Sun Enterprise 250 Server Owner's Guide

How to Attach an Alphanumeric Terminal

Before You Begin

If your server is configured without a local graphics console, you need to attach an alphanumeric terminal (or establish a tip connection) to the server in order to install the system and to run diagnostic tests. For background information, see "About Setting Up a Console".

Alternatively, you can install a local graphics console on the server; see "How to Configure a Local Graphics Console".

For information about establishing a tip connection, see the OpenBoot 3.x Command Reference Manual, an online version of which is included with the Solaris System Administrator AnswerBook that ships with Solaris software.

What to Do

  1. Connect the terminal's data cable to serial port A on the server's rear panel.

    Figure 3-4  


  2. Connect the terminal's power cable to an AC outlet.

  3. Set the terminal to receive:

    • At 9600 baud

    • An 8-bit signal with no parity and 1 stop bit

See the documentation accompanying your terminal for more information.

What Next

You can now issue system commands and view system messages. Continue with your installation or diagnostic procedure as needed.