tab was refreshed. (Bug#54114)

  • The integrated docs webserver listened on a fixed port - 8811, and was not able to handle the situation where this port may be used by another service, such as another MySQL Workbench instance. (Bug#54104)

  • In the SQL Editor, when attempting to create a new schema using Create Schema, with a server collation of utf8 - default collation, the generated SQL resulted in an error when applied. (Bug#54097)

  • Performing an undo operation in SQL Editor actually resulted in an undo operation in the Modeler. (Bug#54091)

  • MySQL Workbench suffered user interface issues when used on a KDE-based system using a dark theme. (Bug#54083)

  • The HTTP server thread started by MySQL Workbench to provide documentation to the local web browser listened on all IP interfaces, even though it was only intended for local use. (Bug#54083)

  • Export of database failed due to a faulty path in the command line:

    15:42:52 Dumping rma3 (etat_produit)
    Running: "mysqldump.exe" --defaults-extra-file=c:\docume~1\user\local
    settings\temp\tmp9ypdhd  --no-create-info=FALSE --order-by-primary=FALSE --force=FALSE
    --no-data=FALSE --tz-utc=TRUE --flush-privileges=FALSE --compress=FALSE --replace=FALSE
    --host= --insert-ignore=FALSE --extended-insert=TRUE --user=root
    --quote-names=TRUE --hex-blob=FALSE --complete-insert=FALSE --add-locks=TRUE --port=3306
    --disable-keys=TRUE --delayed-insert=FALSE --delete-master-logs=FALSE --comments=TRUE
    --default-character-set=utf8 --flush-logs=FALSE --dump-date=TRUE --allow-keywords=FALSE
    --create-options=TRUE --events=FALSE "rma3" "etat_produit"
    Could not open required defaults file: c:\docume~1\user\local
    Fatal error in defaults handling. Program aborted
    mysqldump: Got error: 1045: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password:
    NO) when trying to connect
    Operation failed with exitcode 2


  • In the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, if an attempt was made to set the NN flag for a column that did not have it set, an error was generated when the changes are applied. (Bug#53918)

  • When carrying out an Alter Routine operation in the SQL Editor, if a routine was modified, and a statement used that, although syntactically correct, was not permitted in a routine, then when changes were applied, all modifications were lost. (Bug#53887)

  • An EER Diagram appeared to contain hidden tables. Although the diagram contained 12 tables, when a 'select all' was performed the user was informed that 14 tables were selected. It seemed that certain tables had been resized to be so small as to no longer be visible in the diagram. (Bug#53885)

  • In the Layer Tree panel, if a layer was given a blank name, then MySQL Workbench subsequently crashed, rather than warning about the use of a blank name. (Bug#53807)

  • Keyboard shortcuts such as Cmd+C, Cmd+V, and Cmd+Z were not useable consistently in all parts of MySQL Workbench. (Bug#53790)

  • Columns defined as BIT appeared as requiring synchronization, even if no changes had been made. (Bug#53747)

  • In the Alter Routine dialog of the SQL Editor, if the Find and Replace dialog was invoked with Ctrl+F, and Ctrl+V used to paste in some search text, the text was actually pasted into the routine code area. (Bug#53735)

  • MySQL Workbench failed to build from source code on Debian Linux. The following error was generated:

    libtool: compile:  g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I./src -I./src -pthread -DNDEBUG -Wall
    -Wwrite-strings -Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-sign-compare -g -O2 -Wextra -Wall -Wno-unused
    -Wno-deprecated -c src/  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/libctemplate_wb_la-template.o
    In file included from ./src/ctemplate/per_expand_data.h:48,
                     from ./src/ctemplate/template_modifiers.h:69,
                     from src/template_modifiers_internal.h:53,
                     from src/
    ./src/ctemplate/template_string.h:88: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'TemplateId'
    with no type
    ./src/ctemplate/template_string.h: In member function 'size_t
    ctemplate::TemplateIdHasher::operator()(ctemplate::TemplateId) const':
    ./src/ctemplate/template_string.h:234: warning: right shift count >= width of type
    ./src/ctemplate/template_string.h: At global scope:
    ./src/ctemplate/template_string.h:344: warning: overflow in implicit constant conversion
    src/ In static member function 'static void
    src/ warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer
    make[5]: *** [libctemplate_wb_la-template.lo] Error 1


  • In the EER Diagram view, it was not possible to delete a relationship by right-clicking on the relationship and then selecting Delete from the context-sensitive menu. (Bug#53659)

  • In the SQL Query tab of SQL Editor, tooltip error messages were still displayed, even after switching to another tab. (Bug#53634)

  • In the Diagram Size dialog, displayed using Model, Diagram Properties and Size, it was possible to set the size to 100 pages by 100 pages, but then click outside this area. This caused an MySQL Workbench Unexpected Error. (Bug#53559)

  • The Document Properties dialog was displayed across two screens in a multi-screen setup. (Bug#53262)

  • After a default primary key name was set in the Workbench Preferences dialog, in the Table Editor the PK flag was not selected as expected, and the column flags could not be selected. (Bug#52578)

  • When synchronizing with a live database, MySQL Workbench did not interpret whitespace in ENUMs correctly. For example, ENUM('image', 'video', 'swf') was seen as different from ENUM('image','video','swf'), causing the live server and model to appear unsynchronized. (Bug#49182)

  • When editing a column in the table editor, pressing CTRL + Z to undo the edit resulted in a previous operation being undone instead. (Bug#46286)

A.1.9. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.22 (02 June 2010 RC)

Second release candidate. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.21.

Functionality added or changed:

  • On Linux, MySQL Workbench automatically added a .sql extension, where an extension was not specified, to any script file saved from the SQL Editor.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that on Linux a .sql extension is not automatically added. However, on Windows the file extension is added if one is not specified. (Bug#53731)

  • MySQL Workbench has been changed so that only the Model Overview tab indicates that changes need to be saved, using an asterisk, rather than this being reflected on individual EER Diagrams. (Bug#53042)

  • The SQL Editor now includes a new context menu item Set as Default Schema. This is applicable to schema nodes in the Object Browser and the Overview panel of the Query Editor. Previously the only way to change the default schema was to select the schema from the schema selector drop-down listbox located at the top of the Object Browser. (Bug#51479)

  • MySQL Workbench has been changed to support creating a new tab in tabbed interfaces by using Ctrl+T on Windows and Cmd+T on Mac OS X. (Bug#48798)

  • MySQL Workbench now supports entering of expressions such as DEFAULT or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP into the inserts editor. The expression needs to be preceded by \func. (Bug#36206)

Bugs fixed:

  • If a property value was changed in the Workbench Preferences dialog, and OK clicked, or a new tab clicked before the cursor was moved away from the value being changed, then the change was silently reverted. (Bug#54060)

  • If the Manage Server Instances dialog was launched, and either the New or Delete button clicked, and then the dialog closed, MySQL Workbench crashed if the New Server Instance action item was then clicked on the Home screen. (Bug#54028)

  • Gnome keyring package was a dependency of MySQL Workbench. It was undesirable to require its installation on KDE-based systems. (Bug#54010)

  • When MySQL Workbench was launched, an overlay was displayed. In the application bar the dialog prompting for the keyring password was waiting for input but it was not possible to enter the password as the overlay hid the dialog. (Bug#53974)

  • On the Model Overview page, when a new user object was created with Add User in the Schema privileges section, it was not possible to change any of the user object's attributes. For example, if the name of the object was changed, and entered, it would then change back to its original setting. (Bug#53946)

  • In the EER Diagram view heavy flicker resulted if the cursor was held over relationship lines or tables. (Bug#53941)

  • When a table containing triggers was loaded into the Alter Table dialog of SQL Editor, clicking on the Triggers tab showed an empty trigger, rather than the correct trigger code. (Bug#53940)

  • In the SQL Editor, performing a query on a remote server returned BLOB values for columns that were not of type BLOB.

    Since binary byte strings tend to contain null bytes in their values, for safety reasons they were not displayed in the results grid. They could only be viewed or edited by means of the BLOB editor to avoid data truncation.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed to include a new global option which has been added to the SQL Editor tab of the Workbench Preferences dialog. The option is “Treat BINARY/VARBINARY as non-binary character string”. By default it is not selected. (Bug#53920)

  • Attempting to copy objects from an existing diagram to a new diagram resulted in the following error: OverviewBE::get_node: invalid node (Bug#53914)

  • In the SQL Editor, the context-sensitive menu options Copy to Clipboard and Send to SQL Editor both failed to work. This applied to both copying in the Object Browser and in the Overview tab. (Bug#53903)

  • In the SQL Editor, when deleting a snippet from the snippet list using the toolbar button, the first snippet was deleted, regardless of which snippet was selected. (Bug#53860)

  • When forward engineering a schema to a database with the DROP Objects Before Each CREATE Object option selected, the DROP statement used a delimiter before it had been declared. (Bug#53853)

  • In the SQL Editor, if code was typed into the SQL Query tab, and then the application exited, MySQL Workbench did not prompt the user regarding unsaved changes, and so any code typed into the SQL Query tab, and not saved, was lost. (Bug#53848)

  • In the SQL Editor, when renaming views or routines using the live editor, the generated ALTER script contained only drop statements, CREATE statements being omitted. (Bug#53847)

  • In the SQL Editor, when attempting to change an index from INDEX to UNIQUE using the Alter Table dialog, no changes were applied, and the following error message was generated: No changes to object were detected. (Bug#53787)

  • In the Create Schema dialog of the SQL Editor, when a new schema name was entered, and changes applied, the schema name appeared to revert to the default name new_schema, rather than being changed to the newly specified name. This only happened on Mac OS X. (Bug#53764)

  • In the SQL Editor, if two procedures were defined in a script, each proceded with a suitable DROP statement, then when the script was executed and the procedures already existed a procedure already defined error occurred. It appeared that the second DROP statement was being ignored. This happened if the line preceding the second DROP statement was terminated with a space, which caused the DROP statement to be ignored, resulting in the error. (Bug#53760)

  • In the SQL Editor, with multiple tabs open, if the script in each tab was saved to a file in turn, the script was actually saved over the previously saved script, resulting in the loss of that script. (Bug#53733)

  • If multiple SQL Query tabs were opened in the SQL Editor, then when a snippet was saved to the snippet list, the snippet saved would always be from the last opened SQL Query tab (the furthest to the right), rather than the currently selected tab. (Bug#53713)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, if typing in lower case the data type of the column was not automatically completed.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that it now automatically completes the data type regardless of whether the user types upper or lower case letters. (Bug#53710)

  • Compiling MySQL Workbench from source code failed with the following errors:

    -I../../library/dbc/src -I../../library/vsqlite++/include  -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2   -O2
    -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -march=x86-64 -gdwarf-2 -g2  -Wextra -Wall -Wno-unused
    -Wno-deprecated -ggdb3 -DENABLE_DEBUG   -MT canvas_floater.o -MD -MP -MF
    .deps/canvas_floater.Tpo -c -o canvas_floater.o `test -f 'model/canvas_floater.cpp' ||
    echo './'`model/canvas_floater.cpp
    model/canvas_floater.cpp: In constructor 'wb::Floater::Floater(mdc::Layer*, const
    model/canvas_floater.cpp:65:59: error: cannot call constructor 'mdc::Color::Color'
    model/canvas_floater.cpp:65:59: error:   for a function-style cast, remove the redundant
    make[3]: *** [canvas_floater.o] Error 1
    make[3]: Leaving directory
    make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory
    make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/users/Arvenil/rpm/BUILD/mysql-workbench-oss-5.2.21'
    make: *** [all] Error 2


  • In the Data Dump tab of the Administrator, the Options panel was not rendered correctly. (Bug#53681)

  • In the SQL Editor, if a query was executed, and then interrupted, MySQL Workbench hung. (Bug#53652)

  • If a query was typed in the SQL Query tab, and then cmd + Enter immediately pressed to execute the query, the query failed. This only happened on Mac OS X. (Bug#53650)

  • In the Create New Server Instance Profile wizard, on the Operating System page the MySQL Installation Type drop-down listbox was not populated correctly. Although all items were initially correctly displayed, if the Back button was clicked, and then Next clicked to return to the page, all the items in the list were duplicated. Each time this process was repeated the original list items would again be duplicated. (Bug#53649)

  • On the Home screen, the MySQL Team Blog and Workbench Team Blog icons linked to the same page. Further, the MySQL News Letter icon linked to the MySQL Developer forum. (Bug#53628)

  • In the SSH Shell Connection panel of the Manage Server Instances dialog, if any port other than 22 was specified it was subsequently ignored. (Bug#53623)

  • The MySQL configuration file was corrupted by the Administrator when changes were applied, if the configuration file was not terminated with a new line. (Bug#53620)

  • In the SQL Editor, the toolbar items on the Snippets tab to replace and insert snippets had no effect when clicked. (Bug#53610)

  • Specifying a new font for the SQL Editor's SQL Query tab contents had no affect on appearance. (Bug#53605)

  • In the Data Dump section of the Administrator, when an export was generated the following error occurred:

    mysqldump: Error 2020: Got packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes when dumping
    table 'xxx' at row: 1

    This only happened for larger tables. (Bug#53599)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed when attempting to connect to a Linux server using an SSH connection. (Bug#53476)

  • When a model containing a stored procedure was forward engineered to a script, the script contained invalid SQL code. This happened when the DROP Objects Before Each CREATE Statement and Export MySQL Routine Objects options were selected. Problems that occured with the SQL code included a delimiter being used before its definition and also DROP statements not being terminated. (Bug#53467)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed on selection of menu item Model, Create Diagram from Catalog Objects. (Bug#53454)

  • It was not possible to edit schema properties, such as name and default collation, in the schema editor. (Bug#53438)

  • When a model containing a table using a 1:n relationship was synchronized with a live database, the relationship then failed to render in the EER Diagram. (Bug#53252)

  • When a large script was loaded into the SQL Editor, an out of memory exception occurred.

    Inefficient end of line conversion in MySQL Workbench was the cause of memory exhaustion. The SQL Editor has been enhanced to support custom end of line formats and now preserves original line endings used in the file. End of line conversion is not used any more and loading of big files can be done faster and more efficiently. (Bug#53190)

  • In the Manage DB Connections dialog, selecting the Use ANSI quote to quote identifiers had no effect with respect to subsequent queries using that connection. (Bug#53160)

  • Delimiters were erroneously added to trigger code if the currently selected schema was changed. (Bug#53151)

  • In the Triggers tab of the Table Editor, if a trigger was written that contained a DROP TRIGGER statement, the statement was automatically removed. (Bug#53023)

  • MySQL Workbench generated an exception when an attempt was made to change the configuration file in the System Profile tab of the Manage Server Instances dialog. (Bug#52947)

  • In the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, when a comment was entered for a column in the Comments tab, and the changes applied, the comment was not saved. (Bug#52893)

  • Setting WB_NO_GNOME_KEYRING=1 on Kubuntu did not appear to disable the Gnome keyring, it was therefore impossible to connect without an active keyring daemon. (Bug#52866)

  • When scrolling in an EER Diagram, MySQL Workbench repeatedly displayed an error dialog containing the message “OpenGL error: invalid value”. (Bug#52840)

  • In the Data Dump section of the Administrator, when a schema was dumped to multiple files, the stored routines were not exported. (Bug#52798)

  • It was not possible to set ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as the default value for a column. (Bug#52350)

  • If a table was dragged from the catalog tree on to the EER Diagram, then the catalog tree collapsed. (Bug#51862)

  • In the Connections tab of the Administrator, queries containing a comment did not always display correctly in the Info column. (Bug#51848)

  • Output did not scale correctly when printing sizes other than A4. (Bug#51515)

  • When synchronizing to a live database, triggers showed as requiring updating, even when the model and live database were identical. (Bug#51409)

  • If a SQL file, using Windows file format, was loaded into the SQL Editor, it was displayed with additional line breaks, and the SQL code was not interpreted correctly. Further, if code written in the SQL editor was saved to a file and then opened in an editor on Windows, it contained additional line breaks. (Bug#51308)

  • In the Connections tab of the Administrator facility, hostnames were sometimes not displayed correctly. This happened if the hostname contained a '-' character. (Bug#51119)

  • In the SQL Editor, if the Add Table facility was used to create a new table with the same name as an existing table, then after changes were applied, the content of both tables was the same as the existing table, and changes unique to the second table were lost. (Bug#51107)

  • When an attempt was made to forward engineer a project which contained a view, it failed with the following error:

    ERROR: Error 1046: No database selected


  • Inserts added to a model and saved on Windows were not visible when that model was loaded on Mac OS X. (Bug#51029)

  • In the SQL Editor, carrying out a SELECT on a table containing more than 1000 columns resulted in the error 'Too many SQL variables'. (Bug#50952)

  • In the Model Overview page, when small icons view was selected, if table names were truncated, there were no tooltips to enable visibility of the full name. The tooltips, however, were present for the large icons view, and the details view. (Bug#50739)

  • MySQL Workbench reported a server as not running, even though the server was correctly running. MySQL Server concerned was running on Windows 7, 64-bit. (Bug#50585)

  • In the EER Diagram view, it was not possible to paste a copied layer. The paste menu item was disabled in the context-sensitive menu and main menu, and also pressing Ctrl+V had no effect. (Bug#50253)

  • In the EER Diagram view, when the diagram was displayed over multiple pages, the gray line dividing pages in the Navigator was not visible in the diagram itself. (Bug#50243)

  • In the EER Diagram view, when zoomed out, a layer could be placed beyond the diagram's perimeter at the bottom right. Further, if a layer was placed beyond the perimeter at the top left, it snapped back within confines of the diagram correctly, but the navigator view was not updated accordingly. (Bug#50242)

  • Zooming out from a diagram in EER Diagram view resulted in severe flicker. (Bug#50240)

  • In SQL Editor, when using the Alter Table facility to set a column to Auto Increment (AI), the dialog reported that “No changes to object were detected”. (Bug#50214)

  • If a Workbench model file was double clicked, MySQL Workbench crashed on launch. However, if MySQL Workbench was started using its application icon, and then the same model file loaded from within MySQL Workbench, no problems were encountered. (Bug#49941)

  • When using Create EER Model from SQL Script from the Home screen, the specified engine type was not present in the resultant EER model. (Bug#49568)

A.1.10. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.21 (12 May 2010 RC)

First release candidate. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.20.

Functionality added or changed:

  • MySQL Workbench now features a check that compares the version of mysqldump on the client and server machines. (Bug#52689)

  • MySQL Workbench has been changed to include the following keyboard shortcuts and menu items:

    • Execute Current Statement, Ctrl + Enter

    • Execute (All or Selection), Ctrl + Shift + Enter

    • Explain Current Statement, Ctrl + Alt + Enter

    • Explain (All or Selection), Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Enter

    The Stop toolbar button and menu item are also now automatically enabled and disabled. (Bug#50911)

Bugs fixed:

  • After proceeding through the Edit Table Data wizard, launched by the Edit Table Data action item on the Home screen, and clicking Finish to complete the wizard, MySQL Workbench crashed. (Bug#53511)

  • When forward engineering a model to a database, not all tables were created on the live database. (Bug#53506)

  • Russian characters were not displayed correctly in the SQL Query tab of the SQL Editor. (Bug#53408)

  • It was not possible for the index name and foreign key name of a column to be given different names in MySQL Workbench.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that renaming an index will not automatically rename a corresponding foreign key. However, renaming a foreign key will automatically rename the associated index only if the names still match at the time the foreign key is renamed. (Bug#53370)

  • When using the Edit SQL Script action item on the Home screen, the script failed to load and execute. (Bug#53359)

  • If a socket/pipe connection method was used, and the password stored in the keychain, MySQL Workbench could not connect to the server. (Bug#53355)

  • In the Mac OS X version of MySQL Workbench, the overlay text for NULL and BLOB fields was missing from the results grid in the SQL editor. This meant that those fields appeared empty if a query was executed that returned a BLOB, such as select sha1('hello');. (Bug#53335)

  • Changing the fonts in the Workbench Preferences dialog had no effect on the appearance of MySQL Workbench. (Bug#53321, Bug#49832)

  • In the SQL Editor, if some script text was highlighted, and Ctrl-S was pressed to save the script, only the highlighted text was saved to the file. (Bug#53275)

  • An error was generated when a server was selected from the Import/Export MySQL Data dialog, displayed after clicking the Manage Import/Export action item on the Home screen. (Bug#53271)

  • In the modeler, if a table was double-clicked to open it in the Table Editor, and then, without closing the Table Editor, another table double-clicked to open it, the Table Editor was rendered as a blank panel. (Bug#53250, Bug#53347)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed after using the Edit SQL Script action item from the Home screen. In the Edit SQL Script wizard, a connection was chosen that did not use a stored password, and then a script selected and the Finish button clicked to exit the wizard. MySQL Workbench subsequently crashed when the requested password was entered into the dialog and the OK clicked. (Bug#53247)

  • In the SQL Editor, if a BLOB field containing an image was loaded into the Viewer, the image was not displayed. (Bug#53245)

  • In the Administrator tab of the Workbench Preferences dialog, the description to the right of the text field Path to mysql Tool was incorrect. (Bug#53201)

  • MySQL Workbench permitted the creation of invalid foreign keys that referenced a column that did not use a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE key declaration.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed to filter the list of columns permitted for a referenced foreign key, so that only primary key and indexed columns are listed. (Bug#53136)

  • In the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, it was not possible to create new Foreign Keys. (Bug#53134)

  • If a model was saved using a file name that contained non-English characters, it could not be reopened from the list of existing models on the Home screen. (Bug#53110)

  • In the SQL Editor, if multiple Query tabs were opened so that they used more than the available screen width, it was not possible to move to the tabs that were not visible.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that scroll buttons appear should the number of tabs exceed the screen width. It is then possible to access non-visible tabs using the scroll buttons. (Bug#53070)

  • If a model was forward engineered to a database, renamed, and then forward engineered again, the SQL that was generated was erroneous. (Bug#53068)

  • In the Inserts tab of the Table Editor, if characters were inadvertently typed into an integer column, MySQL Workbench crashed when a new column was selected. (Bug#53066)

  • If a table was copied in the modeler, the copy of the table was renamed. However, foreign key relationships contained within the table were not renamed. (Bug#53020)

  • In the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, if two triggers were created, the second with a bad command, and the error corrected, then when changes were applied, the generated code was incorrect, dropping both triggers. (Bug#52997)

  • It was not possible to increase the font size of text in the SQL Editor.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that fonts set in the Workbench Preferences dialog now also affect the SQL Editor. (Bug#52968)

  • It was not possible to delete a trigger from the Triggers tab in the Alter Table dialog. Even though the trigger code was selected and deleted, and then Apply clicked, the code that was generated did not drop the deleted trigger as expected. (Bug#52955)

  • Synchronize to live database failed when the model contained triggers. (Bug#52939)

  • In the SQL Editor, when the Alter Table context-sensitive menu option was used on a table, and changes made, it was not possible to save them, as the dialog reported that no changes to the object had been detected. (Bug#52786)

  • In the SQL Editor, if the table data was edited, and then an attempt made to apply the changes, the changes were not applied. (Bug#52705)

  • Selecting Plugins, Utilities, Test filters caused MySQL Workbench to generate an unexpected error:

    Error calling WbAdmin.openFilterDebugger

    The Filters Debugger facility can now be accessed in the Manage Server Instances dialog. It is located on the Server Stats sub-tab of the Server Profile tab. (Bug#52655)

  • In the SQL Editor the Find and Replace facility did not appear to function. (Bug#52251)

  • When the page size for an EER Diagram was changed in File, Page Setup, this was not reflected in the model navigator. (Bug#52077)

  • When editing table data in the SQL Editor, the table would refresh after data was edited in the first column. This meant it was necessary to then scroll to the bottom of the table data to continue editing the record. (Bug#51965)

  • Any columns that contained a comment would be marked for change when synchronizing the model with the live database. (Bug#51765)

  • If a diagram name contained an ampersand, the name was not displayed correctly in the Model Overview. (Bug#51617)

  • The default Export Directory Path in the Workbench Preferences dialog was given as DriveLetter:\MyDocumentsPath/dumps. This mixed the '/' and '\' directory separators.

