Sun Enterprise 250 Server Owner's Guide

Observing POST in Progress

As POST runs, it displays detailed diagnostic status messages on the system console (or on an RSC console, if POST output has been redirected to an RSC console). If POST detects an error, it displays an error message on either the system console or the RSC console that indicates the failing part. A sample error message is provided below:

Power On Self Test Failed. Cause: DIMM U0702 or System Board

POST status and error conditions are indicated by the general fault LED on the system front panel. The LED blinks slowly to indicate that POST is running. It remains lit if POST detects a fault.

If a Sun Type-5 keyboard is attached, POST status and error indications are also displayed via the four LEDs on the keyboard. When POST starts, all four keyboard LEDs blink on and off simultaneously. After that, the Caps Lock LED blinks slowly to indicate POST is running. If an error is detected, the pattern of the lit LEDs provides an error indication. See "Error Indications" for more information.

If POST detects an error condition that prevents the system from booting, it will halt operation and display the ok prompt. The last message displayed by POST prior to the ok prompt indicates which part you need to replace.