C H A P T E R  19

System Test (systest)

systest Description

The systest checks the overall functionality of a Sun system by exercising the CPU, I/O, and memory channels.

The test ensures the concurrency of the different channels by the use of Solaris threads. The test aims at stimulating failures that might be caused due to the interaction of the various different hardware modules in the system. It is very stressful on the CPU, and stresses the parallel computational capability of a multiprocessor system.

caution icon

Caution - This is an exclusive mode test. This test can not be run in parallel with any other tests or applications.

systest Options

To reach the following dialog box, right-click on the test name in the System Map and select Test Parameter Options. If you do not see this test in the System Map, you might need to expand the collapsed groups, or your system might not include the device appropriate to this test. Refer to the SunVTS 6.3 User's Guide for more details.

Screenshot of the systest Test Parameter Options dialog box

FIGURE 19-1 systestTest Parameter Options Dialog Box

caution icon

Caution - Use discretion when defining the syspassparameter. The time taken by the test depends on many factors (number of processors, type/speed, amount of memory/swap, and so on). Always verify the time taken for one pass before deciding on higher pass values. If the syspassvalue is set to a high value, it increases the probability of detecting residual errors.

Note - Users are advised to not use the Processor Affinity option for this test. Doing so reduces the effectiveness of the test.

TABLE 19-1 systest Options

systest Options


Asynch I/O Test

Enables or disables the Asynch I/O subtest. The default is enable.

Memory Test

Enables or disables the Memory subtest. The default is enable.

CPU Test

Enables or disables the CPU/FPU subtests. The default is enable.

Internal System Passes

Defines the number of internal lapack passes. A set of boards and CPUs will be declared good after syspass number of passes. The default is 1.

Maximum Time

Defines the maximum execution time of the CPU test in minutes. Acceptable range: 10 to 120 minutes. Values less than 10 minutes (except 0) will be treated as 10 minutes. If the value is 0, the test runs until completion.

If this option is used with the systest option, the test will terminate if either

a) the timer expires before the desired number of passes have been completed, or

b) the number of passes are completed before the timer expires.

If a faulty component is detected and the isolation process starts, the timer will be cancelled.

Use the default values for an initial evaluation of the system.

systest Test Modes

TABLE 19-2 systest Supported Test Modes

Test Mode



Performs only the systest (full test).

systest Command-Line Syntax

/opt/SUNWvts/bin/systest standard-arguments -o -io=enable|disable

TABLE 19-3 systest Command-Line Syntax




Enables or disables the Asynch I/O subtest.


Enables or disables the Memory subtest.


Enables or disables the CPU/FPU subtests.


Specifies the pseudo device name.


Defines the number of internal lapack passes. A set of boards and CPUs is declared good after syspass number of passes. The default is 1.


See TABLE 19-1 for full details.

Command-Line Examples

The following examples assume you execute systest from the command-line with verbose enabled.

Example 1 invokes the following:

# ./systest  -xv

Example 2 invokes the following:

# ./systest  -xv -o io=Disable,mem=Enable,cpu=Enable,dev=system

caution icon

Caution - Do not perform the following systestexamples (3 and 4) on production servers, because systestmay online or offline CPUs.

Example 3 invokes the following:

# ./systest  -xv -o syspass=15

Example 4 invokes the following:

# ./systest  -xv -o syspass=10,time=11