    Further, the preferred Export Directory Path set in the Workbench Preferences dialog, was not reflected in the Export to Disk section of the Data Dump facility in the Administrator. (Bug#51519)

  • In the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, the Column and Referenced Column were not updated when a foreign key was created in the Foreign Keys tab. (Bug#51262)

  • In the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, there was no effective way of altering a foreign key. (Bug#51124)

  • In trigger code, triggers using the alias 'new' were correctly colored by the syntax highlighter, but triggers using the alias 'old' were not colored. (Bug#51061)

  • When an EER Diagram layout was set to span multiple pages, and then printed, the diagram was printed so small as to be illegible. (Bug#51032)

  • When MySQL Workbench was maximized it did not fit correctly onto the screen, the title bar was not displayed. (Bug#50975)

  • If the name of a table was changed in the Alter Table dialog, and Apply clicked, then the message “no changes to object were detected” was received, even though a change had been made. (Bug#50894)

  • In the EER Diagram view, changing the page orientation to landscape using File, Page Setup caused multiple problems in MySQL Workbench. The Navigator orientation did not change, the diagram did not print at the correct size, and MySQL Workbench eventually crashed. (Bug#50861)

  • When the SQL Editor was launched, MySQL Workbench became overloaded, due to a large number of tables (10,000+) in the schema.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed to include two new options in the Workbench Preferences dialog: Disable Live Schema Overview and Show Schema Names Only in Catalog List. This enables the application to be configured to handle schemata with large numbers of tables. (Bug#50701)

  • The Relationship and Layer editors did not close if the object they were editing was deleted.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed to support auto-closing of all open editors, should the object being edited be deleted. (Bug#50681)

  • If a PDF is generated of the EER Diagram and the resultant PDF file viewed in Acrobat Reader, then if an attempt is made to reprint the diagram, overwriting the file that is currently opened in Acrobat Reader, MySQL Workbench crashes. (Bug#50408)

  • In the User Defined Types dialog, launched using the main menu item Model, User Defined Types, selection of the UNSIGNED or ZEROFILL checkboxes was not reflected in SQL code generated by the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard. (Bug#50323)

  • If some changes were made in the Table Editor, and the editor was still in edit mode, then the active changes in the Table Editor were not saved when the model was saved. (Bug#50006)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed when using the Compare and Report Differences in Catalogs wizard. (Bug#49561)

  • Find was always enabled, even in contexts where it had no useful functionality. (Bug#49293)

  • MySQL Workbench permitted setting the auto-increment checkbox for multiple columns in the Table Editor. (Bug#49278)

  • In the Synchronize Model with Database wizard, on the Select Changes to Apply page, if a schema was selected and then any of the buttons Update Model, Ignore, or Update Source was clicked, this change was not applied to child objects of the schema. (Bug#45454)

A.1.11. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.20 (27 April 2010 beta)

Tenth public Beta release. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.19.

Functionality added or changed:

  • The SQL Statements tab, and the record set data editor tab, now indicate when they have unsaved data, by displaying an asterisk character. (Bug#52799)

  • If MySQL Workbench was used on an external monitor, as part of an extended desktop, then when the computer was started without the external monitor, MySQL Workbench was not displayed on the primary display, and was therefore invisible.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed, so that if used on an extended desktop, and then the computer is started without the external display, the application will locate itself so that half of the application window is displayed on the primary desktop, where it can be dragged and resized as required. (Bug#52703)

  • The FK/index mapping implementation has been changed so that indexes created for foreign keys are no longer required to be marked as FOREIGN. They now are created with type INDEX and can be changed to UNIQUE or other types.

    Although, the artificial FOREIGN index type has been removed, MySQL Workbench still automatically creates and maintains indexes for each foreign key by naming them after the keyname and keeping the names (FK to IDX) synchronized. (Bug#48728)

Bugs fixed:

  • The MySQL Workbench configure script,, contained a construct incompatible with NetBSD. The script used test == instead of test =. (Bug#53175)

  • In the SQL Editor, when commands were typed into the SQL Statements area, and executed, they appeared on the Output tab. However, when the number of statements appearing in the Output tab exceeded the number that could be displayed in the default area, a vertical scrollbar did not appear. This meant any further statements that were executed were effectively hidden, as it was not possible to scroll vertically to display them. (Bug#53156)

  • If more than one SQL Editor tabs were opened, closing the last one caused MySQL Workbench to crash. (Bug#53061)

  • If a schema was opened, an object editor, such as the Table Editor opened, and the schema then closed, MySQL Workbench crashed if the schema was immediately reopened. (Bug#53027)

  • In the Variables tab of the Administrator, variables with long descriptions were not displayed correctly, they appeared wrapped to a new line, and clipped by the height of the Description row. (Bug#53025)

  • If SQL Editor was using a named pipe connection, and the SQL Editor tab was closed, then MySQL Workbench stopped responding to user input and had to be killed using the Task Manager. (Bug#53021)

  • The HUD blocked access to other applications that were running. This was particularly a problem when Administrator or SQL Editor were launched from the Home screen, and took a long time to load. (Bug#53006)

  • In the Export to Disk tab of the Administrator's Data Dump facility, selecting multiple schemata for export to a self-contained file resulted in the following exception:

    unhandled exception: local variable
    'tables' referenced before assignment.


  • When an EER Diagram was displayed the Properties tab was empty. Also, if a table in the EER Diagram was selected the Properties tab remained empty. (Bug#52971)

  • In the SQL Editor, when viewing field data of type VARBINARY using the Open Value in Viewer context-sensitive menu item, only the data up to the first null (0x00) was displayed. (Bug#52954)

  • In the results editor of the SQL Editor, deleting more than two hundred records resulted in the following error:

    Attempting to Read or Write protected memory. This is often an indication that other
    memory is corrupt

    This happened when using either the delete key or the Delete Rows context-sensitive menu option. (Bug#52951)

  • When MySQL Workbench was sized to 1280 x 800, the Start Export button was not visible in the Export to Disk tab of the Data Dump facility. (Bug#52932)

  • If multiple tables were selected at the same time in the Overview tab of the SQL Editor, MySQL Workbench crashed. (Bug#52922)

  • MySQL Workbench failed to compile. This was due to a missing #include <stdarg.h> statement in the file library/sql-parser/include/myx_sql_tree_item.h. (Bug#52919)

  • When building MySQL Workbench, the build process failed if the --no-copy-dt-needed-entries linker option was specified (this happens by default when building on Fedora 13). (Bug#52918)

  • Print to PDF, Print to PS File, and all export functions did not work correctly. For example, if Print to PDF was selected, MySQL Workbench would attempt to open a new document, and if the user proceeded, the current document would be closed.

    Further, selecting the menu option Save Model As resulted in the Open Document dialog being displayed. If the user clicked Yes the application became stuck in a loop, if No was clicked an error dialog was displayed. (Bug#52909)

  • Script editors, such as the editor in the SQL Editor, that used the Scintilla component, did not have full integration with the Edit menu. Short cuts and menu commands for operations such as copy, paste, select all, and find were not implemented. (Bug#52834, Bug#51806)

  • In the EER Diagram view, layer objects did not respond to edit commands (either double clicking or using the Edit Layer context-sensitive menu option). (Bug#52822, Bug#52823)

  • While MySQL Workbench was starting up, if the Windows screensaver activated, this led to unpredictable behavior of MySQL Workbench. For example, the application could freeze, fail to redraw its main window, or display artifacts. On other occasions the application was not able to accept keyboard input, and had to be terminated using the Task Manager. (Bug#52780)

  • When switching between Model Overview Page, and EER Diagram View, MySQL Workbench incorrectly rendered the EER Diagram View inside the Table Editor panel. (Bug#52778)

  • The MySQL Workbench dependency on libmysql has changed to use version 16 of the library rather than 15. (Bug#52682)

  • If a table comment contained a single quote character, then when an attempt was made to synchronize this with a live server, an error would result. This was because the code generated by the synchronization process did not escape single quotation marks in the table comments. (Bug#52608)

  • In the Snippets tab of the SQL Editor, there appeared to be a third column, with no heading or data, in the snippets list.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that the second column fills the available space. (Bug#52559)

  • The View Editor deleted text pasted into the editor by the user. This happened if, for example, a view was copied from the editor, a new view created and the copied text pasted into the new view. At this point the pasted text would be deleted by the auto-parsing facility of the View Editor. (Bug#52433)

  • In the Reverse Engineer Database wizard, on the Connection Options page, if the first empty connection was selected from the Stored Connection drop-down list box, and then the Connection Method changed, the fields on the Parameters tab did not change accordingly. (Bug#51742)

  • Each time an Admin tab was started an instance of cscript.exe was executed. However, when the Admin tab was closed the corresponding cscript.exe process was not terminated. This resulted in ever increasing numbers of cscript.exe processes, which consumed resources unnecessarily, and constituted a resource leak. (Bug#51601)

  • When selecting Print Preview for an EER Diagram, the objects in the preview appeared primarily as black filled rectangles. (Bug#51513)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, the bottom button of the comments scrollbar was situated too low, making downward scrolling very difficult, as only part of the scrollbar button was exposed. (Bug#51496)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, if a comment was added to a column, or a column with a comment was selected, then when another table was double-clicked to load it into the Table Editor, the comment for the column previously selected was still displayed in the inactive Comments area. (Bug#51495)

  • If a SQL statement was selected in the SQL Statements area of the SQL Editor, and copied to the snippets list using the Save SQL to Snippets List toolbar button, then the statement was only partially saved, the beginning of the statement being missing. This only happened for lines after the first line. Also, the further down the copied statement was located, the less text was successfully copied to the snippets list. This resulted in statements further down the code being heavily truncated, with only the latter portion of the statement being saved. (Bug#51474)

  • If a snippet was deleted from the Snippets tab in the SQL Editor, then after MySQL Workbench was restarted the deleted snippet would reappear, as if it had never been deleted. (Bug#51335, Bug#52558)

  • In the Reverse Engineer Database wizard, on the Select Schemata page, any schema name containing an underscore was displayed without the underscore character. Further, if the Alt key was pressed, the underscores appeared under the first character located after where the underscore should have been displayed, giving the character the appearance of being an accelerator key. (Bug#51141, Bug#52965)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, if a column was right-clicked on, and then Move Up selected, the column ordering was not updated within the Columns tab, until the area was clicked again. (Bug#51139)

  • The MySQL Workbench make targets, with the exception of make all, were broken by the file ext/ctemplate/Makefile. (Bug#51024)

  • In the SQL Editor, when a new tab was created, the focus was on the Object Explorer, rather than in the SQL Statements area. This meant that the user had to press the Tab key, or click within the SQL Statements area before they could start typing SQL code. (Bug#50711)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed when the root user, located in the Server Access Management tab of the Accounts facility in the Administrator, was clicked. (Bug#50703)

  • SQL Editor syntax highlighting did not correctly recognize escaping of the single quote character ('). Queries such as SELECT '\'' FROM DUAL; were therefore not highlighted correctly. (Bug#50324)

  • When using the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard, if an existing script file was selected to be overwritten, the wizard would not continue, the file had to be deleted first. (Bug#46920)

A.1.12. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.19 (16 April 2010 beta)

Ninth public Beta release. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.18.

Functionality added or changed:

  • In the Configuration tab of the Administrator, the listbox showing the section in the configuration file has been changed to a read-only control. (Bug#52443)

Bugs fixed:

  • In the SQL Editor, when altering a routine, if the Apply SQL Script button was clicked, then MySQL Workbench froze. (Bug#52853)

  • When trying to open a saved model file, MySQL Workbench generated the following error:

    error executing plugin wb.file.openModel: Internal error: wait box creation must be done on the main thread


  • Double-clicking on a model file (*.mwb) to open it caused MySQL Workbench to crash. (Bug#52838)

  • When opening a connection to start querying from the Home screen, the HUD displayed correctly. However, an error occurred with the connection, and the error dialog was displayed beneath the HUD. This meant it was not possible to click the dialog, although pressing ESC cleared it. The error dialog should have been displayed in front of the HUD, making it clickable. (Bug#52812)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed when carrying out most tasks in the SQL Editor including adding tables, adding columns, and altering tables. (Bug#52789)

  • The MySQL Workbench preference to locate the sidebar on the right did not work. Further, the Toggle Sidebar button did not function. (Bug#52631, Bug#53072)

  • Attempting to build MySQL Workbench using the LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed" linker options failed. (Bug#52570)

  • MySQL Workbench listed gtkmm 2.4 as a dependency in However, it used features only available in later versions of this library. (Bug#52406)

  • In the Object Browser of the SQL Editor, if a schema was dropped, the schema concerned was not removed from the Object Browser, but another schema was. However, if the connection was synchronized, the Object Browser displayed the correct information. (Bug#51919)

  • In the Data Dump facility of the Administrator, if Export to Self-Contained file was selected and a destination file explicitly chosen, the selected schema was deselected on return from the file chooser. (Bug#51797)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed when creating a foreign key relationship in the EER Diagram view. (Bug#51602)

  • In the SQL Editor, the syntax highlighter coloured two dashes as a comment. This was incorrect, as two dashes should only be highlighted as a comment when followed by a space. (Bug#51596)

  • The internal script MySQL Workbench used to add a new user to MySQL Server was incorrect. After MySQL Workbench was started, it was possible to create a new user, but attempts to create additional users resulted in an unhandled exception. (Bug#50947)

  • In the Table Editor of the MySQL Model page, and the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, the text label “comments:” was truncated to “commen”. (Bug#50765)

  • In the EER Diagram view, using the context-sensitive menu items Copy table, or Edit in New Window resulted in the following error:

    Cannot execute plugin
    A model diagram must be selected.


  • MySQL Workbench appeared to perform a Save As operation rather than a Save operation when saving a modified script file in the SQL Editor. Also, there was no indication that the file being worked on had unsaved changes (this is normally indicated by '*' in the title bar). Finally, the filename was not displayed on the SQL Editor tab. (Bug#50055, Bug#51373)

  • The File, Open Recent menu item was not being populated with recently opened script files. (Bug#50053)

  • When two routine groups were being edited, and in both cases the Routines tab was selected to display the SQL code, switching between the routine groups did not result in the target Routines tab contents being updated. For example, if routines1 was being displayed and the routines2 selected, the routines1 code continued to be displayed in the Routines tab. (Bug#49432)

  • In the SQL Editor, the Alter Schema dialog had a comments field. However, the comments entered were not used in the generated DDL code.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so this comments field no longer appears. (Bug#49280)

  • In the EER Diagram view, when typing a new value into the Navigator Zoom input control, the zoom level of the diagram changed, as the new value was being typed. The diagram should only have been redrawn when the new value being typed in was fully entered by pressing the Enter key, instead of changing dynamically as the zoom level value was being typed. (Bug#48597)

  • In the EER Diagram view, if the cardinality of a relationship was changed and then an attempt made to edit a second relationship, the cardinality of the first relationship was applied to the second relationship. (Bug#46906)

  • The Assigned Privileges list on the Privileges tab in the View Editor lacked default grant options such as SELECT, UPDATE, and DROP. (Bug#42157)

A.1.13. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.18 (13 April 2010 beta)

Eighth public Beta release. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.17.

Functionality added or changed:

  • MySQL Workbench now features the ability to copy field data in the SQL Editor results tab in quoted or unquoted mode. (Bug#51041)

Bugs fixed:

  • When using the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard, the wizard did not terminate DROP procedure IF EXISTS statements with a semi-colon. This caused SQL syntax errors if the script was executed on a server. (Bug#52743)

  • In the SQL Editor, if a routine was altered in the routine editor, it was possible to close the editor without the editor prompting you to save any changes made, and so changes were lost. (Bug#52728)

  • The Triggers tab in the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor erased all typed code, when an attempt was made to copy and paste text within the tab. (Bug#52587)

  • The Data Dump facility in the Administrator exported the entire schema into a single file when the Dump Views option was selected. Further, if tables were selected and the Dump stored routines option selected, the routines would be stored in their own file, but with the DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS statements missing. (Bug#52579)

  • During the import procedure of the Data Dump facility in the Administrator, stored routines were not imported. (Bug#52577)

  • The Connection Information panel in the SQL Editor did not display information for the User field. (Bug#52560)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed when an attempt was made to create an EER Diagram from a database containing a large number of tables (1500+). (Bug#52500)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed if No in the Delete Object dialog was clicked when attempting to delete a view from an EER Diagram. (Bug#52310)

  • In the SQL Editor, if in the Alter Routine dialog, the user had a routine that contained an error, the routine would be lost if an attempt was made to close the Alter Routine dialog using the close button, and then click Yes to apply changes. (Bug#51921)

  • In the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, in the columns or indexes tab, the first right-click in the dialog central area failed to display the context-sensitive menu. However, it was displayed on subsequent clicks. (Bug#51796)

  • In the SQL Editor, it was not possible to export a result set, if the result set was not the first result set. For example, if there were two result sets, it would be possible to export the first one created, but not the second result set. (Bug#51595)

  • In the Object Explorer of the Sidebar, if an existing table was right-clicked, the context-sensitive menu displayed the option Create Table.... However, selecting this option appeared to have no effect. (Bug#51570)

  • In the SQL Editor, in the results editor, it was not possible to edit or copy data containing multiple lines of text. Further, lines containing new lines were displayed as if the new lines did not exist.

    MySQL Workbench now includes a blob editor. This can be accessed by right-clicking in the field to edit and selecting Open Value in Editor. (Bug#51561)

  • In the Alter Routine dialog of the SQL editor, there was inconsistency between the operation of the close dialog button ('X') on the top right of the window, and the Close button on the bottom right. When using the close dialog button you were prompted to save changes, regardless of whether you actually changed the routine or not. When using the Close button, the user was not prompted, even if the routine had changed. (Bug#51518)

  • The Message Log text area in the Forward Engineer to Database wizard was in active, preventing scrolling of the message when an error occurred. (Bug#51417)

  • In the SQL Editor, right-clicking a row in the results editor (after double clicking a table), and selecting delete from the context-sensitive menu, did not have any effect. (Bug#51361)

  • The scrollable boxes on the Home screen did not respond to mouse wheel events. (Bug#51213)

  • When editing a row in the SQL Editor, if a column was NOT NULL and had a default value, and a value was not entered for it, then after changing another column if changes were applied an error would be generated. This was because the editor attempted to set the NOT NULL column to NULL, rather than to its default value. (Bug#50781)

  • The Log text area in the Reverse Engineer SQL Script wizard was inactive, preventing the log message from being scrolled. (Bug#50758)

  • The model Navigator did not redraw itself correctly. The Navigator worked correctly for the first model loaded into MySQL Workbench, but not for subsequently loaded models. (Bug#50580, Bug#50622)

  • When editing a table in the SQL Editor, the context sensitive menu items did not affect the row under the cursor, but a previously selected row. This potentially led to the unintentioned deletion of a row. (Bug#50113)

  • On the Linux platform, no context-sensitive menu was displayed when right-clicking on a schema tab in the Physical Schemata section of the MySQL Model page. (Bug#49429)

  • In the EER Diagram view, when a table with a name containing underscores was right-clicked, the context-sensitive menu displayed menu items containing the table name without the underscores. (Bug#49314)

  • In the MySQL Model page it was not possible to delete a schema by using the context sensitive menu in the Physical Schemata section. (Bug#48055)

A.1.14. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.17 (02 April 2010 beta)

Seventh public Beta release. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.16.

Functionality added or changed:

  • The Execute Current Statement command in the SQL Editor has been improved. The statement that contains the cursor will be executed. Further, if the cursor is outside of a statement, the last statement before the cursor is executed. (Bug#52302)

  • If MySQL Workbench attempts to connect to MySQL Server version 4.x, an error message is generated to indicate this version is not supported. (Bug#51455, Bug#51844)

  • MySQL Workbench has been changed so that it is possible to run the start, stop, and check status scripts executed from the Administrator, with administrator privileges. A checkbox has been provided to enable you the option of acquiring the administrator rights to execute the commands. This option is switched off by default for the check status command. (Bug#51276)

  • A description column has been added to the snippets table. (Bug#51010)

  • The WeifenLuo library was removed. This was the cause of difficult to trace application crashes. (Bug#50706)

  • Various improvements to the SQL Editor user interface, including additional context-sensitive menu items in the Object Explorer, additional buttons in the Create Table and Alter Table dialogs, and more clearly displayed error messages. (Bug#50637, Bug#49918)

  • The MySQL Workbench installer has been changed to include a Launch Now checkbox. By default this is selected, so MySQL Workbench will be launched when the installer exits. (Bug#50387)

  • In the SQL Editor, the Comments tab in the Create View dialog has been removed. (Bug#49270)

  • The Output window only appeared in the Model context. MySQL Workbench has been changed so that the Output window now has its own tab on the main screen. (Bug#48988)

Bugs fixed:

  • In the SQL Editor, the wrong table was displayed when using EDIT. This happened if two schemata contained tables with the same name. For example, if two schemata, schema1 and schema2 both contained a table t1, then if the following SQL was entered and executed, schema2.t1 would be displayed instead of schema1.t1:

    use schema1;
    edit t1;

    (Bug#52401, Bug#52692)

  • If, in the EER Diagram view, an attempt was made to edit two tables, MySQL Workbench crashed. (Bug#52158)

  • In the EER Diagram view, when the menu item Model, Diagram Properties and Size was selected from the main menu, MySQL Workbench crashed. (Bug#52065, Bug#52375)

  • The Alter Table dialog in the SQL Editor displayed comments with a single quote character prepending it, and with the last character of the comment truncated. (Bug#51972, Bug#52297)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed when synchronizing a model to a live server. (Bug#51892)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed while attempting to edit code in the SQL Editor. (Bug#51815)

  • The New Server Instance wizard did not set the correct name for the startup script, when the installation type was set to Fedora Linux (Vendor Package). Testing the connection resulted in the error “Operation failed: /etc/init.d/mysql start is invalid”. (Bug#51802)

  • In the Object Explorer of the SQL Editor, right-clicking on a table displayed the menu option Send to SQL Edtor. Editor was spelled incorrectly. (Bug#51790)

  • When synchronizing a model containing a large number of Stored Routines, not all routines were synchronized with the live server. (Bug#51731)

  • When synchronizing between two triggers, unexpected USE statements and the comment “-- Trigger DDL Statements” appeared intermittently. This caused a syntax error in the script. (Bug#51728)

  • If a connection was opened for querying and then Ctrl+W quickly pressed to close the connection, MySQL Workbench would crash. (Bug#51685)

  • When opening the ip2nation.sql file MySQL Workbench crashed. (Bug#51606, Bug#51531)

  • Exporting a result set to a CSV file resulted in a file with a trailing comma appended to each line including the heading. (Bug#51594)

  • In the Inserts tab of the Table Editor, if a row was right-clicked and Delete selected rows selected, MySQL Workbench crashed. (Bug#51584)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed if objects were sequentially selected in the EER Diagram view. (Bug#51573)

  • In the SQL Editor, when a SQL query was entered that contained a large number of characters, it appeared full width in the action column of the Ouput tab, causing the Response column to be unacceptably narrow. (Bug#51550)

  • In the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, if a column was added to a table, and then an attempt made to alter that column's data type, then the wizard generated ADD COLUMN code, rather than CHANGE COLUMN. This resulted in the following error when an attempt was made to apply the changes:

    ERROR 1060: Duplicate column name 'test_column'

    (Bug#51516, Bug#51719)

  • In the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, when a table was edited and changes applied, if subsequent changes were made and applied an error would result, as MySQL Workbench attempted to use ADD COLUMN rather than CHANGE COLUMN. (Bug#51481)

  • When Manage Import / Export was clicked on the Home screen, a server instance selected, and then OK clicked, MySQL Workbench displayed an error dialog with the following message:

    MySQL Workbench has encountered a problem, External component has thrown an

    (Bug#51477, Bug#51665, Bug#51703, Bug#51733, Bug#51800, Bug#51870, Bug#51895, Bug#51963, Bug#51944, Bug#51999, Bug#52052, Bug#52262)

  • Building MySQL Workbench from source failed if LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed" option was specified. (Bug#51469)

  • If a long running SQL query was executed in the SQL Editor, and then the SQL Editor tab closed, MySQL Workbench crashed if a new connection was started from the Home screen. The following exception was generated:

    Unknown Exception: caught in c:\documents and
    at line 1087


  • It was not possible to connect to the MySQL server with MySQL Workbench if using sockets. (Bug#51419, Bug#51460)

  • When a model with a view was exported using File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script, a semi-colon was added to the end of the CREATE VIEW statement, even if one was already present from the view code entered. (Bug#51416)

  • On the MySQL Model tab, if a table was clicked on and edited using the context menu option Edit Table, MySQL Workbench crashed. (Bug#51410, Bug#50936)

  • If all screens and tabs were closed in MySQL Workbench and then Data, Manage Connections selected, then when the Manage DB Connections dialog was closed an unknown exception occurred. (Bug#51403)

  • If a server instance was created with the New Instance wizard with SSH disabled, then the following exception occurred when attempting to administer the server instance:

    Exception = System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException
    Message = External component has thrown an exception.
    FullText = System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an
       at MySQL.Forms.DrawBoxImpl.drawbox_mouse_click(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseClick(MouseEventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam,
    IntPtr lparam)

    (Bug#51368, Bug#51476, Bug#51522, Bug#51483, Bug#51978, Bug#51810, Bug#51883, Bug#51803, Bug#52115, Bug#52163, Bug#51292, Bug#51668, Bug#51784, Bug#51789, Bug#51940, Bug#51947, Bug#52021, Bug#52028, Bug#52108, Bug#52240)

  • After exporting a schema to disk, importing the schema did not restore the tables. (Bug#51261)

  • In the Routine Editor, the editor added “//” as the last delimiter, even though “DELIMITER $$” was used at the beginning of the code. (Bug#51247)

  • In the SQL Editor, if a foreign key name was changed using the Foreign Key tab or Indexes tab of the Alter Table dialog, the following error was generated:

    Type mismatch: expected type string, but got list


  • When the MySQL Workbench source code was configured, the package gnome-keyring-1 was not found. (Bug#51090)

  • There were discrepancies between the list of pre-requisite packages given on the MySQL Workbench website and those listed in the README file in the MySQL Workbench distribution. (Bug#51085)

  • On the Output tab of the SQL Editor, it was not possible to properly view the contents of the Action and Message columns, if the text exceeded the standard column width.

