A P P E N D I X  A

SunVTS Window and Dialog Box Reference

This appendix provides descriptions of each SunVTS main window and dialog box. See the following:

SunVTS Main Windows:

SunVTS Dialog Boxes:

A.1 SunVTS Main Windows

A.1.1 CDE Main Window

FIGURE A-1 SunVTS CDE Main Window

Screenshot of the SunVTS CDE main window.

TABLE A-1 SunVTS CDE Main Window

Window Item


Menu Bar

Provides access to a variety of SunVTS controls through the following pull-down menus:

Commands Menu:

  • Start testing: Starts enabled tests, records a test session, or replays a recorded test session

  • Stop: Stops testing

  • Reset: Sets pass/error count to zero; pauses

  • Suspend: Pauses active tests

  • Resume: Resumes testing

  • Connect to Host: Connects to another machine running SunVTS kernel

  • Trace test: traces enabled tests

  • Reprobe system: probes system again

  • Quit SunVTS: quits the following: UI and Kernel, UI only, Kernel only

View Menu:

  • Open System map

  • Close System map

Options Menu: Note - To increase or decrease a numeric value in a SunVTS CDE dialog box, you can either use the up or down arrows, or type a new value in the text box and press Return. Press Apply to apply all dialog box changes. (detailed descriptions of each menu are provided in this chapter):

  • Thresholds

  • Notify

  • Schedule

  • Test execution

  • Advanced

  • Option files

Reports Menu:Displays, prints, or removes log file information.

Help Menu:Shows the SunVTS version

Displays the Solaris/SunVTS release table

DSched Menu:

  • Start DS--starts the Deterministic Scheduler feature and displays the Deterministic Scheduler dialog box.

  • Show DS--displays the Deterministic Scheduler dialog box after you quit the DS UI.

  • Quit Options--provides access to the following quit options:

    • Quit DS UI only--quits the Deterministic Scheduler dialog box and leaves the Deterministic Scheduler running.

    • Quit DS--quits the Deterministic Scheduler dialog box and stops the Deterministic Scheduler.

Quick Access buttons

Provides easy access to the most commonly used SunVTS controls:

  • Start--starts the test session.

  • Stop--stops the test session.

  • Reset--sets the pass and error counts to zero, the test colors to black, and the system status information to zero.

  • Host--opens the Connect to Host dialog box.

  • Log--opens the Log Files dialog box.

  • Meter--opens the Performance meter panel.

  • Quit--closes the SunVTS UI and leaves the SunVTS kernel running.

Status panel

Displays the overall SunVTS testing status as follows:

  • Hostname--indicates the name of the system under test

  • Model--indicates the model of the system under test

  • Testing status--provides the following status of SunVTS:

    • ds_idle--the deterministic scheduler is invoked, but is not testing

    • ds_running--the deterministic scheduler is invoked and is running a sequence

    • ds_suspended--the deterministic scheduler is invoked and a sequence is suspended

    • idle--no testing is taking place

    • replay--a previously recorded test session is displayed

    • stopping--is momentarily displayed when a test session stops

    • suspended--a test session is suspended

    • Testing--a test session is running

  • System passes--displays the total number of successful system passes (a system pass is when all tests have been run once).

  • Cumulative errors--the total number of errors from all tests

  • Elapsed test time--indicates the total number of hours, minutes, and seconds that elapsed during testing.

  • Last Option File--displays the name of the last option file that was accessed.

  • AC Coverage--displays the type of Auto Configuration coverage level that was selected (either confidence, comprehensive, or no_coverage when the AC feature is not in use).

Select Devices panel

Provides buttons that control the devices that are selected for testing. This panel also provides the button used to enable intervention mode.

Select mode panel

Provides buttons that control the test mode:

  • Connection test mode--provides a low-stress, quick testing of the availability and connectivity of selected devices. These tests are non-intrusive, meaning they will release the devices after a quick test, and they will not place a heavy load on system activity.

  • Functional test mode--provides more robust testing of your system and devices. It will use your system resources for thorough testing and it assumes that no other applications are running.

  • Auto Functional mode--opens the Automatic Configuration dialog box which provides access to the Automatic Configuration feature. The Automatic Configuration feature simplifies the test session configuration steps that you perform by automatically selecting a consistent and reliable set of test options for the platform under test. See Using the Automatic Configuration Feature for instructions on using this feature.

