Sun Enterprise 220R Server Service Manual

7.6.1 What to Do

Note -

Perform this procedure with the power on and the keyswitch in the Power-On/Off position.

  1. With the keyswitch in the Power-On/Off position, press the Break key on your alphanumeric terminal keyboard, or enter the Stop-a sequence on a Sun keyboard.

    To enter the Stop-a sequence, press the Stop key and the a key simultaneously. The ok prompt is displayed.

  2. (Optional) Select a diagnostic level.

    Three different levels of diagnostic testing are available for OBDiag; see "7.7 How to Set the Diagnostic Level for POST and OBDiag".

  3. At the ok prompt type:

    ok setenv diag-switch? true
    diag-switch? = true

  4. At the ok prompt, type:

    ok obdiag

    The OBDiag menu is displayed.

    Note -

    The OBDiag menu is built dynamically each time you run the obdiag command. The exact number and order of menu items in the example might not match the menu items on your system.

     OBDiag Menu
      0 ..... PCI/Cheerio
      1 ..... EBUS DMA/TCR Registers
      2 ..... Ethernet
      3 ..... Keyboard
      4 ..... Mouse
      5 ..... Parallel Port
      6 ..... Serial Port A
      7 ..... Serial Port B
      8 ..... NVRAM
      9 ..... Audio
     10 ..... SCSI
     11 ..... All Above
     12 ..... Quit
     13 ..... Display this Menu
     14 ..... Toggle script-debug
     15 ..... Enable External Loopback Tests
     16 ..... Disable External Loopback Tests
    Enter (0-11 tests, 12 -Quit, 13 -Menu) ===> 
  5. At the OBDiag menu prompt, type 14 to select toggle script-debug.

    Note -

    Selecting toggle script-debug enables verbose test message displays.

  6. At the Enter prompt, type the appropriate test number.