    MySQL Workbench has now added a detail panel, so that long messages can be easily viewed. (Bug#51040)

  • In the Administrator section of MySQL Workbench, if a new user was created, the password was not correctly applied for the account, resulting in the new user being denied access when an attempt was made to connect to a server with that user account. (Bug#50983, Bug#51464)

  • An Out of Range exception occurred when switching from the Table Editor to the Home screen. (Bug#50980, Bug#51030)

  • In the Output tab of the SQL Editor, if a query produced an error response, it was difficult to read the returned error message. The message could only be read using mouse-over in the Response column, and the error message text could not be copied.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that the Response column is now renamed to Message. Further, the Message column has been widened, and new Action and Message detail panels have been added, making it easier to read error messages. (Bug#50629, Bug#50860)

  • When using the main menu item Scripting, Run Workbench Script File, the dialog appended “.lua” to the selected filename. This resulted in a failure to load the desired file. (Bug#50501)

  • In the SQL Editor, field names containing an underscore were displayed incorrectly on the Results tab. Instead of the underscore being displayed in the correct location the following character appeared underlined. (Bug#50132)

  • When a schema with Foreign keys and associated automatically generated foreign indexes was exported with the Skip Creation of FOREIGN KEYS checkbox selected, the generated script still contained the indexes. (Bug#49987)

  • In the SQL Editor, in a result set tab it was not possible to copy values from the result set.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed to include the context sensitive menu items Copy row values and Copy field content. (Bug#49683, Bug#50170)

  • The Table Editor, Routine Editor, and other object editors stayed open, even if the user switched from the MySQL Model page to the SQL Editor page, Home screen, or Administrator page, thereby causing confusion. (Bug#49367)

  • In the live editing tab of the SQL Editor, if the ALT+TAB key combination was used, the ascending and descending sort order of the columns could no longer be changed. (Bug#49366)

  • The live data editor in SQL Editor did not permit the columns to be sorted in descending order by clicking the column heading. It only permitted column sorting in ascending order through clicking the column heading. (Bug#49302)

  • In the Overview tab of the SQL Editor there was no scrolling facility available. This meant that if the model contained a large number of schema objects the panel area was quickly filled, and it was not possible to view all of the objects without the ability to scroll. (Bug#49290, Bug#51634)

  • In the Alter Routine dialog of the SQL Editor, when a routine was changed, and the changes successfully applied using the Apply SQL Script to Database dialog, the Alter Routine dialog still prompted the user to apply changes, even though the changes had already been successfully applied. (Bug#49273)

  • When switching from a tab such as the SQL Editor tab to the Home screen, the toolbar did not change accordingly. However, the buttons on the toolbar were still active, leading to the possibility of unintentional actions. (Bug#49147)

  • In the SQL editor, if Alter Table was invoked for a table, and then the partitioning tab selected and partitioning enabled, it was possible to select a partition count of 0, which then generated an error if an attempt was made to apply changes. (Bug#49050)

  • This bug occurred when using the MySQL Workbench Administrator with MySQL Server version 5.0. When selecting Enable General Log in the Administrator's configuration page, MySQL Workbench attempted to add the option general-log to the configuration file, even thought this is not supported by MySQL Server 5.0. (Bug#49011)

  • In the Overview tab of the SQL Editor, if there were a large number of schemata, it was not possible to access certain schemata, as they did not all fit on the schema tab control.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that there is now a small drop down control that enables you to select the required schema, even if it is not currently visible on the schema tab control. (Bug#48898, Bug#50169)

  • In the EER Diagram view, when zooming in or out of the diagram the screen was not redrawn correctly. (Bug#48020, Bug#48032, Bug#34505)

  • When using the option Omit Schemata Qualifier in Object Names in the Forward Engineer dialog, the schema name still appeared in DROP, CREATE SCHEMA, INSERT and USE statements. The schema name also appeared in the table comments. (Bug#46837, Bug#51411)

A.1.15. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.16 (17 February 2010 beta)

Sixth public Beta release. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.15.

Functionality added or changed:

  • In the SQL editor, the keyboard shortcut to run a single query has been changed to Ctrl + Enter. To run all queries the keyboard shortcut has been changed to Ctrl + Shift + Enter. (Bug#50747)

  • The key sequence Ctrl+Q has been added as a shortcut for the main menu item File, Exit. (Bug#50727)

  • In the SQL Editor a comment has been added to the EDIT statement to clarify its functionality. (Bug#50705)

  • The Manage DB Connections dialog now prevents removal of a connection used by a server instance. (Bug#50547)

  • In the Logs tab of the Administrator it was not possible to view long queries, or copy their text. MySQL Workbench has been changed so that double-clicking on an entry in the Logs tab pops up a dialog with the complete text, and also provides a Copy Detail button to copy the text of the entry. (Bug#49442)

  • The data dump facility, used for exporting data to disk, has been modified to enable the --single-transaction option to be specified.

    If --single-transaction is enabled, the table selection will be restricted the following ways:

    1. If a single schema is selected, it is possible to select/deselect its tables as required.

    2. If more than one schema is selected, all tables from these schemas must be selected, because mysqldump --databases will be used in this case.


  • When a model with multiple EER Diagrams was opened, all EER Diagrams would be displayed in tabs. This happened whether or not a EER Diagram had been displayed in a tab prior to saving the model.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that the EER Diagram tab state is saved, so that when a model is opened, only those EER Diagram tabs that were open on save are restored. This prevents unnecessary cluttering of the interface. (Bug#44454, Bug#50732)

Bugs fixed:

  • Security Fix: Passwords were stored in plain text format in the file server_instances.xml.

    To improve security MySQL Workbench has been changed in the following ways:

    1. The password is no longer stored in the connection XML file.

    2. When a connection is opened, a password request dialog is displayed and the password requested. The password can optionally be stored in the system keychain/vault/keyring.

    3. When editing a connection profile, you can also store the password in the system keychain.

    4. For compatibility, when MySQL Workbench starts it will look for passwords stored in the XML file. If any password is found, it will be removed from the XML file and automatically stored in the keychain. When MySQL Workbench exits, the connections file will be free from passwords.


  • When using the Server Administration link, or Manage Security link, on the Home screen, to log in to a remote server through an SSH connection, if the password dialog was closed, and cancellation of the SSH connection dialog acknowledged, then the following exception was generated:

    Exception = System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException
    Message = External component has thrown an exception.
    FullText = System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an
       at MySQL.Forms.DrawBoxImpl.drawbox_mouse_click(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


  • In the Create a new server instance wizard, on the last page of the wizard if the Back button was pressed and then the Next button pressed, an error was generated stating the server instance already existed. (Bug#51060)

  • Using File, Export, Forward Engineer ALTER Script to export a model resulted in MySQL Workbench generating the exception AccessViolationException. (Bug#51053)

  • In the SQL Editor, if using the Alter Table dialog, attempting to apply changes after renaming an index resulted in the following error:

    SQL Error 1091: Can't DROP 'username_foo'; check that column/key exists


  • In the System Profile tab of the Manage Server Instances dialog, if the Path to configuration file textfield was set using the browse button, ..., then the value in the textfield appeared to be set correctly to the selected file. However, if the dialog was closed and reopened, the new path was not displayed in the text field. If the path was manually entered, rather than using the browse button, the textfield would display the correct path even if the dialog was closed and reopened. (Bug#50965)

  • In the SQL Editor, if the Edit Data dialog was invoked for a table, and some data edited, MySQL Workbench crashed when the Apply SQL button was clicked. (Bug#50920)

  • An exported script containing triggers and views resulted in the error #1046 - No database selected when run on the MySQL Server. This was due to a missing USE DATABASE statement in the generated script. (Bug#50900)

  • The second invocation of File, Print caused MySQL Workbench to crash. (Bug#50885)

  • The SQL code editors used in the modeling functionality within MySQL Workbench, for example in the Triggers tab of the Table Editor, failed to identify and highlight SQL code errors. (Bug#50835)

  • In the SQL Editor the text “Parsing SQL ...” displayed in the status bar remained once the parsing was complete.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed to display “No errors found” once parsing has successfully completed. (Bug#50833)

  • If a MySQL server was set to accept named pipe connections only, and then a server instance created in MySQL Workbench using a named pipe connection, it was not possible to subsequently connect to the server with MySQL Workbench. (Bug#50830)

  • Expanded Schemata Palettes in the SQL Editor would collapse when switching between SQL Editor tabs. (Bug#50815)

  • In the SQL Editor the toolbar button to execute SQL statements was missing.

    MySQL Workbench also now includes a new toolbar button to execute a single statement. (Bug#50791)

  • In the MySQL Model tab, if the Table Editor was launched and then the Home screen tab clicked, MySQL Workbench displayed the MySQL Workbench Unexpected Error dialog. (Bug#50768)

  • On the MySQL Model page using Roles and Users to grant privileges to a schema resulted in errors when the model was forward engineered, and the resultant script applied against a MySQL server. The script failed due to invalid SQL syntax, as the SQL created did not correctly apply the privileges to all schema objects. (Bug#50762)

  • In the Data Dump facility of the Administrator, attempting to export a schema to disk failed if a table name contained a space. (Bug#50728)

  • In the Workbench Scripting Shell dialog, clicking on an item in the value inspector panel (lower left corner) caused an exception:

    System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an
       at MySQL.Grt.TreeModel.expand_node(NodeId node)
       at MySQL.Grt.GrtTreeModel.TreeViewExpanding(Object sender, TreeViewAdvEventArgs e)
       at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
       at Aga.Controls.Tree.TreeViewAdv.OnExpanding(TreeNodeAdv node)


  • In the Data Dump facility of the Administrator it was not possible to import a file where the path contained a space. (Bug#50609, Bug#50007)

  • In the SQL Editor a situation occurred where all results tabs could not be closed. Further, results tabs were incorrectly created with the same label. (Bug#50334, Bug#50865)

  • In the Manage DB Connections dialog it was not possible to select a default schema for the Socket/Pipe connection type, as this facility was not provided by the dialog user interface. (Bug#50283)

  • It was possible to connect to a database using a password containing a space. However, when this connection was used to attempt a backup the operation failed, due to the password not being correctly quoted. (Bug#50213)

  • The messages generated by mysqldump when a data export operation failed were difficult to interpret, for example:

    Operation failed with exitcode 2


  • In the SQL Editor, when editing table data, if an operation failed when changes were applied, the error message was not clearly visible. (Bug#50112)

  • In the SQL Editor, if a LONGTEXT field was being edited in the table data live editor, when the changes were applied an error was generated.

    MySQL Workbench has also been changed so that large text values need to be edited in an external editor and then pasted into the grid cell. (Bug#50111, Bug#50692, Bug#50948, Bug#50814)

  • When synchronizing a schema with a live server, the scale of columns with type DECIMAL was erroneously set to zero. For example, a DECIMAL(17,5) was found to be set to DECIMAL (17,0) in the generated script. (Bug#50110)

  • When a non-SSH server instance was created, and a connection made to a remote server, only the Data Dump facility of the Administrator was available. The same problem occurred if SSH-based administration was deselected for the server instance. (Bug#50098)

  • In the SQL Editor, if a database was selected in the Overview tab and then either the Drop Schema... context menu item was selected, or the drop schema toolbar button clicked, the DROP DATABASE dialog was displayed. However, if the dialog close button was then clicked to cancel the dialog, the database was still dropped, instead of being unaffected by the cancelling of the dialog. (Bug#50072, Bug#50960)

  • In the Create a new server instance wizard, if an operating system of type Windows (MySQL 5.1 Installer Package) was selected, then the following error was generated on the Test Settings page:

    Error: File C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\my.ini doesn't exist

    This was because the file was actually stored in C:\Programas\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\my.ini.

    Similar bugs where the configuration file could not be found were reported on both English and non-English systems. (Bug#50050, Bug#50635, Bug#50966, Bug#50873, Bug#51008)

  • If a table was dropped from a live database, and then the model synchronized, the dropped table would be detected, but the table was not dropped from the model concerned. (Bug#50000)

  • For a default MySQL Server installation, no my.ini or my.cnf file is created. This proved problematic when creating a server instance in MySQL Workbench, as the Create a new server instance wizard expected a configuration file to be specified. If the path to the configuration file was left blank, a model error dialog was displayed by the wizard. If alternatively, one of the standard locations for the configuration file was entered, problems arose when an attempt was made to subsequently change configuration values in the configuration section of the Admin screen. The problems included MySQL Workbench hanging, and repetitive requests for a 'super user' password. (Bug#49766, Bug#50317)

  • In the SQL Editor, in the add routine dialog, if the template was used, and a simple SELECT 1; statement added to the template, then when changes were applied the following error was generated:

    ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3
    SQL Statement:
    CREATE PROCEDURE `world`.`new_routine` ()
    SELECT 1


  • In the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard, selecting the checkbox Omit Schema Qualifier in Object Names caused the CREATE SCHEMA statement to be removed. DROP SCHEMA statements were also removed, even if the Generate DROP SCHEMA checkbox was selected.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that if the Omit Schema Qualifier in Object Names checkbox is selected, it is possible to optionally select the checkbox Insert USE Statements, to enable or disable the use of USE statements. (Bug#49682)

  • If the Data Dump facility in Administrator was used to export to a self-contained file, then when that file was imported an unhandled exception was generated. (Bug#49529)

  • If the MySQL Server was stopped then attempting to access the Logs, Accounts, Connections, Variables or Data Dump tabs in the Administrator resulted in unhandled exceptions. (Bug#49439)

  • MySQL Workbench did not support SSH keys that required a passphrase to be entered. (Bug#49418)

  • When using an SSH connection to manage a remote server, MySQL Workbench repeatedly prompted the user to enter a password, even though a key file had been specified. (Bug#49307)

  • In the SQL Editor, when using the live editor, if Query, Export Results was selected from the main menu and a CSV output format chosen, then the exported data was found to be in tab delimited format, rather than CSV format. (Bug#49303)

  • When MySQL Workbench was connected to a remote server using an SSH connection, and a data export operation performed, then MySQL Workbench actually attempted to perform the data export on a local server instance, rather than on the connected remote server. If the remote and local server had a common user account, then a backup could be performed that appeared to complete successfully, but which contained data from the local server rather than the connected remote server. (Bug#49295)

  • In the Alter Table dialog of the SQL Editor, support for triggers appeared to be provided, but underlying functionality was missing. (Bug#49287)

  • In the SQL Editor, if Alter Table was invoked, and the collation for a column changed, then after clicking Apply, no changes were detected. (Bug#49277)

  • The descriptions used for options in the Advanced Options tab in the Data Dump section of the administrator were lacking clarity and in some cases dated. (Bug#49224)

  • The import log contained messages with redundant parentheses. (Bug#49218)

  • There was no facility to cancel the Export to Disk process, once started, in the Administrator. Further, the Start Export button erroneously remained enabled during the export process, enabling the user to start new export processes, resulting in errors. (Bug#49115)

  • In the Data Dump facility of the Administrator, if a schema was selected, but its corresponding checkbox not selected, and then several of its tables selected for export, the following error occurred when the Start Export button was clicked:

    Nothing to do, no schemas or tables selected.


  • In the Create a new server instance wizard, using the default SSH Key Path, ~/.ssh/id_rsa, resulted in a 'file not found' error when testing the connection. However, if the path was entered as /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa the connection test was successful. The same problem was also present in the Manage DB Connections dialog. (Bug#49090)

  • The first connection created with New Connection did not appear immediately in the list of available connections. (Bug#49079, Bug#49801)

  • Numerous variables were missing from the DDL section of the Status Variables tab in the administrator. (Bug#49073, Bug#49077)

  • In the configuration file editor it was possible to select a directory, such as Temp directory on the General tab, without specifying a corresponding path. (Bug#49035)

  • In the General tab of the configuration file editor, the option Default table type was present, even though it was deprecated in MySQL Server 5.0. Further, selecting this option and applying changes did not change the server configuration file. (Bug#49006)

  • If the command for checking server status was changed in a server instance, the change did not take effect unless MySQL Workbench was restarted. (Bug#48992)

  • MySQL Workbench did not correctly detect the status of MySQL Servers where multiple servers were running on the same host, and so displayed incorrect server status on the Admin screen. (Bug#48975)

  • In the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard, selection of the Skip Creation of FOREIGN KEYS checkbox was not reflected in the generated script. (Bug#47969)

  • When using MySQL Workbench to create an ALTER script, the generated script did not reflect columns where only the case of the column name had changed. (Bug#45556)

  • If a schema that contained tables with no engine defined was reverse engineered, and then the engine type was changed in MySQL Workbench, then when the model was exported the ALTER script did not contain code to change the engine of the table. (Bug#45110)

A.1.16. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.15 (28 January 2010 beta)

Fifth public Beta release. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.14.

Functionality added or changed:

  • The GRT Shell exhibited various issues and could generate exceptions in some circumstances.

    The GRT Shell has been updated and is now implemented as a stand-alone dialog known as the Workbench Scripting Shell. (Bug#49298)

Bugs fixed:

  • Double clicking on any main tab, just below the main menu toolbar, caused MySQL Workbench to generate an exception. (Bug#50562)

  • If text was typed into the search bar in the SQL Editor, and the sidebar button clicked twice, MySQL Workbench crashed. This only happened on Mac OS X. (Bug#50560)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, attempting to change the column data type using the drop-down list caused MySQL Workbench to crash. (Bug#50546, Bug#50598, Bug#50527)

  • The Portrait and Landscape icons were missing from the Page Setup dialog. (Bug#50529)

  • It was not possible to print EER Diagrams or schemata. The File, Print option was grayed out, and Ctrl+P did not have any effect. (Bug#50528)

  • On an EER Diagram, when a relationship was placed using the toolbar button Place a Relationship using Existing Columns, if the relationship was subsequently checked in the Foreign Keys tab of the Table Editor, it was found to contain incorrect values for foreign key names, for example, fk_%dcolumn%1. It was apparent that the placeholder had not had its value correctly substituted. (Bug#50492)

  • MySQL Workbench reported the remote server as being down, in the Database Server Status section of the Administrator, even though the server was in fact running, and queries could be successfully run against the database using MySQL Workbench. (Bug#50453)

  • When the menu item File, Page Setup was selected from the main menu, MySQL Workbench crashed. (Bug#50315)

  • When performing a data dump in the Administrator, the operation failed with an exit code 7.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that it will generate an error if the mysqldump executable cannot be found. (Bug#50184)

  • Client-side sorting always sorted on an alpha basis, regardless of data type. This meant numeric values were not sorted into the order expected. (Bug#50158)

  • With an EER Diagram open, the File, Page Setup menu item was unavailable. (Bug#49863)

  • When working through the Manage DB Connections wizard, the prompt to Enter SSH password appeared as a sheet behind the modal dialog box for the wizard. In some situations, it was not possible to see the Enter SSH password sheet, and it was not possible to click any buttons on, or close, the modal wizard.

    This meant the user had to move the modal dialog box to see the Enter SSH password sheet, but is was not obvious that this was possible, because the window decorations indicated that the modal dialog could not be focused.

    MySQL Workbench has now been changed so that a dialog is used for Manage DB Connections when creating a new connection, rather than a wizard. (Bug#49810)

  • The Synchronize Model with Database wizard generated a script that erroneously dropped schemata that had been selected to be ignored. (Bug#49587)

  • On the General tab of the configuration file editor, if a value was set for Temp directory, and the changes applied, then the value set was not displayed in the preview, implying it would not be set in the server configuration file. (Bug#49423)

  • When a MySQL Workbench unhandled exception occurred and the exception dialog was displayed, if the user clicked Quit, and there were unsaved changes, a new dialog was displayed, warning of unsaved changes. If Cancel was clicked on this dialog, MySQL Workbench would exit, which was not the expected behavior, as changes would then be lost. If Yes was clicked on this dialog, to save changes, then MySQL Workbench crashed. Overall, the behavior of the dialogs was confusing.

    A new error dialog has been introduced that changes the handling. It presents the user options to go to the bug report page, copy debug information to the clipboard and to close the dialog. (Bug#49304)

  • In the Administrator, when an attempt was made to import multiple tables from the same project folder, MySQL Workbench only imported the first table and then stopped, reporting the import process as finished. (Bug#49217)

  • In the SQL Editor, if an attempt was made to change the number of partitions in a table, using Alter Table, the SQL code produced did not contain the necessary ALTER TABLE statement to effect this change. (Bug#49054)

  • If the MySQL Server was stopped outside of MySQL Workbench then the server status displayed in the Administrator did not update correctly until the Startup tab was clicked. The log file did however correctly note the change in status. (Bug#48966)

  • When exporting a model to a single file using File, Export, Export as Single Page PDF or Export as Single Page Postscript File, the table positions contained in the file were incorrect. (Bug#47384)

  • If a model contained a table which used a user defined type for a column, then when the model was forward engineered an erroneous COLUMN CHANGE statement was generated for the column. This only happened for user defined types without additional arguments. For example, a user defined type using INTEGER(11) would not create a COLUMN CHANGE statement, but using INTEGER would. (Bug#45834)

A.1.17. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.14 (21 January 2010 beta)

Fourth public Beta release. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.13.

Bugs fixed:

  • If a multiline configuration option in the MySQL server configuration file was removed using the configuration editor of the Administrator tab, then MySQL Workbench generated an error. (Bug#50470)

  • In the SQL Editor, the Alter Table dialog created incorrect DDL for changes to the partitioning. (Bug#49055)

  • In the Physical Schemata section of the MySQL Model tab, the tables were not displayed in alphabetic order. (Bug#47143)

A.1.18. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.13 (Not released beta)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.12.

Bugs fixed:

  • Selecting the Help, Check for Updates menu item opened the web browser and displayed an error:

    Not Found
    The requested URL /version-check.php was not found on this server.
    Apache Server at Port 80


  • When building MySQL Workbench 5.2.11 from source on CentOS 5.4, the following error occurred:

    python_context.cpp:388: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char*'
    python_context.cpp:388: error:   initializing argument 1 of 'PyObject*
    make[4]: *** [python_context.lo] Error 1
    make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/install/mysql-workbench-oss-5.2.11/library/grt/src'
    make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/install/mysql-workbench-oss-5.2.11/library/grt'
    make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/install/mysql-workbench-oss-5.2.11/library'
    make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/install/mysql-workbench-oss-5.2.11'
    make: *** [all] Error 2

    Note, from MySQL Workbench 5.2.13, binary and source packages for CentOS 5.4 will be available. Due to the dependence of MySQL Workbench on certain packages that are older in CentOS 5.4 than in other operating systems, MySQL Workbench has some minor features, such as tool tips, disabled. (Bug#50360)

  • In the SQL Editor, if a routine was edited, and the changes applied, then the changes were automatically reverted if the apply failed. This meant that any changes the user had made had to be typed in again. (Bug#49790)

  • In the SQL Editor, if an object was created or renamed, that change was not reflected in the user interface. This change fixes the problem for Linux and Mac OS X. See also Bug#50424 for the Windows platform. (Bug#49454)

  • Invalid values were written to the MySQL server configuration file by the configuration editor. MySQL Workbench also added new entries to the configuration file, rather than update the existing entries. As a result of the this the server failed to start. (Bug#49420)

  • If the server configuration file contained more than one entry for replicate-do-db, then the configuration editor on the Admin tab only displayed the second entry, rather than both. (Bug#49299)

  • In the configuration editor in the Admin tab, the listboxes for displaying units, such as for the Sort buffer size option, did not show 'G', which represents Gigabytes. This bug was fixed in 5.2.10.

    It was subsequently decided to standardize all units around uppercase characters. In particular the 'k' was changed to 'K'. This change was made in version 5.2.13. (Bug#49013)

A.1.19. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.12 (Not released beta)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.11.

