Sun Enterprise 220R Server Service Manual

7.3.2 What to Do

Ensure that the front panel keyswitch is in the Standby position.

You can initialize POST one of two ways:

To set the diag-switch? to true and power cycle the system unit:

  1. When the ok prompt is displayed, type the following command:

    ok setenv diag-switch? true

  2. At the Type-5 keyboard, power cycle the system by simultaneously pressing the Shift key and the Power-on key After a few seconds press the Power-on key again, or press the Power button on the system once.

Note -

The keyswitch must be set to the Power-On/Off position.

The system runs the POST diagnostics. POST displays status and error messages on the system console. For more information, see the "Results" section below.

Upon successful completion of POST, the system runs OBDiag. For more information about OBDiag, see "7.5 About OpenBoot Diagnostics (OBDiag)" and "7.6 How to Use OpenBoot Diagnostics (OBDiag)".