System Map

Displays selectable devices and provides access to control the individual selection and testing attributes for each device. The following items are displayed in the System Map:Collapse/Expand symbols (+, -)--control the way devices are displayed for each group. The + (plus) indicates devices are collapsed (hidden from view). The - (minus) indicates that devices are expanded (you see each device).

  • Groups--represents a collection of devices. If you select a group for testing, all devices in that group are tested.

  • Device--is the name of an individual device that is selectable for testing.

  • Test name--is the name of the SunVTS test that is assigned to test the device. The test name is displayed in parentheses.

  • Checkmark box--Specifies whether a device or device group is selected for testing.

  • Colors--Indicate the state of devices; Red=test failure, Green=no failure, Black=device not tested.

  • Asterisk (*)--indicates that the device is currently being tested.

Test Message panel

Displays test session messages.

A.1.2 TTY Main Window

FIGURE A-2 SunVTS TTY Main Window

Screenshot of the SunVTS TTY main window showing the panel locations. The Control, Test_Groups, Status, and Message panels are displayed.

TABLE A-2 SunVTS TTY Main Window

Window Item


Control panel

Provides access to SunVTS commands and options.

Test_Groups panel

Shows the testable devices (categorized in groups) and provides access to their test options.

Status panel

Displays SunVTS test status information.

Message panel

The area where test messages are displayed. No user input is accepted in this panel.

A.2 SunVTS Dialog Boxes

A.2.1 Advanced

FIGURE A-3 Advanced Dialog Boxes

Screenshots of both the SunVTS CDE and TTY Advanced Options dialog boxes.

TABLE A-3 Advanced Dialog Box Descriptions



System Override

Sets all options for all tests to the settings made at the system level.
Supersedes the group-specific and device-level option settings in favor of the options set at the global level.

Group Override

Supersedes the device-level test options in favor of the group options. The System Override option supersedes this option.

Group Lock

Protects specific group options from being changed from the options set at the system level (the System Override option supersedes this option).

Test Lock

Protects device-level options from being changed from options set at the group or system level (the System Override and Group Override options supersede this option).

A.2.2 Auto Configuration

FIGURE A-4 Auto Configuration Dialog Box

Screenshot of the SunVTS CDE Automatic Configuration test mode dialog box.

TABLE A-4 Auto Configuration Dialog Box Descriptions




Sets all the test options for thorough testing. All applicable functional tests are enabled. The test session validates the full functionality of the system and provides you with assurance that the system is hardware fault free.


Sets all the test options such that there is limited functional test coverage as compared to the Comprehensive level of coverage. The Confidence level testing verifies the main functionality of the system in a shorter amount of time.

Note - The Help button displays a dialog box with Auto Configuration information and instructions.

Note - The Auto Configuration feature is only available from the SunVTS CDE UI.

A.2.3 Connect to Host

FIGURE A-5 Connect to Host Dialog Boxes

Screenshots of both the SunVTS CDE and TTY Connect to Host dialog boxes.

TABLE A-5 Connect to Host Dialog Box Descriptions



Connect to Host

Specifies the hostname of the system to which you want to connect. The host you specify must be running the SunVTS kernel (the same version as the local UI), and you must have permission.

Hostname List

Displays the list of hosts that this UI has connected to, making them available for future connections. This list is cleared when you quit SunVTS.

A.2.4 DSched

FIGURE A-6 Deterministic Scheduler Dialog Boxes

Screenshot of the SunVTS CDE Deterministic Scheduler dialog box with a reference to Chapter 5 for the TTY dialog boxes.

TABLE A-6 Deterministic Scheduler Dialog Box Descriptions

Dialog Box Item



Provides access to the following Deterministic Scheduler quit commands:

Quit UI Only--quits the Deterministic Scheduler dialog box and leaves the Deterministic Scheduler running.

Quit DS and UI--quits the Deterministic Scheduler dialog box and stops the Deterministic Scheduler.

Sequence Name

A field used to specify a unique sequence name for a group of tasks that are listed in the Tasks in Sequence area. You can access existing sequences by clicking on the down arrow that is next to this field.

The Sequence Name buttons provide the following functions:

Store--saves the named sequence for future use.

Remove--deletes the named sequence.

Close--quits the Deterministic Scheduler dialog box and leaves the Deterministic Scheduler running.

Tasks in Sequence

Lists the tasks in a specific order for the current sequence.