Functionality added or changed:

  • In the SQL Editor, if a table was edited with the Edit Data facility, and table values changed, no warning was given if an attempt was made to close the tab without having first applied changes using the apply button.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that if the user attempts to close a live editing tab, without having applied any changes made, then a warning dialog is displayed. (Bug#49925)

  • MySQL Workbench has been changed to permit a connection to be created where the password does not have to be stored. In this case, MySQL Workbench prompts the user to enter the correct password when the connection is established. (Bug#49409)

  • Undo operations are no longer tracked in the editors that work with live databases, such as table editors within the SQL Editor. (Bug#49284)

Bugs fixed:

  • Security Fix: The password for the connected MySQL Server was exposed by the SQL Administrator in MySQL Workbench. The password was displayed in plain text form in the Startup Message Log on the Startup tab of the Admin page. (Bug#43287)

  • In SQL Editor, SELECT statements that called functions, for example SELECT md5('abcd'), did not give the expected result. (Bug#50248)

  • In the Table Editor, the drop down listbox for selecting the table engine type contained a reference to calpont. This should now be infinidb. (Bug#50159)

  • In Mac OS X, the context-sensitive menu was missing from the live editing tab of the SQL Editor. Right-clicking in the editing tab simply displayed a Mac OS X menu, rather than the context-sensitive menu to enable actions such as copying, deletion and setting selections to NULL. (Bug#50114)

  • Custom Python modules failed to load and were not displayed in the MySQL Workbench Plugins menu.

    In MySQL Workbench 5.2 the syntax used has changed from @wbplugin to @ModuleInfo.Plugin. (Bug#50108)

  • On the Model page, if some text was entered into a note in Model Notes, then the model saved and closed, on reloading the note would be empty.

    This also happened for a script added in SQL Scripts. After the model was saved and reloaded, the script would be empty. (Bug#50108)

  • The script code generated from a model for routines did not quote schema names in USE statements. (Bug#50051)

  • Lower panels such as the Table Editor remained open, even when the user returned to the Home screen. (Bug#49926)

  • In the SQL Editor, when using the Query, Export Results... menu item, the file extension was omitted when selection of an existing output file was made. (Bug#49870)

  • After selecting Edit Table Data from the Home screen, and launching the Edit Table Data wizard, MySQL Workbench crashed if a connection was selected and then the Next button clicked. (Bug#49864)

  • In the Manage DB Connections dialog, when attempting to create a Standard TCP/IP over SSH connection, errors occurred when testing the connection in the case where a key file had been specified. If the path to the key file was quoted the error was:

    Cannot open SSH Tunnel:  ERROR Invalid request

    If the same path was not quoted the error generated was:

    Could not connect SSH tunnel:  ERROR [Errno 22] invalid mode ('r') or filename:
    'D:\\Documents and Settings\\tf221715\\.ssh\\id_dsa'

    It should be noted that currently only key files using the OpenSSH format are supported. (Bug#49812)

  • In the SQL Editor, if a Stored Procedure was executed and then immediately executed again, the following error was generated:

    Error code 2014
      Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now

    This problem only affected MySQL Workbench running on the Mac OS X platform. (Bug#49553)

  • Right-clicking on a Routine Group and then selecting Copy SQL to Clipboard did not work. No code was copied to the clipboard. (Bug#49440)

  • Opening a model file, closing it and quickly reopening it caused MySQL Workbench to hang. (Bug#49428)

  • Clicking the Test Connection button in the Manage DB Connections dialog caused MySQL Workbench to lock up. The error generated on the console was:

    18743 INFO Connecting to SSH server at
    Unhandled exception in thread started by <bound method Tunnel._threadloop of
    <__main__.Tunnel instance at 0x9acea8>>

    This happened for the connection method Standard TCP/IP over SSH. (Bug#49419)

  • Two SSH tunnels were opened for a single connection to an SSH server. The user was also prompted for a password when a new connection was established, even when the existing tunnel was reused. (Bug#49412)

  • SSH Tunnels opened by MySQL Workbench were never closed. SSH Tunnels created when clicking Test Connection in the Manage DB Connections dialog, were not closed. This was also the case when the SQL Editor and Server Administration tabs were closed. (Bug#49411)

  • In the Partitioning tab of the alter table dialog it was possible to enter a number greater than 10 into the Partition Count textfield. However, when these changes were applied the DDL generated substituted any value entered that was greater than 10 with the value 2. (Bug#49380)

  • MySQL Workbench generated an unhandled exception when trying to add a new column using the Alter Table facility in the SQL Editor. After the VARCHAR(45) column was added, without selecting any column checkboxes, the exception occurred when the Apply button was clicked. (Bug#49364)

  • If a database was reversed engineered from a source, and a table renamed, then although this change was detected by MySQL Workbench, no DDL code was generated if an attempt was then made to synchronize this change with the source. (Bug#49313)

  • In the SQL Editor, when a schema was dropped, it was still displayed in the Overview tab and in the schemata explorer of the side panel. Further, MySQL Workbench did not provide any confirmation that the schema had been dropped successfully or otherwise. (Bug#49282)

  • The Alter Schema dialog in the SQL Editor permitted the schema name to be changed using the Name textfield, even though doing this is not supported at the server level. (Bug#49281)

  • In the SQL Editor, if an item in the History tab was right-clicked, and the menu option Append selected items to SQL script selected, then MySQL Workbench generated an unhandled exception:

    glibmm-ERROR **: 
    unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:
    what: vector::_M_range_check


  • In the Create a new server instance wizard, if the checkbox Enable SSH login based administration was cleared, the wizard still prompted the user to enter an SSH password when the Next button was clicked. (Bug#49226)

  • In the Server Status section of the Admin page, the SYSTEM graphic showed CPU usage at 50%, while the corresponding text label showed CPU usage at 0%. The graphic and label remained out of synchronization for around 15 seconds. (Bug#49212)

  • In the SQL Editor if an EDIT table operation was being carried out, it appeared that data in the table was not updated, and also a row already inserted would be erroneously deleted when attempting to add a new row of data, when changes were applied.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that if an error occurs during changes being applied, an error dialog is displayed showing any errors that occurred. Also, the status text is now updated to say “Apply Failed”, rather than “Changes Applied”. (Bug#49179)

  • The Manage DB Connections dialog did not prevent duplicate connection names or an empty string as a valid connection name. (Bug#49150)

  • The toolbar buttons on the Home screen did not reflect the order of the action items in the Workspace. The Open Server Profile button and Open DB Connection Manager buttons needed to exchange positions. (Bug#49149)

  • In the Logs tab of the Administrator, the Oldest and Newest buttons appeared to have reversed functionality. Oldest displayed the most recent timestamps and Newest displayed the oldest. (Bug#49065)

  • In the Manage DB Connections dialog, many textfield labels appeared truncated. (Bug#49052, Bug#49378)

  • The ID for a connection was displayed in the Connections tab of the Admin page, even after the corresponding administration session had been closed. (Bug#48989)

  • The Connections drop-down listbox in the Manage Server Instances dialog did not display the username for socket and pipe connections. For example it displayed Localhost - @:0 <Local Socket/Pipe>, rather than Localhost - root@:0 <Local Socket/Pipe>. (Bug#48969)

  • Various errors occurred when attempting to modify the server configuration using the Configuration tab of the Administrator:

    Unhandled exception: global name 'tempfile' is not defined
    Unhandled exception: [Errno 22] Invalid argument:

    Also, if the Logs tab was selected to view the server log files the following error occurred:

    Unhandled exception: Error executing 'Select @ @
    log_output': Unknown system variable 'log_output'


  • In the Forward Engineer an ALTER Script wizard, the textfields and associated buttons for selecting input and output files were not positioned correctly within the window, when the selected filename was long. Although the files could be selected when the wizard was first launched, if the wizard was launched subsequently, the text fields would be filled with the previously selected filenames, causing the textfields and Browse buttons to be located beyond the borders of the window.

    A similar problem also affected the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard. (Bug#48222)

  • In the Partitioning tab of the Alter Schema dialog, it was not possible to create a single partition. If a partition count of 1 was specified this was actually set to 2 in the generated DDL. (Bug#48114)

  • When performing a Synchronize Model operation, all FK relationships in the EER diagram that had the setting draw split were redrawn as fully visible. (Bug#47767)

  • When running MySQL Workbench from the command line, it could not open model files where the path contained a space. (Bug#46297)

A.1.20. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.11 (18 December 2009 beta)

Third public Beta release. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.10.

Functionality added or changed:

  • MySQL Workbench had confusing and erroneous behavior when attempting to handle multiple model tabs. It has now been changed so that if a model is currently loaded, and a new model or saved model needs to be loaded, the current model will be closed first before then opening the new model. (Bug#49422)

  • In the configuration editor, it was not possible to find, and therefore set, the configuration variable “old”.

    This has now been added to the General tab in the configuration editor of the Admin tab. (Bug#49039)

  • It was impossible to use a function call as a field value in an editable result set, such as for a result set in the Query Editor or in the Inserts tab in the Table Editor. This was because MySQL Workbench automatically escaped string parameters passed to the function call. For example, if an attempt was made to enter into a field a function such as md5('fred'), MySQL Workbench would generate the SQL code md5(\'fred\').

    MySQL Workbench has now been changed so that it is possible to enter a function, or any other expression, into a field using the \func prefix. For example, \func md5('fred') can be entered. MySQL Workbench will now ensure that the string 'fred' is not escaped. (Bug#38600)

Bugs fixed:

  • Security Fix: When using the Data Dump facility in the Admin screen, the full mysqldump command, including the password used, was written to the logs. (Bug#49294)

  • In the SQL Editor the SQL Statements area could only display ten lines of code and was not resizeable. (Bug#49788)

  • In an EER diagram, if the model was synchronized with a live database, then any foreign key relationship lines that were set to hidden became visible. (Bug#49631)

  • In the Home screen Workspace, in the central panels listing connections, models and server instances, the items in the panels appeared to be rendered as links. However, clicking on these “links” had no effect, and the items could only be loaded by double-clicking.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed to remove the link effect, and these items can only be loaded by double-clicking. (Bug#49623)

  • When MySQL Workbench silently reconnected to a server after a communication failure, it failed to reinitialize the connection correctly. As a result of this failure Autocommit was silently enabled. If a user was working with transactional tables, the commit and rollback toolbar buttons appeared to work, although they had no effect. (Bug#49462)

  • If a connection failed MySQL Workbench reconnected silently. This caused problems with transactions. If changes were made to a table, before a COMMIT, and the connection lost, then MySQL Workbench would reconnect silently and enable the user to COMMIT. However, it did not warn that this COMMIT was on a new connection, and that the COMMIT would have no effect. (Bug#49461)

  • In the Advanced tab of the configuration editor, the option Delay key write had a file selector button associated with it. This should have been a drop down list box offering the values ON, OFF, ALL. (Bug#49424)

  • When using the Create a new server instance wizard the panel used to enter the SSH password was hidden by the wizard. (Bug#49416)

  • If the Home screen was closed and then an attempt made to reopen it from the View, Home main menu option, then MySQL Workbench crashed. (Bug#49388)

  • MySQL Workbench did not have the ability to toggle Autocommit mode, or a facility to explicitly start a transaction, in the SQL Editor. This was in contrast to Query Browser, which did support such facilities. (Bug#49384)

  • When using the Reverse Engineer SQL Script to import the Sakila script file, sakila-data.sql, MySQL Workbench occasionally crashed. (Bug#49381)

  • In the History tab of the SQL Editor, it was possible to simultaneously select multiple entries in the Time panel. However, this did not seem to serve any useful purpose as the content of the SQL column only displayed the code for a single entry. (Bug#49375)

  • In the Schemata Palette of the SQL Editor the default schema drop down selector did not work if the schema name contained a '.' character. (Bug#49373)

  • When using the SQL Snippets palette, right-clicking on a snippet, and then selecting the menu item Insert text into SQL Area, replaced all text in the SQL Statements area. This happened after another snippet had previously been inserted, as the default state was to leave all code in the SQL Statements area selected. (Bug#49370)

  • The AUTHORS file in the MySQL Workbench distribution was empty. (Bug#49341)

  • In the Overview tab of the SQL Editor the drop database button on the toolbar did not work correctly. If pressed the dialog presented did not contain the name of the current database in its message, and generated text such as:

    Do you want to drop database `` from DB server ...

    Note the empty string where the database name should have been. Further, the text on the dialog button drop was also missing the database name:

    DROP ``


  • The path to the an external mysqldump tool set in the MySQL tab of the Preferences dialog was ignored by MySQL Workbench. This prevented the Data Dump facility in the Admin screen from working correctly, as the required tool could not be found. (Bug#49319)

  • The live data editor of the SQL Editor, which was launched by double-clicking on a table in the Overview tab, did not behave correctly. If a column value was changed, and the cursor remained in the edited cell, then if the Apply made changes to data source toolbar button was clicked, the contents of the cell reverted to its value prior to editing. However, other cell values that had been edited were correctly saved. (Bug#49301)

  • In the SQL Editor, when editing live table data, there was no right-click menu item to delete a row. (Bug#49300)

  • When importing data using the Data Dump tab of the Admin screen, MySQL Workbench did not notify the user of failed imports, because it could not detect failed imports. (Bug#49297)

  • When a export was performed using the Data Dump tab of the Admin screen, and the export failed, the resultant SQL file was not deleted. (Bug#49296)

  • In the SQL Editor, using the Alter Routine wizard to generate a script to modify an existing routine in the live database results in errors, due to incorrect script code being emitted. For example, the statement DELIMITER $$ was missing from the start of the script. (Bug#49289)

  • When an attempt was made to load the sakila.sql script file in the SQL Scripts section of the Model tab, MySQL Workbench crashed with the following error:

    glibmm-ERROR **: 
    unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:
    what: File '/home/kolbe/Downloads/sakila-db/sakila-data.sql' contains invalid UTF-8


  • In the Overview tab of the SQL Editor, the toolbar buttons to add and drop a schema did not function. Clicking the buttons appeared to have no effect. (Bug#49240)

  • In the Overview tab of SQL Editor, the toolbar buttons representing large icons, small icons, list, add, and delete did not function correctly. (Bug#49239)

  • The Configuration tab on the Admin screen had a text label “Edit my.cnf File”. This text was not appropriate as on Windows the configuration file is called my.ini. (Bug#49237)

  • In the configuration editor, on the Admin tab, the operation of the Apply and Cancel buttons did not work correctly. If an option was selected, and then Cancel selected in the view changes dialog, and then Apply clicked again, the selected option was incorrectly listed twice in the configuration file. (Bug#49236)

  • In the Create new server instance wizard, on the MySQL Config File page, clicking the Check path button generated an exception. (Bug#49228)

  • Even though the server had been stopped, the Server Status graphical panel displayed values for active connections, traffic and key efficiency, giving the impression that the server was still active. (Bug#49225)

  • The server health graphs Connection Usage and Traffic, in the Server Status panel of Admin tab, appeared to indicate the server was operating at 100% capacity, even when this was not the case.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed to use variable scaling, rather than linear scaling, for these graphs. (Bug#49214)

  • On the Admin screen the labels for the monitoring graphs were difficult to read. Further, the value for Traffic was sometimes displayed as a negative number. (Bug#49211)

  • In the Log Files tab of the configuration editor, selected from the Admin tab, the option Write Logs to did not work correctly. If either the Files or Tables options were selected from the option list, the MySQL Server would not subsequently start. This was because the options should have been File and Table. (Bug#49123)

  • When using the Data Dump facility on the Admin screen, the export process appeared to hang when exporting with the Export to Backup Project Folder radio button selected. (Bug#49113)

  • When using the Create Table wizard in the SQL Editor, the resulting dialog contained certain options that could not be deselected once selected. For example, the Merge Method option featured a drop down list with three options: Prevent Inserts, First Table, Last Table. Note that once one of these options was selected, there was no way to clear this selection, as there was no facility to select anything other than one of these three options. (Bug#49048)

  • In the General tab of the configuration editor, changing the data directory using the file chooser control led to an invalid directory being introduced into the MySQL configuration file. This prevented the MySQL Server from starting. (Bug#49036)

  • In the General tab of the configuration editor in the Admin screen, the option Default table type provided an incomplete, and incorrectly capitalized, list of storage engines/table types. (Bug#49010)

  • In the Configuration tab of the Admin screen, any changes made and applied were not reflected in the configuration file of a local MySQL Server installation. (Bug#49008)

  • In the Server Status section of the Admin screen, the values for CPU status appeared to be erroneously multiplied by 100, and the Memory status appeared to be continually 0. (Bug#48994)

  • In the Document Properties dialog the created date and last changed date values were reversed. (Bug#48104)

  • When a schema containing tables with foreign key indexes was synchronized with a live server, MySQL Workbench attempted to erroneously drop and recreate at least one of the foreign key indexes. (Bug#47766)

  • After synchronizing a model with a live database, and saving the resulting modified model, MySQL Workbench crashed. On restarting and attempting to reopen the model file, MySQL Workbench generated the following error:

    Error unserializing GRT data inserting null value to not null list


  • In an EER diagram, if relationship links were laid out as desired, and then a synchronization with the live server carried out, the relationship links were repositioned by MySQL Workbench. (Bug#47234)

  • If a relationship link was selected in the EER Diagram view, and the menu item Plugins, Objects, Copy SQL to Clipboard was selected, an error was generated.

    Note that in version 5.2.11 this menu option is correctly disabled for these objects. (Bug#39556)

A.1.21. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.10 (01 December 2009 beta)

Second public Beta release. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.9.

Functionality added or changed:

  • MySQL Workbench now has the command line option --version, which is used to display the version of the application, when launching the application from the command line. (Bug#49136)

  • The Help, Workbench Product Page menu item launched the default web browser, but displayed an outdated product page. This was due to a web server configuration issue. MySQL Workbench now displays the correct, up-to-date product page. (Bug#49066)

Bugs fixed:

  • When using Alter Table in the SQL Editor, if a column name was changed, and the Apply button clicked, the Apply Object Changes wizard was launched. The Review changes page indicated that the script that would be applied would drop the altered column then add a new column with the new name. This led to column data being lost, as the script should instead have used CHANGE COLUMN, to change the name of the column. (Bug#49286)

  • When using Alter Table in the SQL Editor, if a table name was changed, and the Apply button clicked, the Apply Object Changes wizard was launched. The Review changes page indicated that the script that would be applied would incorrectly create a new table as a duplicate of the table being renamed, rather than use ALTER to rename the table. (Bug#49275)

  • In the configuration editor, in the Admin tab, the Discard button simply unchecked all options, rather than just those that had been checked during the current editing session. This made the button appear to have a “clear all” function, rather than the expected “revert changes” function. (Bug#49234)

  • When using the Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script wizard, if the checkbox Omit Schema Qualifier in Object Names was selected, then the script code for views was omitted. (Bug#49153)

  • In the Administrative Roles tab of Server Access Management, selection of Roles did not work correctly. For example, selecting the DBA checkbox, and then deselecting it, caused all roles to be deselected. Further, using the Revert button resulted in the selected user disappearing from the User Accounts panel. (Bug#49071)

  • MySQL Workbench did not handle signed and unsigned integers correctly. For example, if performing a synchronization between a model and a live database where the only difference was a column was declared to be of type INTEGER in one case and UNSIGNED INTEGER in the other, the difference would not be detected and the ALTER script would imply the databases were the same. (Bug#49063)

  • A MySQL configuration file caused MySQL Workbench to crash, when an attempt was made to view it in the configuration editor of the Admin tab. The error generated was:

    Unhandled exception:  'bool' object has no attribute 'strip'

    (Bug#49060, Bug#49602)

  • In the SQL Editor, two buttons on the toolbar had no tooltips. These were the green check or tick mark, and the red back arrow buttons. Further, they did not seem to become enabled or disabled according to the context, making it difficult to determine their intended function. (Bug#49059)

  • On the MySQL Config File page of the New Server Profile wizard, clicking Check section generated an exception if there were options in the MySQL configuration file that did not have values assigned:

    Check if mysqld section exists in /tmp/my.cnf
    ** Message: function call error
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/mysql-workbench/modules/", line 292, in
      File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 267, in read
        self._read(fp, filename)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 490, in _read
        raise e
    ConfigParser.ParsingError: File contains parsing errors: /tmp/my.cnf
            [line  2]: 'log-bin\n'
    glibmm-ERROR **: 
    unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:
    what: error calling WbAdmin.testInstanceSettingByName: see output for details

    (Bug#49057, Bug#47954)

  • On the Admin screen, the server configuration option Key buffer, was located under the General tab, rather than the MyISAM Parameters tab, even though it was a MyISAM-only option. (Bug#49017)

  • In the configuration editor in the Admin tab, the listboxes for displaying units, such as for the Sort buffer size option, did not show 'G', which represents Gigabytes. This bug was fixed in 5.2.10.

    It was subsequently decided to standardize all units around uppercase characters. In particular the 'k' was changed to 'K'. This change was made in version 5.2.13. (Bug#49013)

  • In the SQL Editor, the database explorer of the Schemata palette in the side panel did not work correctly. Incorrect behavior included random collapsing of expanded databases and occasional crashing. (Bug#48981)

  • When using the data modeler, MySQL Workbench extended vertically to the maximum size of the screen, overlapping the dock, and thereby making it impossible to use. (Bug#48976)

  • In the Manage Server Instances dialog, if the Server Instances list pane was empty, then on creating a new Server Instance, it was not possible to change the instance's name. The instance had to be created, then the dialog closed. On reopening the dialog the instance could be renamed. (Bug#48967)

  • The Generate Catalog Diff Report feature did not permit the comparison of imported scripts, as selecting the radio button for this option had no effect. (Bug#47230)

  • If a collation was changed for a table in the Table Editor, there was no facility to then set this back to the schema default.

    A new entry has been now been added to the collation selection listbox - Schema Default. (Bug#46513)

  • When a model containing stored routines was forward engineered to a script, the script contained an erroneous additional delimiter after each stored routine. This resulted in a “No query specified” error when an attempt was made to run the script on a server. (Bug#39929)

A.1.22. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.9 (Internal release only beta)

Internal release. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.8.

Functionality added or changed:

  • If, while editing data in the Inserts Editor, the ESC key was accidentally pressed, the Inserts Editor would close without warning and all data entered to that point would be lost.

    The improved Inserts Editor does not display this characteristic. Pressing the ESC key will have no effect. (Bug#48452)

Bugs fixed:

  • MySQL Workbench crashed when the Import/Export Server Data Action Item on the Home screen was clicked. (Bug#49064)

  • Clicking on the Action Item, Manage Security, on the Home screen generated the following exception:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 5.2 OSS/modules\", line
    199, in openSecurityManager
      File "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 5.2 OSS/modules\", line 95,
    in wait_server_check
        while tab.configuration.last_is_running_check is None and time.time() - t < timeout:
    NameError: global name 'tab' is not defined

    Further, if this Action Item was clicked again then MySQL Workbench crashed. (Bug#49061)

  • The Forward Engineer SQL Script failed to generate SQL code when the checkbox Generate INSERT Statements for Tables was selected, and the tables contained rows. (Bug#49046)

  • In the Overview tab of the SQL Editor, representing a “live” view of the database currently connected to, if an attempt was made to edit a view, the resulting script generated unnecessary, and in fact dangerous, DROP TABLE statements. This had the potential side-effect that a table that coincidentally had the same name as the view, would be dropped with ensuing data loss. (Bug#49041)

  • In the Configuration tab of the Server Administrator screen, if log file configuration changes were applied, MySQL Workbench hung if the password request dialog was cancelled. (Bug#49037)

  • The Workbench Configuration editor interface contained a backtick character rather than a single apostrophe. (Bug#49014)

  • In the Advanced tab of the Admin screen, the checkbox SQL Mode had an erroneous file chooser button associated with it. The button should not have been there. (Bug#49012)

  • MySQL Workbench did not parse the following entry in the my.ini file correctly:


    This resulted in the default storage engine not being detected correctly by MySQL Workbench, although this entry was correctly recognized by the MySQL server. However, MySQL Workbench did parse the following entry correctly, due to the correct capitalization being used:



  • After creating a new Server Instance from the Home screen, and then clicking on the Logs tab in the Admin screen, the following exception was generated:

    Unhandled Exception:  Error executing 'SELECT @@log_output':
    Unknown system variable 'log_output';


  • Clicking on the Action Item Manage Security on the Home screen resulted in MySQL Workbench crashing. (Bug#48990)

  • Any TEXT columns in the Table Editor, or TEXT columns in the SQL Editor results tabsheet, were displayed as BOOLEAN values, either 1 or 0. (Bug#48982)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed on opening a model file. This appeared to be due to MySQL Workbench causing corruption in the model file. (Bug#48891)

  • In the EER Diagram view, the Toggle Grid and Align Objects to Grid toolbar buttons were not rendered correctly when in the selected state. (Bug#48822)

  • The Inserts Editor did not display columns of type ENUM. (Bug#48288)

  • On the Filter Objects page of the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard, clicking Show Filter, selecting multiple objects from the left panel, and then clicking >, would result in only the first of the selected objects being moved to the right hand panel. (Bug#48116)

  • Working through the Synchronize Model with Database wizard did not result in the live database being updated. (Bug#47953)

  • Using UTF-8 accented characters in the Stored Routine DDL editor caused the DDL parser to raise a syntax error and refuse to save the routine. (Bug#47730)

  • The Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard did not generate the export script. On the Review SQL Script page of the wizard the review panel was blank. Further, clicking Copy to Clipboard generated the following exception:

    Unknown Exception caught in c:\documents and settings\mysqldev\my documents\visual
    studio 2008\projects\workbench52\backend\windows\wbprivate.wr\src\Wb.h at line 1085.


  • When using the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard, the script generated for a model containing multiple schemata, only included the CREATE SCHEMA statement for the first schema. (Bug#47202)

  • Running the Forward Engineer an ALTER Script wizard resulted in an ALTER script that dictated changes were required to tables, even in the case where no such changes were necessary. (Bug#47063)

  • Attempting to use Database, Generate Catalog Diff Report resulted in a Segmentation Fault. (Bug#46810)

  • The Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard did not generate correct delimiter syntax for routines. For example, it generated the following code:

    CREATE PROCEDURE `sakila`.`film_not_in_stock`(IN p_film_id INT, IN p_store_id INT, OUT
    p_film_count INT)
         SELECT inventory_id
         FROM inventory
         WHERE film_id = p_film_id
         AND store_id = p_store_id
         AND NOT inventory_in_stock(inventory_id);
         SELECT FOUND_ROWS() INTO p_film_count;
    END //

    This resulted in errors when an attempt was made to run the generated script on MySQL Server. (Bug#46505)

A.1.23. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.8 (18 November 2009 beta)

First Beta release of 5.2. This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.7.

Bugs fixed:

  • When a table was edited in the EER Diagram view, and Ctrl+S was pressed to save the model, the model file was not saved. (Bug#48682)

  • If an model object, such as a schema or table, was deleted or its creation was undone using the undo feature, while the object editor was open, then a crash occurred if the editor was then subsequently closed. (Bug#48664)

  • When running MySQL Workbench the following error occurred when an attempt was made to change the Windows screen resolution:

    cairo error: out of memory


  • MySQL Workbench did not start correctly. On start up it generated the following error:

    Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
    Runtime Error!
    Program C:\Pro...
    This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
    Please contact the application's support team for more information.


  • Once a default value had been set for a column in the Table Editor, it was not possible to remove it. (Bug#47085)

  • The View text editor was overly aggressive in trimming excess whitespace from View definitions. If there was some hesitation in typing after having typed one or more spaces, the editor would trim whitespace back to the last non-space character typed. (Bug#46894)

  • In the EER Diagram view, the auto-resizing of tables did not work correctly, tables were too small to permit all columns to be visible. (Bug#46806)

  • When using the Fedora 10 RPM installation packages on Fedora 11, opening a database connection gave the following error:

    Cannot Connect to Database Server
    Connection 'antonia' could not be established: Database driver: Failed to open library
    '/usr/lib/mysql-workbench/'. Check settings.

    The MySQL Workbench libraries were installed in /usr/lib64/, not /usr/lib/. (Bug#46428)

  • In the Manage DB Connections dialog, the text fields Username, Password, and Default Schema accepted text, but as the text was being entered only the top half of the characters typed was displayed. However, once the text had been submitted, the characters were displayed correctly. (Bug#45106)

  • Printing of an EER Diagram did not work correctly if a table vertically spanned multiple pages. In this case pages would be printed up to and including the page that contained the first part of the table that spanned multiple pages, but the pages containing the remaining parts of the table would not be printed. This problem typically occurred when a table had more fields than could comfortably fit on a single page. (Bug#33919)

A.1.24. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.7 (Internal release only alpha)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.6.

Functionality added or changed:

  • In the Administrator tab of MySQL Workbench the Data Dump (Export/Import Data) feature now uses the --comments parameter when executing an import or export operation. (Bug#23002)

Bugs fixed:

  • In the Manage Server Instances wizard, MySQL Workbench crashed if the New button was clicked. (Bug#48347)

  • On Ubuntu Linux, MySQL Workbench did not warn if a new model was to be saved as a file that already existed on the drive. (Bug#48345)

  • The Use compression protocol option was not working correctly when set in the Manage DB Connections wizard.

    When the checbox Use compression protocol was selected in the Advanced tab of the Manage DB Connections wizard, the following error was generated when the connection was tested:

    No bool value passed for CLIENT_COMPRESS

    The same error occurred even if the Use compression protocol checkbox was subsequently cleared. (Bug#48202)

  • When editing a stored routine or trigger in the Table Editor, the cursor would relocate to the top of the editing window if a key was not pressed for a few seconds.


    On Windows this issue was fixed in 5.1.18. On Mac OS X this issue was fixed in 5.2.4. On Linux this issue was fixed in 5.2.7.


  • Attempting to export the result of an SQL query to CSV using Query, Export Results... gave the error:

    Failed to open template file: `/usr/share/mysql-workbench/modules/data/sqlide/CSV.tpl`

    This occurred on a Fedora 11 AMD64 install, from RPM. The requested file was found in a different directory, /usr/share/mysql-workbench/sqlide/. The error did not occur after the file was moved to the required location. (Bug#48156)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, the tool tip for the AI column did not work. If the cursor was placed over the column no tool tip text was displayed. (Bug#48129)

  • If an EER Diagram tab was closed, it was not possible to reopen it by clicking on its icon on the model page. (Bug#47545)

  • In the GRT shell the help command, which is equivalent to ?, crashed when no arguments were specified. (Bug#47503)

  • The script generated by File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script dropped a schema if it existed and then recreated it. This resulted in loss of existing data. (Bug#47468)

  • When an attempt was made to add a database connection the following error was generated:

    Test connect failed
    Couldn't load library cannot open shared object
    file: No such file or directory

    This only happened on Linux. (Bug#47238, Bug#48507)

  • In the Inserts tab of the Table Editor, values entered for a BIT column were not saved. If values were entered and then the changes applied, the values in the BIT column disappeared. (Bug#47100)

  • When a model was loaded and an EER Diagram opened, the model navigator did not display the model correctly. (Bug#46970)

  • In the Table Editor, when trying to modify a column default value, errors occurred.

    1. On a TIMESTAMP column it was not possible to enter a valid value of the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. This caused an error if forward engineering was attempted.

    2. A NULL default value for a column could not be deleted.


  • In the Inserts tab of the Table Editor, if a string that contained spaces was added as an insert, then the string was truncated to the text before the first space. (Bug#46624)

  • In the Reverse Engineer Database wizard it was not possible to select only one table to reverse engineer, and then proceed to the next step. (Bug#45881)

  • When running a plugin that called a function such as the following, the document's status was set to “unsaved”, and an asterisk was displayed in the title bar, as soon as the file selection dialog opened. This occurred even for a new document, or an unmodified document.

    function rfstest(obj)
      local path
      path = Workbench:requestFileSave("Caption", "SQL Files (*.sql)|*.sql")


  • Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script generated schema qualifiers for Stored Procedure names regardless of the setting of the Omit schemata qualifiers from output checkbox. This resulted in the generated script containing Stored Procedure names prefixed by the schema name. (Bug#43276)

  • In the Table Editor, the keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V and Ctrl+C, affected the main document, rather than being confined to within the Table Editor. For example, if Ctrl+C was used to copy a column, this erroneously resulted in a duplicate table being created in the main model. (Bug#42626)

  • If a collation was set as the schema default, this was not correctly handled when the model was synchronized with a live database.

    If a collation was set as a schema default, and then the model forward engineered to a database, then the collation was correctly set. If however, the model was then synchronized with the live database, MySQL Workbench attempted to alter the collations to utf8_general_ci. (Bug#38807)

A.1.25. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.6 (21 October 2009 alpha)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.5.

Bugs fixed:

  • If a foreign key relationship was altered to point to a column in a different table, the foreign key was updated correctly but the EER diagram was not redrawn to reflect the new relationship. (Bug#47807)

  • After using the Forward Engineer to Database wizard, MySQL Workbench would crash if an attempt was subsequently made to exit the application. (Bug#47276)

  • When editing a trigger, the trigger editor would automatically insert a delimiter during a pause in typing, and also relocate the cursor. (Bug#45929)

A.1.26. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.5 (Internal Release Only alpha)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.4.

Bugs fixed:

  • The following exception was generated when closing the Relationship tab for an EER Diagram:

    System.NullReferenceException: Referência de objeto não definida para uma instância de
    um objeto.
       em MySQL.GUI.Workbench.MainForm.mainDockPanel_ActiveDocumentClosing(Object sender,
    ActiveDocumentClosingEventArgs e)
    rgs e)
       em WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockPane.CloseContent(IDockContent content)
       em WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.DockPane.CloseActiveContent()
       em WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.VS2005DockPaneStrip.Close_Click(Object sender,
    EventArgs e)
       em System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
       em System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32
       em System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
       em System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
       em System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
       em System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam,
    IntPtr lparam)


  • When attempting to run MySQL Workbench, the splash screen appeared and then the application immediately crashed, generating the “Send error report to Microsoft” dialog. On debugging it was found that MySQL Workbench was throwing a TypeLoadException:

    Could not load type 'WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking.ActiveDocumentClosingEventArgs' from
    assembly 'WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking, Version=2.2.3428.40956, Culture=neutral,

    On inspection of the referenced assembly it was confirmed that there was no type ActiveDocumentClosingEventArgs defined. (Bug#47534, Bug#47480)

A.1.27. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.4 (07 October 2009 alpha)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.3.

Functionality added or changed:

  • Some keyboard shortcuts have been changed.

    On Microsoft Windows and Linux Ctrl+Y is now used for Redo. Mac OS X continues to use Cmd+Shift+Z as its default for Redo. For Synchronize Model, Ctrl+Alt+Y is used on Windows and Linux, and Cmd+Ctrl+Y is used on Mac OS X. (Bug#46285)

Bugs fixed:

  • When editing a stored routine or trigger in the Table Editor, the cursor would relocate to the top of the editing window if a key was not pressed for a few seconds.


    On Windows this issue was fixed in 5.1.18. On Mac OS X this issue was fixed in 5.2.4. On Linux this issue was fixed in 5.2.7.


  • If a new empty EER diagram was created, then Model, Relationship Notation, Connect to Columns was selected, MySQL Workbench generated the following messages:

    ** Message: item_activated: 0x28d5cf0 ->
    ** Message: unhandled message 4: wb.view.setRelationshipNotation finished in 0.00s

    These messages were not generated if the EER diagram contained at least one table. (Bug#47565)

  • When a model was synchronized, the following incorrect SQL was generated:

    CREATE  TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `synthescom`.`adx_clienti` (
      `citta` VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
      `provincia` VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL ,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`) 
    COLLATE = utf8_general_ci;

    Note that the closing parenthesis, which should have been located after the PRIMARY KEY statement, is missing. This resulted in the following error being generated:

    ERROR: Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds
    to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ENGINE = MyISAM
    COLLATE = utf8_general_ci' at line 13


  • When a table was opened for editing in the Query Editor, the DECIMAL column values appeared in the result set as integer values, disregarding precision and scale settings. The fractional part of the number was discarded. It was also not possible to add the fractional part of the number during editing. (Bug#47405)

  • In the EER Diagram, Layer names were not rendered. This only happened with OpenGL rendering (only on Microsoft Windows). (Bug#47385)

  • When the Query Database menu option was selected, the explorer on the right-hand side displayed Tables, Views and Routines, but when the Routines folder was expanded the routines contained in the model were missing. (Bug#47088)

  • Clicking the Test Connection button in DB Connection Editor wizard did not appear to have any effect. (Bug#47083)

  • In the Query Editor, when an attempt was made to expand a schema and select a table, the following exception was generated:

    ************** Exception Text **************
    System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is
    often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
       at MySQL.Grt.TreeModel.expand_node(NodeId node)
       at MySQL.Grt.GrtTreeModel.TreeViewExpanding(Object sender, TreeViewAdvEventArgs e)
       at System.EventHandler`1.Invoke(Object sender, TEventArgs e)
       at Aga.Controls.Tree.TreeViewAdv.OnExpanding(TreeNodeAdv node)
       at Aga.Controls.Tree.TreeViewAdv.SetIsExpanded(TreeNodeAdv node, Boolean value)
       at Aga.Controls.Tree.TreeViewAdv.SetIsExpanded(ExpandArgs eargs)
       at Aga.Controls.Tree.TreeViewAdv.SetIsExpanded(TreeNodeAdv node, Boolean value, Boolean


  • On Mac OS X using cmd + backspace to delete a column in the table editor did not work. (Bug#46613)

  • In the Synchronize Model with Database dialog the text in the upper right area of the dialog did not wrap correctly, resulting in some text not being visible. (Bug#45455)

  • MySQL Workbench EER Diagram view did not permit the creation of a foreign key constraint on a primary key. (Bug#39546)

A.1.28. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.3 (15 September 2009 alpha)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.2.

Functionality added or changed:

  • In the Inserts tab of the Table Editor, if a value was entered with quoting then any characters in the string requiring escaping were not escaped. However, if the same string was entered without quoting then the string would be escaped correctly by MySQL Workbench.

    For 5.0 and 5.1 this is expected behavior. If a value is entered without leading and trailing quotation marks, the Inserts Editor adds quoting and escapes characters that require it. However, if quoted text is entered, the Inserts Editor carries out no further checks since it assumes a correctly escaped and quoted sequence has been entered.

    5.2 features a new Inserts Editor. In this case the user enters the string without quoting or escaping and the Inserts Editor takes care of all quoting and escaping as required. (Bug#38906)

Bugs fixed:

  • In the Forward Engineer SQL CREATE script wizard, in the dialog asking for confirmation to overwrite an existing file, clicking the Cancel button led to the wizard proceeding to the next step, while clicking the Replace button led to cancellation of the action. The functionality of the buttons appeared to be reversed. (Bug#47257)

  • When adding inserts with a NULL value in a column, MySQL Workbench incorrectly added single quotation marks to the NULL value.


    Note, when entering a NULL value right-click the button next to the value and select Set selection to NULL, otherwise NULL will be interpreted as a string literal.


  • MySQL Workbench crashed on launch on Mac OS X 10.6.0. (Bug#46953)

  • If the Default Storage Engine was selected as MyISAM in the Model Options dialog, then when a new table was created in the EER Diagram it was found to have a storage engine type of InnoDB. (Bug#46752)

  • When a model containing invalid/broken foreign key definitions was loaded into MySQL Workbench, the errors were detected and repaired.

    However, when the model was saved and reloaded it contained changed data types. All INTEGER columns were changed to INTEGER(11). Further, some BOOLEAN columns were changed to BOOLEAN(1). (Bug#46467)

  • If the Table Editor had been invoked then the Text Boxes in the Tools, Preferences dialog became vertically misaligned. This only happened for MySQL Workbench running on Mac OS X. (Bug#46255)

  • When a connection was selected in the DB Connection Editor it appeared to flicker a number of times before MySQL Workbench crashed. (Bug#46065)

  • When a database with Stored Procedures was reverse-engineered into MySQL Workbench the Stored Procedures were not displayed in the Routine Editor, and so could not be edited. (Bug#45704)

  • When running MySQL Workbench on Mac OS X, if a table was added to the model diagram and deleted the application crashed. This happened for a new diagram from a schema imported from a live database. (Bug#45692)

  • During Forward Engineering, clicking the Copy to Clipboard button generated code that contained an extra newline per line. (Bug#45579)

  • Attempts to rebuild the MySQL Workbench source RPM failed. The RPM appeared to contain an unmodified template instead of the correct spec file with variable placeholders replaced by actual values.

    When using the following command to rebuild the RPM:

    shell> rpmbuild -ba --clean SPECS/

    The following error was generated:

    error: File /usr/src/packages/SOURCES/mysql-workbench-oss-@VERSION@.tar.gz: 
    No such file or directory

    Further, the spec file in the package had the incorrect suffix “” instead of “.spec”. (Bug#45515)

  • In MySQL Workbench on Mac OS X, it was not possible to resize a Text Object on the EER Diagram canvas.

    See also Bug#39887. (Bug#45472)

  • It was not possible to assign columns to indexes, as the Column checkboxes did not respond to mouse events. (Bug#45260)

  • MySQL Workbench generated a segmentation fault when clicking on either the NN or AI checkboxes on the Columns tab of the Table Editor. (Bug#45075)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, if the column was of type ENUM and was given a default value, then when an attempt was made to forward engineer the schema it would not validate. (Bug#44368)

  • In the Physical Schemata pane if more schema were added than could fit within the pane, then these schema could not be viewed, as there was no ability to scroll the pane. Further, double clicking the schema in the Catalog pane did not locate the schema in the Physical Schemata pane.

    MySQL Workbench was changed so that a small down arrow button was added to the right side of the Physical Schemata tab bar. This provides a dropdown to select a specific schema tab. (Bug#39735)

  • When Help, About was selected from the main menu, it was not possible to copy MySQL Workbench version information to the clipboard. (Bug#39610)

  • When a diagram was exported as PNG it used the height and width of the model as displayed in the EER Diagram. This resulted in the exported picture being too small or too large, rather than being scaled to a consistent size. (Bug#36226)

A.1.29. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.2 (27 July 2009 alpha)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.1.

Bugs fixed:

  • The Synchronize Model with Database wizard contain a spelling mistake. The word “synchronization” was mispelled as “synchronizatiob”. (Bug#45939)

  • MySQL Workbench 5.1.16 failed to create INSERTs in the exported DDL for some tables. (Bug#45920)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed on startup on Mac OS X. (Bug#45869)

  • If MySQL Workbench gave the message that the MySQL Server was no longer available (because of timeout due to inactivity) then MySQL Workbench crashed when the user tried to reconnect. (Bug#45123)

  • The UML relationship notation was incorrect.

    When setting a Foreign Key to NULLable, the table referenced by the Foreign Key should be marked as optional. However, MySQL Workbench marked the table containing the Foreign Key itself as optional. (Bug#45069)

  • If a user added a LIMIT clause to a query, the automatically added LIMIT 0,1000 clause caused a syntax error. (Bug#45051)

  • The new SQL IDE, introduced in 5.2, did not support returning results from procedures. When any routine was called, there were no results displayed in the query editor window. However, the log contained the message “Response: OK”.

    When another query was run on the same connection, the log message was:

    Error Code: 2014 Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now


A.1.30. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.1 (22 May 2009 alpha)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.2.0.

A.1.31. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.0 (30 April 2009 alpha)

This is the first alpha release of 5.2.0.

A.2. Changes in Release 5.1

A.2.1. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.19 (06 September 2010 GA)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.18.

Functionality added or changed:

  • In the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard the checkbox Generate DROP SCHEMA now causes every CREATE SCHEMA statement to be prepended with DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS `schemaname`. (Bug#46706)

Bugs fixed:

  • The Omit Schema Qualifier in Object Names option in the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard appeared to have no effect. After selecting this option and proceeding through the wizard, the generated script still contained schema qualifiers. (Bug#46268)

  • Synchronizing a model with a live database, without having made any changes to the model or the database, caused the model to appear as unsaved, indicating that unnecessary changes may have been made to the model. (Bug#40914)

  • When synchronizing with a live database, if the direction of synchronization was changed to inbound, then the script generated indicated that no inbound changes would be made. (Bug#40648)

  • MySQL Workbench EER Diagram view did not permit the creation of a foreign key constraint on a primary key. (Bug#39546)

A.2.2. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.18 (03 September 2009 GA)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.17. This is the first GA level release of 5.1.

Functionality added or changed:

  • The Column Editor has been updated to remove the feature whereby a column could be toggled to a primary key by double clicking it. Primary key status can now only be set by selecting the appropriate checkbox in the adjacent Column Details frame. (Bug#46579)

  • It was not possible to change column order by dragging and dropping columns in the Columns tab of the Table Editor. MySQL Workbench has been changed to enable you to drag and drop a column to change the column order as required. (Bug#40601)

Bugs fixed:

  • When editing a stored routine or trigger in the Table Editor, the cursor would relocate to the top of the editing window if a key was not pressed for a few seconds.


    On Windows this issue was fixed in 5.1.18. On Mac OS X this issue was fixed in 5.2.4. On Linux this issue was fixed in 5.2.7.


  • MySQL Workbench generated an unhandled exception when using File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script. The exception was generated if an attempt was made to generate a script so that it wrote over a script already created. (Bug#47115)

  • Clicking the Test Connection button in DB Connection Editor wizard did not appear to have any effect. (Bug#47083)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed on launch on Mac OS X 10.6.0. (Bug#46953)

  • When the data type of a table column was changed in the Table Editor, it was not reflected in the EER Diagram, although the tooltip was udpated correctly. This only happened in MySQL Workbench 5.1.17. (Bug#46940)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, when the empty row at the end of the column list was right clicked, MySQL Workbench crashed with the following error:

    ** (mysql-workbench-bin:15234): WARNING **: /tmp/sakila.mwbd1/document.mwb.xml:26: link
    '{591FC376-B82F-4F3D-B185-BA5C65B77080}' <object workbench.Workbench> key=owner could not
    be resolved
    ** Message: unhandled message 4: wb.file.openRecentModel finished in 0.58s
    glibmm-ERROR **: 
    unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:
    what: Index out of range.


  • The DDL was generated without foreign keys, regardless of whether the Skip generation of foreign keys option was turned on. (Bug#46875)

  • In the Column tab of the Table Editor, if the NN checkbox was selected or deselected, the change was not immediately reflected in the EER Diagram, but was seen if some other operation caused the table object in the diagram to be refreshed. This also happened with the AI checkbox. (Bug#46869)

  • The auto-completion of column names in the Table Editor completed names unnecessarily, requiring characters in the name to be manually deleted. This only happened on the Linux version of MySQL Workbench. (Bug#46847)

  • The Esc key did not initiate the closing of an active dialog box. (Bug#46829)

  • Editing of Text Objects did not work correctly. When Enter was hit, line feed did not move editing to the next line, and introduced a box character. (Bug#46789)

  • The Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard generated invalid SQL code for a small model with foreign keys:



  • MySQL Workbench did not export Foreign Keys when using the File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script wizard, even though the option Skip Creation of FOREIGN KEYS checkbox was cleared. Further, MySQL Workbench crashed when a column with a Foreign Key was added to a table. (Bug#46783)

  • If the Default Storage Engine was selected as MyISAM in the Model Options dialog, then when a new table was created in the EER Diagram it was found to have a storage engine type of InnoDB. (Bug#46752)

  • When synchronizing with a live database, the script generated included drop statements that were placed in the wrong order, this led to the a schema being dropped after it was created. (Bug#46740)

  • When a N:M identifying relationship was created on a single table, a foreign key name collision occurred - both keys were given the same name. MySQL Workbench has been changed so that key names have a trailing number added to avoid conflicts. (Bug#46363)

  • MySQL Workbench generated an exception when the mouse wheel was used to move between tabs in the Table Editor:

    (mysql-workbench-bin:4864): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tree_view_unref_tree_helper: assertion
    `node != NULL' failed
    glibmm-ERROR **: 
    unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:
    what: invalid index


  • When an EER Diagram contained tables or views with underscores in their names, the context menu associated with them displayed their names incorrectly in the menu. The underscores where displayed as accelerator keys in the context menu. (Bug#46302)

  • The User Defined Types dialog, launched from Model, User Defined Types... on the main menu, did not permit user-defined types to be changed. Further, it appeared to be possible to edit the new user type in the User Types side panel, but no changes made there were retained.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed to permit User Types to be edited only from the User Defined Types dialog, and correct operation of this dialog has been restored. (Bug#45936)

  • When editing a trigger, the trigger editor would automatically insert a delimiter during a pause in typing, and also relocate the cursor. (Bug#45929)

  • In the Synchronize Model with Database dialog the text in the upper right area of the dialog did not wrap correctly, resulting in some text not being visible. (Bug#45455)

  • The DBDoc documentation generation system did not support facilities for Stored Routines, Views and Triggers. (Bug#41589)

  • After using the Help, Update... to upgrade MySQL Workbench, the application failed to start correctly. After the splash screen was displayed MySQL Workbench displayed an error dialog - “MySQL Workbench has stopped working”. (Bug#41460)

  • In the Physical Schemata pane if more schema were added than could fit within the pane, then these schema could not be viewed, as there was no ability to scroll the pane. Further, double clicking the schema in the Catalog pane did not locate the schema in the Physical Schemata pane.