Insert and Delete buttons

Inserts and deletes tasks from the Tasks in Sequence area.

Select Edit|Run

Specifies the Deterministic Scheduler panel as follows:

Edit--displays the Deterministic Scheduler edit panel. In this panel, the Scheduler is ready for you to create, load, and remove tasks and sequences.

Run--displays the Deterministic Scheduler run panel. In this panel, the Scheduler is ready for you to define the number of times (loops) for a sequence to run, start, suspend, resume, stop, and reset the Deterministic Scheduler.

Edit panel

Appears when the Select radio button is set to Edit. The following functions are displayed:

Task Name--a field used to specify a task name. A task is a group of tests that are selected in the SunVTS main window.

Available Tasks--shows a list of existing tasks.

Load--loads the selected task into the SunVTS main window.

Store--saves the task.

Remove--deletes the selected task from the task list.

Run panel

Appears when the Select button is set to Run. The following functions are displayed:

Total Loops--specifies the number of times to run a sequence.

Current Loop--displays each loop number as a sequence runs.

Start--Starts running the sequence that is specified in the Sequence Name field.

Stop--stops the running sequence.

Suspend--pauses a running sequence.

Resume--resumes a suspended sequence.

Reset--resets the SunVTS main window and the sequence dialog box.

Note - The Help button displays a dialog box with Deterministic Scheduler information and instructions.

Note - The Deterministic Scheduler is also available in the SunVTS TTY UI. The menus for the Deterministic Scheduler TTY version are described in Scheduling Test Sequences With the Deterministic Scheduler.

A.2.5 Notify

FIGURE A-7 Notify Dialog Boxes

Screenshots of both the SunVTS CDE and TTY Notify dialog boxes.

TABLE A-7 Notify Dialog Box Descriptions



Send Email

Determines when and if you want the test status messages sent to you by email. From this menu, you can choose:

  • Disabled--never send email.

  • Now --send email immediately.

  • On Error --send email when an error occurs.

  • Periodically --send email with a time period set in the Log Period option.

  • On Error & Periodically --send email periodically as well as when an error occurs.

Email Address

Indicates the email address where the test status messages are sent (the address is root by default).

Log Period

Specifies the time, in minutes, between sending test status email messages.

A.2.6 Option Files

FIGURE A-8 Option Files Dialog Boxes

Screenshots of both the SunVTS CDE and TTY Option Files dialog boxes.

TABLE A-8 Option Files Dialog Box Descriptions



Option Files

Opens the Option Files dialog box. Use this dialog box to name and store a SunVTS configuration for future use. Later, you can open this dialog box to select and load an option file for quick SunVTS configuration.

Option File List

Displays the list of option files, from which you choose to load, or remove.

FIGURE A-9 Store Option File Dialog Boxes

Screenshots of both the SunVTS CDE and TTY Store Option File dialog boxes.

TABLE A-9 Store Option File Dialog Box Descriptions



Option File Name

Specifies the option file selected for storing. Use this dialog box to enter the name of the option file to be stored.

Option File Type

Host Dependent--enables the option file to be used on another host if the device configurations match. Generic-- enables saving one set of options for one test that can be applied to all devices (irrespective of the number of devices) for that test in that machine or another machine. Note that the Generic option format is useful when the number of devices of a specific test is machine-dependent.

For Generic Option FIles Only

Cumulative--enables incremental configuration by loading one after another; loading a cumulative option file does not deselect already selected test devices. Alternately, loading of non-cumulative option file will first deselect all tests, then only select the devices that are described in the option file. Save Number of Instances--enables the same number of instances to be forced during load time.

A.2.7 Schedule

FIGURE A-10 Schedule Dialog Boxes

Screenshots of both the SunVTS CDE and TTY Schedule dialog boxes.

TABLE A-10 Schedule Dialog Box Descriptions



Auto Start

Eliminates the need to use the Start button to start a SunVTS testing session. To use this option see Using the Auto-Start Feature.

Single Pass

Runs only one pass of each selected test.

System Concurrency

Sets the maximum number of test instances that can be run concurrently on the machine being tested.

Group Concurrency

Sets the number of tests you want to run at the same time in the same group.

A.2.8 Test Execution

FIGURE A-11 Test Execution Dialog Boxes

Screenshots of both the SunVTS CDE and TTY Test Execution dialog boxes.