    MySQL Workbench was changed so that a small down arrow button was added to the right side of the Physical Schemata tab bar. This provides a dropdown to select a specific schema tab. (Bug#39735)

  • When a diagram was exported as PNG it used the height and width of the model as displayed in the EER Diagram. This resulted in the exported picture being too small or too large, rather than being scaled to a consistent size. (Bug#36226)

  • Printing of an EER Diagram did not work correctly if a table vertically spanned multiple pages. In this case pages would be printed up to and including the page that contained the first part of the table that spanned multiple pages, but the pages containing the remaining parts of the table would not be printed. This problem typically occurred when a table had more fields than could comfortably fit on a single page. (Bug#33919)

A.2.3. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.17 (14 August 2009 beta)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.16.

Functionality added or changed:

  • Bug reported: If code with an error was entered into the Triggers tab of the Table Editor, the code disappeared when typing stopped.

    What actually happened was when a table name was given that was not that of the table currently being edited, the trigger code was moved to the table specified.

    MySQL Workbench has now been changed so that if a table name is specified other than other than that of the table being edited, then the table name is highlighted as a syntax error, rather than moving the trigger code to the table actually specified. (Bug#46349)

  • When a model with multiple EER Diagrams was opened, all EER Diagrams would be displayed in tabs. This happened whether or not a EER Diagram had been displayed in a tab prior to saving the model.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that the EER Diagram tab state is saved, so that when a model is opened, only those EER Diagram tabs that were open on save are restored. This prevents unnecessary cluttering of the interface. (Bug#44454, Bug#50732)

  • When a Text Object was placed on an EER Diagram it could not be resized and also did not appear to automatically resize correctly around any text typed in.

    Text Objects on the EER Diagram canvas can now be resized by grabbing the sizing handles that appear when the object is selected. As with Table Objects, a manual modification of the object sets the manualSizing attribute of the Text Object to true. This property can also be set in the Properties pane. This means that these Text Objects automatically expand on entering more text, but the size isn't automatically reduced when text is removed or wrapped manually. By setting this property to false, the Text Object size is also automatically reduced to fit the containing text. (Bug#39887)

  • In the Foreign Keys tab it was not possible to rename a foreign key by renaming the corresponding index entry.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that it is possible to rename a foreign key by renaming its corresponding index. The foreign key name is now automatically updated when the index is renamed. The index name is also updated when the foreign key name is changed. (Bug#39511)

  • In MySQL Workbench it was not possible to generate an export script without schema information. MySQL Workbench has been changed to include the option Omit Schema Qualifier in Object Names. This can be found in the Forward Engineer SQL Script and Forward Engineer to Database wizards.

    Note that this does not change the script used in Procedures or Views. If you are using schema qualifiers in these locations you will have to remove them manually. (Bug#34827)

  • The menu item Help, View Reported Bugs has been added to the main menu. This opens the bugs listing for MySQL Workbench in the default browser. (Bug#32813)

Bugs fixed:

  • When trying to connect to a server from MySQL Workbench the following error was generated:

    Connection 'Server' could not be established: No bool value passed for CLIENT_COMPRESS

    This occurred when using connections created in MySQL Workbench 5.2.1 with 5.2.2. (Bug#46635)

  • On the EER Diagram, if an Undo operation was carried out after an Autosize operation, then table objects were reduced to their minimum size. (Bug#46605)

  • An Unknown Exception was caught after placing a relationship between two tables in the EER Diagram. The exception generated was:

    Unknown Exception caught in: c:\documents and settings\mysqldev\my documents\visual
    studio 2008\projects\workbench\backend\windows\wbprivate.wr\src\Wb.h at line 1026


  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, if a default value was added for a column, it could not then be removed. (Bug#46509)

  • Calling the Plugins, Catalog, Dump All Table Columns item from the main menu generated the following error:

    Error executing plugin wb.catalog.util.dumpColumns: error calling
    PyWbUtils.printAllColumns: 'str' object is not callable


  • In the EER Diagram, if a layer was double-clicked a new tab was added to the Table Editor. However, if a relationship or table was double-clicked any existing tab would be reused, rather than a new tab being created. There appeared to be no consistent policy on how double-clicks should be handled. (Bug#46466)

  • The INSERT statements generated for columns of type TEXT by the Insert Editor were not correct, as the values were not quoted. Also, when the Insert Editor was closed and then reopened the last column entry was lost. (Bug#46390)

  • When an attempt was made to synchronize Stored Procedures from the source database to MySQL Workbench, the Stored Procedures were deleted from the source database. (Bug#46346)

  • If an attempt was made to load a new model file while a model file was already loaded then the following error dialog was generated:

    OverviewBE::get_node: invalid node 1.1


  • When Plugins, Catalog, Give a Prefix to All Tables in Catalog, was selected from the main menu, MySQL Workbench crashed with the following error:

    ** (mysql-workbench-bin:5898): WARNING **:
    /home/miguel/.mysql/workbench/wb_options.xml:325: link
    'b7ee49b4-67f5-11de-9d1e-0800272fd858' <object GrtObject> key=owner could not be resolved
    ** Message: item_activated: 0xadbb608 -> 'plugin:wb.file.newDocument'
    ** Message: unhandled message 4: wb.file.newDocument finished in 0.34s
    ** Message: item_activated: 0xaacbea8 -> 'plugin:wb.util.prefixTables'
    glibmm-ERROR **:
    unhandled exception (type std::exception) in signal handler:
    what: request_input_becb not implemented

    This only happened when running on Linux. (Bug#46280)

  • If the Table Editor had been invoked then the Text Boxes in the Tools, Preferences dialog became vertically misaligned. This only happened for MySQL Workbench running on Mac OS X. (Bug#46255)

  • When a SQL Script was added and then its name changed, the name would erroneously revert back to “Script”. (Bug#46246)

  • Reverse Engineering from a live database failed if the server had sql_mode set to ANSI_QUOTES. (Bug#46185)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, selecting the AI checkbox before entering a name for the column caused MySQL Workbench to crash. (Bug#46150)

  • The Microsoft Windows version of MySQL Workbench leaked GDI objects, resulting in a drop in performance. (Bug#46101)

  • The text contained in a Text Object in an EER Diagram was syntax highlighted. This was not appropriate for a simple text note. (Bug#46092)

  • When using the Reverse Engineer Database wizard a Segmentation Fault was generated by MySQL Workbench on Ubuntu Linux:

    (mysql-workbench-bin:22735): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tree_selection_get_selected: assertion
    `selection->type != GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE' failed
    ** Message: item_activated: 0x30d4920 -> 'plugin:db.plugin.database.rev_eng'
    ** Message: unhandled message 4: db.plugin.database.rev_eng finished in 0,00s


  • When writing code in the Routine Editor it appeared that the code was lost if the Routine Editor was closed. (Bug#46049)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed if a table was selected, right-clicked, and then the menu item Copy SQL to Clipboard chosen.

    MySQL Workbench also crashed with the same model if an attempt was made to export the schema using the Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script wizard. (Bug#46025)

  • In the EER Diagram, when hovering the cursor over a column in a table, the hint box contained the text associated with the subsequent column, and the first column hint box contained the name of the table. (Bug#45997)

  • The Synchronize Model with Database wizard contain a spelling mistake. The word “synchronization” was mispelled as “synchronizatiob”. (Bug#45939)

  • If an attempt was made to copy and paste a trigger, the trigger code would revert to the source trigger, when the pasted trigger was edited.

    MySQL Workbench has been changed so that triggers are associated with the table in which they are edited. If a trigger has the wrong schema or table pointed to by its CREATE TRIGGER statement, it will be highlighted as a syntax error. (Bug#45931)

  • MySQL Workbench 5.1.16 failed to create INSERTs in the exported DDL for some tables. (Bug#45920)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed on startup on Mac OS X. (Bug#45869)

  • When a model was synchronized with a live database, and only stored procedures needed to be synchronized, then the following error was generated:

    ERROR: Error 1046: No database selected


  • In MySQL Workbench running on Mac OS X, if any changes were made in the Page Setup dialog then the following error was generated:

    Type mismatch: expected object of type app.PaperType, but got app.PaperType

    Note, the Page Setup dialog is accessed by selecting File, Page setup... from the main menu. (Bug#45861)

  • The Forward Engineering SQL ALTER Script wizard generated DROP INDEX and ADD UNIQUE INDEX statements for any unique index, even for one that had not been modified. These unnecessary statements had to be manually deleted from the script. (Bug#45830)

  • When compiling the MySQL Workbench source code with GNU C Compiler (GCC) version 4.4.0, the compilation failed, as the version of the Boost library used was not compatible with GCC 4.4.0.

    The version of the Boost library required for compatibility with GCC 4.4.0 is 1.37 or later. (Bug#45798)

  • MySQL Workbench crashed and also lost procedure objects when attempting to synchronize with a live database. (Bug#45773)

  • When building MySQL Workbench on PPC/PPC64 on Linux, the build failed because “bswap32” was not defined.

    In file included from src/
    src/base/arena.h: In member function 'void google::BaseArena::ReturnMemory(void*,
    src/base/arena.h:211: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
    src/ In function 'uint32 UNALIGNED_LOAD32(const void*)':
    src/ error: 'bswap32' was not declared in this scope


  • Relationship lines were not always drawn on the EER Diagram. (Bug#45583)

  • During Forward Engineering, clicking the Copy to Clipboard button generated code that contained an extra newline per line. (Bug#45579)

  • Attempts to rebuild the MySQL Workbench source RPM failed. The RPM appeared to contain an unmodified template instead of the correct spec file with variable placeholders replaced by actual values.

    When using the following command to rebuild the RPM:

    shell> rpmbuild -ba --clean SPECS/

    The following error was generated:

    error: File /usr/src/packages/SOURCES/mysql-workbench-oss-@VERSION@.tar.gz: 
    No such file or directory

    Further, the spec file in the package had the incorrect suffix “” instead of “.spec”. (Bug#45515)

  • MySQL Workbench 5.1.13 running on Ubuntu Linux crashed when it attempted to load a model file created using MySQL Workbench 5.0 on Windows XP. The same model file did load correctly using MySQL Workbench 5.1.12. (Bug#45491)

  • In MySQL Workbench on Mac OS X, it was not possible to resize a Text Object on the EER Diagram canvas.

    See also Bug#39887. (Bug#45472)

  • When synchronizing a model with a live database, clicking the Update Model actually caused the server to be updated as if Update Source had been clicked. (Bug#45456)

  • The settings for ON UPDATE and ON DELETE in Foreign Key/Relationship Defaults set in the Model tab of Tools, Preferences, were not taken into account when new tables and relationships were created. (Bug#45393, Bug#45239)

  • The Inserts Editor did not have functionality to remove a row once added. This problem only occurred with MySQL Workbench running on Linux. (Bug#44458)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, if the column was of type ENUM and was given a default value, then when an attempt was made to forward engineer the schema it would not validate. (Bug#44368)

  • In the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard, on the SQL Object Export Filter page, if Back was clicked to go to the SQL Export Options page, and then Next was clicked to return to the SQL Object Export Filter page, then on that page all sections were duplicated. If this was repeated the objects were triplicated and so on. (Bug#44317)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, when setting a column data type to ENUM it was not possible to choose Collation for the column details. Only the Table Default collation was available. (Bug#43352)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, a column name could be entered with leading or trailing spaces. This led to the following error when exporting the schema:

    ERROR 1166 (42000): Incorrect column name 'name  '


  • The script created by Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script failed with an error if the model contained a view that referenced a column defined in another view. (Bug#43061)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, if a column is dragged and dropped to change its position, then after the move the column highlighted is not the one moved. (Bug#42476)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, if a column was deleted, and it had inserts in the Inserts tab, then in the Inserts tab the last entry would be incorrectly deleted. (Bug#41931)

  • In the Foreign Keys tab of the Table Editor, the values of the On Update and On Delete fields, in the Foreign Key Options pane, did not always refresh for each Foreign Key constraint selected in the table on the left side.

    For example, if the currently selected constraint was SET NULL for On Delete, and then a different selection was made for a constraint that has no action specified for On Delete, the field remained with the value from the previous selection, which gave a false indication that such action was specified in the definition of the newly selected constraint.

    Note that incorrect field values were only displayed when the last selected constraint did not have an action defined. (Bug#41887)

  • When the flags of a User Defined Type were changed in the User Types panel, the change was not updated in the EER Diagram, the Table Editor, or the exported SQL. (Bug#41453)

  • A model failed to synchronize with a live database, as a column of type DOUBLE was exported as a type DOUBLE(256). (Bug#41290)

  • When a MySQL Workbench model was synchronized with a live database, a foreign key relationship, recently added to the database, was not reflected in the EER Diagram. Although the foreign key was created in the table object, the relationship connector widget was not drawn on the canvas. (Bug#41219)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, when moving a column lower in the list of columns using drag and drop, the column was incorrectly placed one position below the point indicated by the position marker. (Bug#40641)

  • When Connect to Columns was selected for the Relationship Notation option, the line connecting a foreign key to its referenced table was drawn to the incorrect column. (Bug#40627)

  • When Help, About was selected from the main menu, it was not possible to copy MySQL Workbench version information to the clipboard. (Bug#39610)

  • Foreign Key checks were not enabled before the standard inserts section of the script started. (Bug#35180)

A.2.4. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.16 (30 June 2009 beta)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.15. This release is the first GA build of 5.1.

Functionality added or changed:

  • The MySQL Workbench Tools, Options... menu item has been renamed to Preferences..., and the corresponding dialog now has the title Workbench Preferences. (Bug#44462)

  • When a relationship was edited in the EER diagram, a new tab was created in the Table Editor, rather than using any existing relationship tab. For example, if one relationship tab existed, and then another relationship was edited, a new tab would be created, rather than using the existing tab. (Bug#39624)

  • In an EER diagram, if a table contained enums with many values, the table was excessively wide, and had to be manually resized.

    Version 5.1.16 now features a new preference setting which lets you specify the maximum length of a data type definition string, to be displayed in a table in an EER diagram. This is available for ENUM and SET types. Data type definitions that exceed these lengths are displayed as SET/ENUM(...) in the EER diagram.

    The new setting can be found by selecting Tools, Preferences from the main menu, and then selecting the Diagram tab. The settings are then available in the Tables panel. (Bug#34919)

Bugs fixed:

  • When an attempt was made to add a new table to a schema page other than the default MySQL Model page, then the following error was generated:

    Unknown Exception caught in c:\documents and settings\mysqldev\my documents\visual studio
    2008\projects\workbench\backend\windows\wbprivate.wr\src\Wb.h at line 1026


  • When a model was exported using either File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script or Database, Forward Engineer..., MySQL Workbench crashed with a segmentation fault. This occurred after the objects to export were selected, it did not matter if one or all objects were selected. This occurred using MySQL Workbench 5.1.14 RC on Ubuntu Linux and Windows. (Bug#45718)

  • The data type ENUM did not accept parenthesis in its values. (Bug#45607)

  • In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, when a column was right-clicked to display the context-sensitive menu, the Move Up and Move Down menu items were disabled. This meant that the order of the columns could not be changed in the normal manner. (Bug#45590)

  • Right-clicking in a blank area of the User Types window generated an exception:

    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at MySQL.GUI.Workbench.UserDatatypesForm.contextMenuStrip1_Opening(Object sender,
    CancelEventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnOpening(CancelEventArgs e)


  • When attempting to enter trigger code into the Triggers tab of the Table Editor, a timer appeared to periodically fire, which caused the delimiter to be added while typing.

    This only happened when using the Mac OS X version of MySQL Workbench. (Bug#44264)

  • In the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard, the location opened by the Browse button defaulted to the MySQL Workbench install directory. However, after an output script file was set the location opened by the Browse button returned to the default, rather than remembering the last location accessed. This required navigating to the correct location each time the script was regenerated. (Bug#43837)

  • MySQL Workbench displayed incorrect icons in the Table Editor. The icons for columns displayed in the table editor did not match those displayed in the EER Diagram. (Bug#42794)

  • In the Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script wizard, the Generate INSERT Statements for Tables option did not take into account which tables were excluded in the SQL Export Filters. All insert statements were generated, including those for tables that had been excluded in the export filters. (Bug#40913)

  • In the EER Diagram, right-clicking to edit a table sometimes failed with the following error:

    Cannot execute db.mysql.plugin.edit.table
    Plugin requires unhandled argument type.


  • When a table was renamed, inserts that had been created for it disappeared. Further, when a table was updated in Physical Schemata or in the Catalog pane, inserts were not updated. (Bug#38654)

  • If font size was changed in the Appearance tab of the Workbench Preferences dialog, this had no immediate effect on the visual apearance of the EER Diagram. (Bug#38198)

  • In the Indexes tab of the Table Editor, it was not possible to change the order number of a column for an index of type PRIMARY in the Index Columns panel, using the drop down list box available in the # column. (Bug#37273)

  • When zooming an EER Diagram, the text in a table would sometimes extend beyond the edge of the table box. (Bug#35407)

A.2.5. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.15 (26 June 2009 beta)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.14. This release is RC3.

Functionality added or changed:

  • A routine object was deleted if its code was removed from the routine group. This behavior has now been noted in the main documentation. (Bug#45738)

Bugs fixed:

  • Selecting Database, Generate Catalog Diff Report from the main menu caused MySQL Workbench to crash. (Bug#45652)

  • Generated INSERT statements did not have a database name.

    The generated INSERT statements were at the end of the SQL output. However, there was no USE database statement before the group of inserts. The comment before the group of INSERTS did refer to the database table.

    If you had multiple databases, this generated errors on import. (Bug#45642)

  • In the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard, when the Show Filter button was clicked, the left hand panel containing database and table names was too narrow, especially if a long database name or table name was used. This made it hard to determine which tables to select. (Bug#45623)

  • The File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script wizard contained malfunctioning buttons. When prompted with the message “Do you want to overwrite an existing .sql file?”, the Replace and Cancel buttons had the reverse effect. Clicking Replace cancelled the action, whereas clicking Cancel proceeded to the next step. (Bug#45619)

  • In Ubuntu Linux right-clicking on any item in the Catalog, Layers, User Types, or History tabs, or other tabs typically docked in the right hand side of MySQL Workbench, did not display a context-sensitive menu. (Bug#44298)

  • MySQL Workbench Syncronize Model feature had unexpected behavior. For example, synchronizing the model with the live database would cause changes to the database, even if this was not desired. Also, if tables were dropped in the live database, and the model synchronized, the changes to the live database were not reflected in the model. Further, if a model was created and synchronized to an empty schema in the live database, when synchronization took place again, MySQL Workbench would indicate many changes were required, even if no changes had been made to the model or database. (Bug#42149)

  • Double-clicking a layer in the Layers tab did not select it in the EER Diagram canvas. However, other objects in the Layers tab could be selected on the EER Diagram canvas in this manner. (Bug#34938)

  • Right-clicking on a relationship in the EER Diagram canvas, and selecting Edit in New Window... from the context-sensitive menu, had no effect. (Bug#34069)

A.2.6. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.14 (19 June 2009 beta)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.13.

Bugs fixed:

  • On Mac OS X, MySQL Workbench crashed when creating a new document after another one had been worked on.

    If editing a document, and then selecting to create a new document and not saving the current document when prompted, MySQL Workbench crashed when the save dialog closed. (Bug#45519)

  • Printing an EER diagram crashed MySQL Workbench. (Bug#45518)

  • When right-clicking on an item that was not selected, such as a table or routine, in the MySQL Model tab, the item was selected without the other items being deselected.

    The expected behavior for applications in both Windows and Linux is that right-clicking an item that has not been selected, should deselect all other items. Right-clicking an already selected item should not alter any of the selections. (Bug#44268)

  • When synchronizing a model with a database, rather than synchronizing only the selected tables, all tables were synchronized. (Bug#43485)

A.2.7. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.13 (12 June 2009 beta)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.12.

Bugs fixed:

  • When using the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard, the SQL Object Export Filter step displayed duplicate items. (Bug#45241)

  • When using the Generate Catalog Diff Report wizard, the Stored Connection information was not automatically populated when a previously defined Stored Connection was selected. (Bug#45234)

  • Adding Insert records for a table worked correctly. However, there was no way to remove the records once the Open Editor facility has been used to add them. (Bug#45233)

  • On Mac OS X, using the Forward Engineer to Database, or Forward Engineer SQL Script wizards caused MySQL Workbench to generate the error message:

    The application MySQLWorkbench quit unexpectedly after it was relaunched.


  • When defining a primary key with a user-defined data type, it was not possible to set the auto-increment (AI) attribute. Clicking the AI checkbox had no effect.

    To circumvent this problem it was possible to temporarily change the data type of the column to a built-in data type such as INT, set the AI attribute and then change the data type back to the desired user-defined data type. The model could then be saved. However, if this model was reopened and File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script used to generate a script, MySQL Workbench would crash. (Bug#45165)

  • MySQL Workbench did not limit foreign key name length. This meant that an exported SQL script was invalid and MySQL Server generated an error on attempting to import it:

    1059 - ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT


  • On Mac OS X, if the mouse pointer was used to select an entity and then Command+Delete was pressed before the tooltip appeared, then MySQL Workbench crashed when the delete was confirmed. (Bug#45042)

  • Foreign key names must be unique. However, MySQL Workbench default generated foreign key names were sometimes identical, causing Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script to fail. (Bug#45027)

  • Synchronization of the model with an external database failed to report errors. This meant there was the possibility of an incomplete synchronization, without the developer being informed. (Bug#45024)

  • Changing a relationship's visibility had no effect.

    If a relationship was right-clicked in the EER diagram, Edit Relationship selected, and then the Relationship tab selected, the visibility radio buttons were displayed. However, if the visibility settings were changed there was no effect. (Bug#44988)

  • On Ubuntu Linux, MySQL Workbench crashed with a segmentation fault when an attempt was made to save the model. (Bug#44974)

  • On the Linux version of MySQL Workbench it was not possible to rename a layer by double-clicking it in the Layers window (which is typically docked to the right hand side of the screen).

    A layer editor has now been added to the Linux version of MySQL Workbench. This can be activated by double-clicking the layer's title. (Bug#44972)

  • It was not possible to rename a table created using Add Table, by copying text into its text field. (Bug#44913)

  • In the Flags box, which is located in the Column Details panel in the Table Editor, the same flags were not listed as available for both the INT and INTEGER data types. INT has both UNSIGNED and ZEROFILL listed, but these were not listed for the column if it was of type INTEGER. Also, the AI checkbox was not selectable for columns defined as INTEGER. (Bug#44872)

  • Using the Foreign Keys tab of the Table Editor, it was not possible to correctly create multiple foreign key relationships. (Bug#44701)

  • MySQL Workbench appeared not to display table rows in an EER diagram for tables that had more than 20 columns.

    MySQL Workbench now includes the ability to manually resize the table, besides automatically limiting the number of columns to a user selectable value, by order of appearance, regardless of being key columns or not. (Bug#44675)

  • On Debian Linux (Lenny), after adding a second table and selecting AI on the first column element, MySQL Workbench generated a segmentation fault. (Bug#44612)

  • In the Workbench Preferences dialog, on the Diagram tab, in the Tables panel, the checkboxes Show Column Types and Show Column Flags did not work correctly. Selecting or deselecting Show Column Types only had an effect when MySQL Workbench was restarted. Selecting Show Column Flags had no effect at all, and the flags were never displayed. (Bug#44586)

  • When in the Columns tab of the Table Editor, if an attempt was made to change a column data type to INTEGER(n) this would have no effect and the column data type would remain unchanged. However, if INT(n) was entered this was accepted and the data type changed accordingly. (Bug#44552)

  • When a new index was created in the Indexes tab for a table that already had indexes, the previously displayed index field remained selected. This caused concern that the newly created index would be on the wrong field. (Bug#44532)

  • The Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard did not permit the SQL script text to be copied using the keyboard shortcut. Only the mouse could be used to select and copy the text. (Bug#44531)

  • On Ubuntu Linux, the following MySQL Workbench menu items did not work: Page Setup, Print Preview and Print.

    If these menu items were selected the following console messages were generated:

    ** Message: item_activated: 0xaa44bf0 -> 'builtin:wb.page_setup'
    ** Message: show_progress_becb not implemented
    ** Message: unhandled message 4: wb.print.setup finished in 0,00s
    ** Message: show_progress_becb not implemented
    create font Helvetica 0 0 11,000000 (200)** Message: item_activated: 0xa4c9800 ->
    ** Message: show_progress_becb not implemented
    ** (mysql-workbench-bin:11732): WARNING **: Could not open editor shared object
    ** Message: unhandled message 4: wb.print.printPreview finished in 0,00s
    ** Message: show_progress_becb not implemented
    ** Message: item_activated: 0xa4cec08 -> 'plugin:wb.print.print'
    ** Message: show_progress_becb not implemented
    ** Message: unhandled message 4: wb.print.print finished in 0,00s
    ** Message: show_progress_becb not implemented
    create font Helvetica 0 0 11,000000 (300)


  • When a Routine Group was renamed, this was not immediately updated in the EER diagram. (Bug#44503)

  • When Workbench:copyToClipboard() was used from within a plugin, only garbage characters were copied to the Windows clipboard. This affected the operation of plugins.

    When a plugin attempted to output the string “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!§$%&/()=” a runtime exception was generated. (Bug#44461)

  • The Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard would write over an existing file without prompting the user for confirmation. (Bug#44437)

  • On Mac OS X, an application window's red close button should contain a solid circle if the current document is unsaved. However, for MySQL Workbench this did not work correctly. Although the circle was initially shown, it was not displayed after subsequent edits to the model. (Bug#44435)

  • When attempting to delete an existing EER diagram, MySQL Workbench crashed.

    The origin of the diagram seemed to have no bearing on whether the crash occurred or not, as it happened both with diagrams created from reverse engineering and those created independently. (Bug#44407)

  • Deleting or cutting a Relation from an EER diagram crashed MySQL Workbench. (Bug#44340)

  • When Relations were deleted using the Foreign Keys tab, MySQL Workbench intermittently generated an exception:

    System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is
    often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method,
    Object[] args, Boolean synchronous)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method)
       at MySQL.GUI.Workbench.Plugins.ObjectEditorPlugin.RefreshFormDataInvoke()
       at MySQL.Grt.DelegateSlot0<void\,void>.cpp_callback()
       at sigc.pointer_functor0<void>.()(pointer_functor0<void>* )
       at sigc.adaptor_functor<sigc::pointer_functor0<void>
    >.()(adaptor_functor<sigc::pointer_functor0<void> >* )
       at sigc.internal.slot_call0<sigc::pointer_functor0<void>,void>.call_it(slot_rep* rep)
       at MySQL.Grt.Db.TableEditorBE.remove_fk(NodeId fk)
    ject sender, EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEventInteractive(EventArgs e,
    ToolStripItemEventType met)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEvent(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam,
    IntPtr lparam)


  • When exiting MySQL Workbench with unsaved changes, you are given the choices Save, Don't Save and Cancel. When Cancel was clicked, MySQL Workbench exited without saving, rather than returning to the application without making any changes.

    This only happened when clicking the main application Close button, in the upper right corner. It did not happen if the application was exited by selecting File, Exit from the main menu. (Bug#44267)

  • The Copy SQL to Clipboard menu item, which was normally available when right-clicking on a table in MySQL Workbench, was not displayed. (Bug#44254)

  • If the order of columns was changed in the Columns tab, this was not reflected in the EER diagram. (Bug#44240)

  • In the table editor the VARBINARY data type was not listed in the drop down listbox for columns. (Bug#44023)

  • In the table editor, when a column was added with a data type of TIMESTAMP, and the default value of 0 entered, MySQL Workbench erroneously added quotation marks around the 0. Any generated SQL script therefore contained errors, and would subsequently fail. (Bug#44006)

  • The Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard did not emit table INSERT statements in the generated script when requested to do so. (Bug#43799, Bug#44385)

  • When synchronizing a model with a database, using the Synchronize Model with Database wizard, the data type translation resulted in errors. (Bug#42728)

  • Omit Schema Qualifiers did not omit schema for foreign keys.

    When using File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script and selecting the Omit Schema Qualifiers checkbox, the schema for foreign keys were not omitted. (Bug#42328)

  • When editing a column's type in the Columns tab of the Table Editor, the drop down listbox for selecting the data type displayed BOOL. However, once that had been selected the data type was displayed as BOOLEAN.

    Further, if a column data type was set by entering INTEGER in the Datatype column, it then changed to INT on pressing return. (Bug#41934)

  • MySQL Workbench frequently crashed with an unknown exception in Wb.h at line 1010.

    This occurred while working on tables within EER diagrams on a design consisting of more than 190 tables and 20 EER diagrams. (Bug#41325)

  • Invisible characters in a reverse engineered script caused errors to be generated when the same script was forward engineered.

    The problem was due to the reverse engineered script containing a mixture of \n, \r and \r\n line endings. These are now normalized to \n in the reverse engneering code. The validation process now also checks SQL code objects to ensure valid line endings. (Bug#41254)

  • When working in the Routines tab of the Routine Group editor, the Routine tab did not appear to save changes to routine code.

    If code was copied from an external application into the Routine tab, then the model saved and MySQL Workbench exited, then on restarting MySQL Workbench, any changes to the routine code were lost. (Bug#40885)

  • When trying to synchronize a model to a database, tables defining some columns as FLOAT or DOUBLE prevented the synchronization SQL script from working.

    The SQL generated used the syntax FLOAT(256) or DOUBLE(256) which was rejected by MySQL Server 5.0.51a.

    Editing the generated script manually to use just FLOAT or DOUBLE worked. However, MySQL Workbench then assumed the target table was not correctly synchronized, and prompted the user accordingly. (Bug#40169)

  • When a relationship was fully visible in the EER diagram, if the user chose to have it drawn split, or hidden, MySQL Workbench behaved as expected. However, if the relationship was hidden, and the user chose to have it drawn split, or fully visible again, the relationship was not properly redrawn. The user had to move either of the tables involved in the relationship to have the relationship redrawn. (Bug#40015)

  • When editing a foreign key in the Foreign Keys tab of the Table Editor, and then removing the corresponding relationship from the EER Diagram canvas, the Foreign Keys tab remained open and populated, instead of being cleared and closed. (Bug#39478)

  • When tables with relationship connectors were dragged or copied from one EER diagram to another, the connectors were not always drawn. (Bug#38545)

A.2.8. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.12 (27 April 2009 beta)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.11.

Bugs fixed:

  • In the Foreign Key tab of the Relationship Editor, the two buttons labeled Edit Table... were inactive. Clicking them had no effect. (Bug#45391)

  • When running on Ubuntu Linux the edit window in MySQL Workbench was not expanded horizontally by default.

    When editing existing routines, the horizontal scroll-bar covered 100% of the visible area, no matter how long any of the rows are. This meant that if a row expanded outside the visible area, it was not possible to scroll sideways to see the rest of the row. All of the row was there, but the right part was not visible. (Bug#44296)

  • It was not possible to change the Default Collation for any schema. (Bug#44220)

A.2.9. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.11 (Not yet released beta)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.10.

Bugs fixed:

  • MySQL Workbench crashed when attempting to delete an EER diagram from the EER Diagrams section of the main project tab. (Bug#44245)

  • When using MySQL Workbench on Linux, if a new layer was created it was not possible to then change the layer's name in the Properties tab. (Bug#44202)

A.2.10. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.10 (10 April 2009 beta)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.9.

Bugs fixed:

  • It was not possible to edit the cardinality of existing relations using the MAC OS X version of MySQL Workbench. Attempting to change the cardinality using the radio buttons had no effect. For example, it was not possible to change a relation from one-to-many to one-to-one. (Bug#44043)

  • When a nonstandard port was specified in Database, Forward Engineer..., such as 3307, MySQL Workbench still attempted to connect to port 3306. (Bug#44014)

  • When a foreign key was created, a column was selected in the original table, but no column was selected in the foreign table. If the project was saved and an attempt was made to reload it the following error message was generated:

    Unserializing GRT data - Inserting null value to not null list

    This error prevented MySQL Workbench from opening the project file, resulting in all model data being inaccessible. (Bug#43997)

  • The name of the table displayed on the tab in the Table Editor did not update when the table name was changed in the editor. (Bug#43960)

  • Data entered using the Inserts tab in the Table Editor was not displayed in the Inserts tab, but was saved to the MWB file when the project was saved. The data could be viewed in MySQL Workbench running on platforms other than Mac OS X, but the Mac OS X version of MySQL Workbench did not display the data entered using the Inserts tab. (Bug#43907)

  • When a plugin was installed using the Tools, Install Plugin/Module File... menu option, MySQL Workbench copied the selected plugin and reported:

    'Copied module /Users/tilman/Desktop/SymfonyYmlExport.grt.lua to
    '/Users/tilman/Library/Application Support/MySQL/Workbench/modules/SymfonyYmlExport.grt.lua'
    Please restart Workbench for the change to take effect.'

    When restarted, MySQL Workbench crashed. MySQL Workbench could only be fully restarted by first removing the installed file from the modules directory. (Bug#43906)

  • Soon after MySQL Workbench was launched error popup dialogs were generated with the message:

    "AXDocument" attribute unsupported by <some component>

    This occurred on the Mac OS X version of MySQL Workbench, when a third-party usage monitoring utility was running. This error was due to the fact that custom exception reporting was disabled by default. (Bug#43872)

  • An attempt to edit a table resulted in the following error:

    The plugin db.mysql.editors.mwbplugin does not
      contain the published object DbMysqlTableEditor

    This only happened if the project was opened immediately after MySQL Workbench was started. (Bug#43863)

  • If a MySQL Workbench project file was opened, all tabs closed, and then File, New selected, MySQL Workbench crashed with the following error message:

    Unknown exception caught in c:\users\tax\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\wb
    5.1\workbench\backend\windows\wbprivate.wr\src\Wb.h at line 994.


  • If an attempt was made to use the undo feature after having first saved a project, MySQL Workbench crashed. (Bug#43849)

  • When creating a new 1:n link MySQL Workbench froze. (Bug#43812)

  • Using the Navigator to zoom in and out of an EER diagram view caused MySQL Workbench to crash. (Bug#43782)

  • The Many-to-Many Table generated by MySQL Workbench was of engine type Server Default. It should have been of type InnoDB. (Bug#43776)

  • On opening a diagram the file tables layout was broken. All tables were placed in the top left corner.

    It appeared that MySQL Workbench stored the diagram layout in the MWB file correctly but it was not retrieved correctly on file load. (Bug#43455)

  • In the EER Diagram view, if the Tables folder was expanded in the Catalog Palette, and then a table dragged onto the EER Diagram, the expanded Tables folder immediately collapsed. (Bug#41922)

A.2.11. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.9 (Not yet released beta)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.8.

Bugs fixed:

  • In Model View after performing Edit, Select, Select All, it was not then possible to undo the operation. (Bug#43225)

  • When a script was processed by File, Import, Reverse Engineer MySQL CREATE Script, columns with a boolean data type had their data type ignored. As a result, the type of the column in the Table Editor was empty. (Bug#43094)

A.2.12. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.8 (Not yet released)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.7.

Bugs fixed:

  • In the Reverse Engineer Database wizard it was not possible to select only one table to reverse engineer, and then proceed to the next step. (Bug#45881)

  • Using the Inserts Editor caused MySQL Workbench to crash. The error message generated when used was:

    ** Message: ==============================
    ** Message: refresh_gui_becb unhandled refresh: 20 RefreshTimer

    This was due to the fact that, in the 5.1.4 Alpha version of MySQL Workbench, the Inserts Editor had not been implemented. (Bug#40671)

A.2.13. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.7 (Not yet released)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.6.

Bugs fixed:

  • MySQL Workbench 5.1.7 for MacOSX crashed on startup. The reason was that it was looking for libmysqlclient.15, which was not found in /usr/local/mysql/lib. The error generated was:

    Process:         MySQLWorkbench [14915]
    Path:            /Applications/
    Identifier:      com.sun.MySQLWorkbench
    Version:         ??? (???)
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [95]
    Date/Time:       2009-02-02 18:53:52.120 +0100
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.5.6 (9G55)
    Report Version:  6
    Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread:  0
    Dyld Error Message:
      Library not loaded: /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.15.dylib
      Referenced from: /Applications/
      Reason: image not found

    Note that MySQL was installed, but the specific version of client library required was not present. (Bug#42550)

A.2.14. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.6 (Not yet released)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.5.

Functionality added or changed:

  • MySQL Workbench has been changed so that layers and tables listed in the Layers palette are sorted in alphabetic order, making it easier to find the required object. (Bug#39781)

Bugs fixed:

  • A dialog displayed a message with a missing filename. The message displayed was:

    Import of SQL script file '' has finished successfully.

    Note the filename is missing from the message.

    This dialog is located in the File, Import, Reverse Engineer SQL CREATE Script wizard. It is displayed on the page after importing the file, clicking Next and then Execute. (Bug#39922)

  • The Advanced button displayed the text label &Advanced.

    This button is located in the File, Import, Reverse Engineer SQL CREATE Script wizard. It is displayed on the page after importing the file. (Bug#39921)

A.2.15. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.1.4 (Not yet released)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.1.3.

Functionality added or changed:

  • There was a problem where relationships that were hidden could then not be selected to bring up their relationship editor. Relationships can now be selected as objects in the Layer window. Once selected, the relationship's visible property can be set to True in the Properties window, thus making the relationship visible again. (Bug#40167)

Bugs fixed:

  • Loading a model using the Linux version of Workbench resulted in a crash. However, the model loaded correctly with the Windows versions of Workbench. (Bug#39992)

  • A model created using the Windows version of Workbench caused the Linux version of Workbench to crash on loading the model. (Bug#39983)

A.3. Changes in Release 5.0

A.3.1. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.30 (18 February 2009)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.29.

Bugs fixed:

  • MySQL Workbench crashed when the mouse wheel was used. If you scrolled the Options tab of the Table Editor, closed the Table Editor and then used the mouse wheel again on the MySQL Model page, MySQL Workbench crashed. (Bug#42847)

  • Introducing a UserType into a model caused the File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script wizard to crash. Further, peforming a Plugins, Objects, Copy SQL to Clipboard operation also caused MySQL Workbench to crash. (Bug#42085)

  • The Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script wizard failed to generate a script correctly.

    This happened when using the File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script facility. If, in the wizard, Object of type MySQL table was selected, and then all tables added to the Exclusion Masks pane, before moving back the required table to the Objects to Process pane, the script was generated for the entire database rather than the selected table. (Bug#41475)

  • When a diagram was renamed, the history displayed:

    Rename 'new name' to 'new name

    It should have instead displayed:

    Rename 'old name' to 'new name'


  • If a model contained a View that was using a Function, and an attempt was made to Synchronize the database, then an error was generated such as:

    Error 1305: FUNCTION `bleble` does not exist

    A similar error was also generated if the Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script wizard was used. (Bug#40846)

  • The viewport, which is the combobox in the top right corner of Workbench, did not scale to less than 40%. However, resizes above 40% worked fine. (Bug#39607)

  • The Forward Engineer SQL ALTER Script wizard produced an erroneous script.

    If Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script was used to generate a script and this was then used as an input to Forward Engineer SQL ALTER Script, without having made any changes to the model, then an ALTER script with no changes should be produced. However, the ALTER script showed many changes, even though no changes had been made to the model. (Bug#37709)

A.3.2. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.29 (12 December 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.28.

Bugs fixed:

  • Workbench crashed when objects other than tables were moved out of a layer. (Bug#41358)

  • In the EER Diagram view an icon was not displayed for Not-NULL items. (Bug#41326)

  • When a diagram was renamed, the label of the corresponding tab was not automatically updated. However, when the focus was changed, the text was correctly updated. (Bug#38867)

  • The table figures in the Diagram view had insufficient information. They did not display information such as constraints or default values. (Bug#38553)

  • When the grid was activated, dragged objects on layers were incorrectly placed with an offset of -1,-1. (Bug#35989)

  • The last column in a table disappeared in the table editor, and it was not possible to add further columns. (Bug#35905)

A.3.3. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.28 (06 December 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.27.

Bugs fixed:

  • If you attempted to select several tables in the table list of the MySQL Model view, and you accidentally included the Add Table button in your selection, then a message box appeared warning of an unknown exception:

    "Unknown Exception caught in: c:\documents and settings\mysqldev\my documents\visual
    studio 2005\projects\workbench\backend\windows\wb.wr\src\Wb.h at line 1010"

    The program did not crash. Only the messagebox appeared. (Bug#41201)

  • If two foreign keys were created in a table that referenced a second table and then an attempt was made to delete the relations and the referenced table, MySQL Workbench crashed. (Bug#41025)

  • When clicking the + and - buttons in the Physical Schemata pane of the MySQL Model tab, an Unhandled Exception was generated:

    System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an exception.


  • The Referenced Column pane of the Foreign Key tab became cleared if the foreign key was renamed. Subsequently, attempting to choose a Referenced Column did not display a link in the EER Diagram view. To get foreign key relationships working again it was necessary to de-select the checkboxes from the Columns pane, re-select them, and then select the Referenced Column pane. (Bug#40649)

  • When a table was renamed the inserted data was lost. (Bug#40327)

  • A complex EER diagram threw an exception whenever an action was peformed on it. However, other diagrams in the same MWB file functioned correctly.

    The exception generated was:

    System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: Un composant externe a levé une exception.
       à wb.ModelViewForm.handle_mouse_button(ModelViewForm* , MouseButton , Boolean , Int32
    , Int32 , EventState )
       à MySQL.Workbench.ModelViewForm.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e, Int32 X, Int32 Y, Keys
    keystate, MouseButtons buttons)
       à MySQL.GUI.Workbench.ModelViewForm.CanvasPanel_MouseUp(Object sender, MouseEventArgs
       à System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
       à MySQL.Utilities.WindowsCanvasViewerPanel.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
       à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32
       à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
       à System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
       à System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
       à System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
       à System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam,
    IntPtr lparam)


A.3.4. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.27 (07 November 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.26.

Functionality added or changed:

  • There was a problem where relationships that were hidden could then not be selected to bring up their relationship editor. Relationships can now be selected as objects in the Layer window. Once selected, the relationship's visible property can be set to True in the Properties window, thus making the relationship visible again. (Bug#40167)

Bugs fixed:

  • When a stored routine was edited, the edit cursor jumped back to the start of the page unless typing was constant. (Bug#40426)

  • When using the Copy Insert to Clipboard menu item the generated SQL code was incorrect. The “S” was missing from “VALUES” and the data was not included. This resulted in SQL code such as:

    INSERT INTO `table1` (`table1_id`, `descr`) VALUE ();


  • If a trigger was renamed, and the design then synched with a database instance, the generated SQL created a trigger with the new name and then dropped the trigger with the old name. This resulted in the following error:

    Error 1235: This version of MySQL doesn't yet support
    'multiple triggers with the same action time and event for one table'


  • The Copy SQL to Clipboard action (right click menu on table) did not use Windows-compatible line endings. (Bug#39476)

  • When a column had a data type BOOLEAN and it was exported using Forward Engineer SQL ALTER, the exported type was BOOLEAN(2) instead of BOOLEAN. (Bug#39257)

  • Workbench application performance was poor, with slow loading times and excessive memory usage. (Bug#38439)

  • When a DBDesigner model with 333 tables was imported into Workbench the RAM usage went up to approximately 1GB. Workbench then crashed with the following exception:

      Error creating cairo context: out of memory


A.3.5. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.26 (16 October 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.25.

Bugs fixed:

  • When attempting to export a model using the File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script menu item, Workbench crashed on clicking the wizard's Finish button. (Bug#39578)

  • The Copy Insert to Clipboard action generated SQL with lower case keywords. This was not consistent with the behavior of the Copy SQL to Clipboard action. (Bug#39477)

  • Renaming a table and then selecting Forward Engineer SQL ALTER Script did not result in a RENAME statement. Instead, DROP and CREATE statements were generated. (Bug#39256)

  • The script generated by the Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script menu item contained invalid statements when using two schemata. (Bug#39211)

  • Exported SQL code containing a trigger that called a procedure would fail when an INSERT activated the trigger. (Bug#39088)

A.3.6. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.25 (12 September 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.24.

Bugs fixed:

  • If the user closed all tabs and then quit, Workbench crashed. (Bug#39346)

  • Foreign keys referencing a deleted table were not removed. (Bug#39150)

  • Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script and Forward Engineer SQL ALTER Script generated scripts that did not put index names in quotation marks. (Bug#39140)

  • When Workbench was started with the GRT Shell tab opened, the object tree in the GRT Tree pane was not displayed. (Bug#39122)

  • When triggers were exported with the Generate DROP TABLES statements option checked, DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS did not appear in the exported SQL. (Bug#39119)

  • The Triggers tab would always enable Insert mode when opened. (Bug#39118)

  • In the Foreign Key tab of the Table Editor, the dropdown menu that is displayed on clicking in the Referenced Table column, listed table names by creation date, rather than by sorted name. (Bug#38944)

  • If any DEFAULT properties were defined for a model, they appeared to be lost after saving the model and restarting Workbench. (Bug#38825)

  • When you loaded a UTF-8 encoded script file into Workbench, the embedded SQL editor replaced international characters with the ? symbol. (Bug#38783)

  • When creating Views and Routines, the entry in the Undo History window showed “Parse MySQL View” instead of “View Created”, and “Parse MySQL Routine” instead of “Routine Created”.

    When subsequently undoing this operation the correct text was displayed. Performing a redo then resulted in the incorrect text being displayed again.

    Additionally, when undoing a Routine Group, the previous undo action in the history was incorrectly renamed and the last entry in the history was deleted. (Bug#36047)

  • In the Table Editor tab, wherever data could be entered, such as in the Foreign Key Name entry field, the default wrap protocol was to go to a new line. This resulted in text that was only partially visible. (Bug#34510)

  • The synchronization wizard could show a diff tree for schemata different from those that had been selected. (Bug#32365)

A.3.7. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.24 (12 August 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.23.

Functionality added or changed:

  • In the MySQLGrtShell.exe program the Values tab has been renamed to GRT Tree. However, the GRT Tree tab only shows a root node because there is no GRT Tree loaded when the Shell is started in standalone mode. (Bug#35052)

Bugs fixed:

  • Indexes listed when the Index tab was selected could not be deleted if the index type was FOREIGN. (Bug#38639)

  • When the menu item Model, Validation, Validate all was selected, and an error dialog subsequently displayed, the dialog error message had a missing dot separator between the database name and table name. (Bug#38632)

  • When a DBDesigner 4 model that contained duplicate relationships was imported into Workbench, and then exported, the resultant script would fail when executed on MySQL server. (Bug#38488)

  • It was not possible to synchronize a model to an external database, if the model contained triggers. (Bug#38436)

  • When resizing the comment column under Physical Schemata view in column format, the column resize was reverted when switching between schemas. (Bug#38431)

  • An attempt to copy a table and then paste it into a new schema resulted in an Unknown Exception being generated. (Bug#38429)

  • If you created a new view with an OR REPLACE clause, the Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script output contained the OR REPLACE clause twice. (Bug#38337)

  • When a DBDesigner 4 XML file was imported into Workbench the INSERT statements were incorrectly converted. (Bug#38196)

  • Importing a script that specified an incorrect data type required Workbench to close. (Bug#38146)

  • Workbench crashed when using the Model, Validation(MySQL), Validate All menu item on a model that contained a dangling foreign key index. (Bug#38115)

  • Foreign key options (onDelete, onUpdate) are not imported from DBDesigner schema. (Bug#37794)

  • In the mysql-workbench-oss-5.0.23-win32-noinstall version of Workbench the menu item Plugins, Objects, Copy SQL to Clipboard did not work. (Bug#37736)

  • When synchronizing the database, table comments were not updated. However, column comments worked as expected. (Bug#37686)

  • Running Help, Update... crashes Workbench when the wizard comes to the point where it is trying to close Workbench. (Bug#37665)

  • Database, Synchronize did not update the model view when the table was changed in the database, until after Workbench was restarted. (Bug#37634)

  • Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script did not reflect changes made to the model. (Bug#37574)

  • When using the Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script, columns marked as NOT NULL were generated as NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL. (Bug#37385)

  • Errors were generated in SQL code during Forward Engineer Schema for Inserts data in TIMESTAMP columns. (Bug#37059)

  • If a database was imported using Reverse Engineer SQL ALTER Script and the database name changed in Workbench, the script then generated by Forward Engineer SQL ALTER Script was incorrect. (Bug#36178)

  • The auto-increment flag was not cleared internally for a column, when the type of that column was changed to one for which auto-increment is invalid; for example, char. When the model was exported using Export, Forward Engineer SQL Create Script, the resulting script incorrectly retained the auto-increment flag for the changed column. (Bug#36085)

A.3.8. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.23 (25 June 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.22.