TABLE A-11 Test Execution Dialog Box Descriptions




This option is no longer available as of SunVTS 5.0.


Displays verbose messages in the SunVTS messages window.

Core File

When enabled, creates a core file when a test session results in a core dump.

When Core File is disabled, a core file is not created. Instead, a message is displayed and logged, indicating the signal that caused the failure.

See Using the Debugging Features.

Run On Error

When disabled, SunVTS stops testing when an error is encountered.

When enabled, SunVTS continues to run until the Max errors value is reached.

Max Passes

Specifies the maximum number of test passes for all selected devices. The default is 0 (zero) which means there is no limit.

Max Errors

(Only enabled when the Run On Error option is enabled) Specifies the maximum number of allowable errors before stopping the test session. The default is 1 (one).

Max Time

Specifies the time limit, in minutes, that a test session can run. The default is 0 (zero) which means there is no time limit.

Delay Time

Specifies, in seconds, the amount of time to pause between execution of a test. This option results in differing test behavior based on the level for which this option is specified:

System level--the delay is performed between the execution of all selected tests.

Group level--the delay is performed between the execution of selected tests in this group.

Device level--the delay is performed between the execution of the test for this device.

Select a value from 0 to 60. Zero (0), the default, performs no delay.

This option offers testing convenience for tests such as graphic device tests, where adding a delay between test execution provides a period of time for you make selections in the SunVTS main window.

Number of Instances

Specifies the number of instances to run each scalable test.

A.2.9 Test Parameter

FIGURE A-12 Test Parameter Dialog Boxes

Screenshots of both the SunVTS CDE and TTY Test Parameter dialog boxes.

Note - Except for the lower buttons, this menu is different for each device. For descriptions of each different Test Parameter Options Dialog Box, refer to the SunVTS Test Reference Manual.

TABLE A-12 Test Parameter Options Dialog Box Descriptions (Generic Lower Buttons)



Processor Affinity

Only available on multiprocessor systems, used to specify on which processor you want to run all tests. To select the specific processor, click the processor number. If no processor is specified, the operating system randomly distributes testing among all the processors. Note: when you use random distribution, you cannot verify that all processors have been tested.

Within Instance

Provides the means to apply the settings:

  • To this device only with the Apply button, or

    To all devices within this group with the Apply to Group button, or

    To all devices (of the same device type for all controllers) with the Apply to All button.

The option settings are only applied to one instance of the test.

Across All Instances

Provides the means to apply the settings globally:

  • To this device only with the Apply button, or

    To all devices within this group with the Apply to Group button, OR

    To all devices (of the same device type for all controllers) with the Apply to All button.

The option settings are applied to all instances.


Returns the option values to their default settings and closes the test parameter option menu.


Ignores any changes made to option values and closes the test parameter option menu.

A.2.10 Thresholds

FIGURE A-13 Threshold Dialog Boxes

Screenshots of both the SunVTS CDE and TTY Threshold dialog boxes.

TABLE A-13 Threshold Dialog Box Descriptions



Max System Passes

Specifies the maximum number of system passes before stopping all tests. The default of 0 (zero) causes the SunVTS kernel to run the tests until you click the Stop button. Note: The definition of a system pass is when all selected tests have run one time.

Max System Errors

Specifies the maximum number of system errors before SunVTS stops all tests. The default is 1 (one).

Max System Time

Specifies the maximum number of minutes that SunVTS continues testing. The default of 0 (zero) makes the SunVTS kernel run the selected tests until you click the Stop button.

Max System Log Size

Specifies the maximum size of the SunVTS error log file
(/var/opt/SUNWvts/logs/sunvts.err), the SunVTS kernel error log (/var/opt/SUNWvts/logs/vtsk.err) and the info log file (/var/opt/SUNWvts/logs/sunvts.info) in Mbytes. The default is 1 Mbyte. Specify an integer from 1 to 5.

A.2.11 Trace Test

FIGURE A-14 Trace Test Dialog Boxes

Screenshot of the SunVTS CDE Trace Test dialog box.

TABLE A-14 Trace Test Dialog Box Descriptions



Select Test panel

Displays the tests that are available to select for tracing.

Console/File button

Specifies whether to send the trace messages to the message panel, or to the trace file (/var/opt/SUNWvts/logs/sunvts.trace).

Note - The Trace mode dialog box is only available from the SunVTS CDE UI.