Functionality added or changed:

  • It was not clear how a stored connection profile could be edited and the changes saved. Tooltips have been added to the relevant buttons and the main documentation clarified. (Bug#37061)

Bugs fixed:

  • The File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script menu item exports a script it is then unable to import using the File, Export, Reverse Engineer MySQL Create Script menu item, as it incorrectly imports comments containing special characters. (Bug#37563, Bug#37562)

  • Workbench was failing to correctly export Trigger DDLs. (Bug#37432)

  • Using Generate Schema Diff Report resulted in a crash. The crash was caused by improper handling of an invalid FK in a table. While this issue is correctly reported by a validation module, in Standard Edition Generate Schema Diff Report didn't handle that correctly. (Bug#37393)

  • When a new column was added to a table Inserts data was deleted. (Bug#37192)

  • Trying to edit a table in a new window displays an error message dialog:

    Invalid plugin
    Invalid plugin wb.edit.editSelectedInNewWindow 


  • If you try to place a new image into an EER Diagram and select an invalid filetype, you get a error message dialog with the following text:

    cairo error: invalid matrix (not invertible)

    If you then click OK to clear the dialog and then try to select Place a New Table, the error message dialog is displayed again. (Bug#37079)

  • The Forward Engineer wizard did not report connection status correctly. If invalid database credentials were entered, the wizard reported success, even though the connection failed. (Bug#37060)

  • Incorrect behavior when editing a table. When the columns tab is selected, if you want to delete multiple selected tables at once, Workbench removes the wrong columns. (Bug#37045)

  • The script generated by the File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL ALTER Script menu item contains syntax errors. (Bug#36889)

  • The export filter did not properly filter tables. (Bug#36739)

  • Workbench generated incorrect syntax when attempting to synchronize with a live server. The resultant code was missing commas which resulted in a syntax error. (Bug#36674)

  • After reverse engineering an SQL create script and drawing some EER diagrams, a subsequent import of the same script destroys the EER diagrams. All tables in the catalog are updated, but the reference of the table in the diagram to the table in the catalog is lost. The tables in the diagram are still visible, but do not correspond to the table in the catalog.

    After closing and re-opening the file, all diagrams are empty and it is impossible to delete the diagrams. However, in the overview in the upper right corner, the tables placed in the diagram are still visible. (Bug#36381)

  • Mouse wheel does not work when you double-click a table and select the Options tab. (Bug#36374)

  • When File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL ALTER Script menu item is selected it causes an ALTER Script Generation (Script Synchronization) error. (Bug#36355)

  • The behavior of the Synchronize wizard was inconsistent when cancelled and re-run. (Bug#36177)

  • Several windows and tabs have fields which are either not completely visible or are obscured by labels that overlap the field. (Bug#36115)

  • When creating a Schema Diff Report from the local model to a live database, the wizard crashed with an unhandled exception. (Bug#35878)

  • Collapsing of the EER Diagram section of the MySQL Model tab is not retained after program relaunch. (Bug#35717)

  • In the MySQL Model tab, in the summary line for Physical Schemata, there are three icons, one for large icon view, one for small icon view, one for list view. Changing the view is not saved between application launches. (Bug#35716)

  • Performing a Database Synchronization resulted in erroneous ALTER statements being generated. (Bug#34812)

  • Menu item was incorrectly named Generate Schema Diff Report, when it should have been called Generate Catalog Diff Report. (Bug#34398)

  • Workbench failed to restore window states, window positions and side-panel sizes from the previous execution of the application. (Bug#32442)

  • The AUTO_INCREMENT attribute is now ignored on import for column types that do not support it. (Bug#31986)

A.3.9. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.22 (27 May 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.21.

Bugs fixed:

  • Can not add values for TIMESTAMP columns in the Inserts editor. (Bug#37009)

  • When columns are added to, or removed from a table, Workbench deletes all Inserts data. (Bug#37008)

  • Trigger definition auto-formatting resulted in malformed code. (Bug#36815, Bug#37685)

  • The script generated by the File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script menu item contains a spurious quotation mark. (Bug#36753)

  • For CREATE TABLE statements, TIME column default values were not quoted properly. (Bug#36669)

  • Print preview in landscape orientation did not work correctly. (Bug#36647)

  • When opening a model created with an earlier version of Workbench, the Indexes tab displayed indexes of type FOREIGN as type INDEX, and it was not possible to change them back to FOREIGN. (Bug#36453)

  • If a table column definition permits NULL and has been set with a default of NULL, integrity validation operations complained that the default value for the column is invalid. (Bug#36397)

  • After use of Control-X to cut text from a text-edit box and Control-Z to undo the operation, the canvas was updated correctly but not the text box. (Bug#36358)

  • Shifted content could not be scrolled or navigated. (Bug#36328)

  • The mousewheel scrolled the overview pane when it was open behind the insert-editor. (Bug#36253)

  • View renaming in overview did not work properly and has been disabled. (Bug#36202)

  • The Copy to SQL operation caused a crash. (Bug#36184)

  • Dragging objects out of a layer did not work properly. (Bug#36053)

  • The enabled/disabled status of items in the Edit menu was not updated properly. (Bug#35962)

  • Relationships were drawn over tables. (Bug#35867)

  • The script generated by database synchronize contained errors. (Bug#35644)

  • Setting up foreign key relationships across multiple schemas did not work. (Bug#34546)

  • Scrollbars now appear correctly when editor windows are reduced in height. (Bug#32454)

  • Table partitioning information was not exported properly. (Bug#32226)

A.3.10. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.21 (27 April 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.20.

Bugs fixed:

  • The undo operation did not completely undo a relationship between two tables. It removed only the line drawn between two tables, but did not undo the fields and keys. (Bug#36645)

  • Double clicking a column-heading separator in Find results caused a crash. (Bug#36266)

  • The scripts generated by the File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL ALTER Script and File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script include unnecessary SQL code. (Bug#36170)

  • The Copy Connection nn menu item on the context menu of a connection does not have a complementary Paste Connection menu item. The Edit menu has a greyed-out Paste Connection menu item. (Bug#36166)

  • When a schema used InnoDB, and then was switched to use MyISAM, the script generated by Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script still contained InnoDB-only syntax. (Bug#35947)

  • Forward Engineer wizard failed to create a table, but did not show any error messages. (Bug#35874)

  • Saving a file restores the column widths of the list view to default under Physical Schemata. (Bug#35718)

  • When making a column a primary key and this column has NULL as default value, this default value is not changed. When the table gets synchronized back to the database Workbench creates a statement such as:

    ALTER TABLE `test_defhan`.`table1` CHANGE COLUMN `id_table1` `id_table1` INT(11) NOT NULL

    This leads to an error:

    Error 1067: Invalid default value for 'id_table1' (Bug#32972)

A.3.11. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.20 (26 April 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.19.

Bugs fixed:

  • Re-creating a deleted relationship caused a crash. (Bug#36385)

  • The message log on the Forward Engineer Progess/Results Advanced dialog had no scroll bar. (Bug#36192)

A.3.12. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.19 (15 April 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.18rc.

Bugs fixed:

  • The HTML Basic Single Page DBDoc report from the Model -> DBDoc -> Model Reporting menu option was missing the schema and table numbers. (Bug#36060)

  • Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script wizard generated no output script. Further, no error or warning messages appeared to be generated that might explain this.

    The error message in this case was displayed in the Advanced Log, which was not visible to the user. MySQL Workbench was changed so that the Advanced Log appeared to the user if it received an error message. (Bug#34430)

A.3.13. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.18rc (not released)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.17rc.

Functionality added or changed:

  • Foreign key labels could not be hidden, and displayed labels were not centered. There are now options to hide all connection captions, and to center captions. (Bug#30902)

Bugs fixed:

  • In the table editor, setting the input focus by clicking the mouse did not work. (Bug#35969)

  • The Reference Column dropdown used during foreign key creation was slow to display. (Bug#35948)

  • In the table editors foreign key Tab, when a column for the foreign key is checked (right pane), the Referenced Column dropdown opens. Pressing Escape at this point caused a crash. (Bug#35926)

  • After changing the Row Format option, closing the table editor and opening a new document caused a crash. (Bug#35925)

  • If a table in an EER Diagram was double-clicked in an attempt to open it for editing in the Table Editor, the following error was generated:

    Cannot load selected plugin(.\db.mysql.editors.wbp.fe.dll::DbMysqlTableEditor)


  • Synchronizing the data model with a live database from the SQL Diff Tree dialog resulted in a crash. (Bug#35884)

  • Creating a Schema Diff Report from the local model to a live database caused a crash. (Bug#35878)

  • The Pack Keys option could not be saved. (Bug#35872)

  • Some menus or submenus had items enabled when the corresponding features were disabled. (Bug#35870)

  • The Connection Caption option did not work properly. (Bug#35859)

  • The status of a connection line in a table diagram was not updated when a foreign key relationship between tables was changed. (Bug#35800)

  • The File -> Export -> Export as PNG menu item was enabled under some circumstances in which it should have been disabled. (Bug#35746)

  • Scrolling was slow for table models with large numbers of tables. (Bug#35655)

  • Pressing Ctrl-Z to undo the last change in an SQL Script text box deleted the entire script. (Bug#35649)

  • Workbench is unable to read files such as Workbench Model Files from a non-English directory. (Bug#35547)

  • Workbench permitted table comments to be entered longer than the maximum length of 60 characters. (Bug#34507)

  • A crash could occur during foreign key creation. (Bug#33545)

  • Autoplacing for display of complex schemas has been improved. (Bug#32888)

  • Typing q in the GRT Shell caused a crash. (Bug#32755)

A.3.14. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.17rc (07 April 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.16rc.

Bugs fixed:

  • Creating a new view and then deleting it caused a System.AccessViolationException. (Bug#35840)

  • Editing a stored procedure within Workbench could cause an exception. (Bug#35828)

  • The modified timestamp for an existing model was not correctly updated for all changes. (Bug#35719)

  • Identifiers for field names in DML SQL statements would not be quoted correctly, permitting reserved words to be included in the SQL statements. (Bug#35710)

  • Workbench would crash repeatedly when drawing the diagram for a table where the referenced column in a foreign key relationship was blank. (Bug#35677)

  • Identifiers using uppercase characters for stored procedures would automatically be modified to lowercase. (Bug#35650)

  • When working with the SQL Script editor, it was not possible to select all the text in the display when using Ctrl A. (Bug#35646)

  • The Model Navigation window could not be collapsed like other palettes. (Bug#35642)

  • Modifying the primary key index definition for within the table view would not update the entity relationship diagram. (Bug#35639)

  • When validating an existing model using the Forward Engineer Wizard, MySQL-specific validation would fail. (Bug#35604)

  • Deleting an existing layer on a diagram and then editing other objects on the same canvas could generate a number of exceptions, and could corrupt the Workbench file. (Bug#35603)

  • Switching to the Connect to Columns notation with an existing model would cause an exception. (Bug#35601)

  • Data in BLOG and TEXT columns defined using the Inserts tab would not be quoted correctly in the resulting SQL. (Bug#35525)

  • Opening an existing Workbench model with an invalid foreign key definition would cause an exception. (Bug#35501)

  • Moving multiple tables on the same diagram, and then using Undo to revert the model to the original layout, only the first table selected be returned to its original position. (Bug#35465)

  • When adding a foreign key relationship within a catalog with an existing entity relationship diagram, the foreign key relationship is not added to the existing diagram. (Bug#35429)

  • The precise position of individual connections would not be retained when the schema was saved. (Bug#35397)

  • Opening a GRT shell while the table editor is open would raise an exception. (Bug#35349)

  • When modifying an existing foreign key relationship, the generated ALTER script did not reflect the modification. (Bug#35265, Bug#35830)

  • When creating foreign key relationships that point to more than one table, the same foreign key identifier for the same table could be created. This would create invalid SQL code for creating the table. (Bug#35262)

  • When importing an existing DB Designer schema, Workbench could crash. (Bug#35123)

  • Setting up indexes in both the index and foreign key list views, the mouse pointer would dissappear while the entry box was in use. (Bug#35062)

  • Double clicking the Catalog title bar undocked the GRT Tree window. (Bug#34856)

  • The font for views and routines was not monospace by default. (Bug#34537)

  • When using the Forward Engineer Wizard, if an error occurred, the dialog showing the error detail would be incomplete, and determining the reason for the error would be masked because the end of log message would be hidden. (Bug#34509)

  • When using the Hide Menu Items Not Applicable to this Edition option, a simplified version of the Find dialog box was not available. (Bug#34493)

  • Editing the text of the Trigger portion of an existing schemata would introduce additional text into the Trigger definition. (Bug#34397)

  • Creating more than five stored procedures or views in a model would cause the dialog box for the operation to move to a different layer, making it inaccessible when using the mouse. (Bug#34153)

  • Selecting Export, Forward Engineer ALTER script from the File would open a SQL Script Syncrhronization dialog, rather than export dialog. (Bug#34099)

  • When moving more than layer in Model Navigator, only the first layer's position would be reflected correctly in the output. (Bug#33627)

A.3.15. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.16rc (26 March 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.15rc.

Functionality added or changed:

  • Options and configuration options that affect models can now be set on a model by model basis. Choose Options from the Model menu and choose the Diagram tab. (Bug#34610)

Bugs fixed:

  • When double clicking on the row in a column as a primary key, the primary key property would be toggled. The editor will now permit you to edit the value when you click on a data row on the table. (Bug#35613)

  • Opening the Indexes portion of a table would generate a unhandled exception error. (Bug#35598)

  • When disabling global options on an individual model would fail to honor the model specific options would be ignored. (Bug#35516)

  • When placing a 1:n relation, an index out of range error could be raised. This could further result in operation on NULL object: Invalid value errors when trying to edit the relation. (Bug#35447)

  • Setting the value of a numeric column to a negative value was not supported. (Bug#35442)

  • Printing an HTML version of the schema would produce a fatal error. (Bug#35400)

  • The OK and Cancel buttons for the Diagram Size dialog would not be initialized properly. (Bug#34808)

  • When using print preview on a diagram, clicking the Print button would send a blank page to the printer. (Bug#34630)

  • When copying multiple table definitions from one schema to another, only the first table in the selection would be pasted into the new schema. (Bug#34483)

  • The Draw Line Crossing option would fail to be recognized correctly. You can also now set this on an individual model basis using the Options optin in the Model menu. (Bug#34248)

  • Copying an existing module to the plugins directory would trigger a double registration of the modulem, and produce an error. (Bug#34134)

  • When exporting a diagram to PDF, some additional lines would be added to the generated PDF. (Bug#33586)

  • Placing an image on to the canvas could crash the application. For images larger than the canvas, the image is automatically reduced so that it is properly visible on the canvas for editing. (Bug#33179)

  • A 1:m relation in a diagram would fail to be generated properly when exported as a PDF. (Bug#32882)

  • The Undo and Redo options would not be applied properly when making modifications to partition definitions. (Bug#32279)

A.3.16. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.15rc (17 March 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.14abeta.

Bugs fixed:

  • Using Undo on a relationship within a model would cause an exception. (Bug#35243)

  • A foreign key relationship to the source table (a reflexive relationship) gives a bad representation in the entity model diagram. (Bug#35237, Bug#34810)

  • Generating an ALTER SCRIPT or using the synchronize functionality on a model with entity relationships, the relationship lines within the diagram would be generated twice. (Bug#35213)

  • Boolean values were unsupported when trying to insert values into a table, the TRUE would instead be replaced by a textual, quoted version 'TRUE'. (Bug#35205)

  • Printing a model diagram to PDF or Postscript, results in a corrupt file PDF or Postscript file that does not match the model. (Bug#35197)

  • Deleting objects within the overview pane when the corresponding editor pane for those objects is open would cause a crash. (Bug#35186)

  • When entering data into the Default column of the table editor, the use of the Return key for saving the information about the default value was not supported. (Bug#35127)

  • There was a typographical error in the help message for the GRT command cd. The word Absolute was missing the final e. This has been corrected. (Bug#35119)

  • When changing the name within a foreign key relationship, the modified name is not reflected in the tables to which the foreign key is related. (Bug#35093)

  • Scrollbar navigation did not work after importing a DB Designer schema with a large canvas size. However, you could still navigate using the Model Navigator palette. (Bug#34988)

  • After importing a DB Designer schema, the following error occurred: "Cairo error: input string not valid UTF-8." (Bug#34987)

  • Creating a new file after changing an existing file with modifications could lead to the original being deleted without prompting to save the changes. (Bug#34976)

  • When saving an existing model, the MySQL Model overview panel would scroll to the top of the model definition. (Bug#34975)

  • Changing the drawSplit property of a connection from the Properties palette did not updated the Visibility section of the connection editor. (Bug#34934)

  • Editing a primary key column within a model on Microsoft Vista could cause a crash. (Bug#34922)

  • On the MySQL Model page, when the large icons view was selected, the Add Table icon disappeared. (Bug#34904)

  • Incorrect ALTER statements are created during the synchronization process if you add foreign keys to an existing or imported model. (Bug#34897)

  • A new GRT Inspector tab would be created every time the GRT Shell was opened. In addition, manually closing the GRT Inspector and GRT Shell components would cause an exception. (Bug#34857)

  • Opening an existing MySQL Workbench file after associating the .mwb extension with the application leads to a crash when you open a MySQL Workbench file. (Bug#34849)

  • When editing a model, the windows and toolbars would realign themselves during selection. This was related to the configured font sizer the DPI setting of the monitor, causing the application to redraw the windows to account for the configuration combination. (Bug#34822)

  • Attempting to move a table on an EER diagram after deleting a relationship, caused the application to crash. (Bug#34816)

  • The New File dialog is nonmodal, and could be hidden by other windows. The dialog is now always drawn on top of other windows. (Bug#34784)

  • Changing the column name of a table when you have pending inserts to the table did not change the column name in the corresponding INSERT statements. (Bug#34500)

  • The Properties palette was not cleared when a new project was started. It retained the properties of the last selected object. (Bug#34433)

  • Deleting an existing schema with an open table editor would not close the table editor window. The window is now closed when the schema is deleted. (Bug#34345)

  • Searching a project specifying Entire Model in the In Location: drop down list box did not return any results. This applied to the Standard Edition only. (Bug#34170)

  • When the page size was changed from A4 to B4 it was not possible to move objects on an EER diagram beyond the old page boundaries. (Bug#34148)

  • When editing comments, the Return key would move to the next column, which prevented the use of newlines within the comment information. Workbench now permits use of the Return key within the comment field. (Bug#33980)

  • Where relationship lines crossed, and one of the connectors was changed to Hidden or Draw Split, the semi circle that indicated the previous intersection was still shown on the remaining connector. (Bug#33818)

  • Editing an existing diagram could cause an unhandled exception on Windows Vista. (Bug#33477)

  • Identifiers (tables, column, index, triggers and other data types) could be created with names longer than the maximum support by MySQL Server. (Bug#33265)

  • The application crashed when attempting to export an SQL CREATE script. (Bug#33263)

  • Placing an object on the canvas of an EER diagram where you have reverse engineered an existing database, would lead to multiple copies of the object appearing on the diagram. (Bug#32891)

  • When scrolling through a schema, the tables in the schema were not redrawn correctly. (Bug#32835)

  • On an EER digram you could not select a relationship if the connection line wasn't stepped. You can now select a connector even if it is not stepped. (Bug#32734)

  • Printing a model when there is no printer connected could result in an application exception. (Bug#32320)

A.3.17. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.14abeta (28 February 2008)

This unscheduled beta release fixes Bug#34847 Other bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.14beta are also documented.

Bugs fixed:

  • MWB files were not saved properly if Workbench crashed. Reopening such files caused Workbench to crash. (Bug#34848)

    See also Bug#34847.

  • Workbench models created in version 5.0.13 crashed when used with version 5.0.14. The unscheduled Beta release, 5.0.14a fixes this bug. (Bug#34847)

  • When clicking the Browse button in the image editor, the default file name was openFileDialog1. This now defaults to an empty string. (Bug#34622)

  • Repeatedly changing the object notation crashed Workbench. This is no longer repeatable. (Bug#34499)

  • Importing a DBDesigner file immediately threw an exception. This happened even when software rendering was used. DBDesigner files can now be imported without incident. (Bug#33588)

A.3.18. Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.0.14beta (25 February 2008)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes that have been applied since the release of 5.0.13beta.

The following improvements have been added to this version of Workbench:

  • Expand All and Collapse All menu options have been added under the Arrange menu. The Expand All option expands all objects on an EER. This option will display a table's columns if the object notation supports expansion. Indexes will not automatically be expanded unless they were previously expanded and have been collapsed using the Collapse All menu option. Some object notations, such as Classic, do not permit expansion or contraction. Collapse All undoes the operation performed by Expand All.

  • A Fit Objects to Contents option has been added under the Arrange menu option. This option expands an object on an EER diagram. For example, if a table has a long column name that is not fully displayed, using this menu option will expand the table making the column name visible.

  • A System Information menu option has been added to the Help menu. This option displays information about your system that is useful when reporting a big.

  • An Export as SVG menu option has been added under the File, Export menu option.

  • Because of serious performance and display issues Workbench no longer uses Mesa. For those users who don't have native OpenGL support, Workbench now uses the Windows GDI API. The command line switch for using this mode is -swrendering. For more information about running Workbench from the command line see Section 3.3.2, “Launching MySQL Workbench on Windows”.

  • The GRT inspector has been improved to support new types. Namely:

    • text

    • longtext

    • bool

    • color

    • file

    This makes it much easier to change object properties manually. Multiple selection support has also been improved—you can easily change a value for several selected objects at once.

Bugs fixed:

  • When exporting an SQL CREATE script it was possible to create two tables in the same schema with the same name. (Bug#34668)

  • After placing related tables on an EER diagram and then removing them using the Undo menu option, the connection lines between related tables no longer showed up. (Bug#34601)

  • When choosing the Export as PNG menu option the file dialogue box file type was All Filesinstead of PNG. The same was true for Export as singlePage PDF and Export as singlePage PS. The default is now the appropriate file type. (Bug#34548)

  • If there was a relationship between table A and table B and also one between table B and table A, the connection lines appeared on top of each other. Connection lines now appear attached at the related columns. (Bug#34543)

  • When there were multiple tables with long identifiers the Physical Schemata section of the MySQL Model page was messy. Table names were obscured and sometimes overlapped. Also, the position of the Add Table icon was not optimal. Now the space between table names is adjusted to the largest entry and the Add Table icon is fixed in the upper left corner. (Bug#34536)

  • When returning to the SQL Export Filter page after using the Back button, filters were no longer selected. Selections now persist. (Bug#34503)

  • The export filters were applied more than once when forward engineering an SQL CREATE script. This happened if you exported the script after using the Back button on the SQL Export Filter page. (Bug#34501)

  • When the object notation was Workbench Classic the width of a table on an EER diagram could not be less than the widest column. If there was an enum column with many options, this made for a disproportionately wide table. Table width can now be less than the widest column. (Bug#34496)

  • When multiple objects on an EER diagram were selected and deleted, Workbench crashed. This happened when both connections and tables were selected. (Bug#34434)

  • Setting a column to AUTO_INCREMENT caused the application to crash. (Bug#34418)

  • It was reported that you could not add a primary key to a table imported from a MySQL CREATE script. This was not true but did highlight the fact that the method for adding a primary key was not obvious. Now, in addition to adding a primary key by double clicking the icon to the left of a column in the table editor view, you can also add a primary key by checking the PRIMARY KEY checkbox in the Column Details section of the table editor. (Bug#34408)

  • When using the menu option Generate Schema Diff Report an exception was thrown. A new tree-less version of the Diff report plugin resolves this problem. (Bug#34396)

  • Users failed to be created when exporting an SQL CREATE script. (Bug#34342)

  • When a table's expanded property was set to 0, the connection line between related tables, appeared at a diagonal orientation. A connection line is now docked on the sides of a table even when the expanded property is set to 0. (Bug#34249)

  • Copying a table from the MySQL Model page to an EER diagram canvas created a duplicate table with the same name as the original. This table did not show up in the Catalog palette or in the appropriate schema in thePhysical Schemata section of the MySQL Model page. (Bug#34230)

  • Creating a new foreign key did not update an EER diagram. An EER diagram is now updated immediately. (Bug#34206)

  • When there were many tables on an EER diagram, constant screen refreshing made the application unusable. The performance of the software rendering mode has been improved. (Bug#33646)

  • A table with many columns did not display properly. When the table was expanded on an EER diagram it was impossible to scroll down and view all the columns. Improved rendering has helped solve this problem. However, for very large tables you may have to increase the size of an EER. To do this use the Model, Diagram Size ... menu option. (Bug#33367)

  • When changing the foreign key column of a table on an EER diagram, the foreign key did not change color and Workbench crashed when attempting to save the MWB file. The application no longer crashes and the foreign key is updated. (Bug#33139)

  • It was not possible to resize a table that used the Workbench (Default) object notation. This was problematic for a number of reasons:

    • Long table names make the table very wide.

    • Column definitions that are long relative to the table name, are truncated.

    • Even if you trimmed column names using the Diagram tab of the Workbench Options the names were sometimes truncated bled over the table border.

    This has been corrected. (Bug#32981)

  • When there were two schemata and two EER diagrams tables did not show up on the EER diagram if tables from different schemata were added to different EER diagrams. This was caused by defective software rendering. (Bug#32588)

  • When forward engineering to a live database, objects not selected on the Select Objects page were still created. This applied to tables, routines, and users. (Bug#32578)

  • It was not possible to drag or resize tables on an EER diagram. Tables can now be manually resized. To revert a table to automatic sizing use the Property palette and set manualSizingto True. (Bug#32549)

  • The display turned black when the application was resized. This happened when viewing the MySQL Model page or when viewing an EER diagram. (Bug#23959)